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Witch's Mate

Page 10

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Rusty’s taking care of everything,” he said as she relaxed into him.

  They stayed quiet for a few minutes, until a discrete cough made Lara jump away from Liam.

  Rusty’s head popped out from the behind the back door leading to the alley. “The police just left, they said they’d call us back about signing some papers so you can formally press charges.”

  “Thanks, Rusty,” Lara said. “I’d like to go home now.”

  “Maybe your boyfriend…” He cocked his head towards Liam.


  “He’s not my boyfriend,” she said at the same time.

  The older man shook his head. “Could’ve fooled me. Anyway, maybe he wants to be our bouncer or something. You sure got a mean right hook, son.”

  Liam smiled. “I’ll think about it.”

  With a final nod, Rusty ducked back into the bar.

  “I’ll take you home,” Liam said.

  “I’m fine. I’ll catch the subway or something,” Lara started to walk away from him, but he grabbed her arm.

  “No,” he stated. “I don’t have a car service, and I just took a cab here, but I’m taking you back home.”

  She was so bone tired, she didn’t even argue, letting him lead her out to the front of the bar. He flagged a passing cab and opened the door, helping her inside.

  The door slammed behind her, and for a moment, she thought he was just going to leave her. But Liam slipped into the front seat.

  “Where are we goin'?" the cabbie asked. Liam looked back at her, and she gave the driver her address.

  As the cab made its way uptown on 3rd Avenue, Lara snuck glances at Liam. His normally kempt dark hair was tousled, probably from running his hand through it with his fingers. She couldn’t see his face from this angle, but the image of those glowing blue eyes as he grabbed her attacker away from her sent shivers down her spine. Despite the fact that she was raised to be a strong and independent woman/witch, she couldn’t help but find that possessive and protective streak he displayed tonight sexy. When she first met Liam, she thought him reserved and well-mannered, but now she was seeing a whole new side of him.

  No. She shouldn’t think of him like that. But as memories from that night in San Francisco flooded back into her brain, she couldn’t help it. Heat spread through her body, starting from between her legs, and the insistent throbbing there was slowly driving her mad. Looking down the line of his broad shoulders and arms, she wondered what his bare chest looked like underneath his crisp white button-down shirt. He’d seen her half-naked and touched her in the most intimate places, but she realized she’d never even seen him with his shirt off.

  The muscle in his jaw tensed, and he turned his head to look back at her. Looking away quickly, she hoped he didn’t notice her ogling him.

  The cab stopped in front of her building, and he quickly got out and opened the door for her.

  “Thanks,” she murmured as she stepped out, taking his hand as he helped her out. The zing of electricity at his touch made her skin tingle.

  “I’ll walk you to your door,” he said in a low voice, his hand touching her lower back lightly, guiding her into the building and towards the elevator.

  Lara bit her lip. His hand never left her lower back, and the heat seemed to brand her. God, it was like the temperature spiked in the elevator, and then that thought reminded her of the elevator in Fenrir. Get a hold of yourself. She took a deep breath and waited for the elevator car to reach her floor.

  The elevator car opened to her floor, and when they reached her door, her heart felt heavy, knowing he was leaving soon.

  “I’ll see you-”

  “Stay.” She couldn’t help but say the word. No, she didn’t want him to leave. She wanted him to stay and hold her. Make her feel safe. Make love to her. Just for one night, she wanted to know what he looked like, naked and on top of her, inside her. Arousal burned through her body, and nothing else would slake her desire. She wanted Liam and knew he wanted her, too.

  “Lara, I can’t-”

  “I don’t feel safe.” Low blow. But she could see it worked. There was hesitation on his eyes as he struggled with the decision.

  He nodded, and she opened the door with her key.

  The apartment was small, but well-furnished and designed. It was a long studio apartment, and the front door opened to a kitchen/dining area, separated from the living room by a breakfast bar. A shelf further divided the space, and her Queen-sized bed was at the other end, right by the large windows that had a fantastic view of the Chrysler Building.

  “This is nice,” he said, looking around.

  “Yeah, it’s small, but cozy.” She put her purse down on the kitchen counter.

  “Lara this isn’t…what I mean is…” he stammered, then ran his fingers through his hair. “Fuck!” He strode towards her and grabbed her arms, pulling her close. As his head leaned down closer, her heart hammered against her chest and she closed her eyes. Expecting his lips on hers, she was surprised when it landed on her cheek instead.

  “Sleep,” he whispered. “Let me sleep beside you.”

  She sighed, the fatigue seeping into her bones. “I’m gonna get ready for bed.” Without another word, she went to the bathroom.

  Sleep? Was that a code word for sex? Shaking her head, she looked at herself in the mirror. Jeeze. No wonder Liam wasn’t trying anything. Most of her hair had come undone from her updo and hung limp around her face. Her eyeliner was all smudged, making her look like a crazed raccoon, and most of her lipstick was gone. She’d have to fix that if she was going to seduce Liam.

  After scrubbing her face clean and washing up, she took a deep breath. Looking around the bathroom, she realized she didn’t have anything sexy to wear. OK, improvise. She put on a white tank top, but not the matching pajamas. Her ample breasts stretched the fabric tight, her aroused nipples poking through the white cloth. Shimmying out of her shorts, she kept her sexy lace underwear on. It would have to do.

  “Liam?” she called as she opened the door. He was already on the bed, his feet bare, but clothes still on. Lara walked closer to the bed. “Liam, I wanted to-”

  She stopped when he saw his eyes were closed. “Liam?”

  Silence. She gave him a gentle nudge and called his name again.

  The bastard didn’t even move.

  “Seriously?” she huffed. Letting out a long sigh, she lay next to him, her body straight and stiff as a board. What the heck was going on? A couple days ago, he couldn’t wait to get in her pants. Now, he was snoozing soundly in her bed.

  The bed dipped slightly, and she held her breath. Strong arms wrapped around her, and hope sparked up in her chest. He nestled his nose into her hair, his lips nearly touching her ear. And then he began to snore softly.

  Well, fuck.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Lara, are you listening to me?”


  “What did I just say then?” Jade crossed her arms over her chest and raised her brow.

  “You said that I should…put the thingy on that.” She waved her hand over the first piece of equipment she could see.

  “That’s the coffee machine.”

  “Right.” Lara sighed.

  “Why don’t you go home for the afternoon?” the Lycan scientist suggested. “Milly,” she called into the intercom which linked them to the outer lab. “Can you come here for a second?

  “But you need my help for the bracelet!” she protested.

  “You’ve done what you can, I really think it’s coming along well.”

  Jade had been working on a special bracelet that could stop a witch or warlock from using his or her power, with Lara as her guinea pig. In theory, it should also work on a mage. They had some hiccups throughout the development of the device, but as they focused their resources and time on the project, they had definitely made more progress. When they tested it initially, Lara could still fight the special anti-biorhythm waves that the bracelet e
mitted to counter her own power. This latest iteration (Mark 15, according to Jade), was definitely much stronger, and it took more concentration on her part to break the device’s hold.

  “I’m fine, I swear…I just haven’t been sleeping right.”

  Jade guffawed and muttered what Lara thought was “That’s what she said” under her breath.

  “What did you say?”


  Before Lara could say anything else, the door opened and Milly stepped into the inner lab. Jade whipped around and started relaying instructions to the other assistant.

  Yes, it was definitely the lack of sleep that was making her brain go haywire, Lara thought. Not the lack of sex. Or the fact that for four days now, she’d been waking up next to a hot, gorgeous Lycan who did nothing but snore next to her. At least one of them was getting his beauty sleep.

  God, was she that unattractive and unsexy? Every night, Liam would show up at her home. She didn’t even ask him to stay those following nights, he simply followed her to her apartment. After the first night, she was prepared, wearing her sexiest lingerie to bed, but he simply cuddled her from behind and snoozed away. The night after that, she squirmed around, trying to face him and press her breasts up at him, but he just kissed her forehead, whispered goodnight before falling asleep. And last night? Well, she gave up and closed her eyes as he nuzzled her neck and then relaxed his body against hers.

  For four, torturous nights she slept in his arms, unable to sleep, her body aching and wanting. Each morning, she would wake up with his rock-hard erection pressed up against her ass, but he never made a move. He slept in whatever clothes he wore and never took off anything except his shoes and socks. She was so desperate to feel his naked skin on hers that she rubbed her heels against his toes. He must think I’m some sort of foot fetishist.

  This morning, once again it seemed like his battering ram was trying to storm her castle, but no siege took place. Liam gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, rolled over and went to the bathroom.

  “Argh!” she groaned aloud. What was wrong with him? What was wrong with her? She practically served up her body to Liam, and he wouldn’t even make a move. Each morning, he’d give her a kiss goodbye and leave, only to show up at her house later that night to torture her all over again.

  A shrill sound interrupted her thoughts. She grabbed the phone from her pocket and glanced at the Caller ID. “Mother,” she greeted.

  “Lara, how are you? I’ve missed you, and so has your father,” Vivianne replied.

  “I miss you guys, too.” A heavy feeling pressed over her chest. She usually went home to the coven every weekend, but with the trip to San Francisco and so much work to be done at the lab, she simply didn’t have the time.

  “I have a surprise for you, darling. I’m on my way to New York now, I should be there within the hour.”

  “What?” she exclaimed. “That’s wonderful!” Excitement fluttered in her heart. It had been too long since she’d seen her mom. In her twenty-four years, living in New York City was the first time she’d ever been away from her parents and the coven. That was just the way it was, as witches always fared better with their kind. Oh, how she missed her mother’s energy and warmth.

  “Do you work tonight? Should we have dinner?”

  “No, I’m free tonight,” she said.

  “Excellent. Let’s meet at that cafe around the corner from Fenrir. I’m afraid I can’t stay long, I’ll probably drive back as soon as we’re done.”

  She frowned. It was a three-hour drive back to the upstate compound, which meant Vivianne would probably have to cut dinner short. A quick glance at the clock told her it was a quarter past three. “How about I just meet you as soon as you get in?”

  “Oh really darling? That would be great. Are you sure Jade won’t mind?”

  Lara looked over at the scientist, who was busy reading through her test results. “I don’t think so.”

  “Perfect. I’ll see you in about 30 minutes.”

  “See you then, Mother.” She put the phone down. “Jade, I’m going to go meet my mother, OK?”

  The brunette pushed her glasses up her nose and nodded. “Sure thing. Say hi to Vivianne for me.”

  “Will do!” She waved goodbye to Jade as she picked up her purse and left the lab.


  Lara went straight to the cafe and sat down at a table near the window. A few minutes later, her mother walked in. She shot to her feet running into her Vivianne’s embrace.

  “I’ve missed you, darling,” her mother said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Me, too.” She breathed in her mom’s familiar perfume, the scent filling her with comfort. Being an only child, she and her mother were very close. They looked so much alike, and Vivianne aged so well, that people thought they were sisters.

  “Now,” Vivianne began as they sat down. “Tell me what’s going on with you.”

  Lara filled her mom in (minus everything that’s been going on with Liam, of course), from the trip to San Francisco to her work in the lab.

  “I’ve been in talks with the Witch Assembly, too,” Vivianne said. “I think I’ve convinced them about the urgency of the mage matter.” Her eyes grew sad. “I just wish it didn’t take more deaths for them to take things seriously.”

  “Using blood magic to control humans shouldn’t be anything but a serious matter,” Lara gritted her teeth.

  “The Assembly will resume talks with the Lycan High Council. That’s the best we can hope for, for now. Now, darling, about the other matter.”

  “Other matter?”

  “You know, the suitors.”

  “Oh, right.”

  The older woman frowned. “Are you sure…”

  “Yes,” she said quickly. “I’m sure.

  “All right. I’ve narrowed it down to a few candidates.” Vivianne paused to take a sip of her water. “Most are interested, and one is very interested. In fact, he’s eager to meet with you.”

  “Fine, set it up,” Lara replied, her eyes scanning the paper menu in front of her.

  “Don’t you want to know his name?” Vivianne raised a brow.

  “Uhm, sure…”

  “Wesley Morgan.”

  Lara’s head snapped up. “From the Massachusetts coven?” She didn’t know Wesley personally but had heard of the coven. They were one of the bigger and more influential covens in the northeast United States.

  “Yes.” Vivianne’s eyes practically glowed with happiness. “He’s very nice, a little older than you, and will probably one day be an elder of his coven. Handsome, too.”

  “Sounds nice,” she replied. “When does he want to meet me?”

  “As soon as possible, darling.”

  “How about tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow?” Vivianne asked in a surprised voice.

  “Yeah, there’s no use waiting,” Lara shrugged. “He’s from a good family, good position. If we’re compatible, then we shouldn’t waste time and start getting to know each other.”

  “Well, I’m sure I could arrange it. Do you want to drive back with me tonight?”

  “Yeah, I just have to go back to the lab and tell Jade. I haven’t gone back home in a while, I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  “Very well, darling. Whatever you want.”

  Vivianne called the young waiter to their table, and they ordered their drinks and meals. Lara sighed in relief inwardly, but a knot in the middle of her stomach began to form. No, this was what she needed. Get on with her life, find a husband, produce the next Fontaine heir. Forget Liam Henney. True Mates? Sheesh, what was she thinking? It was obvious he didn’t want her in that way. Maybe it was the pheromones. Or maybe he still held a torch for Alynna and couldn’t bring himself to make love to her. Whatever the reason, she wasn’t going to stick around to find out.


  After their light meal, Vivianne went up to see Grant and Nick, while Lara headed back to lab.

  “I need a couple
days off,” she said to her friend as she entered the inner lab. Jade was busy making modifications to the bracelet, using 3D modeling software to try out different designs. “You said you didn’t need me for a bit, right?”

  “Of course, whatever you need. When are you leaving?”

  “Tonight. I’m driving back home with my mother.”

  “Tonight?” Jade asked in an incredulous voice. She turned away from the computer and faced her friend. “Why are you leaving so soon?”

  “I have coven business,” she said curtly.

  “When will you be back?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure. Depends.”

  Jade stood up and put her hands on her hips. “Depends on what? And what coven business?”

  Lara bit her lip. “I’m…going to meet with this guy.”

  “What guy?

  “A warlock from another coven.”

  “Oh, is this about the mages?” Jade inquired.

  “No. It’s…” Lara bit her lip.

  Jade’s keen eyes narrowed. “What’s going on here, Lara?”

  “Nothing! I mean it’s just a guy my mom wanted me to meet.”

  “Oh.” Jade looked disappointed. “Like a blind date?”

  “Er, sort of. I’m looking for potential…husbands.” She regretted saying that, but she didn’t want to lie to her friend.

  “What?” Jade’s eyes grew wide. “What do you mean husband? Have you met him before?”

  “No. But he’s a warlock from another coven, a good one.”

  The Lycan scientist scratched her head. “Wait, are you saying you’re going into an arranged marriage? Does Vivianne know?”

  “My mother set it up.”

  “Hold on!” Jade raised a hand, then paced back and forth. “I don’t understand! Where did this come from? Why are you suddenly…I mean…”

  “This is just how it’s done,” Lara explained.

  “All witch marriages are arranged?”

  “No,” Lara huffed in an exasperated voice. “Look, we’re all free to marry and love who we like. But if we want to, we can meet witches and warlocks from other covens and see if we’re suitable.”


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