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Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy))

Page 5

by Michelle Wright

  “That was easy.” He remarked with confidence.

  Leaving the vicinity of the bakery they holed up in a closed shop doorway eating the donuts with lightening speed, one each then half of the third, divided equally.

  “Whatever happens Adam, we’re surviving thanks to you.” Summer said gently.

  It didn’t take her long to think about throwing up and following behind as she franticly searched for somewhere private- Adam pleaded with her to stop,

  “Why did I go to so much damm trouble just to have you throw it all up?”

  “I can’t help it I’m sorry.”

  “Yeh you can, this is bullshit, and it’s the last time I steal food for you.”

  Fed up and irritable Adam stood back trying to ignore the sounds of retching coming from behind a wall that she’d found for cover. Stupid dumb bulimic I need to get shot of her.

  When she was done the first thing she did was wrap her arms around herself as I sign of immense insecurity. Then without words she obediently and silently walked beside a disgruntled Adam as they moved on -destination unknown.

  Neither of them could believe that the strange woman they encountered the day before was back again in their sights walking directly behind them.

  “Is she following us?” Summer remarked nervously.

  “Looks like it, ignore the bitch.”

  They tried to loose her but it didn’t work. She continued to walk behind them smiling constantly, unnerved and having had enough Adam decided to confront her,

  “What you want, leave us alone weirdo!”

  “I only want to help that’s all…I can see you’re in trouble.”

  “Are you some kind of social worker?” Summer asked.

  “No, but I can be your friend and, I can help…really I can.”

  “For the last time lady get lost take a hike, leave us alone!”

  Adam was enraged at the intrusion, something inside was warning him that she couldn’t be trusted and it was important that they both got away from her as soon as possible. He interpreted her sweet disposition as a threat and grabbing summer’s arm they turned and ran in the opposite direction until they managed to get away and were satisfied that she was gone. Adam now had a new plan. Get rid of Summer and make his own way.

  “So, what next?” She asked, unsure of where she stood.

  “I was thinking that maybe we should go back to Rone as you said. Why don’t you go first, I’ll join you.”

  “Why can’t we go together, what are up to?”

  “We can’t go empty handed I’m gonna see what I can find food-wise and I’ll find my way there, no problem.”

  “Liar…you’re dumping me right?”

  Adam attempted to convince her that she was over suspicious and used her problem with food as a ploy to assure her that he was coming back. It didn’t work and the more he persisted with the reassurance the more insecure and mistrusting she became. Defiantly she stood her ground and refused to budge.

  “Okay…okay,” He said wearily. “We stay together.”

  Am I ever going to get rid of this crazy bitch or is this some kind of punishment meaning that I stuck with her forever?

  It was now mid-afternoon, neither could understand where the time had gone considering the fact that all they’d done was wander the streets, Adam was concerned that if they didn’t find somewhere decent to stay his clothes would walk off by themselves. Summer seemed unperturbed by her appearance and unlike Adam wasn’t bothered where they went as long as he didn’t abandon her. A deep rooted fear of being rejected had plagued her entire short life, intensifying since she found herself homeless.

  Latching on to whoever came her way had put her in too many compromising situations. Yet she felt somewhat safe with Adam in spite of the fact that he gave her the constant impression that he’d do better alone. She was determined to stay with him believing that if she was more compliant he would find it easier to tolerate her.

  A young guy past by them and stopped,

  “Where you guys off too?” He enquired in a friendly tone.

  “None of your business buddy.” Adam replied bluntly.

  “Hey I’m just trying to help, you both seem a little lost that’s all.”

  “We know exactly where we’re going, you’ve got the wrong impression.”

  “Do you have a place to stay?” He asked them politely.

  Adam hated that their vulnerability was exposed and that they seemed to be drawing all manner of freaks with every step. They were both becoming more desperate by the hour and; it would soon be dark and that would bring its own set of problems.

  Summer was pleased that he mentioned the words ‘place to stay’ as far as she was concerned he was a saint, maybe a charity worker who looked after homeless kids. He was clean cut and friendly. Possibly a naïve do-gooder that they could take advantage of,

  “I’d love a shower and something to eat and a warm bed. Maybe some clothes, oh and a toothbrush.” She replied smiling sweetly.

  “Then be my guest, I’d love to help you poor kids.”

  Adam considered him to be either nuts or a guy with a sinister agenda. The short time he’d spent in the city had taught him that it was easy to disappear without a trace never to be heard of again. Summer was less cautious; she dreamed of a few luxuries and was prepared to throw caution to the wind just to get off the streets.

  “You’d better not try anything. I mean if there’s something else you’re after you can forget it.” Adam warned him in no uncertain terms.

  “No, don’t even think that way, I like to help homeless kids that all.”

  Short and slightly overweight somewhere in his early thirties he appeared to be respectable and Summer was praying that he would agree to go with a stranger that she’d already trusted.

  “What’s your name?” Adam asked fuelled with suspicion.

  “My name is Reginald, but you can call me Reggie.”

  “Your clothes are really retro.” Summer replied, laughing at his appearance.

  “I love the 70’s, call me a freak if you want, but that’s me.”

  They decided to check out his place even if it was only for a good nights sleep and a chance to get clean then they would be on their way the following day. A surprise was in store when after a short walk to a three story house they discovered they were far from alone. It was full of down and out drunks and homeless teenagers.

  “Is this some kind of shelter?” Adam asked, shocked at the sheer numbers.

  “It’s the Reggie shelter…like it?” He was proud of his home from home and couldn’t wait to show it off.

  Unsure of what to make of the man and his dishevelled house filled to the brim with a myriad of people, Adam thought he’d entered a parallel universe. Everything that had happened since he left home was making less and less sense, the weirdest people, coldest city and a screwed up girl that he couldn’t figure out. For some unexplained reason he still felt obligated to take care of her even though she got on his nerves constantly and, the more he searched his mind for the logic as to why- the less he found the answer.

  His frustration was increasing as all the regular conversations that he’d depended on since childhood with his father had stopped. He was beginning to think it was his own fault.

  Maybe he’s pissed that I’ve left home, maybe he’s ignoring me on purpose?

  “First a shower, I have toothbrushes, then some soup and dessert and a good night’s sleep.” Reggie said as he directed Summer to the bathroom.

  Adam ignored the other residents, most of them were older. He counted about fifteen men and women either lying on mattresses or sitting on the numerous couches in the large comfortable living room. The scene left Adam suspicious.

  This guy might be crazy but he must be loaded, a house like this and feeding the five thousand. Where the fuck does the money come from?

  Summer appeared wearing a borrowed bath robe two sizes to big, she had transformed from dirty and dishevelled to stunn
ing and beautiful. Her hair was shining and the sweet smell of soap and shampoo caught Adam’s attention. In spite of how attractive she looked he couldn’t wait a moment longer and headed up the stairs to wash away the last few horrible days of his life.

  The hot water felt so good and Reggie had supplied everything that Adam needed even a razor and aftershave. After everything it was like being in a five star hotel.

  Emerging clean and scrubbed in a bathrobe, their clothes in the wash a sense of relief swept over him. He couldn’t help feeling relaxed for the first time in days as he found Summer in the communal kitchen at a large table enjoying her soup. Worried that she was going to do what she always did- he shot her a knowing glance.

  “No, no I’m okay…I won’t do it cause don’t feel the need to.” She said reassuringly.

  A middle aged woman placed a bowl of soup with two chunks of fresh bread on the table for Adam and it was bliss. He devoured the soup with gusto.

  “My you’re a hungry boy.” The woman remarked even though she’d seen it many times before.

  “First proper food I’ve had in days.” He replied between mouthfuls.

  She tried to start a conversation, but the only thing on Adam’s mind was to eat and get his clothes back. Summer was already on dessert, a large portion of cheesecake that she ate with lightening speed resulting in her making a quick exit back upstairs.

  “It’s a shame isn’t it?” The woman said, “A young girl like that with such a problem.”

  Adam was suspicious about how she knew that Summer was bulimic. His paranoia then turned to thoughts of witchcraft, satanic rituals and sacrifices and that they were being set up as lambs to the slaughter.

  Forgoing dessert he decided to confront Reggie. Searching endless rooms he eventually found him and- couldn’t wait to speak his mind,

  “What’s your agenda man? What the hell is this place and what do you want with us!”

  “Relax, I don’t want anything from you kids I’m only trying to help you to see.”

  “See what?”

  “That you need to move on, it’s not good wandering the streets with no direction.”

  “Move on where, when you’re broke and homeless there’s nowhere to go unless you’ve any bright ideas?”

  “Doesn’t anything feel strange to you?” Reggie asked him.

  “Everything’s strange since I left home and came to the city…well it would be wouldn’t it?”

  “I guess, if you see it that way.”

  “Cut the psychology crap, I’ve had enough of your bullshit!”

  Reggie sighed and gently patted his arm. He was genuinely sympathetic to Adam’s plight even though he could see that he clearly didn’t like or trust him, he was determined to keep trying. It wasn’t the first time he’d come across an angry and lost teenager and knowing that Adam thought he was weird didn’t detract from his desire to help. Adam’s conclusion was that the man was dumb, confirmed by the last conversation. The city is full of them, he muttered under his breath.

  Chapter 5

  A few hours later their clothes were returned to them clean and dry, and Adam couldn’t take his eyes off her. She’d cleaned up well, her cute face, pixie nose, big blue eyes and long blonde hair was hard to ignore. Looking sexy and wild in her ripped jeans and tank top he’d never been so hot for a girl like this before. She had gotten under his skin for sure, but for the first time it was the other way round. She had the control.

  Before it was always the girls that did the running with constant calls or text messages of love while all the time Adam played it cool. He enjoyed the attention and like to control who he saw and when. Poor Katie was the perfect convenience when life became unmanageable; he would frequently show up for sympathy, sex and a few dollars of her allowance which she always gave him. Having got what he wanted he would then ignore her for weeks on end until she was a tearful mess, winning her back with his lies-every time. Now the tables had turned and it was his time to fall even though logic was telling him to steer clear of what he’d come to see as a bulimic coke sniffing drifter who was messing with his head he couldn’t resist, weakening at every curve.

  Reggie had his rules for bed-time. He would take charge directing everyone to their beds in a quiet friendly manner. Adam and Summer were taken to the second floor of the sprawling house and shown into a large bedroom with five single mattresses on the floor. Each was clean with fresh bedding and plenty of pillows. There was no other furniture but neither of them cared, a comfortable mattress was more than enough. He left them alone to bed down and it wasn’t long before another young girl not much older than Summer joined them. Five minutes later the door was opened by an older man also grateful to have a bed for the night.

  Partially clothed and under a warm thick quilt Adam relaxed. Within minutes of his head hitting the pillow he was asleep, sheer exhaustion taking over as thoughts of a lustful night with Summer slowly diminished.

  Sleep quickly became a mixture of confusing short dreams each one having no connection with the other. There were jumbled visions of his father standing before him holding out his hand as if to beckon him to follow. Roy’s angry face was enlarged to the size of a movie screen screaming obscenities and, his desires for Summer became a full sexual fantasy. Then there was Reggie with a giant bowl of pasta enticing Adam to smell the aroma but eating it himself. The nightmares continued with a hospital bed that he couldn’t get up from and a sexy nurse breathing into his ear- but when he spoke to her she spat. All night the dreams persisted, the last one being back on the bridge. In the dream he jumped, but woke up just before he hit the ground. It was this one that jolted him from his sleep.

  “Morning…” He said to Summer hoping she was awake.

  “Morning.” She replied sleepily.

  The man was snoring loudly and Adam was grateful he’d slept through it as he surely must have been going all night. The young girl who was in the other bed was nowhere to be seen, her bed neatly made up as if she’d been a figment of imagination.

  “What do we do now, do we stay here?” Summer asked.

  “If you want, we don’t have anywhere else to go do we? If we leave, we’re back out there.”

  “Shall we ask Reggie if we can stay then?”

  “Yeh, I’ll ask.” He replied getting himself up and going downstairs.

  “Where’s the chick that was sleeping in our room?” Adam asked Reggie who was busy in the kitchen helping to prepare breakfast.

  “Moved on, many of them do eventually, and then new one’s come. It’s never ending.”

  “Like some sort of halfway house.”

  “You could call it that I guess.”

  “But why do you do it Reggie, what’s in it for you?”

  “Nothing except personal achievement from time to time, that’s it.”

  Was he just an eccentric who believed his life’s mission was to move people on a better life? He confused yet intrigued Adam who hated the idea of being grateful to someone. His sheer arrogance had often preventing him for showing gratitude or any sign of appreciation, instead preferring to mock people -believing them to be gullible rather than helpful.

  Down and desperate he couldn’t help feel some gratitude for the kindness shown by Reggie and even though it made him feel uneasy, he couldn’t help but like the guy.

  “How about some Breakfast?” Reggie suggested.

  Summer had showered again, she looked happy for once and joining Adam they tucked into cereal and toast with coffee. People were coming in and out of the busy kitchen helping themselves to various cereals or popping bread in the toaster. The fresh smell of coffee reminded Adam of home. Every morning the rich fragrance would waft up the stairs filling his nostrils. But the sight of Roy sitting like a king at the kitchen table, his paunch hanging over his trousers and his glasses perched precariously on the end of his nose put Adam off coming down until he was well out of sight.

  Memories of breakfast with his father gave him another feeling.
Years later he could still remember coming downstairs to find his mother busy at the stove frying eggs. His dad would appear and put a strong arm around him and tell him to eat his cereal so he would be big and strong. He would never leave the house without giving Adam a hug- a man who was never afraid to show his feelings. He was Adam’s whole world, a shelter from the storm and a loving influence.

  As a child he believed he could be anyone as long as his father was there to buffer him He idolized and looked up to him, loved him and admired his ability to stay calm no matter what he got up to. That included breaking the kitchen window when he snuck out one morning with a baseball bat and a ball and accidentally veered the wrong way.

  His mother screamed and yelled but his father took it philosophically. His view was that accidents happened and windows could be fixed, not so easy with kids. He was relieved that Adam wasn’t hit by flying glass or picked any of it up.

  The void that he’d left in Adam’s life was immense, never having had a strong relationship with his mother he discovered that with his father gone the relationship floundered even further. He had been the glue that that held them together, without him everything fell apart never to be repaired as less than a year later his mother met Roy. He was unemployed and living in a tiny apartment. Within two months he’d moved himself in and that was the moment Adam’s world turned to darkness -intensifying with each passing year.

  “Let’s take a walk and get some fresh air and, look I have a jacket.” Summer remarked.

  She had procured an old denim jacket from someone, at least a size too big but it looked good on her and matched her well worn jeans.

  “I found a sweater for you, try it on.” She said

  Adam wasn’t choosy at this point about hand me downs and thought it was kind of cute that she was fussing around him and not just thinking of herself. She’d taken the time to forage around and found something he could wear too, even if it was too big and old fashioned it was better than walking around with a thin t-shirt.


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