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Page 4

by Cameron North

  Halcyon rested her hands on her hips. She glanced at the grain being milled and decided it was ground correctly. To her right stood Yarikh, and behind her was a girl whom Halcyon turned to and said, "Come."

  Once the girl stepped around Halcyon, Thora's eyes lit up upon seeing the friendly face. "Glauce." She remembered the girl from Telamon's household.

  Halcyon suspected that Thora was familiar with Glauce. "Yarikh, explain to Thora that she will train this new slave."

  Yarikh nodded and did his best to explain it to Thora.

  After an exchange, Thora understood that Glauce was her responsibility. She was unsure if Glauce's purchase was a sign of her weakness in the house. "Is Glauce replacing me?" she asked in her native tongue.

  Yarikh failed to translate the question but attempted answering in Thora's language. "Show Greek you."

  Thora opened her mouth to ask more, but she faltered. Her question was too complex for Yarikh's meager skills in a strange dialect. She read Halcyon's features and concluded that Halcyon showed no signs of displeasure with her. Glauce's purchase was not a threat to her place in the household.

  Glauce remained quiet with her head down. Her short, brown curls curtained around her face. She continued being as small as possible even if she was relieved that it was Thora.

  "Glauce — kitchen." Thora pointed at the girl slave and then at the kitchen. She nodded, firmly.

  "Þak," Yarikh said. He hoped he had properly thanked Thora.

  Thora shook her head at Yarikh's error and corrected him. "Þakka fyrir."

  Yarikh smiled at Thora teaching him. He made a mental note to trade teachings. "Þakka fyrir."

  Thora mirrored the smile. "Ekki at þakka."

  Yarikh suspected it was the polite response to the thanks. He then noticed Halcyon had carefully watched their exchange. He straightened his back.

  Halcyon was pleased that Thora understood her plans. She was about to leave but said, "Selene... tonight." She chose to ignore the annoyed spark on Thora's face.

  Yarikh waited until Halcyon was gone, then he said, "Greek at first light."

  "Já." Thora was excited to learn Greek tomorrow. She bid goodbye to Yarikh, then touched Glauce's shoulder and smiled at the girl, guessing that Glauce was four or so years younger. "You cook."

  Giving a shy nod, Glauce shadowed her teacher in the kitchen for the day. Together, they made fresh bread for the upcoming three days. Next, they began preparing the evening meal for everyone, which included Selene. Thora attempted controlling her frustration that Linnr was in the house tonight. It had only been two nights ago that she had spilled wine on Selene.

  Later, Cesare arrived in the kitchen and announced that Selene was in the courtyard with Halcyon. There were at least three hours until sunset. A nice meal in the courtyard was common for Greeks. Cesare assisted Glauce with taking the first dishes to the courtyard. Thora noticed that Glauce had forgotten the wine, so she hastened out of the kitchen with the filled oinochoe.

  In the courtyard, Halcyon sat beside Selene on a bench. In front of them was a table. Halcyon took a handful of grapes and nearly asked for wine until Thora approached them.

  "Go to Selene," Halcyon said to Glauce.

  She bowed her head after Thora came in with the the wine. Glauce was abashed that she had forgotten it, but Thora gave her a compassionate look. Glauce offered the board of finger foods to Selene.

  Thora picked up the empty skyphos from the iron table in front of the freewomen. She poured it carefully then held it out to Halcyon.

  "Þakka fyrir," Halcyon said softly.

  Pausing, Thora wondered if she had truly heard Halcyon's appreciation in the Norsk tongue. Halcyon's next command cut through her awe.

  "Serve Linnr." Halcyon was stern, but a glint showed in her eyes.

  Thora bit her smirk. "Já, ěra."

  Selene must have caught wind of the conversation and asked, "Liner?"

  Halcyon shook her head. "Linnr."

  Thora was pouring wine in the remaining empty skyphos, then offered it to Selene.

  "What is Linnr?"

  Halcyon shrugged, but amusement laced her tone. "That is your name in her native tongue." Thora's drawing in the dirt from earlier today came back to her. After her broken conversation with Thora, she recognized the snakelike traits about Selene that she had ignored. Her heart was heavy with the truth.

  "Oh." Selene accepted the skyphos from Thora. "It sounds different than Selene."

  "Well, you know that barbaric tongue," Halcyon said mockingly.

  Thora backed away from Selene, who sat next to Halcyon on a bench. She decided that they both were comfortable and that Glauce or Cesare could care for them. She left for the kitchen but paused on hearing Linnr's voice.

  "Why do you waste your time, Halcyon?"

  "A good wife can communicate with her slaves."

  "Next time, select one that speaks Greek."

  Thora rolled her eyes and muttered, "Linnr." She slipped into the kitchen and began preparing the main dish.

  Selene indicated Glauce. "She speaks Greek."

  Halcyon considered Selene's argument. "A slave that is forgetful is not an efficient slave."

  Glauce flinched and hoped she had a swift punishment later.

  "It just seems such a waste of time and coin," Selene said.

  "You are still bitter about the wine, Selene."

  Selene bit her tongue, stopping her brooding further about Thora spilling the wine on her finest chiton.

  Halcyon decided on a change of topic. "Has your father selected a husband?"

  Selene instantly smiled. "I am preparing for pretrial marriage."

  "I see your hair has not been cut," Halcyon said. "So I must have a few nights left with you."

  "A couple of months. My father is preparing the dowry."

  Halcyon grinned at the news. "Does he follow my father's example?"

  Selene laughed and shook her head. "No father has followed yours in a while, because you have not given your husband these lands."

  "And why should I?" Halcyon had inherited her father's fortunes from his days in Athens. "My husband is not the master of my house." She held out her hands toward the villa around them. "I am the husband of my home." She lowered her hands to her lap.

  For a moment, Halcyon drifted back to her days with her father, who had passed into Elysium seven years ago. Her father was from Athens and made his mark in trading with the Phoenicians. Later he met Halcyon's Spartan mother, who wooed him into trading weapons with the Spartans. For several years, her parents lived in Athens and continued amassing fortunes through trade. But Halcyon's mother fell ill only a few years after Halcyon's birth, and they soon moved to Sparta. The sole purpose behind the move was for Halcyon. Sparta's advanced social standards for women were known throughout Greece, and Halcyon's father wanted to ensure his only child inherited his hard work. Such thoughts about the past broke and fractured under Selene's voice.

  "Yes, as many other wives, but they have all signed over their lands to their husbands. That is the agreement of the marriage."

  Halcyon shook her head. "Over two-thirds of the women in Sparta own the lands. And why?" She crossed her legs under her chiton. "It is because our husbands are busy in the barracks."

  Selene inhaled then slowly released it. "They must father our sons." She held her tongue, not wishing to greatly anger Halcyon. Much of her sexual attraction to Halcyon was because Halcyon was the man of her house. What excited her even greater was that Halcyon was a royal guard to the king. In Selene's most construed fantasies, she saw Halcyon as her husband. "Fortunately, Euclid has never seen it fit to loan you to another."

  Halcyon grunted and took a long drink of her wine. She leaned forward and placed the empty skyphos on the table. "Euclid wishes I become pregnant, so he can have a son." It was customary for a thirty-five-year-old Spartan woman to have three or more children with another on the way.

  "Why have you not?" Selene asked.
r />   "Pregnancy eludes me," Halcyon replied. She loathed explaining how her sexual relations were timed with Euclid. She rarely had a cycle anymore, which was often the sign of an unhealthy woman. In her younger days, they had been regular each month, but her cycles decreased after she joined the hoplite army.

  "You must time it more properly." Selene frowned. "Soon you will lose all chance to bear a son for Sparta."

  "I let the Fates decide." Halcyon's tone held note that she wished to conclude the discussion.

  Selene had agitated her lover, and misunderstood why, but kept quiet.

  Shortly, Thora emerged with the first plate of food. She signaled Glauce to retrieve the others. Cesare refilled the skyphoi then left for the evening. He had to attend to his other chores in the stable before dark.

  After the meal, Halcyon left to relieve herself. Selene signaled for Glauce to refill her wine. She set the filled skyphos on the table and imagined her pending night in bed with Halcyon. She always looked forward to Halcyon's dominating disposition. Selene's daydream broke when Thora approached the table.

  Thora held a sweet bread for the freewoman and noticed her owner was gone.

  Selene narrowed her eyes at Thora, who ignored her glare and gently placed the dish on the table. Before Thora could straighten up, Selene snared her wrist. Selene was on her feet already and jerked Thora forward, nearly making her fall on the table.

  Thora balanced herself and yanked her wrist free. She straightened with power and pride. Selene seethed at the confidence in Thora. "You owe me for your insult from last time, barbar."

  "Go to Hell, serpent," Thora said hotly in her native tongue.

  Selene tasted the venom in the reply. A hot red blur passed Selene's vision, and she struck Thora across the cheek. Thora gritted her teeth and touched her burning cheek. She fisted her hands in a fierce attempt to restrain herself.

  "You Cerberus!" Selene sneered and continued her rant. "You are jealous of me. But you will never be anything, you worthless horse shit!" She raised her hand, needing to hit again.

  Thora silently willed the freewoman to try again. Selene's attempt to belittle her failed each time.

  Selene's hand came to an abrupt stop just a breath from Thora's cheek. A strong hand wrapped painfully around her wrist and started squeezing even harder. Selene gaped at Halcyon, who loomed angrily over her.

  Thora smirked at Linnr's shocked expression. She was relieved when she first saw Halcyon return behind Selene.

  "Never touch my slaves, Selene," Halcyon growled. She yanked Selene against her body with her wrist. "Thora already paid her debt for what she did that night."

  "To you — not to me." Selene pulled on her trapped wrist, but Halcyon's grip was iron. "You are too easy on her, Halcyon."

  "This is my home." Halcyon lowered her head closer to Selene's own. "And you are not fit for it right now." She threw Selene's wrist from her grasp. "Leave."

  Selene swallowed nervously at Halcyon's enraged expression. She gathered her wits and walked around her lover but glared at Halcyon standing defensively in front of her slave. "I hear what they call you, Halcyon. They call you an Amazon. You are unnatural like the Amazons." Her eyes narrowed, and her tone gained acid. "How fitting that you should have such a barbaric slave!"

  Halcyon grew quite smug. "If I recall correctly, it is this body-" She signaled her own. "-that you often fantasize about. A pity you will not find a husband or a maiden that will match me." She nonchalantly waved off Selene and turned her back on her former lover.

  Selene trembled and stormed out of the courtyard. She left the iron gate open, in final protest to Halcyon and her barbarian.

  Halcyon faced Thora. She carefully touched Thora's cheek, which had healed from last time.

  Thora gathered Halcyon's hand into her own. "Okay now."

  Halcyon smiled sadly at Thora's attempt to speak to her. "Selene is a linnr." Her words caused Thora to grin, and she squeezed the larger hand that was inside of hers.

  "Thank you."

  Halcyon frowned at the unnecessary praise for intervening with Selene. She had been protecting her property. Yet, Halcyon realized it was far more than just damaged property. Halcyon only moved with such speed and rage during combat, in the name of Sparta. Selene's attack on Thora was hardly against Sparta.

  Halcyon could only imagine what rumors Selene would spread about her and Thora. She had to ignore it because her position in the polis and army were higher than most rumors. Soon, Selene would become just another maiden in Halcyon's sexual history.

  Chapter Four

  "Okay?" Thora asked after she set down a sack of grain on a table in the supply room. She and Glauce had recently returned from the agora.

  Glauce shoved her sack that contained a mix of meats, vegetables, and fruits. "Yes." She smiled, enjoying their developing conversations as Thora learned more from her tutor.

  Gradually, Thora's duties were reduced so that she could learn Greek. She often handled making meals as per Halcyon's request. Halcyon enjoyed Thora's cooking style, which was mostly Greek with a flair of Norsk.

  Thora patted the girl's shoulder, then decided to find Yarikh. He typically would wait for her out in the courtyard where it was empty and quiet. Beyond the villa, an occasional yell followed by a low thud came from the yard. Thora followed the noise behind the house and past the stable. She came to a grass clearing between the stable and the fields where the helots worked the summer crop. Briefly, Thora thanked her gods she was a house slave rather than one belonging to the polis. Her thoughts were cut short by taps and thuds.

  Halcyon wore a simple, white tunic and a short skirt. She hefted a long dory closer to the spiked end while the spear tip faced forward. With a honed skill, she repeatedly attacked the large wood post with the dory's spearhead.

  Staring in amazement, Thora stood to one side while Halcyon practiced several types of thrusts with the dory. She understood why Halcyon was so incredibly muscular. Thora could hardly imagine the strength and endurance it took to constantly drive such a long weapon at an enemy.

  Cesare was near Halcyon and stood at attention. To the right of his foot were two damaged dory spears. The heads had been snapped off from Halcyon's practices.

  Yarikh stood behind and slightly off to the side, observing Halcyon's intense hoplite training, which he had often heard about in Rome. Thora silently came up and stood beside her tutor.

  Halcyon sensed her slave's presence but remained focused on her training. After numerous attacks, she finally snapped the spearhead. Halcyon spun the dory and used the counterbalance spiked end for a weapon. She drove it into the wood and slashed her wooden opponent.

  Thora was impressed by Halcyon's prowess as a hoplite. "Fallegur," she whispered to herself. Then a sudden blush dusted her cheeks. She was fortunate nobody could translate her compliment about Halcyon's physique.

  Yarikh glanced at Thora, but he was unsure of the word. He suspected it was a compliment from the way Thora was admiring Halcyon.

  Completing the drill, Halcyon tossed the broken dory by the other two and approached Cesare, who gave her the sheathed xiphos. Halcyon accepted it, then went over to Yarikh and Thora. "Are you going to practice today?"

  Yarikh nodded. "We will be in the courtyard."

  Halcyon cool features were broken by a thin smile. "Is Thora learning quickly?"

  "She is efficient." Yarikh smiled at Thora but explained to Halcyon the slight difficulties. "The languages can be quite different, especially certain sounds."

  Halcyon agreed after she had learned a handful of words from Yarikh.

  Yarikh turned to Thora and softly said, "Let us start."

  Thora left with her tutor. One time she glanced over her shoulder at Halcyon, who practiced with the short blade. Hopefully, soon she would be allowed to ask Halcyon more about her life as a warrior.

  * * *

  From sun high to sunset, Yarikh and Thora sat in the courtyard on the warm day and practiced Thora's Greek. Y
arikh was pleased by Thora's interests in the language. He suspected it helped that Thora was less drained from her daily chores. She often grew frustrated if she was tired. Halcyon's decision to purchase another slave for some of Thora's duties had been an excellent decision.

  When there was an hour of sunlight left, the lessons came to an end. Thora was mentally exhausted, yet she wanted to help Glauce with the evening meal. Normally, Halcyon would have been served by now, but Glauce was probably behind or Halcyon requested it to be later.

  From the courtyard entrance, Thora went into the kitchen. She found Glauce stirring the contents of a pot over an open fire. At the central table, Thora took stock of what was tonight's dinner. The items were simple and easy, but Thora was unsure what Glauce had in the pot over the fire.

  Glauce still had her back to Thora and was unaware of her arrival. She continued stirring the contents and held a filled oinochoe. Eventually, she began pouring the oinochoe's contents into the pot until Thora's movements scared her.

  Thora was just as startled by Glauce's squeal. She then yelled at Glauce when the liquid from the oinochoe spilled into the fire.

  Glauce screamed at her mistake, but it was too late. The fire flared and hungrily burned her hand. Glauce dropped the oinochoe into the fire and stumbled back.

  The oinochoe smashed into the burning logs and shattered all over the fire. The fatty liquid fed the fire, which dangerously roared like Cerberus. The flames jumped onto Glauce's chiton and attacked her chest and face.

  "Glauce!" In two wide steps, Thora jumped, knocked Glauce to the ground, and smothered the flames on her chiton. She scrambled to her feet when the thick smoke filled her lungs. "Up!"

  Glauce was hauled to her feet and shoved from the fireplace. With watery eyes, she stared in awe at the thick, gray smoke that twisted up from the fire and billowed across the white ceiling. Her attention snapped to the left when Cesare barged in from the outside door.

  Cesare had seen the smoke pipe out from the kitchen's single window during his walk from the stable. He stared wide-eyed at Thora's attempt to get near the fire. He looked to Glauce and ordered, "Go tell ěra!"


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