Shifting Too
Page 28
Sochar licked again and again, whimpering softly, breath hot against his skin. His skin burned, body so tight, so needy. Sochar morphed again, human tongue now pushing into him, licking him inside.
"Sochar!" He arched, eyes just rolling.
Sochar's hands slid up along his chest, pinching at his nipples, fingernails scratching his collarbones.
So big. So much. How he needed...
Sochar drew up suddenly, eyes looking down into his. "Gareth... I want."
His immediate instinct was to deny Sochar that. He was Alpha. He was dominant. But the part of him that was human, in love, mated, that part nodded, drew Sochar down into a kiss.
Sochar trembled and whined, eyes going wide. "Really?"
"This does not belong to the Pack. This... this belongs to us." Sochar nodded, mouth closing on his, hard and eager.
The kiss was deep, Sochar feeding needy noises into him, rubbing against him. He arched up, lips parting, drinking Sochar in. Sochar's knees spread his legs, his mate's hard cock pressing against him.
"Feel you. My own."
"Yes, Gareth, Mate. Me." Sochar whimpered softly and pushed into him. "Oh! Oh, Gareth!"
He whined, body shifting, toes curling up.
"Is it okay, Gareth? Is it okay?" Sochar was panting, still, hands on his ass.
"Yes... Okay..." He groaned, hips arching. "Okay."
"Can I move? I need to move." Sochar whimpered and he could feel the vibrations in Sochar's thighs as his mate tried to hold still.
"Yes. Yes, love me. Mate."
Sochar barked with his human throat and began to move, slowly coming out and then pushing back in again.
His eyes rolled, heart just pounding, hips jerking. "V...ves'tacha."
"Ves'tacha," repeated Sochar, moving harder, faster, pushing into him eagerly.
The burn pushed through him, stretched him, made him ache.
"You're so hot," Sochar told him, voice ragged, words ending on a whimper.
"Burning inside." He arched, toes curling.
"Yes. Yes. And tight." Sochar's fingers dug into his hips, body slamming against him.
"Sochar. Sochar. Please." He reached down, hand tugging on his cock.
"More? Stop? Gareth?"
"More. More." He would bite Sochar if he stopped.
"Thank the moon!" Sochar moved harder, faster, fingers digging in deeper as the pup rode him.
"Yes. Yes. Sochar!" His balls tightened, cock throbbing.
One of Sochar's hands slid away from his hip and wrapped around his own, helping to pull at his shaft.
He shot, howling out his pleasure, the walls vibrating with it. Sochar's howl joined his own, heat filling him inside for the first time ever.
It wasn't until the pleasure faded that the importance of what he had done hit him.
No Alpha allowed another male to mount him.
Sochar seemed oblivious, lips warm on his neck, soft, happy whimpers coming from his throat. He closed his eyes, stroking Sochar's hair, loving on his mate.
Trying not to think.
Sochar loved running the herds with the pack. He loved the way Gareth led them, the silver furred body sure, choosing the weakest deer, nodding to them all. They all knew what part they played, bringing the beast in question down with deadly efficiency.
He ran proudly at Gareth's side. He was the Alpha's mate. Almost top dog himself.
Even better were the times they went off together, time in the forest, at the lake, checking on the herds. Nights were spent making love, grooming, loving.
Sochar came out of the lake and bounded over to where Gareth was sleeping in the sun, shaking himself vigorously, water droplets flying from his fur. And all over Gareth.
Gareth barked, rolled up and pounced at him, their chests meeting in a loud thump. He barked happily, laughed and bit at Gareth's neck.
He loved playing.
Gareth rolled him, nuzzling his belly before jumping back. Laughing, he leaped up and gave chase, pouncing on Gareth's hindquarters. Gareth stumbled a bit before getting his balance, tail whapping him in the nose.
He barked and bit Gareth's tail. Gareth yelped, turning to charge him again. He barked again and then turned and ran, Gareth hot on his tail.
He could hear Gareth panting, chasing him like mad.
They were almost at the other end of the lake when it occurred to him that Gareth hadn't caught him yet. Surprised, he slowed a little.
Gareth caught him in a few leaps, breathing hard, tongue lolling out.
He rolled beneath his mate, licking at Gareth's muzzle. Gareth nuzzled, nose hot and wet, heart pounding hard again him. He licked again, whimpering softly, a little scared.
A soft sound comforted him, vibrated against him. Peace. Easy. All is well.
He gave a soft bark and licked Gareth's muzzle again, his mate's reassurance all he needed. Those grey eyes shone for him, breath panting out.
He howled softly, telling Gareth of his love, and began grooming his mate.
Gareth stretched, ears shifting, eyes closed.
He rolled them, really working to care for Gareth, licking and nuzzling for all he was worth. The sounds that poured from Gareth were low and deep, happy. Warm. He did that. Him. He made the Alpha happy, blissful.
He whined softly.
The brush of Gareth's mind against his was brief, but perfect. Ves'tacha.
Whimpering, his touches became less about comfort and more about love and lust and all the emotions that mixed together inside him until he couldn't separate his need from his love. They morphed together, naked skin rubbing, mouths open and needy as they loved.
"Love you," he murmured as their mouths parted for a second before coming back together with a click of their teeth.
His hips rolled, pushing their shafts hard together. Gareth groaned, hands on his ass, pushing them harder, faster. He was so eager, the pleasure sliding through his veins, making him throw back his head and howl.
"My own. Beautiful." Gareth groaned, teeth fastening on his throat, marking him.
He cried out, heat spraying from him as Gareth's bite shot through him, straight to his cock.
"Yes... Mine." Gareth lapped the spot on his throat, panting.
Moaning softly, he slid a hand between them, wrapping it around Gareth's cock. It was slick and slippery from the splash of his come and Sochar whimpered. "Take me, Gareth. Show me."
Gareth rolled them, mounting him, needy growl echoing in the trees.
He cried out, hands grabbing his ankles as he gazed up into Gareth's eyes. The heat inside him was incredible, hard and hot and he wanted it so badly.
"Love you. Need you more than life." Gareth's eyes were wild, glowing, hips jerking into him.
"Yes." He hissed the word and leaned up to bite at Gareth's lips, tongue swiping along after each bite.
The grass was cool and slick against his back, Gareth burning and beautiful above him.
"Harder. Faster. More," he demanded. His own body bucked up to meet each thrust, his need bigger than the blue sky behind Gareth's head.
They rutted, growls and yips filling the air, Gareth giving him everything. His hands slid over increasingly slick skin, the scent of them filling his nose, making him want to howl again. He gave voice to it all, giving as much as he was getting.
"Sochar!" His name echoed and echoed, ringing through the air.
Gareth's wild passion made him shudder, made him come, heat spreading over their bellies.
Gareth growled, pushing in deep. "Yes. Yes, mine."
"Yours," he nodded, arms and legs wrapping around Gareth, holding him hard. "Mine," he added.
Gareth nodded, nuzzling at him. "Yes."
He purred softly, head going back, offering his neck to his Alpha, his lover, his mate. That soft tongue teased across the mark on his neck, making his skin tingle. He shivered and whined softly, hands tightening on Gareth's skin.
"Mine. For life." The b
ite was sharp, quick.
He jerked and yelped, but nodded, too. "For life, Mate. And you're mine."
It was important -- he didn't just belong to Gareth, his mate belonged to him, too.
"Are you sure?" Those eyes were twinkling, shining.
Was he sure? Oh yes, he was sure. He reached up to bite and mark Gareth's neck.
Gareth pulled back, making him fight for it. He pushed up against Gareth, trying to roll him, but Gareth was stronger in human form, more steady than he was and he couldn't. It made him fight harder, teeth snapping in the air as he tried to press up. Gareth growled low, pushing him back against the ground.
He continued to fight, some urge inside him demanding he mark Gareth, he prove that he was...
He collapsed against the ground suddenly, whimpering softly, confused, head going back again, offering Gareth his due as Alpha.
Gareth made a soft sound, shifting, muzzle soft on his throat, the sounds easing him.
His hands slid into Gareth's fur, petting the lovely softness before he too shifted, whining softly for his Alpha.
Gareth was a comfort, a heat, a lover.
Everything else was just details and didn't matter. Nothing mattered but this.
The snow piled up as he healed, covering the windows, the door, keeping them close and trapped and together by the fire.
Gareth leaned into Sochar, watching the flames.
He wasn't miserable.
Not at all.
For the first time in years, he was home.
Sochar was half dozing, half grooming, cleaning him lazily. The brash, bold youth was gone, Sochar a man now, calmer.
He licked at one of Sochar's paws, the flavor a comfort, a heat deep inside him. Sochar growled softly, the sound gentle and then Sochar's tongue slid along his muzzle.
Oh. He lifted his chin, asking for more. Sochar gave it to him, tongue on his face, licking again and again, the scent of his ves'tacha strong on his fur.
Ves'tacha. Love. Life. He rippled, sensation sliding through him.
Sochar pulled back for a moment, deep eyes watching him and then a soft whine sounded. Ves'tacha echoed in his head, Sochar whining again and beginning to lick him more eagerly.
His heart pounded, tongue flicking out, tasting Sochar on the air. Sochar's bark was soft and the next time his tongue flicked out, Sochar's met it. He groaned, eyes meeting his Mate’s. He needed. Wanted. Loved.
Sochar barked again and then slowly morphed, fur turning to skin. "Easier like this," murmured Sochar. "You're still hurt."
He slowly morphed. "I need you."
Sochar nodded, hands sliding on his cheek, mouth pressing against his. He opened, fingers slipping and petting Sochar's belly, his hip. Sochar whimpered softly and whispered his name. Warm fingers slid through his hair as Sochar's tongue pushed in.
They rocked together, the heat and pleasure sweet, growing so slowly between them. Sochar slid, moving down until they were stretched out together, skin on skin, cocks sliding together.
"I found you. Could feel you on the wind, in the trees."
"I've missed you," Sochar told him, the words an accusation.
"We would have killed each other."
Sochar looked away, but didn't deny it. Instead, his Mate pushed against him, mouth landing on his again, the kiss hard. He met Sochar's strength, reveled in it without shame.
Sochar's hand went behind his head, holding him in place as Sochar deepened the kiss. His own fingers tangled in Sochar's hair, holding on. His mate. Oh. His own.
Sochar's cock slid along his, those hips starting an eager rhythm he hadn't felt in too long. He grunted, pushing back, rocking, needing. Sochar's hand slid around to his ass, tugging him in harder.
"Love." His entire body rippled, his need immense.
"So long," murmured Sochar. "Needed you for so long."
"Every moment. I thought my heart would break."
"Mine did," whispered Sochar, hand going to their cocks, wrapping around both of them and pulling.
"Forgive me. Better alone than dead, ves'tacha, or so I thought."
Sochar put a hand over his mouth. "Sh. You're here now. And if you leave again I will hunt you down and drag you back by your tail."
"Swear it." He licked Sochar's palm.
Sochar growled. "On my life."
"We mate for life. I will never leave you again."
Sochar's hand tightened, thumb spreading their precome around, making the strokes slide easier, slicker.
His breath hitched in his chest, eyes rolling. "Yes..."
Sochar's mouth slid along his chin and down to his neck, teeth scrapping and then biting where his neck met his shoulder. Oh. Marking him. Marking him. He cried out, hips jerking, entire body begging. Faster and harder, Sochar tugged their cocks together, lips sucking in the same rhythm, pulling the blood to the surface.
"Yours. Ves'tacha. I need." His heart pounded, body aching, beginning to be desperate.
"Yes, mine. As I am yours. Show me. Show me."
His hips snapped, seed spraying between them, hot and wet.
"Yes!" Sochar's teeth bit again, more heat splashing between them.
He slumped, exhausted, sated, whole.
Sochar lay next to him, spreading soft kisses on his neck, his face. "Ves'tacha."
He nodded, opening to the beautiful man beside him. Ves'tacha.
Sochar whimpered softly and kissed him again. Yours.
He nodded, agreeing with everything in him. Yes. Yes. My own.
Sochar morphed back into the wolf, head going back for a howl before the soft fur pressed close, warm against his skin. He spent a long moment petting, stroking the soft fur. Loving on his Sochar. Sochar's head came up, the warm tongue licking over his face, long tail thumping.
Gareth smiled, leaned close and nuzzled. "Home."
Sochar whined softly and licked him again, tail wagging harder. Home.
He nodded, watched the fire. Yes. Yes, home.
Every time that Sochar woke and found himself curled up with Gareth, he thought he was dreaming. For so many years he longed for Gareth, longed to be with his heart. It didn't quite seem real now that his longings were fulfilled.
And he wasn't quite sure how to act.
He'd been Alpha of the pack and then he'd been on his own, still Alpha, still top dog. But Gareth had been his Alpha, as well as his mate and his ves'tacha. And then Gareth had been gone.
And now he was back.
Sochar whined softly, walking circles in the cabin. He'd been so settled, had come here to live out his last years in quiet and peace and just... die.
Sochar didn't like confusion.
He went to the window and rose up on his hind legs, front legs on the ledge, but there was nothing to see, the snow still higher than his little cabin.
Gareth sighed softly, morphing to move firewood, posture quiet, defeated. Sochar morphed, too, worried Gareth was doing too much. He wouldn't say that though, instead he quietly helped, trying to go quickly so it would be done and Gareth could rest, without it seeming like he was.
When they were done, he touched Gareth's shoulder, the need making him hard immediately. He loved Gareth and wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of their days making love, but he didn't know where they fit anymore.
"I've made you unhappy. I shouldn't have come back." Gareth sighed, eyes on the fire. "I just needed to see you, so badly."
"Don't say that! I'm glad you came back! I am!" He wrapped his arms around his mate. "I'm just... I don't know how we fit anymore."
Gareth nodded, pushing close with a soft sound.
He chuckled, cheeks rubbing against Gareth. "Some places I do."
"I just want to be yours. Be beside you."
"Oh." He could remember that, remember when all he wanted was to be next to Gareth, to be noticed by him. He'd never wanted to be Alpha. Not at first. "There is no pa
ck here. Just us. We don't need an Alpha."
"We don't. We have two. Together." Those tired eyes met his, the weight of Gareth's need immense.