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Grinch Reaper: Sleeper SEALs Book 8

Page 15

by Donna Michaels

  “Roger that.” Knight pivoted on his feet and marched from the room.

  Matteo waited for Bella to do the same, before he picked up the rear.

  “What’s the plan?” she asked the second she entered the room across the hall with Knight.

  “We have information about the Russians Bella killed,” Knight stated.

  He reeled back. “What?” He twisted to face her. “What does he mean you killed them?”

  She shrugged. “It was either them or me. I chose me.”

  Jesus. His heart was squeezed so tight he could barely breath.

  “They trafficked chemical weapons,” Knight continued.

  Now Matteo’s heart fucking rocked. Chemical? This changed their search.

  Bella stiffened. “What’s missing?”

  “Nerve gas.”


  He clenched his fists. “Any idea if those Russians had finished their business with Rasheed?” He was going to need time to process the Bella killing them “It was them or me” part.

  “Yes.” Knight nodded. “Every agency in the country, and outside of it, has been tracing their recent movements. It looks like the men had met with Kamal and Tariq last month.”

  “Could they have sold the gas to Simpson?” he asked, trying to figure out how the billionaire fit into all this mess. It made no sense why he’d willingly attack his own casino. But then again, if he was a terrorist, or a radical, their thinking was irrational at best.

  “We’re still trying to figure Simpson out.” Knight ran a hand through his hair.

  “So what now?” Bella asked, leaning against the wall, expression closed off.

  Matteo wished he could hold her and make everything okay. Take away all the turmoil and pain he knew was swirling inside her.

  The commander straightened his spine. “My people and I are going to work on getting Rasheed to talk.”

  She snorted. “Good luck. That bastard’s not going to give you a damn thing.”

  He agreed. The likelihood of someone getting any information out of the heartless man was slim, even for someone as skilled as Knight.

  “Still need to try,” the commander said. “In the meantime, Bella, we need you and Matteo to search the Capris for that nerve gas. Homeland raided the abandoned building and took Tariq and Kamal into custody a half hour ago. Every agency has teams on the way. They’ll start scouring the casino.”

  “What about Paresh?” he asked, as his gut tightened for Omar and his family.

  “They have him, too. I’m sorry.”

  So was he, but it was out of his hands.

  “And if Rasheed’s secret partner notices the activity?”

  Knight smiled. “He won’t, because they’ll all be dressed as the Grinch. Including you two.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Back at the apartment, Matteo was with Bella in the bedroom, preparing to go the convention, while Brooke was on the phone in the other room.

  “You okay?” He stepped to Bella and set a hand on her shoulder as they prepared to head over to the convention.

  She cupped his hand, sandwiching his between her palm and shoulder, and the gesture warmed some of the chill from his soul. “I’ll live.” Remorse deepened her tone. “I’m sorry, Matteo. I’m a good shot. But I could’ve—”

  “Don’t.” He set a finger on her mouth to silence her and smiled. “You were doing your job, and what you had to do. So was I.”

  “I know you were. And it’s okay. I’m not mad at you.” Her gaze softened and she lifted her hand to touch his face. “I couldn’t stand it if I’d hurt you.”

  His heart kicked his ribs as he saw deep emotion in her eyes. Saw how much he meant to her.

  “You deserve someone better. Someone not so jaded.”

  “I love your jade eyes.” He smiled, trying to lighten her mood. “And it’s okay. I’m tough. And damn lucky you’ve given me, given us, a chance.”


  “Shh. It’s okay,” he repeated, kissing her nose, refusing to let her even entertain thoughts of walking away. “I love you, Bella.” He cupped her face, making sure she held his gaze. “And I told you I’m never leaving you.”

  She shook as tears shimmered in her eyes. “I’m too lost to be saved, Matteo. I’ve done things…”

  The pain weighing down her words crushed through his chest.

  “So have I. You’re not alone. Lean on me. Let me be your salvation. Let me be your hero. Let me in, baby. Just let me in.” He kissed away the tears spilling down her face and slowly made his way to her trembling lips, determined to show her how he felt, to back up his words.

  By the time he drew back, she was clutching him tightly, like she was never going to let him go, and God, that’s all he wanted.

  “I don’t deserve you,” she whispered near his ear. “But you’re very convincing. And I’ve been in love with you since I understood the meaning of the word.”

  He drew back. “Say that again.” His chest expanded to accommodate his swelling heart.

  “I’ve been in love with you, and I love you, Matteo. Only you.” She kissed him then, long, and deep, and full of the emotions to match the words she’d just spoken.

  The sound of a throat clearing registered in his ears.

  Reluctantly, he let Bella draw back, and they both turned to look at Brooke smiling in the bedroom doorway.

  “Hate to interrupt, but your costumes are here.”

  He met Bella’s gaze. “Let’s go find that gas.”

  She nodded. “It’showtime.”


  Two hours later, Bella was still reeling over the fact the sanctioning to kill Rasheed had been rescinded. But she understood the reasoning. Her only hope was that someday that ruling would be lifted. She took a little solace in the fact she’d made the bastard bleed.

  Too bad he’d been unconscious at the time.

  And her stomach still hollowed out as the scene with Rasheed played out in her head. She’d been confident in her shooting skills at the time, but now…as the scene replayed over and over in her head…God, she could’ve hit Matteo.

  “I’m fine,” he said, squeezing her hand, reassuring her for probably the sixth time since the shooting.

  She turned to face him, and couldn’t help it, she laughed. Hard not to when he had a green mask on his face and Santa hat on his head. Nearly the exact replica of the mask and hat she wore. “You’re also green.”

  “And hot under this stupid thing.” He pulled her aside, into a room full of green masked people laughing and dancing and drinking with care through their masks. “But if we don’t find that canister soon, we’ll be white.”

  Because they’d be dead. “Roger. Any updates?”

  “The kitchen is clear. Vents have been checked and rechecked. And the bathrooms have all been searched.”

  “That leaves this room,” she said. “Rasheed singing yet?”

  He shook his head. “Knight’s still on it. If anyone can get him to talk, Knight can.”

  True. But she was less than hopeful he’d succeed.

  She already knew how it’d play out. One of the agencies would step in, and Rasheed would head to prison, with the probability of some more of his followers breaking him free again.

  Her stomach soured at the thought of that man free to put innocent lives at risk like the ones in this hotel casino. She stiffened.

  “What is it?” Matteo asked.

  “What if we’re looking in the wrong place?” she asked.

  He straightened his spine. “I’m listening.”

  “Is a couple of hundred people dressed in green a big enough target? Or a couple of thousand guests at this hotel?”

  “Shit. You’re right.” He stepped close. “You work here. Where would the biggest impact be?”

  “Casino floor,” she answered without hesitation. “And, Matteo…” she grabbed his arm. “They pump oxygen into the air.”

  “Fuck. That’s it.” He pulled out his phone
and made a call.

  Bella pulled out her phone too. “Brooke, get TJ to kill the air at the Capris. Now.”

  “Where?” Brooke asked.

  “All of it.”

  “Roger. Out.”

  Matteo ended his call and grabbed her hand “Come on. Homeland’s on their way to the electrical room. Let’s go help.” He tugged her through the room and the door where they bumped into a few stragglers in the hall. “Sorry,” Matteo said.

  Two of them smiled and told them no problem, while a third muttered and oath in French.

  She recognized the miserable French Canadian from one of the shops several doors down from Santarelli’s. A shop she avoided. They were unfriendly and way overpriced. They took two steps when Matteo suddenly stopped and turned back around.

  “What?” It was her turn to question his “aha” moment.

  But he was frowning at the French Canadian. “Hey. Wait!” he called to the man still loitering in the area outside the ballroom, as if waiting for someone. Or something. The hall also happened to be only a short distance from the casino floor. “Tremblay.”

  The man stiffened a second before he took off.

  “Get to the electrical room.” Matteo gripped her by the upper arms. “Save the innocent like your dad did in New York.” Then he released her and charged after the guy.

  Bella hesitated all of one second. The choice was a no brainer. She raced after Matteo. Homeland could handle the search for the gas. Be the heroes. Matteo was on his own. Even though he was more than capable of handling things himself, he needed backup.

  It hit her as she had his six, that this was the same situation she’d been in with the Russians. No wonder he’d had such a strong reaction. The pressure gripping her chest and was crushing. She longed to pull out her Sig and kneecap the sucker, but there were too many innocents who could get caught in the crossfire. No doubt the same reason Matteo continued to pursue instead of shoot.

  The fact Tremblay avoided the casino floor only added to that gripping pressure in her chest. Bastard was definitely Rasheed’s secret partner. She hoped to God Homeland found that canister in time.

  He was also a pussy. Didn’t even stop to take a stand and fight.

  Of course, if she had a two-hundred-pound muscled Grinch-Reaper SEAL barreling after her, she’d…well, the point was moot. She’d never be a Tremblay. Never help terrorists. She stopped them. Like her dad.

  So did Matteo.

  As Tremblay neared the exit to the boardwalk, Matteo dove through the air and tackled the bastard to the ground, crashing into a wall. Screams echoed around the entrance, and people began to run in all directions.

  “Gun!” someone shouted, and her heart hit her feet that weren’t running fast enough.


  As if in slow motion, she watched in horror as Tremblay pulled a gun from under his suit coat while Matteo held the guy pinned to the floor by his throat.

  Screw it. She reached into the boot of her costume and yanked out her Sig, deciding to take her chances with the innocent since they’d cleared the area.

  “Tremblay,” she yelled, taking aim.

  The man flicked his gaze to her, and in that split-second, Matteo grabbed Tremblay’s gun just before it went off.

  “Matteo.” She rushed the final twenty feet, unable to breathe, until Matteo rose to his feet. Unharmed.

  Tremblay did not.

  As several agents came running onto the scene and took over, she holstered her gun and barreled into Matteo.

  “It’s okay,” he said, yanking their masks off before wisely holding her tight, because, damn, all the strength seemed to drain from her legs. “I’m okay.” His lips brushed her temple. “Are you lost? Pretty sure access to the electrical room is in the back of the casino.”

  She chuckled, then drew back and punched his shoulder. Hard. “Don’t scare me like that.”

  He chuckled now, too. “Ouch. Hey. It was either him or me.”

  She stilled and blinked at him, more than a little turned on by the fact he’d used her words against her. “Yeah, well, let’s finish this up, because it’s going to be me and you, and a lot of adrenaline to work off soon. Hope you have some ideas on how we can go about that.”

  His gaze smoldered as he smiled into her face. “Oh. I’ve got plenty. I’ll take care of you. You just had my six. It’s only fair that I return the favor.”


  Matteo was only half listening to the Homeland agent who was explaining how the canister of gas was found attached to the casino ventilation system housed in the electrical room, and was missed the first time because the system for the ballroom was in a different location. All bull. To him, someone dropped the ball. If one ventilation system needed to be checked, they all needed to be checked.

  End of story.

  He glanced over at Bella, who was talking with Brooke and a few FBI agents who’d arrived from D.C. She looked absolutely adorable wearing a backpack over half of a sexy Grinch outfit, minus the mask and hat. He was looking forward to minusing the outfit from her too.

  “Excuse me,” he said, interrupting the agent, to point to his woman. “I’m needed over there.”

  And the fact it was true made his steps lighter, as he headed to Bella. He needed her too. And he intended to show her just how much, if he could ever get her alone. They’d been at this for hours.

  “Hi.” She smiled up at him, with her whole heart reflected in her gaze, and God, it was the most amazing gift she could ever give him.

  “Hello, beautiful.” He slid his arm around her shoulders and tugged her against him, vaguely aware of the FBI dudes excusing themselves, then he turned his attention to Brooke. “Any word from Knight? Are we good to go?”

  The woman smiled. “I believe things are wrapping up here. But I haven’t heard from him yet.”

  He nodded.

  “What’s wrong?” Bella frowned up at him.

  Something niggled at his brain. Had been for the past few hours. He’d hoped once the gas canister was found and safely removed that the niggling would cease.

  It didn’t.

  He lifted a shoulder. “Not sure.”

  If one system needed to be checked, they all needed to be checked.

  His earlier thought resounded in his head again. “Tremblay.”

  “What about him?” Bella narrowed her gaze. “He’s dead.”

  “His sister. Anyone have eyes on her?” He never got a good read from those two.

  Brooke’s phone rang. “It’s Knight,” she told them before answering. “I was just about to call you, sir.” The woman straightened her spine. “Interesting. Yes, sir. I’ll tell them.”

  “Tremblay doesn’t have a sister.”

  “What?” He reeled back.

  Bella stiffened. “Then who was the woman?”

  “A radical for the cause. The two of them were posing as brother and sister. Simpson brought them in, set up their shop for them to establish their cover while they awaited their instructions.”

  “That explained why their merchandise was overpriced.” He shook his head. “They had no idea how to run a business.”

  Bella released him and straightened her spine. “Where is she? We need to find her. This convention was just the test. She’s going to carry out the bigger target.”


  “It’s okay. Knight caught up with her and Simpson, heading to New York City with a half dozen canisters in their trunk.”

  He let out a breath and so did Bella.

  “Thank God,” she said. “I know it’s Knight and all, but how the hell did he know?”

  Matteo was wondering the same damn thing.

  Brooke smiled at them. “Paresh.”

  Bella sucked in a breath and seemed to hold it.

  He slid an arm around her shoulders as he continued to question Brooke. “What happened?”

  “He told his dad last night about the mess he was in, and his father contacted a lawyer. Then the la
wyer contacted Homeland.”

  His back straightened. “So was he with them today when Homeland was rounding up Kamal and Tariq?”

  “Yes.” Brooke nodded.

  Bella slumped back against. “Okay. I think I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

  “True.” He chuckled. “Today was a two-day kind of excitement day.”

  She snorted. “Yeah. Well, I think I’m good until next year.”

  Laughing, Matteo turned her to face him. “Next year is a week away.”

  “A week, huh?” She bit her lower lip, and a wicked gleam entering her eyes. “Whatever can we do to substitute for the guns and canister bomb kind of excitement?”

  “Don’t worry.” He winked. “I’ve got your six.”


  Not quite an hour into the new year, Bella fell back onto the mattress, dragging in air next to an equally spent Matteo.

  “Damn, frogman,” she said after catching her breath. “We’re going to kill each other.”

  A chuckle rumbled in his throat. He turned onto his side and traced her lower lip with his finger. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

  “You’re just realizing that now?”

  He slid his hand to cup her cheek and neck, the movement turning her face toward his, and her breath caught at the emotions visible in his open gaze. “I’ve always known, baby. It’s one of the reasons why I love you so much.”

  She lifted her hand to hold his face. “I love you, too, Matteo. So much.”

  One thing she’d learned over the past decade was that falling in love with him was a blessing and a curse.

  And she was happy to have come full circle with him.

  “It’s a brand new year,” she said, excited by the possibilities.

  “Yep.” He smiled. “Dad will be home soon, and he’s chomping at the bit to get back to work. Thank God, because I’m done tossing dough.”

  Luckily, his father had made a ninety-percent recovery. He’d need some speech therapy for a while, but that was minor compared to the alternative.

  She traced a line from his shoulder to his bicep with her finger. “Yeah, you’re more suited to be a Knight than a pizzaiolo.”

  He dipped down to nip at her chin. “You going to be happy as a Knight?”


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