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Dead Dreams ((Young Adult Paranormal Romance) ( Dead Dreams Trilogy))

Page 10

by Michelle Wright

  Adam was intrigued by the tall dark skinned girl standing by a tree acting as if she was waiting for someone. He watched Summer slowly walk towards her, building up the confidence to go right up to her and speak,

  “Hi there how you doing?” She asked in a friendly voice.

  “I’m okay but you look rough.” She replied.

  Adam could just hear the conversation, a wave of relief coming over him that someone could see them.

  “Yeh we’ve been walking a lot, kind of homeless right now, there’s my friend Adam over there.” She said pointing in his direction.

  “Cool, I’m Devon what’s your name?”


  “That’s a cute name for a cute girl.”

  Devon was only a few years older, street wise and savvy so they could relate to each other but she was unsure and being overtly suspicious she thought it best to confront her,

  “I’ve no cash if you’re asking for handouts forget it girlfriend!”

  Summer was offended but decided not to open her mouth and regret it afterwards. She was happy that she could even talk with Devon and did her best to respond politely,

  “Oh no, nothing like that I was wondering if you knew of anywhere we can stay for the night that’s all.”

  “Billy’s, you can stay there he’s easy going.”

  “Is he a friend of yours?”

  “Ex- boyfriend but we still hang together from time to time.”

  Devon asked Summer to hang back, a man appeared out of nowhere for what was going to be a private conversation. She complied doing whatever it took for a place to stay and happily went back to Adam with the good news. They were staying with someone called Billy.

  Devon brought the man over to them, his expensive watch and sneakers catching Adam’s eye.

  “You kids better be cool or you’ll stay right where you are. Whatever you see or hear in the house you keep your mouth shut like you have amnesia…okay?”

  He had a gold ring on every finger and the bling around his neck would buy them food, clothes and a rental for an entire year or more. Once more out of his depth in the company of older more street-wise characters Adam remained silent, allowing Summer to talk for both of them.

  “Oh yeh that’s no problem for us we’re used to keeping quiet besides most people can’t see or hear us so you can relax.” Summer replied.

  This is all too easy, we’ve been in the park five minutes and already we’ve found somewhere, what’s the frigging catch?

  Ignoring her comment the man beckoned them to follow while Devon openly offered pills- Adam declined but Summer didn’t.

  “Are you nuts!” He whispered sharply to her.

  “No, what’s your problem now?”

  “Do you know what you’re taking? It could be any kind of bad shit!”

  “If I need a daddy I’ll let you know.” She replied caustically.

  Feeling like a left out sulking child Adam walked behind them as they headed out of the park. Devon and Summer chatted like old friends while the man talked in hushed tones on his cell phone. Adam didn’t like the situation one bit and tugged on Summer’s jacket pulling her back,

  “This doesn’t feel good where are they taking us?” He was feeling apprehensive and didn’t like the fact that her decision to take something could land them in bigger trouble.

  “Take a chill pill we’re going to Billy’s.”

  He could tell that whatever she was on was starting to have an affect. Her glazed eyes were struggling to focus on Adam and her speech had begun to slur.

  “You’ve got cotton mouth.” He remarked.

  “What’s that mean?”

  “You sound like you’ve stuffed cotton in your mouth.”

  She laughed it off as they arrived at a house in a run-down neighbourhood. It looked as if trouble could brew there anytime of the day or night, a ticking time bomb ready to explode. The window shutters of the house were down and the front yard was littered with garbage bags and broken bikes. Someone had attempted to break down the door more than once and the repeated sounds of dogs barking and emergency sirens in the vicinity told Adam all he needed to know.

  What have I let myself in for? She’s taking me into the shit again I could kill her for this!

  After a few loud knocks the door was opened by a young guy in a vest and shorts,

  “Devon honey what’s happening?” He said.

  “Not much babe, meet Adam and Summer.”

  He looked them over with suspicion, obviously on alert for any strangers in the vicinity, but he greeted Mr. Bling warmly. Holding Summer’s hand Devon took her inside with Adam subserviently following. He was unnerved by the eight people crammed into a small room and one glance at the coffee table told him everything he needed to know. This is a not good, shit I’m in a God damn drug house!

  Looking to Summer for some kind of reassurance had no affect as she was too wrapped up with Devon. On the couch was a man whose body language said he was the boss, his huge arm muscles were ripped to perfection and exposed by a tight white t-shirt, his sneakers and designer jeans were top of the range. The dealer. Adam decided- mesmerised by his power. The man didn’t take kindly to being stared at by a scruffy upstart of a kid who gave the impression he was something of nothing. Annoyed, he stood up to confront him.

  “What’s your problem boy?” He said in a low venomous tone.

  “Nothing, nothing at all.” Adam replied trying to stay in control of his nerves.

  But before he could blink there was a large knife pointed just underneath his chin and a pair of eyes giving him the look of death. He tried not to show any fear even though he was faced with a man yielding a knife who was clearly dangerous.

  “I’ll ask again…what’s your fucking problem?”

  He pushed the tip of the knife a little deeper as Adam’s heart pounded. He began to feel dizzy but something strange kicked in, a feeling of apathy, the desire not to fight what could be and no valid reason to cling on to life.

  “Kill me mother fucker, stick me twenty times. I don’t give a shit cause you see man I don’t exist so it doesn’t matter go on, go ahead do it! Adam screamed.

  “Hey Rufus chill out he’s just a kid and an okay one at that. He’ll do you no harm, you can count on it. “ Devon said as she stepped in to try and ease the situation.

  Summer was quiet and still high but she was aware of what just happened and became upset at such an unwelcome response to their presence. She tried to think of a way out, but fear stopped her from grabbing Adam and making a run for it.

  Slowly Rufus removed the knife leaving a fractious silence between them. But the message was clear. He saw Adam as a naïve two-bit kid that could easily threaten their security and, he figured he looked dumb enough to open his mouth and blow everything.

  “Your card’s marked.” He warned in no uncertain terms, “One bad move and you’ll get your stick wish.”

  A marked card didn’t mean anything when there was nothing to live for and nothing to care about. In Adam’s mind he could do his worse as far as he was concerned.

  Rufus reached in his jean pocket and pulled out a roll of hundred dollar bills, peeling off a note he handed it to Devon,

  “Go get some Chinese food for everyone and take the scrawny bitch with you, the kid stays here.” He said referring to Adam.

  Without looking at Adam Summer complied and left the house with Devon leaving him alone in a room with people he didn’t know and didn’t like.

  Mr. Bling didn’t communicate with anyone. He spent most of his time on the phone negotiating deals yet, they all showed him total respect whilst Adam found a spot on the floor to sit and be as unobtrusive as possible. The room was a mess, evidence of drug taking was everywhere and dirty dishes were piled up in the sink. The guys moved around a lot, leaving and coming back a few minutes later. Most of them went outside to talk privately on their phones and everything was clandestine, dangerous and uncomfortable.

  Rufus c
ame to Adam, sitting next to him on the floor as close as he could be,

  “What’s your agenda kid?” He asked.

  “I don’t have one man I’m just drifting.”

  “Drifting where, straight to the cops when you leave here? You look too squeaky clean to me, the kind of kid that’ll open his mouth.”

  “No way man I couldn’t care less what you do here and I hate the fucking cops.”

  Counting the minutes for Summer to return he became nervous and twitchy. The longer she took the more edgy he got. No-one bothered to talk to him, as if he was nondescript, a nothing, reflecting exactly how he saw himself. Maybe they all think the same that I’m a stupid nonentity from the suburbs who doesn’t know shit, I hate this place!

  The carpet stank with a mixture of dried blood squirted straight onto the floor from syringes, spilled beer and liquor; Adam did all he could do to stop himself from retching as the stench filled his nostrils.

  Eventually, much to his relief, they returned carrying bags of food.

  “Give me my change girl.” Rufus demanded.

  Devon handed over what little change there was. Chinese food for so many didn’t cost twenty bucks- unfortunately for her Rufus didn’t get the math.

  “What the fuck….I gave you a hundred bitch!” He ranted.

  “Yeh you did but Chinese don’t come cheap for this many.” She said defending herself.

  Rufus shot up and grabbed Devon by the throat, choking her while the others turned away. She didn’t fight back and the fear in her eyes grew stronger by the second.

  “You had better got my spring roll girl.” He asked letting go.

  “Yeh yeh there’s two in there.” She replied nervously.

  As if nothing had happened Devon and Summer did their domestic best, finding plates and spoons and clearing a space on the table. Summer dove in immediately, filling her mouth full like a hamster, obviously binging from nerves. No-one took any notice of the way she was eating they were too wrapped up in their own selfish world, freeloading from the man with the money. It was only Adam that cared and it was only he that knew exactly what she’d do next.

  Having finished in record speed she shot up in an agitated mood. “Where’s the bathroom?” “Through the red door sweetie.” Devon replied.

  With Summer out of sight doing her best to throw up Adam picked away at his plate doing his best to avoid eye contact with everyone in the room.

  “Are you two an item?” Devon enquired.

  “Right now we’re just friends.”

  “She’s one hot chick so you must be gay.”

  “No way, we’re friends helping each other out, that’s all.”

  “So you don’t think she’s seriously hot?”

  “Yeh I do, but there’s so much going on right now. There’s too much shit and stuff, we’re kinda screwed up with it all.”

  “I swing both ways.” She informed him. “I can tell you with a good shower and change of clothes, man she’s hot!”

  Adam looked closely at Devon who was a classic beauty with strong features and big brown eyes. She was all of six feet with a model’s figure encased in tight blue jeans cut low on her waist and a tight red top accentuating her perfect breasts. Except for the needle marks on both arms she could have easily walked the runways.

  “I don’t know about her sexual preferences you’ll have to ask her.” He replied thinking that Devon looked at least twenty. What would she want with a sixteen year old?

  “Oh I will for sure.” She replied and he knew for sure she was deadly serious.

  The music playing in the background managed to drown out the sounds coming from the bathroom and for some unexplainable reason Adam felt responsible. He was afraid they’d hear her, especially Rufus who would more than likely blow if he discovered that his precious dollars spend on feeding her was deliberately flushed down the toilet by that ‘bitch.’

  Finally she dragged herself out of the bathroom, pale and still high.

  “Anyone got a smoke of me?” She asked listlessly.

  Devon reached for her bag and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. She eagerly handed one to her then leaned over to her with a light.

  “Cheers Devon.” Summer replied naively unaware of her real intentions.

  One by one the hangers on disappeared leaving them alone with Devon and Rufus and instead of feeling more secure with less people around Adam was more afraid than ever that the situation would end badly- if they don’t get out soon.

  Rufus grabbed a leather pouch on the coffee table. “Let’s party.” He announced. “It’s time for an A-bomb.”

  Meticulously mixing marihuana with heroin, Adam watched his every move. Summer had indulged in the deadly mix before whereas Adam had only ever smoked weed, snorted cocaine once and did acid a couple of times. Scared out of his wits the sheer thought of heroin made him sick to his stomach.

  “It’s time for brown auntie Mary.” Devon said with a look of relish. “The thrill is here.”

  Dad where are you? Tell me what to do? I don’t want to be here or do this I’m going to become an addict... help me!

  One by one they took a hit and then passed it to Adam. Fearful of angering bad boy Rufus by refusing, he inhaled the deadly rolled up mix wanting to get it over with as quickly as possible. Once, twice, three times.

  “Hey boy don’t hog it, pass it back.” Rufus warned.

  It took every ounce of strength in his body to pass it back as his body went straight into a state of passivity. He could see through clouded eyes Summer smiling sweetly as her head rolled back and like a slow motion movie watched as Devon slipped her hand under Summer’s t-shirt cupping her breast. Helpless, unable to move and slumped against the wall Adam was unable to stop her encourage Summer into a sexual act that she was too stoned to even be aware of. He looked on helplessly as Devon took off her jeans and panties while Rufus remained on the couch watching and encouraging Devon on with suggestive remarks. Much to Adam’s horror he got up and joined in, undressing Devon until they were all naked. “Give me a blow job bitch!” He commanded Summer who did as she was told and didn’t resist as Devon aided him on. By now Adam had convinced himself he was trapped in a nightmare that he couldn’t get out of and searched for a scream that didn’t come. There was no will or energy to speak let alone shout but his mind could still think; Leave her alone please leave her alone!

  Eventually he lost the battle to stay awake and fell into a drugged sleep- no longer aware of anything or anyone.

  An eternity later he awoke to find Summer acting as if nothing happened. She was sitting on the couch chatting with Rufus while Devon was nowhere to be seen. The friendly chit chat seemed unreal after what he thought he witnessed.

  “Hey it’s alive then.” Rufus said getting up and going to another room.

  “Adam you were so passed out I couldn’t wake you.” Summer said with a relieved smile.

  He began to consider that everything he saw hadn’t happened it was something he’d created in his mind that wasn’t real just like everything else so far. Maybe I am really sick in the head, that the three way was just a fucked up fantasy brought on by drugs, nothing more.

  In the meantime Summer had made herself very much at home.

  “Are you hungry I can microwave some left over Chinese if you want?” She asked.

  “No I’m not hungry.” He replied. “I need a drink of water real bad.”

  Aiming to please she rushed to the sink to pour him a glass, by the time she handed it to him she knew something was wrong, “Are you pissed with me what did I do?”

  “It’s what you didn’t do, like say no.”

  “No to what, I don’t get what you’re talking about?”

  “Devon, Rufus… I saw what was happening I’m not stupid.”

  “Oh that, we were just messing with each other, nothing happened.”

  “Do you take me for an idiot I saw it all!”

  Rufus reappeared having overheard the conversation he gra
bbed his jacket on the way out to God knows where and made his final statement,

  “Grow up kid you’ve got an over active imagination, I can do better than this piece of skinny teenage ass.” He said looking directly at Summer. “I want you both outta here by the time I get back…if you’re still here, then the shit’s going down!”

  It was music to Adam’s ears. He badly wanted to get away from the house of hell and back on the streets, even that was a better than being surrounded by heavy drugs and dangerous characters like Rufus. His protective nature toward Summer who he saw as vulnerable was something Rufus had seen as a weakness in Adam. But he didn’t care what he thought. He had respect for the messed up girl who was so desperately seeking stability that she reached out to anyone who was there. He understood why she offered herself sexually just to get through another day because she didn’t know any other way. He knew that deep down she had never lost sight of a dream; that one day, she would find a secure and loving home.

  But still not convinced nothing happened and slightly angry he glared at her.

  “Quit looking at me like that, I’ve nothing to hide!” She responded.

  The door slammed hard as Rufus made his exit leaving them alone in silence,

  “We need to get out of here right now you heard what that psycho said. If we’re still here when he gets back we’re toast.” Adam was worried.

  “Where are we going? I’m getting so tired of wandering the streets with no place to go, I’ve been doing it for too long.”

  “I don’t know but we’re getting out of here, this is a bad place.”

  “Can’t I wait for Devon to come back to say goodbye?”

  Adam didn’t get that she wanted to take a chance on Rufus coming back and finding them both still there,

  “Are you for real? You heard the man let’s go…now!”

  He knew she’d do anything to stay there but he wasn’t prepared to leave her there to be manipulated and used by Devon and Rufus. He may have only been a middle class kid from a nice neighbourhood, a little naive maybe, but what he saw there was enough to show him that it would end in the same misery she fought so hard to get out of in the past.

  For the first time since the death of his father, Adam was genuinely caring about someone other than himself. In spite of all the scrapes the two of them had got into to, none of them making any sense, bit by bit he’d come to have real feelings for the sad little lost girl. He saw himself as a father figure who would never take advantage of her like Devon did and was worried constantly about her bulimia. It was a new emotion- being unselfish.


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