Book Read Free

Tabloid Star

Page 15

by T. A. Chase


  “Hey, Josh, it’s Ryan. I wanted to let you know I fired Raz. He didn’t deny that he did it. Seemed to believe he was helping me out. I told him not to bother you or Erin again. Hopefully he’ll listen to me. Bill and I will be at the restaurant around eight. See you then.”

  Flipping the phone shut, he stood and nodded to Bill. “My keys are on the table if you want to go for a drive. I’ll be up in an hour or so.”

  “I’ll hang out here and watch a movie. You still owe me a trip to Napa Valley.”

  “We’ll head up there tomorrow.”

  Ryan went to his room and stripped, climbing in bed and pulling the covers over his head. He made a mental note to call his lawyer when he got up. He needed to double check his contract with Raz.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Josh, your guests are here,” Russell yelled through the kitchen.

  Looking out through the kitchen door, he saw Cybil seat Bill and Ryan in his section. He grinned and grabbed the pitcher of water off the staging station.

  “How are you this evening, gentlemen?”

  He nodded at Bill and barely brushed his hand over Ryan’s shoulder. It was obvious by the way Ryan looked tired and sad that the choice to break his contract with his agent weighed on his mind. Josh wished he could talk to Ryan, but it wasn’t time for his break.

  “What can I get you to drink?”

  Bill pursed his lips in thought. “I’ll take a Jack ’n coke. I don’t know what he’ll have.”

  “Ryan, honey, what do you want to drink?” Josh kept his voice low.

  “I’ll just have lemonade right now.” Ryan reached out and took Josh’s hand, squeezing it tight before letting it go. “How’s your day going so far?”

  “Good, but it would have been better if I could have spent it with you.” He risked brushing his thumb over Ryan’s cheek.

  His lover sighed and nuzzled into his hand, kissing his palm softly. Bill snorted and looked away.

  “Come on, you two keep this up and I’ll go into a sugar coma.”

  “Ass.” Ryan stuck his tongue out at Bill, but pulled away from Josh.

  “I’ll go get your drinks and when I come back, I’ll get your dinner order. When your food is done, I’ll take my break and sit with you.”

  He got everything ordered and made sure he didn’t neglect his other customers while stopping by Ryan’s table and chatting with Bill. Ryan stayed pretty quiet, but he joined in the teasing and joking.

  Setting their food in front of them, he took his apron off and sat next to Ryan. His lover flashed him a smile before digging in.

  “Bill, have you convinced Ryan to take you to the Napa Valley?” Josh leaned back in his chair, easing his foot over to rub against Ryan’s ankle.

  Bill eyed them before nodding.

  “Yeah, we’re leaving early tomorrow morning and going to spend the night up there. I’m not a big wine guy, but everyone told me I had to go and check out the wineries up there while I was in California.”

  “They’re some of the best in the world. I can get you a list of places to stop and visit. Just don’t go crazy with the taste-testing unless you’re planning on taking a designated driver with you.”

  “Thanks, Josh. I’ve been here a year, but I still don’t know where to take people outside of the theme parks.” Ryan shifted closer to Josh, pressing his thigh against Josh’s.

  “You’re here for the rest of the week, right, Bill?” Josh smiled.

  He slid his hand from his side to lie on Ryan’s knee and trailed his fingers over the seam of Ryan’s pants up toward his groin.

  “I fly out next Monday.” Bill shot him an amused smile, proving that he had some idea what was happening between Ryan and Josh.

  Josh grinned. “Great. I usually don’t work the construction sites on the weekends, so I can give you both a tour of L.A. I’ve lived here all my life.”

  Ryan spread his legs and Josh grazed his zipper with his finger. Josh couldn’t help but chuckle when Ryan bit his lip to stop from moaning.

  “You guys are terrible.” Bill laughed.

  Glancing around and seeing that no one was paying attention to them, Josh turned back and kissed Ryan hard on the mouth before standing.

  “My break’s over. You guys want to see the dessert menu?”

  Ryan blinked, the change in the subject a little fast for his mind to absorb. Bill shook his head.

  “No thanks. We should call it an early night. Tomorrow morning’s going to come fast.”

  Josh tamped down his disappointment. Bill had been Ryan’s friend far longer than he’d been Ryan’s boyfriend. Of course, Bill would expect Ryan to spend more time with him since he was only here for another week.

  “I get off in thirty minutes or so. Why don’t you have some dessert and hang out until I’m done? Then we can head over to my apartment and I’ll get that list of wineries for you.”

  “We can do that,” Ryan spoke up before Bill said anything.

  “Great. I’ll bring out the dessert plate.”

  He wandered back into the kitchen and swept up the tray holding their desserts. When he got back out into the main room, he noticed there was a crowd around Ryan and Bill. Frowning, he pushed his way through and glanced at his lover. Ryan didn’t seem overly worried about the people.

  “Are you okay, Mr. Kellar?” Josh asked.

  Ryan nodded. “Just some fans who wanted a few autographs.”

  “I’m sorry, everyone. Mr. Kellar wants to get his dessert. How about we give him some privacy?” Bill stood, carefully herding them away and giving Ryan and Josh a few seconds to themselves.

  “Are you really okay?” Josh didn’t want Ryan lying to him. “I can make sure you’re not bothered again.”

  Ryan seemed to think about it for a few seconds before shaking his head. “No, I’m fine actually. It was nice to have them ask for my autograph and about my next movie, instead of questioning me about who my boyfriend is or am I really gay.”

  “That’s because I truly believe a majority of the public doesn’t care. They like your movies and your talent isn’t affected by your sexual orientation. There were a lot of male stars in the old days who were gay, and everyone in the business knew, but they kept the secret. None of the movie goers knew and they still went to watch all those romantic movies those men were in.”

  Laughing, Ryan tapped him on the hip. “It doesn’t matter because there wasn’t a love interest in Luther is King or in my next role either. They just might be more accepting of me as an action hero than as a romantic lead.”

  “Well, you’re my hero, does that count?”

  He fluttered his eyelashes and they both burst out laughing. After calming down, he set the tray on the table and rested his hand on Ryan’s shoulder again.

  “How are you feeling about firing Raz? I know you’ve been with him since you got into the business.”

  “I’m still angry and hurt, but it’s fading a little. He thinks we were going to hell because we were gay. I don’t want to work with an agent like that.”

  “I don’t blame you and there are plenty of agents out there who don’t care about your bed partners as long as it doesn’t get splashed all over the front covers of the tabloids.” He winked. “Pick out something for yourself and Bill. I have to check my other tables.”

  Ryan pointed to the two desserts he wanted and Josh put the order in before circulating through his section, making sure everyone had what they wanted. By the time Ryan and Bill were done with their coffee and food, Josh’s section was empty of customers.

  He rang them out and grabbed his stuff from the employee’s room. The other two men were waiting for him in front of the restaurant. Surprise froze him when Ryan stepped into his space and cupped the back of his head, bringing his mouth down to his. Holding onto the strap of his pack, he encircled Ryan’s waist and crushed his lover to him. Josh had no idea how much time he’d spent lost in Ryan’s kiss, but he pulled away when Bill sn

  “Okay, I know I’m annoying with all my questions about what the hell you two do together, but really, I don’t want to know or see for that matter.”

  Ryan blushed and stepped further away, but slid his hand down to take Josh’s. They made their way down the street, chatting and being normal guys. Josh tried not to worry about people taking their picture or approaching Ryan for an autograph. If his lover didn’t freak out about those moments, then Josh wouldn’t either.

  Chapter Thirty

  Wiggling his key, Josh managed to get the door to his apartment open. Ryan chuckled when his lover looked back at him and grinned.

  “Great. Now, can you help me drag Bill’s ass inside before the man passes out in the hall?”

  He sighed as Josh took all of Bill’s weight. Letting Bill drink that much at the Cuban restaurant they went to wasn’t a good idea. Shutting the door behind him, he watched Josh drop Bill onto the couch.

  “Did he get this bad when you went to the wineries?” Josh flopped into the chair next to the couch, grabbing Ryan’s hand and tugging him into his lap.

  Shaking his head, Ryan curled into Josh and ran his hand over the man’s chest. “No. We were good, except he bought a ton of wine and shipped it back to his place in Ohio. I’m not sure why unless it’s to impress the girls he brings home.”

  Josh slid his hand under Ryan’s shirt and ran his fingers up and down his spine. Ryan sighed and rested his head on Josh’s shoulder.

  “It’s been an exhausting week. I should have stayed home after firing Raz. The trip up to the Napa Valley, hitting those wineries and then taking Highway One back down to San Francisco. We wandered around San Fran and I should have known Bill would want to see everything.” He leaned back a little to look at Josh. “We should take a trip up there and hit some of the clubs. Maybe go to Castro Street and check out the shops there.”

  “Going to San Jose and hitting The Winchester House isn’t romantic or fun for you?” Josh’s grin told Ryan he was teasing.

  “I can’t believe you took us there.”

  “I figured Bill would enjoy the genuine creepiness of the place.” Josh hugged him close. “Plus it gave me a chance to spend time with you.”

  Ryan couldn’t believe how much he had missed Josh in the four days they’d been gone. Talking to him on the phone wasn’t the same as being able to sit in his arms and soak in his warmth. He shook his head mentally. When had he become so touchy-feely about Josh? Of course, he’d been that way with his first boyfriend, needing to be with him or talk to him every day.

  That boyfriend didn’t stick around long since he wasn’t looking for anything more than sex, but something told him Josh might be looking for more than sex.

  He brushed a kiss over Josh’s chin and smiled. “I’m glad since I think next week when I start filming my next film, we won’t get a lot of time together.”

  “I’d love to take you to my room and fuck you senseless, but I’m not sure about leaving Bill by himself out here.”

  They laughed as Bill’s snores filled the room. A knock sounded on the door and Josh grunted.

  “I wasn’t expecting anyone.”

  Ryan climbed to his feet and let Josh go answer the door. He settled back in the chair, watching Josh greet Rachel.

  “Hey, what brings you here? I still have time before work.”

  Rachel hugged Josh and came in, smiling at Ryan when she saw him. “I have some news that might be good or not, depending on how you look at it.”

  “Okay.” Josh stared at Bill for a moment. “I guess we should move into the kitchen because I don’t think Bill will be moving any time soon.”

  Following them into the other room, Ryan went to the refrigerator. “Do you want something to drink?”

  “I’d love some wine if Josh has any.” Rachel hung her purse on the back of one of the chairs and sat, flipping her hair over one shoulder.

  He pulled a bottle of white wine out of the refrigerator. Josh handed him a corkscrew and took down three glasses from the cupboard while he opened it. Pouring the wine, he let Rachel and Josh talk.

  “So what’s the news?”

  Josh sat across the table from Rachel and Ryan leaned against the counter, sipping his drink and listening.

  “I got in touch with my friends in the corrections department, to see what they could tell me about Geraldo. It seems that Geraldo isn’t the head of the gang anymore. There was a coup, or whatever you call it, a couple of months ago and someone else is in charge now. I’m not saying that he isn’t still looking for your sister, but the rest of the gang won’t come in search of her.”

  Rachel pulled out a folder and tossed it across the table at Josh. Opening it, he started reading. Ryan held up the bottle to Rachel and she nodded.

  “Is Geraldo still in jail though?” He refilled her glass.

  “Yes. As far as I can tell, he has at least thirty more years on his sentence without any possibility of parole. He killed a police officer for God’s sake. People don’t let cop killers get away or go free.”

  “I guess I’ll call Morgan and Vance to let them know that they can pull the bodyguards from Erin and Pedro. Geraldo has to know that he’ll never get them back and even if he did find them, what would going after them prove to anyone? He’s weak enough to have lost his position in the gang.”

  “Would getting Erin back shore up his strength in the members’ eyes?” Ryan sat next to Josh, resting his hand on Josh’s thigh.

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t think so. I think he’s lost any standing in the gang that he once had. It’s hard to run a gang while you’re in prison for so long, especially if you have jealous members who have coveted your position for a long time.”

  Josh stood and snatched up the phone on the counter. “Honey, can you call Morgan and let him know that they can call the guys off?”


  Ryan started to pull out his phone, but Rachel stopped him. “I’m meeting Morgan and Vance for dinner tonight. I’ll let them know. It won’t hurt to keep their men up there for another day or so. We have to make sure the reporters don’t bother her anymore.”

  “I think as long as the photos stop appearing, some other story will appear to make the front page. I mean, really, does it matter who my boyfriend is or even that I have a boyfriend? We don’t plan on having sex in the alley again or running naked on a beach somewhere.” He laughed as Josh pouted. “I’ll try not to embarrass myself in public and most people will forget who I love.”

  Josh encircled Ryan’s shoulders and Ryan rested his head against Josh’s side. He listened to his lover’s heartbeat. Rachel eyed them for a moment before she smiled.

  “It’s a nice thought and for the most part, you might be right, but there will be paparazzi following you around, especially the bigger your career gets. Just keep a low profile outside the movies and you should be able to live relatively normal.”

  She finished her wine and stood. “I better get going. I have to get ready for dinner. I’ll catch you later at the club, Josh. Will you be stopping by later on, Ryan?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. It depends on Bill and if he feels up to go out to another club.”

  “What’s up with him anyway?” Rachel nodded toward the sleeping Bill as they walked by.

  “He had way too much to drink at dinner tonight.” Ryan chuckled. “Bill’s been really enjoying his vacation.”

  “I’ll say,” Josh murmured, letting Rachel out after giving her a hug and a kiss.

  After Rachel left, Josh grabbed the phone. “I’m going to call my sister and let her know about Geraldo.”

  “Great. I’m going to see if I can get Bill moving. We need to get back to my place and you need to get ready for work.”

  He managed to wake Bill up and get him standing. Josh finished his phone call and came to help him get Bill down to the car. They poured his friend into the Cadillac, with Bill hindering more than he helped.

  “I’ll call you
later tonight when I go on break,” Josh promised, wrapping his arms around Ryan’s waist and tucking his hands in his back pockets.

  Ryan gripped Josh’s shoulders and leaned on his hard body, trusting him to take his weight. “Do that. I’ll be up for a while. Maybe we can get together for brunch tomorrow, if you’re not working or anything.”

  “I have the evening shift at Mia Leone’s along with a shift at the club tomorrow night, so brunch would be great.”

  Sliding his hands up to cradle the back of Josh’s head, he brought their lips together. He swept his tongue inside Josh’s mouth, tasting wine and the spices from their dinner. Their lips rubbed and teeth nibbled. Each kiss brought a promise of tomorrow and a hint of passion.

  Ryan shivered as Josh slipped a hand up under his shirt and scratched his nails lightly down his back. Gasping, he pressed his growing erection against Josh’s. His lover moaned and took a step back, bringing his hands around to hold Ryan’s hips.

  “We had better stop while we still can. Any more of that and I’ll be dragging you back into the apartment for a good reaming before I go to work.”

  Licking his lips, he nodded. “You’re right and it wouldn’t be fair to leave Bill sitting in the car.”

  Josh glanced over Ryan’s shoulder at Bill listing to one side in the seat. “You could always leave the window rolled down a little, so he could get some fresh air.”

  “Just like the family dog, huh,” Ryan joked.

  “Yes, but at least with the family dog, you wouldn’t have to worry about it wandering off on you.” Josh kissed him quick. “I’ll call you later.”

  “Have a good night at work, Bear.” He went around to the driver’s side.

  “Bye, honey.”

  Driving away, he was already counting the hours until he talked to Josh again.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Josh leaned back, his arms folded under his head and called for Ryan.

  “Honey, come here for a second.”

  Ryan was nervous about the Golden Globe ceremony later that night and had been pacing the past couple of hours, trying to decide if he should risk writing a speech or not. The nomination had come as a surprise since Luther is King was Ryan’s first role and he was going up against some pretty established actors. The last several months had gone well for Ryan’s career. No more tabloid pictures and no real prying questions about his relationship with Josh.


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