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Page 11

by Cameron North

  Thora thought about what pity the Greek gods showed the couple.

  "Ceyx was turned into the same bird, but he was still dead. Halcyon was able to take her dead lover to his burial." Halcyon went quiet for a beat. She drank more wine. "Every seven days before the Winter Solstice, Halcyon builds a floating nest on the seas and lays her eggs. After the Winter Solstice, she broods over her nest and chicks until they can fly. For a fortnight, Halcyon keeps the winds and seas calm... the calmest ever."

  Thora shook her head and wondered how the name suited her owner. She tried the cheese next.

  Halcyon neatly cut the lamb that Thora had cooked. "Tell me about your lands, your life before becoming a slave." She placed several pieces of lamb on a large piece of bread and handed it to Thora, who was surprised by the gesture.

  Thora nibbled on the food as she spoke about her seemingly previous life. "The Norsk life is a hard one. We farm and fight, all the time."

  "Fight with whom?" Halcyon asked. She cut more meat and placed it on another slice of bread.

  "Amongst ourselves because our leaders oppose each other."

  "Did you fight?"

  Thora swallowed her mouthful first, then replied, "A little... for my husband's honor."

  Halcyon paused and looked up from the food in her palm. "You are married, then?"

  "Only for one year before our village was attacked by an enemy." Thora's old memories filtered back to her. "He was killed, and I became a slave."

  Halcyon now understood Thora's path to Greece. "Do you have children?"

  Thora shook her head and picked up a piece of lamb.

  "Tell me more about your life there," Halcyon said.

  Thora did so and continued conversing with her owner about the Norsk life. She was amazed that Halcyon asked so many questions. They had lost track of time until Cesare was closing the gate.

  Cesare locked the gate, then came over to the pair. "It is getting late, ĕra."

  Halcyon eyed Cesare, who had been in her service for many years. She held favor for him, but as she turned her attention to Thora, she realized she had developed a larger favor for Thora.

  "It is late." Thora stood after seconding Cesare.

  Halcyon slotted her eyes at the pair. "As I recall, I am the head of this house."

  Cesare bristled at those words, but he tensed further when Thora spoke back.

  "Not until your shoulder is fully healed, ĕra." Thora ignored the minor irritation in Halcyon's features, waiting to be contested by Halcyon. After a beat, she smoothly said, "Until then, I believe you are outnumbered."

  Cesare nervously shifted on his feet.

  Halcyon stood up and looked directly at Thora. "Perhaps, more outwitted." She picked up the empty olive bowl. "I will only comply if this is refilled."

  Thora took the bowl that glistened with honey. "I will bring it to your room."

  Halcyon accepted the deal and went upstairs, her walk slow.

  Cesare lowered his eyes to the bowl in Thora's hands. "She has never favored olives with honey in the past."

  Thora lifted the bowl closer to her chest. She, too, thought it was quite strange.

  "Do you think there is something wrong?" Cesare worried himself over his owner. "She is not herself."

  Thora silently agreed with Cesare, but her concerns were on a different path from Cesare's own. She suspected their owner would be displeased if Cesare knew for certain that something was amiss about her. Thora brushed his concerns aside and said, "She is still healing."

  Cesare nodded and quietly replied, "Both physical and mental."

  Turning the bowl, Thora watched the honey move around the artistic decoration of a hoplite in the base. "Já." She went to the kitchen.

  Cesare sighed and collected a few dishes from the table. He followed Thora's cold trail to the kitchen, hoping Halcyon would return to normal.

  Chapter Twelve

  Thora was startled awake by a scream, and she tossed the fur off her body, noticing that Glauce sat up too. Another scream told her it was their owner, so she hastily climbed to her feet. When Glauce started to rise, she said, "Stay here."

  In a heartbeat, Thora was outside of her shared room and saw Cesare step out of his room to see what was wrong. "I will see to her."

  Cesare nodded and returned to his room.

  Another scream made Thora hasten to the thalamus. The soft candlelight helped her see Halcyon's distress in her sleep. Bending over the bed, Thora gently shook her owner.

  "Wake up, ěra!"

  Halcyon thrashed a few times before Thora's voice cut through her dreamscape, eyes open and wild. Her right arm shot up, and her fingers wrapped around Thora's throat. Thora grappled with her owner's muscular arm but fell to her knees. She gritted her teeth as her heart slammed against her chest. Suddenly, air rushed into her lungs when she was released from the death grip.

  "Thora!" Halcyon growled, sitting up and touching Thora's shoulders. "You know not to touch me when I sleep." She checked over Thora, who was coughing hard.

  Thora had once been instructed not to touch her owner while she slept, due to her training as a hoplite. Tonight she had been far too concerned and forgot the warning. "I have learned why now."

  Halcyon had a worried look. "Sit." She inspected the marks on Thora's neck. She frowned, remembering Thora had healed from such markings from her husband.

  "You were having a bad dream and stirred the entire house." Thora rubbed her neck.

  "I know. You are safer to throw my helmet at me than touch me."

  Thora huffed and dropped her hand from her neck, noticing her owner's playful smile. "I will do so next time." She then stood up. "I hope you sleep better than before." She started for the door until Halcyon's husky voice called to her.

  "Sleep in my bed... tonight."

  Thora had half turned to her owner, somewhat revealing her mild shock and open mouth.

  "It is the least I can do after I strangled you." Halcyon patiently waited for a choice.

  "And what if you strangle me again in our sleep?"

  Halcyon tasted the humor in the words. "I will not."

  After a heave breath, Thora considered the offer for a better night's sleep on a bed rather than on the floor, mostly accustom to the floor, but a soft bed was a wonderful prospect. Slowly she drifted to the empty side of the bed and was invited in when Halcyon pushed the fur aside for her. Noticing Halcyon's pleased smile, Thora said nothing and snuggled under the cool furs.

  "Glauce will notice my absence."

  Halcyon closed her eyes after she adjusted the fur. "Perhaps." She then whispered, "If so, then she will not speak about it."

  Thora shut her eyes too and contently sighed, quickly drifting off after she relaxed beside her owner.

  Halcyon eventually turned onto her right side and had quieter dreams instead of nightmares about war. By morning, she noticed that the bed was empty and suspected Thora was up before daybreak. After dressing in a yellow chiton, Halcyon started for the courtyard until the constant nausea increased and forced her to hurry to the ouranē.

  "Hades," Halcyon growled, hating mornings! Her weakened body brought her to her knees beside the damn ouranē. Halcyon tried to be quiet, but the sounds still alerted Thora. Sandals' soft hits across stone floor registered with her.

  Thora was at her side and helped her sit up after the sickness, wiping her face clean. She remained knelt beside Halcyon and worriedly studied fatigued features.

  Lifting her head off the wall, Halcyon rasped, "I am okay."

  Thora placed her hand against Halcyon's good shoulder. "You are with child."

  Halcyon stiffened and stared coldly at Thora.

  "That is why King Leonidas sent you home." Thora placed the linen on the floor and looked at Halcyon's stomach. "I only realized yesterday why you have been so sick and craving strange things like olives with honey."

  Halcyon's stare was still hard, and she breathed heavily, uncertain wha to say.

  "I have
not spoken about this to anybody." Thora sensed deep anger inside Halcyon. "You are unhappy about this." She shook her head and asked, "Why?"

  "There is a great war burning for our freedom. And this thing has weakened me to the point I cannot wield my xiphos." Halcyon's voice trembled from her rage.

  "It is a child!" Thora reached forward and placed her hand against Halcyon's stomach. "A gift from the gods."

  "It is a curse that has taken me from my duties," Halcyon said, bitingly.

  Thora shook her head. "There can be no hoplites without children. The gods could have ended your life at the tip of a sword, but they gave you a child and a future far beyond your own." She raised her hands and cupped flushed cheeks. "You are still a hoplite, and soon you will bear another. It is a blessing."

  Halcyon lowered her head for a beat but refused her slave's words, needing the distance.

  After a low huff, Thora stood and noticed Halcyon's weak motions. "I once dreamed about having a son or a daughter, but now—" Her eyes stung, but she withheld her tears. "Now I wish not to bring a child into slavery."

  Halcyon closed her eyes just as a wave of dizziness hit her. "Thoraaa..."

  Thora saw the unsteady motions and pulled Halcyon closer for support. "It will pass." She held onto Halcyon, who moaned from the spinning world.

  Halcyon gripped the steady body. "I wish... for this to... cease." She leaned her head against Thora's shoulder.

  "It will improve," Thora whispered then grinned. "It is only for nine months." She received a low grumble.

  "I will place you in charge of the child," Halcyon said in warning.

  Thora smiled at the threat. "I shall enjoy that." Her grin grew bigger still. "I will teach the child much about Norsk ways."

  Groaning, Halcyon started straightening up, but she kept one hand on Thora. "The gods forbid that I have another Norsk likeminded person in my household."

  Thora chuckled, then became serious. "Perhaps fresh air in the courtyard will help."

  Halcyon conceded and exited the latrine. "I will go to the bouleuterion this morning." She descended the steps slowly. "You will join me."

  "Já." Thora followed down to the courtyard, then departed and mixed a mouth rinse in the kitchen.

  Halcyon gratefully took the rinse and returned the small cup. Thora promised to bring her a morning meal shortly. After Thora left, Halcyon was greeted by Yarikh, and she invited him to join her for the meal.

  Yarikh obliged, and together they dined over conversation. He finally had a chance to visit with Halcyon for the first time since her return from Thermopylae, many days ago. Occasionally, he caught himself staring at the scar across Halcyon's left eye. Many images ran through his mind of how Halcyon earned the wound. For an hour, he and Halcyon discussed Thora's advancements with Greek. He could tell that Halcyon was rather pleased with him, but he only had a little time left before he had to travel home.

  Thora returned to the courtyard after she and Glauce ate a quick meal in the kitchen. She asked Glauce to clean up. Halcyon took the cue to leave for the bouleuterion. She bid Yarikh goodbye, then headed through the courtyard, out the gate, and onto the streets. Thora faithfully followed behind her to the agora.

  Similar to yesterday, nearly every seat at the bouleuterion was occupied by citizens. The talks were renewed on how large an army to send against King Xerxes. By early afternoon, the decisions were declared and the army leaders given orders. Within days, the Spartan army would march north to face the Persian king and his large army.

  Halcyon was relieved by the outcome because it meant her king's sacrifice was not in vain. She prayed his soul would make safe passage to Elysium. As people left the bouleuterion, she watched Gorgo speak with different councilmen. Halcyon suspected Gorgo expected her husband would return upon his shield any day now. Such truth even stung Halcyon, who now had a spouse going to the war. She decided it was best to visit Euclid before he started his march.


  Halcyon broke from her thoughts and said, "Wait here." She left her seat, then went down the steps.

  Thora curiously watched her owner and Gorgo interact and smile at each other. They seemed to be in an agreement about something. Moments later, Halcyon climbed the steps and ordered Thora to accompany her home.

  Once they returned home, Halcyon mentioned, "Queen Gorgo will be joining me this evening."

  Thora now understood what had passed between them at the bouleuterion.

  "I plan to rest for a while so that I am... pleasant company."

  Thora dipped her head. "I will wake you before she arrives."

  Only nodding, Halcyon continued through the courtyard and went up to the second level, her steps softly fading away.

  However, Thora remained beside the pool and considered tonight's guest. She had a thin frown and a worried expression, but she went about her duties. She made sure to inform Glauce and Cesare of Halcyon's guest. They had to ensure the villa was presentable, especially because it was Queen Gorgo.

  When the sun hung in the western sky, Thora broke away from her duties, stirred her owner awake, and checked over the improving wounds. She asked Halcyon if she needed help preparing for tonight but was told to finish in the kitchen. Shortly after, Halcyon went downstairs into the andron and was pleased that everything was set up correctly for her guest. She then took a seat with a tablet in the courtyard until Gorgo's arrival.

  At the open gate, Gorgo called for attention and smiled at Halcyon crossing the courtyard. After a warm exchange, they sat together by the fountain's bench.

  Halcyon sat closely beside the beautiful queen. "Thank you for joining me this evening."

  Gorgo smiled and bowed her head. "I was greatly pleased by your invitation." She let her smile slip and softly said, "I have been concerned about your health." In her letter from Leonidas, her husband explained that he had returned Halcyon to Sparta because of pregnancy. So far, she had kept the information close to her chest, but she thought it necessary to be made public to save face for the Iron Edge.

  Halcyon composed her words carefully, but she held her silence as Thora arrived with two skyphoi. Glauce followed out with the wine oinochoe and filled the two skyphoi. She quietly returned to the kitchen. Thora was about to follow until Halcyon touched her arm.

  "Queen Gorgo and I will be in the andron."

  Thora merely moved her head in understanding and departed from the courtyard.

  Gorgo's eyes followed the unusual, beautiful slave. "She is rather quiet."

  Halcyon stood up and led the way to the andron, Gorgo's observation churning in her mind. It was rather strange for Thora to be reserved, even around guests. She made no comment, though, and instead took a seat.

  Gorgo was pleased to stretch out on a kline and took in the room's fine décor. She pondered what may have come from Halcyon's family or Euclid's own. She knew this to be the andron, reserved only for men. However, it was clear that Halcyon bore the power.

  "Your sculptures are magnificent."

  Following her guest's gaze, Halcyon looked at the bronze sculpture of Athena that she had received the sculpture from her father after she competed in the Heraea Games. It was also her most favorite in the room.

  "Who did your painting of Aphrodite?" Gorgo pointed with her skyphos, index finger stretched out toward the opposite wall.

  Halcyon trailed her eyes over to the painted wall on her right. A thin smile graced her lips, and she replied, "An artist from Athens named Olus."

  "It is beautiful." Gorgo loved how Aphrodite stretched out upon a sandy beach and gazed upon the room as if it were the ocean. Her toga was drawn back to reveal her right breast. Her green eyes bore the seas in them.

  "Thank you," Halcyon softly replied.

  Gorgo shifted her attention to Halcyon. "You did not answer my earlier question."

  Halcyon released a soft sigh. "My health has improved greatly."

  "Almost fully healed?" Gorgo checked, pulling her legs and feet up onto the kl
ine. She hardly expected Halcyon to reveal the pregnancy, at least not yet.


  Letting go of the discussion, Gorgo understood that Halcyon could be both a private and strong-willed person. She instead shifted the conversation to the recent politics, curious to learn Halcyon's opinion about Sparta sending the army to battle. Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the meal.

  Halcyon curiously studied Thora, who moved carefully with the plates of food. She noted Glauce handled serving Gorgo, who was ignored by Thora. Halcyon tucked her observations away and renewed the earlier conversation.

  Thora finished serving and refilled Halcyon's skyphos. She then went to the andron's doorway and waited for Glauce. In those few moments, she watched how Halcyon focused intently on Gorgo. Thora clenched the oinochoe tighter. A harsh burn started low in her chest, but she clenched down on it.

  Glauce finished tending to Gorgo and left with Thora. She noticed the tension lines on Thora's face. "What concerns you?"

  Thora's cheeks flushed, and she sighed before calmly saying, "All is well." She and Glauce entered the kitchen to put together a quick sweet dish to follow the main meal.

  Gorgo and Halcyon continued conversing well after sunset. Glauce returned with the sweet dish and lit more candles in the room. She refilled the women's cups, then left them alone.

  Halcyon was uncertain about Thora's lack of appearance and would question her later. She remained focused on Gorgo, who greatly intrigued her. She had always admired Gorgo's strength, especially when it came to politics. Halcyon had steered away from the politics simply because a hoplite's lifestyle was simple and logical. She loved it. But Gorgo's will to hold power in the political games was an amazement.

  Eventually, Halcyon walked Gorgo to the gate and called for Cesare to accompany them back to Gorgo's home. Together, they crossed through the city until they came to a large home, and a helot opened the gate.

  "Thank you for tonight," Gorgo said.

  Halcyon offered a smile. "I enjoyed your company."


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