Book Read Free

Always and Forever

Page 19

by Harper Bentley

  I also think about Ryan, and Mike’s drunken kind of confession last night. I’ll give her a call later and get her opinion on it now that she’s had time to process it.

  I think about Greer and Clay and how they’ve got a great life and a beautiful daughter and I hope nothing bad ever touches them.

  But mostly I think of everything that’s happened up to this point for Brody and me. I’ve loved him forever, I know that much. I know that being without him damned near killed me. And I know I’ll never leave him.

  Unless he knows what he did with Hannah. Then I might consider it.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” Brody says as he comes into the bedroom carrying a TV tray. God, he looks so good wearing a white t-shirt and blue plaid flannel sleep pants and he’s barefooted. He smiles his fabulous smile at me and I burst into tears. He sets the tray on my dresser and comes to the bed and sits, pulling me into his strong arms. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know,” I answer. “It’s weird. I’m just so sad today and I should be ecstatic because we got engaged last night. Don’t get me wrong. I’m so happy about it.” I sniff against his chest. “I mean, I’ve only waited thirteen years to hear you say those words to me and now it’s happened and I love you. But for some reason I just feel really down.” I sniff again. “And I love my ring. It’s the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen and I’ll never take it off.”

  I feel him shaking against me and I pull back.

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  He smiles. “No, but you’re being a bit dramatic.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I was almost killed last night, Brody. I think I deserve to be a little upset.”

  His smile drops. “You’re right. Sorry.”

  I squeeze him around the middle. “Sorry. That wasn’t fair. I really wasn’t scared last night,” I tell him and watch as his brow comes down. “I wasn’t. I actually feel sorry for Hannah. She’s had a shit life and it makes me sad.”

  “She didn’t help herself any,” he states.

  “I know. But maybe she felt backed against a wall. I don’t know.”

  “Maybe.” He takes my face in his hands and uses his thumbs to wipe my tears away. “Why were you pissed about what she told you last night?”

  I scrunch my nose. “What she told me was really graphic. I mean, that’s how she talks, I guess, but it just sounded so… so gross what she said. I almost feel like she tainted you.”

  He raises his eyebrows and I tell him every word she told me and watch as his cheeks get splotchy with embarrassment.

  He blows out a breath. “Honestly, Piper, I’ve had people tell me the way I behaved that night and when I first heard it, I wanted to puke. Believe me when I tell you, I have no recollection of any of it. At first I was angry that I’d do that to you because what happened, I do consider cheating. But the more I’ve thought about it, the more I know it was the drugs and I had no control over it and all I can do is apologize.”

  Thank God he doesn’t remember and I don’t have to commit murder on this fine Sunday morning.

  I put my hand against his cheek. “I don’t want your apology. You’ve apologized enough. It wasn’t your fault and I’m sorry it happened to you, baby.” I lean in and kiss him closed mouth since I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.

  “Ready for breakfast?” he asks getting up to collect the tray.

  “Lemme brush my teeth first, okay? But would you sit in bed and eat with me too?”

  “Already planned on it. My tray’s still in the kitchen.”

  I chuckle then go brush my teeth and take care of other things. When I come out of the bathroom, Brody’s on the bed with his tray and he’s chomping on a piece of bacon. He’s also brought in the box with his Valentine’s gift in it.

  “Oh, yeah!” I say, jumping up and down and clapping because I’d forgotten all about it. “You have to open it now!”

  He laughs and pats the bed on my side. “Come eat and I’ll open it.”

  I grab my tray off the dresser then have him hold it as I get in bed and get situated and he sets the tray over my lap. He forks some scrambled eggs into his mouth and I stare at him.

  “What?” he asks as he chews.

  “Open it!”

  “I’m starving. Hang on.”

  “Oh, my God. Seriously? You’re gonna love what I got you and you’re delaying it.”

  “Delayed gratification is the spice of life, baby. Thought you learned that last night in Jen’s office.” He takes a drink of coffee.

  It’s my turn to blush now. “Oh, all right,” I mumble and shovel a forkful of eggs in my mouth. “Dang, I’m starving too,” I garble out.

  “Pretty,” he says with a chuckle.

  He finally finishes and when he sets his tray on the floor and crawls up to grab the box, I’m about to burst with excitement. I have to laugh when he pulls the boxer briefs out and scratches his head all, Okaaaay, thinking that’s all he got.

  “Dig deeper,” I instruct and he’s like a kid on Christmas morning, throwing confetti out all over the bed.

  “Holy fuck!” he yells when he pulls out the tickets.

  My tray ends up on the floor too then he really shows me what delayed gratification is, and I hate to admit it but he makes me a huge fan.


  Two weeks later, I’m in shock. I walk to my car on shaky legs and get in wondering how this could be.

  I sit staring out the windshield for several moments then finally start the car and back out to go to the fire station.

  Brody’s going to kill me.

  Once there, I park and again on shaky legs, go up the walk then inside.

  “Hey, Piper,” Drew calls from the kitchen when he sees me.

  “Hi, Drew. Is Brody around?” I inquire kind of hoping he’s out on a call somewhere. Nothing dangerous or anything, but maybe a kitten is stuck in a tree and he’s now trying to lure it down.

  “Yeah, he’s in the weight room. Want me to get him?”

  “No. Would it be okay if I go on back?”

  “Sure. I think Jeremy’s in there too and maybe a couple other guys.”

  “Okay, thanks,” I say as I walk through the living area back to a room where I hear weights clanking. My legs have gotten less shaky but I think it’s because I’ve forgotten to breathe and I’m not paying a whole lot of attention to them or anything else right now. I glance around the door inside the room and see my gorgeous fiancé with his shirt off, shorts that hang low on his sexy hips and fall below his knees, with million pound dumbbells in each hand (or that’s what they look like anyway) curling them alternately as the muscles in his chest strain and pop with each pull he makes. Damn.

  It takes him a moment to notice me but when he does, he smiles great big which makes my insides do a flip flop because I don’t know how much he’ll be smiling in a minute.

  “Hey, baby. What’s up?” He sets the weights on the rack then comes over and gives me a not so sweet kiss. Damn.

  “Hey, Piper,” Jeremy says.

  “Hi, Jeremy.”

  “So what’s up?” Brody asks, grabbing a towel off a bench and wiping the sweat off his hot body.

  “Um. I have something to tell you.” I bite my lip and look up at him.

  He frowns. “Is everything okay? You’re not hurt, are you?” He looks me over for broken bones or bruises, the paramedic coming out in him, I guess.

  “No, I’m not hurt,” I say with a shake of my head. “So remember how I’ve kinda been in a sad mood lately?”

  He nods, the concern clear on his face.

  “Well, it’s not really my fault.”

  “You’re starting to scare me, babe. What is it?” he says gruffly, all business now, his eyes suddenly going golden as he narrows his eyes at me.

  “I want you to think back to the argument that we had right before we broke up.”

see him clench his jaw because now he’s getting mad. “Stop fucking with me and tell me what you need to say.”

  “Okay, you asked for it.” I say with a shrug of my shoulders. I take a deep breath and let it out keeping my eyes fixed to his. “I’m pregnant.”

  I watch his face as fifty billion emotions spin around it like Wheel of Fortune where you wait to see what it lands on.

  “What?” I see he’s landed on Shock the Hell Out of Me.

  I nod then watch his eyes turn a deep glittery green as they grow warm on mine then he picks me up and spins me around making me shriek.

  “Yeah?” he asks and at my nod, his mouth comes crashing down on mine as he encases me in his arms holding me so tightly I can’t breathe. Just in time he pulls back and announces to Jeremy and the entire fire station with as loud as his voice is, “I’m gonna be a dad!”

  He picks me up again but this time doesn’t spin me. He just puts his mouth on mine and kisses the fool out of me. When he pulls back, he looks at me with so much love in his eyes it steals my breath. “I fucking love you, Piper. God, you find a new way every day to make me happy. Thank you.”

  And he kisses me again.


  Our son Zane was born on a beautiful, crisp October morning when the leaves on the trees boasted colors of scarlet, burned orange, gold and magenta. It was a most wonderful day for our most wonderful child.

  Zane was a perfect blend of the both of us having Brody’s beautiful full lips and stubborn chin and my eye shape and nose. I think his feet were the same size as mine when he was delivered and Brody had laughed when they’d inked one then stamped his little certificate with it and it didn’t fit inside the box.

  Our lives were so full of joy at our new addition that I think in the first three months neither of us stopped smiling.

  And I think we kind of made people want to puke with our giddiness.

  Our wedding day was the next June in a meadow on his parents’ land. It was a beautiful ceremony and my colors of violet and silver looked fabulous, trust me.

  Ryan was my maid of honor who rocked her satin violet dress that was sleeveless, short and fitted and she looked both beautiful and classy. Kade was Brody’s best man who made his charcoal gray tux and violet vest and tie look awesome.

  And Brody had taken my breath away looking absurdly handsome in his charcoal gray tux, silver vest and tie. When Dad started leading me down the aisle and I’d seen Brody I swear my eyes had bugged out at how truly amazing he’d looked.

  But it was my dress that stole the show which is how it should always be, right?

  And, lord how I loved that dress. It was ivory silk and hugged my body like a second skin. It appeared to be backless but it wasn’t. The flesh colored tulle created a backless illusion and was covered in wispy embroidered lines that were embellished with crystals, beads and pearls on the backs of my shoulders. The buttons that went down my back also looked like an illusion on the tulle, as if they were just floating there. And right below my bottom the train flared beautifully with the satin becoming mixed with chiffon and trailed behind me four feet. It was stunning.

  When I made it to Brody after walking down the aisle, he flipped out at my dress. I’m not kidding.

  After Dad gave me away, which was a tearful exchange, mostly on his part since I was his baby, Brody took my hand then shook his head with a wicked smirk plastered on his face. Then he leaned back to take a glance at my ass and everyone laughed. When he did it another fifteen times throughout the ceremony, it just got comical. And when the preacher finally said he could kiss his bride, Brody had turned to me giving me his seductive half smirk, wrapped his hand all possessive and alpha-like behind my neck pulling me to him, and as he leaned in for the kiss, his other hand slid down to cup my butt in his palm and the crowd went wild.

  I’d laughed too because it had made me feel sexy that he couldn’t keep his hands off me.

  But I think the best part of the day had been our pre-wedding text session. Of course, since it was Brody, it was filled with jokes, but by the end, it’d been so us, plain and simple.


  Brody: What’s up?

  Me: Oh, nothing. Just getting ready to marry the man of my dreams. You?

  Brody: Same

  Me: You’re marrying the man of your dreams?

  Brody: He’s hot. What can I say?

  Me: Same

  Brody: How about you meet me in about thirty minutes and I’ll make an honest woman out of you

  Me: You saying I’m a liar now?

  Brody: No. Just heard that in a movie once and always wanted to use it

  Me: You keep using movie lines on me and I’m gonna make you watch the restaurant bathroom scene from Unfaithful and use IT on me

  Brody: Unfaithful? Uh…

  Me: Just that scene!

  Brody: Do they fuck?

  Me: Do they ever

  Brody: I’m all in

  Me: But, baby?

  Brody: Yeah?

  Me: You’re way hotter than the guy in it and would do it all better… honest

  Brody: See, already making you honest… and truthful

  Me: So cocky

  Brody: You love it

  Me: I do, actually ; )

  Brody: Pulling that scene up on Dailymotion right now

  Me: What?

  Brody: Gonna watch it then every time I look at you today you’re gonna know what I’m thinking about doing to you

  Me: You’re making me hot

  Brody: Right where I want you

  Me: God, I love you

  Brody: You’d better. I spent a lot of money on this tux

  Me: Good lord. If Zane has his father’s sense of humor….

  Brody: He’ll be one badass motherfucker

  Me: Whatever

  Brody: Know why I’m glad we didn’t name our son after me?

  Me: Why?

  Brody: People always call the kid by their initials

  Me: ?

  Brody: Think about it…

  Me: Brody Matthew

  Brody: God, I’m marrying a sharp one

  Me: OMG

  Brody: Yeah

  Me: Rolling my eyes

  Brody: I’ll make your eyes roll tonight as you scream my name

  Me: Can’t wait

  Brody: Really?

  Me: Really

  Brody: Then get your gorgeous ass to my old bedroom right now, you lusty wench

  Me: Did you just call me a wench?

  Brody: Called your ass gorgeous too

  Me: Nice save

  Brody: Thx I serve to please

  Me: K, gotta put the white dress on now

  Brody: Shit. I thought we were doing the nudist thing we talked about last month.

  Me: Brody…

  Brody: It would work. You should see the little bowtie I’ve got on my dick

  Me: OMG

  Brody: You’ll be screaming that tonight too

  Me: Is that all you ever think about is sex?

  Brody: With you?

  Me: Better just be with me

  Brody: 24-7

  Me: Brody!

  Brody: You’ll be screaming that too

  Me: God!

  Brody: That too

  Me: You drive me insane

  Brody: And that

  Me: I love you…

  Brody: I love you too, baby. Can’t wait for you to be mine

  Me: Always…

  Brody: and Forever…


  First and foremost, I want to thank Erin at Southern Belle Book Promotions for being the most fabulous person ever! <3 you gobs, lady! Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. You rock! To Cecily at Cecily’s Book Review you’ve been with me from day one & your kindness and support mean the world to me. I love that you lov
e my hot alpha dudes as much as I do : ) To Megan & Trish at Bedroom Bookworms, you guys are the total shit & I love you forever and a day. Thank you for always making me feel like I’m the real deal xo Thanks also to Aesta’s Book Blog, A Pair of Okies, Mrs. Leif’s Two Fangs About It Book Reviews, Sassy Southern Book Affair and Summer’s Book Blog and so many more, for reading, reviewing and getting my name out there. I appreciate you all so much!

  To Franca, Melly & Sam, I know you get tired of hearing how much I appreciate all you do, but I do! You guys are always there for me at the drop of a hat, never complain about it (to my face at least haha) and find the screw-ups that my tired eyes don’t. You guys are the best! Love you!

  To Stevie Goldsbury, the most awesome Street Team leader ever! Thank you for everything, toots!

  To Anne Mercier, awesome friend & even awesomer (that “word” works… don’t judge) author. I’m more than honored that I get to be on vomit patrol every time you release a new book ;)

  To TC Matson, glad you’re back, woman! Your readers & I are missed you and are waiting impatiently to meet Levi. Leveled is gonna do me in, I just know it! Hurry and write!

  To Michelle Lee, fellow author & teacher, love that you feel my pain when trying to do this thing called writing. First bottle of wine is on me ;)

  And thank you to the readers who never fail to make me smile. This is all for you : )

  About the author:

  USA Today Best Selling author Harper Bentley writes about hot alpha males who love hard. She’s taught high school English for 23 years, and although she’s managed to maintain her sanity regardless of her career choice, jumping into the world of publishing her own books goes to show that she might be closer to the ledge than was previously thought.

  After traveling the nation in her younger years as a military brat, having lived in Alaska, Washington State and California, she now resides in Oklahoma with her teenage daughter, two dogs and one cat, happily writing stories that she hopes her readers will enjoy.

  You can contact her at, at, on Facebook or on Twitter @HarperBentley


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