Shifting Too
Page 7
"Mmm... such a pretty cat." Sylvan reached past him again, scratching Nat's neck. Nat stretched, purred loudly, muscles rippling under the black pelt.
"He is most fine." Cris nodded, fingers working Nat's ears and making those gold eyes cross with bliss.
Sylvan nodded, leaning in closer to scent Nat. "I will be able to tell you both apart by scent alone when the Beast is upon us."
"Are you so sure? We're very close." He nuzzled his twin, fingers digging in the soft fur.
"Is that a challenge?" Sylvan changed, turning into the beautiful golden-furred leopard with dark, glittering eyes.
He was licked and then Nat was, the big muzzle scenting them both.
Cris let the Beast have him, rolling with Nat, the two of them spinning and spinning and rubbing together before separating.
See if Sylvan could tell who was who.
Sylvan advanced on them and began to scent them, starting with Nat and then moving to him before going back to Nat. They were sniffed and groomed for long moments, Sylvan purring and then he morphed. "Cris," Syl said, rubbing his neck. "And this is Nat."
He and Nat morphed as one, his eyes met Nat's, shocked. "No one."
"No one ever has."
"Told us apart . Not even."
"Not even our dam."
Sylvan purred. "There are differences though. Subtle and soft and very, very good."
"Very good?" They moved toward Syl as one, curling around him, purring and cuddling. Thanking.
"Yes, very good. If you were exactly the same, it would grow boring very quickly, but you are not and the differences are delightful." Syl wrapped them in his arms, sliding against them.
They all bundled in the blankets, Nat and him each taking a shoulder to rest upon, six legs all tangled.
Syl purred, the sounds quiet, restful. "Nap, my beautiful boys. Tonight the storm will have passed and we can go hunt together."
His hand curled with Nat's over Syl's belly. Nat's eyes were drooping and before he knew it, they were dreaming together, chasing the clouds.
Sylvan ran full out, chasing the buck toward Nat and Cris.
He'd never hunted with another before and really, he was testing the two black cats. On his own, he would have chosen a doe, or a sick buck, but with three of them, they should be able to bring down bigger game.
It felt great to run flat out, the new snow cold and wet beneath his paws, the wind noisy in his ears, hunger pushing him hard. This close to the full moon and hunting became more than just a way to feed yourself, it became necessary deep inside.
They rounded a corner and he could see Nat and Cris ahead. It was time to take the buck down.
The twins were identical black streaks, moving to intercept the buck, to startle it and nip at the long legs.
His instinct to stop and watch warred with the instinct to hunt, but this close to the moon, the hunger was great and he continued the chase with them, giving them both a chance to work at the buck before making a leap at the animal's throat.
The buck went down in a flurry of hooves, one dark body rolling away from a kick as the other's claws ripped into its side.
The kill was quick, merciful and soon he was lapping at the blood that poured from the neck, letting Nat and Cris feed first. He wasn't Alpha and, despite the hunger that always chased him at near full moon, he wasn't as hungry as they were.
Cris waited for Nat, purring his thanks as a tender bit was offered to the younger twin. So ritualized, so set within the pack structure, even though they were free. He shook his head, joining them after the first few bites instead of waiting as an inferior in the pack would. They were not a pack, there was no Pride here. They would eat together.
The twins fed deep, then began playing in the snow, leaping into the trees and pouncing one another, bounding through the fresh snow. Chuffing, he watched as he groomed, cleaning the blood from his muzzle, from his paws. Biding his time to make his move and join them.
His opening came as they rolled together in the snow and he pounced, landing hard. Cris rolled and Nat swiped at his legs, the two moving as one, leading him on a merry chase. Chuffing happily, he played with them, running after first one and then the other and finally winding up at the bottom of a pile as they pounced him.
Together they were heavy enough to hold him down, give him a good, long nuzzling before bounding away, tails held high.
He sprang up and chased them down again, pouncing... Nat and licking thoroughly. Nat nuzzled him, lapping his muzzle and distracting him long enough for Cris to send him flying over the snow. He rolled with Cris, laughing, fighting and holding the black beast.
Cris chuffed and struggled, head falling back with a soft purr as he settled on Cris' lean mass. He started grooming Cris, licking the black muzzle clean, joining their scents. Raising his head, he searched for Nat, vocalizing his need for them to be together.
Nat bounced over, nuzzling them both, headbutting gently and rubbing against them. He licked and scented. Yes, that was better, that was right and good. He began to purr. Cris and Nat's purrs wrapped around him, happy and low and growing more and more familiar.
He could get used to hunting like this, could get used to the warm, vibrating bodies purring alongside him.
They rubbed and scented and snuggled until Cris started chasing the falling snowflakes, batting at them with his paws and making his twin vibrate with laughter.
It was time to go, to return home and nap and mate before the moon's fullness stole their reason. Cris and Nathaniel followed him home, stopping to play or pounce or roll periodically. Distracting and temping, that's what they were, for he found himself playing with them, chasing one black tail or the other.
By the time they reached the house they were all damp and chilled and purring, eyes shining.
They went in through the swinging door and settled in front of the fire, lapping and cleaning each other. Finally they were all dry and clean and warm, purring and rolling lazily before the fire, paws batting idly.
He nuzzled Nat's belly, licking the soft, vulnerable underside. Nat stretched and purred, legs moving into the air. He slowly nosed his way down along Nat's underbelly, drawn by the dark, musky scent of Nat's genitals. Nat slowed his motions, Cris licking and lapping at Nat's jaw and whiskers.
Syl sniffed, the balls, the large phallus and then began to lick, adding his own scent to the heated musk. Nat whimpered and shook, tail swishing in slow, large arcs. He nuzzled and purred, muzzle roughly sliding along the hot, vulnerable flesh.
Rough shudders shook Nat and Cris rumbled, tongue lapping at the wet, dark tip of that hard shaft. He lapped at Nat's shaft, too, tongue sliding along Cris'.
Cris purred for him, body slinky and sliding against his own. He licked Cris' muzzle, cat kisses, before going back to making Nat writhe.
Hot and heady, the spicy scent of Nat's need filled his nose, the short, sharp sounds of need filling the air. He made his way down to Nat's hole, licking at it, pulling the flavor of the deep musk into himself.
Syl smelled the musk and salt of Nat as he shot, spraying Cris' face with seed. Purring, he licked Cris' face clean. Cris nuzzled close, purring and pushing into him and rubbing.
He rolled with Cris, belly to belly and rubbing. Cris tangled their legs together, almost whining with need, tail held out. He didn't need any more invitation than that. Growling low, he mounted Cris.
Cris yowled, hips rocking back into his, back rippling beneath him. Their coupling was wild and fierce, feral. Claws and heat and Cris held him deep, body jerking violently beneath him.
Growling, he leaned in and bit Cris' nape as he came. The dark beast stiffened beneath him, hips jerking so quickly as the scent of male pleasure filled the air. He purred, licking the wound where his teeth had sunk into Cris' nape. Cris relaxed, purring softly, lapping his paw where it rested on the ground.
It was good, sharing the hunt and mating with o
thers, with these two. He purred loudly.
Nathaniel curled around them, muzzle nuzzling in between them, snuffling and sniffing. He licked the black muzzles, taking Nathanial’s taste into himself again and leaving his own behind.
With a soft roar, he put his paw over the other black beast. Nat relaxed, gold eyes closing, tongue peeking out.
Yes, indeed. It was very good.
Soon, the moon would call to them again and the Beast would own them, but tonight they curled together and napped.
Nat worked the leather carefully, fingers stretching and tanning it until it became supple, fine, buttery soft. Cris was at his feet, purring, sleeping, pelt soft and warm under his toes. Their scent was sinking into the wood, into the cushions, Syl's home so slowly becoming theirs, too.
It frightened him, thrilled him.
Cris? It just comforted.
Speak of the devil, the front door opened and closed, bringing a gust of cold air in along with Syl. The man stamped his boots on the mat before calling out. "It's me."
Cris opened one eye, tail thumping lazily in greeting. The fact that Cris didn't panic, didn't jump, proved to Nat that they were in a good space.
"Hello, Syl. There is tea in the kitchen."
"No hot chocolate?" He could hear the pout in Syl's voice, the man's clothes hit the floor with a soft shush.
"I could make some. I like chocolate." He purred and stretched, muscles rippling.
Syl's eyes watched him, a soft purr sounding. "Please."
He nodded, feeling that purr like a caress, and he went to heat cream, the scent of the milk making Cris shift and chirrup.
Syl went to the big freezer and opened it up, pulling out the coffee can they kept the money in. He added a wad of bills to it. "Sales were good today."
"Good. I have three pieces finished. Cris made three new shirts for you. Your old ones were torn."
"They were?" Syl gave him a heated look. "Now how did that happen?"
He growled low, cock filling as he licked his lips. "Tree branches?"
Syl laughed, the sound husky, almost the same as he made when the Beast was upon him. "I don't think so."
Nat poured three cups of chocolate, drawn closer. "Wild attacking birds?"
"In winter?" Syl leaned against the big chest freezer, giving him an excellent view of the slowly filling cock.
He nodded, vibrating a little where he stood. He could smell Syl. The need. The pleasure.
"I don't think it was..." Syl frowned. "What were we talking about?" he asked, voice husky.
"Making love." Nat purred as he stepped closer, nuzzled Syl's jaw. Syl's purrs joined his own, cheek rubbing along his, sharing their scents.
Oh, they had never... not without Cris between them. He shivered, tongue flicking out to taste, to caress. Syl purred, standing close, but still, letting him lead in this. He set his cup aside, hot fingers sliding up along Syl's belly, teasing and touching, learning. Syl moaned, head going back, offering him the long neck as Syl's hands settled on his hips, opening and closing.
He groaned, nuzzling, licking, moaning at the flavor of Syl on his tongue.
"Kiss me, Nat," begged Syl, voice rough.
Nat blinked up, pushed up onto his toes and took a long, deep kiss, just diving into Syl. Syl's hands slid around his back, pulling him up against the lean body, mouth opening and letting him in. Oh. He purred, rubbing, legs wrapping around Syl's strength, their bodies dragging together.
Syl leaned back against the freezer, taking his weight, hands finding his ass. Syl's fingernails scratched along his skin, a purr filling his mouth. He met Syl's eyes, wanting, needing to feel, to taste. Syl growled and his hands went under Nat's ass, carrying him out into the main room where they went down into the piles of cushions and blankets.
It was luscious, to move, to rock, to feel Syl atop him, so hot. Syl's teeth slid along his neck, the Beast so near the surface.
He arched, panting, yowling softly. "Need."
Growling, Syl turned him, body sliding down until Syl was licking at his entrance, making him wet. Oh. Oh, he arched, body shuddering, entire focus on his ass, the fingers spreading him. Syl's tongue pushed into his body, licking and tasting, purrs vibrating inside him.
Cris came up, nuzzling and purring. Eyes lit up. "Pretty. So pretty."
Syl purred into him again, fucking him with his tongue, so hot and soft. He began to tremble, need and want and heat battling within him.
Syl's tongue disappeared, two thumbs pushing into him instead.
Nat grunted, head tossing. Cris watched, tongue flicking out to lick those parted lips. "Is he hot for you?"
"He is," hissed Syl, turning to take Cris' mouth.
Cris cried out, pushing his hard cock against Nat's belly, the shaft burning hot, wet-tipped.
Then Syl's hands were spreading him open again and Syl's cock, hard, hot and leaking like Cris' pushed into him.
Yes. Yes. He nodded, impaling himself, pushing back. Syl moaned, the sound vibrating with purrs.
"I need your mouth, Nat. Please." Cris whimpered.
"Yes, love. Yes." He reached back, tugged Cris around, mouth dropping over the eager cock.
"Oh. You are beautiful together." Syl's words were followed by a thrust, the long cock sliding away and then filling him again.
Cris matched Syl's rhythm, the heat growing sharper, his body full and empty and then full again.
Syl's mouth found the nape of his neck, teeth sharp against his skin, Syl's breath heating him. The sensation made him ache, made him buck. Made him growl. Syl's hand wrapped around his cock, tugging in time. His growls grew deeper, head bobbing over Cris' cock, swallowing hard. Syl moved faster, harder, pushing his body, making it rock. Cris cried out, cock jumping, filling his mouth with heat, with salt.
"You made him come," purred Syl, moving even faster.
It was what he was made for. What he lived for.
"Your turn," whispered Syl, shifting, finding that point inside him with the long cock and brushing past it.
His head snapped back, a deep cry filling the air. Syl kept thrusting, kept sliding past his gland, hand insistent on his cock. He couldn't hold it in, couldn't stop it, simply spent, growling out his pleasure.
Syl roared; heat filled him.
He slumped forward, panting, eyes rolling. Syl came down with him, loose and long over his back, warm, breath panting against his neck. Cris morphed, purring and licking, nudging and nuzzling them.
"That's exactly what this moment needs," murmured Syl, cock sliding from Nat's body. Then Syl morphed as well, heavy and warm, soft above him.
He purred, fingers burying into soft pelts, scritching. Purring sounded beneath and above him, vibrated right through him.
He couldn't hold his form a second longer, his own purr joining his mates’.
He was running.
Reddick was chasing him, eyes glowing, claws digging into the dirt. Reddick was stronger, faster, Alpha, and Reddick wanted him.
Would take him.
Hurt him.
Cris couldn't find breath to call for his twin, his Nat, to help him, save him, protect him.
He howled, running faster, harder, heart beating hard enough to tear from his chest, getting lost in the twists and turns of the now unfamiliar streets.
A new growl sounded and there was a nip to his shoulder, a tail thumping hard against his haunches. Cris whimpered, shook, pressed closer to the newcomer. Don't let him have me, please.
There was another nip to his shoulder and then skin against him, hands digging into his fur. "Wake up, Cris."
Cris' eyes popped open, a cry echoing, not answered by Nat. Where was Nat?
Syl was there, in human form, fingers sliding through his fur. "It was a nightmare, Cris. You're safe, yeah?"
Oh. Oh. A dream.
A memory.
nbsp; He pressed close, rubbing, surrounding himself with Syl's scent.
Syl purred softly, kept petting, stroking, easing.
He licked Syl's chest, jaw, slowly losing his form, becoming human. "Sssssyl."
"Hey, Cris." Syl's fingers kept moving on him, sliding slowly over his skin now. "You okay?"
He nodded, lifting his face for a kiss. "Bad dream. Thank you."