Witch's Mate

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Witch's Mate Page 11

by Alicia Montgomery

  “So why don’t you wait for someone you love?” Jade asked. “You’re only twenty-four!”

  “Yes, but I have a duty to my coven! To my bloodline!” Lara crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m Charlotte Fontaine’s last living witch heir. We need to up our numbers, especially with what’s going on with the mages.”

  “So you’ll be a sacrificial lamb? A broodmare to boost numbers? Lara, you’re much more than that! And what about Liam?”

  The name brought an uncomfortable feeling in her gut. “What about him?”

  Jade rolled her eyes. “He obviously likes you, and I can tell you like him!”

  “I do not! And he doesn’t like me!” she protested.

  “How do you know?”

  What was she supposed to say to Jade? Uh, well Jade, we’ve been sleeping together, but not sleeping together. He just lays there and does nothing while I lie there like a pathetic idiot, wishing he’d drill me into the mattress.

  “Lara, he’s obviously in lo-”

  “You don’t know anything!” Lara shouted before Jade could say the words. Maybe it was better Liam didn’t want her. “It’s complicated, I don’t expect a Lycan like you to understand!” The moment the words came out of her mouth, she regretted it. Jade’s face crumpled, the hurt obvious on her face. “Jade, that’s not what I meant! I’m so sorr—”

  “Go, then,” Jade turned away from her, going back to her computer. “Take as much time as you need.”

  “Jade.” She put her hand on the other woman’s shoulder, but she shrugged it off.

  “I said, you can go.” Her voice was cold as ice, and guilt slashed through Lara’s belly.

  “I’ll…I’ll see you when I get back.”

  Jade let out a huff, but said nothing. With a heavy heart, Lara left the lab.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Are you sure?” Daric looked at the message on the phone.

  “Yes,” Victoria confirmed. “Our little spy has finally come through with some important intel.”

  “Your idea was ingenious, Victoria,” Stefan commended. “And this is important news indeed. Who knew those creatures could be so clever?”

  “They even hid their little laboratory from the High Council and the Assembly,” Victoria sneered. “Those fools had no idea what Grant Anderson and my dear sister were cooking up.”

  “This could be a problem, Master,” Daric said. Aside from the report of what the Lycans were doing at their facilities, there were also pictures and schematics of a bracelet that could potentially stop witches and warlocks from using their powers. “We can’t let them continue.”

  “Indeed,” Stefan said. “Looks like we’ll be putting our new toys to the test.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  For the second time in a few days, Liam found himself waiting at the Fenrir lobby. He paced back and forth, running his hands through his hair. The receptionist eyed him warily but said nothing. At first the older woman had recognized him and asked if he needed to go to Grant’s floor, but he declined. He considered asking her if he could access the 33rd floor, but with all the security surrounding the lab, she’d probably deny there was even such a floor. He could probably have asked Grant or Alynna, but that would raise too many suspicions.

  Where the heck was she?

  Liam stopped and checked the elevator again. He was antsy, and why wouldn’t he be? Last night, he showed up at her apartment, knocked a couple of times and rang the bell, but there was no one home. He even went to Rusty’s, but as soon as he got there, the older man informed him that Lara wasn’t working that night.

  Anger and frustration burned through him, and his wolf couldn’t be appeased, clawing and howling at him. Where was she? Did she just disappear? He didn’t even have her phone number, not even Jade’s. He went back to his hotel and lay awake half the evening, trying to keep his wolf from taking over his body and roaming New York City to try and find Lara.

  Fuck, he messed up. After that night at Rusty’s, she seemed so scared and vulnerable. He knew she wanted him, could smell her arousal. But somehow it felt wrong. He couldn’t take advantage of her. Liam wanted her badly, but he had to put his own needs aside. She said she didn’t feel safe, and those words burned through his middle. He couldn’t rest, knowing how frightened she was. He had to make sure she felt safe and secure. Then she offered herself up like Cleopatra unrolling from the rug, and he almost took her right then and there. Despite his desire for her, he wanted her to want him, and not because she felt grateful or was feeling scared.

  He slept for an hour or two, but he kept waking up. Unable to sleep, he showered, dressed, and then decided to wait at Fenrir for Lara to show up, arriving there at 6:30 a.m. sharp.

  He waited for two hours, but there was no sign of the redheaded witch. However, as soon as Jade entered the building, he stalked towards her.

  “Where is she?” he asked.

  “Well, good morning to you, too,” Jade replied in an irate voice.

  “Good morning,” he said gruffly. “Now, Lara. Where did she go?”

  Jade frowned, then a sadness flashed across her face briefly. “She went home.”

  “I checked, she wasn’t at home.”

  “Not her apartment,” Jade bit out. “Home. To her coven.”

  “Oh.” Fucking hell. Did he drive her away? Did he come on too strong? “When will she be back?”

  “I don’t know.” Jade shrugged and walked away.

  “Wait!” Liam called. “I need to see her.”

  Jade turned around, peering at him with those light green eyes from behind her glasses. “I’ll give you directions to the coven compound upstate, but if I do, you need to do me a favor.”


  “You need to go and see her as soon as possible, OK?”

  Jade’s request seemed strange, but it was his plan anyway. “I will.”


  Lara’s eyes glossed over as Wesley droned on about their estate in Massachusetts during dinner. Or was it about their family history? Or their many businesses? She wasn’t quite sure, but she gave him and his parents a polite smile while fantasizing about stabbing her ears with the pretty silverware that had belonged to her grandmother. This was a disaster. What was I thinking?

  Vivianne wasn’t kidding when she said Wesley Morgan wanted to see her right away. They came to the New York coven compound the following night for an early dinner. Wesley and his parents, James and Anna, drove in from Western Massachusetts, eager to meet her. Vivianne and Graham, Lara’s father, prepared dinner at home for the occasion. They arrived on time, and even brought some wine and a few gifts.

  Wesley was handsome, and his parents seemed nice enough. He was blonde, blue-eyed, tall and built like a track star. But there was just something about him, something off that she couldn’t put her finger on. From the moment they met, Wesley’s eyes looked at her greedily, not unlike the men at Rusty’s the moment they took a good look at her and what she wore. At least with the customers at the bar, they were a little more discreet. She suddenly felt like she was under a microscope whenever Wesley’s gaze came upon her.

  And as the dinner progressed, she grew even less inclined to get to know him. All he wanted to talk about was politics and gossip, or himself. The Morgans were an old, aristocratic family, after all, and much older than the Fontaines. Wesley’s uncle served as one of the members of the Witch Assembly.

  “So Lara, your mother said that you’ve been living in the city,” Anna said, when there was an actual lull in the conversation.

  “Uhm, yes, Mrs. Morgan,” she replied politely.

  “And what have you been doing there?”

  Lara looked at her mother, who answered for her. “She’s actually there to spend time with her cousin, Cady Vrost.”

  “Cady?” James’ eyebrow rose. “Isn’t that…Victoria’s daughter? I thought her father was named Gray or something?”

  Graham nodded. “Yes, that’s right. But she’s married no
w. To the New York Beta.”

  Anna’s eyes bugged out, and she nearly choked on her wine. Her husband gave her a helpful pat on the back. “B-beta?” she stammered. “As in, the Lycans?”

  “Of course!” James said. “I remember hearing the story from my brother. She’s not a witch, though, right?”

  “Nope, no powers,” Vivianne supplied. “But turns out she was the fated mate to the Beta.”

  “Well, can’t stop fate, I suppose,” James said with humor. “And how do you spend your time there, Lara?”

  “I’ve been working with Cady…in the marketing department,” she fibbed. She didn’t realize she’d have to come up with some cover and that sounded much better than the real story. After all, she couldn’t tell them she was helping the Lycans and showing them how her powers worked. “I was thinking of getting into it. And maybe going to school.”

  “Well, I supposed it’s nice that you have a hobby,” Wesley remarked. “But you know, you needn’t be worried about getting a job, once we’re married. I’ll be providing for you and our children.”

  Lara shot her parents a look and Graham spoke up. “There’ll be time enough for such discussions,” he said in a lighthearted voice. “But why don’t I go and get dessert?” He stood up and went to the kitchen.

  “Oh, a man who cooks!” Anna marveled. “It must be nice.” She smiled at Vivianne.

  “I hope you got some of your father’s cooking skills,” Wesley said.

  The sneer in his voice made Lara’s blood boil and she narrowed her eyes. Wesley had been making side glances at her father the whole night. He thought she didn’t notice. Sure, her dad was unconventional, but he was more of a man than that weasely warlock. She wondered for a second what would happen if she sent a small air current toward his wine glass and tipped it over his expensive Italian suit.

  As if hearing her thoughts, Vivianne shot her daughter a glance. “James, why don’t you tell us about the party at the Henricksons’? I was so disappointed to have missed it.”

  James Morgan proceeded to tell them about some boring gathering, and a few minutes later Graham came in with slices of cheesecake for everyone. As he placed a plate in front of Lara, he gave her a small smile but said nothing.

  Lara was glad they were already on dessert, and she scarfed down her piece quickly. As soon as they were all done, Anna declared it was getting late and they should start driving back home. Lara and her parents escorted their guests to their car.

  “It was wonderful meeting you, Lara,” Wesley said he took her hand and brought it up to his lips. He looked at Vivianne. “I’ll be in touch, I’m sure we’ll have a lot to talk about.”

  Vivianne gave him a bright smile. “Of course.”

  As soon as everyone said their goodbyes and the Morgans’ car was out of sight, Lara sighed with relief.

  Graham and Vivianne looked at each other.

  “What?” she asked.

  “So, what did you think of Wesley?” Vivianne said.

  “He’s er…interesting.”

  “He’s an ass,” Graham stated. “And if I never saw him again, it’ll be too soon.” Lara didn’t think she could love her father more than at that moment.

  “Well, Lara?” Vivianne’s face was inscrutable.

  “I…I’m sorry, Mother.” Lara shook her head. “I can’t…I can’t marry him. I’m so sorry.”

  “There’s no need to apologize,” Vivianne soothed, taking her daughter’s hand. “I’m just…I’m glad you tried. And that you’re open to finding someone again.”

  Lara said nothing but nodded instead.

  “Look, why don’t you go in and get ready for bed? Don’t worry about the Morgans, I’ll take care of it, OK?”

  “Thank you, Mother, Dad,” she said gratefully. She was glad to be rid of Wesley Morgan.

  “Of course,” Graham said. “You’re not—wait, did the Morgans leave something behind?” He looked behind her and squinted his eyes, as if trying to make out something from far away.

  Lara turned around. There was a vehicle headed towards their house. It was dark, like the Morgans’ chauffeur-driven Mercedes, but as it came closer, it was obviously an SUV.

  “Are you expecting anyone, Graham?” Vivianne asked.

  “No, are you?”

  The vehicle stopped in front of their home, and as the door of the SUV opened, Lara felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickle.


  Chapter Seventeen

  The drive to the town of Little Water in Upstate New York didn’t take as long as Liam had thought, but the preparations to get there took much longer than anticipated. After Jade had given him precise instructions on how to get to the New York coven’s compound, he had to pick up a special package at the private airstrip outside New York City. Then he realized the the package was way too big for the car he had rented and had to wait until the rental company could find a bigger vehicle. But it was worth it, and he couldn’t wait to see Lara’s face when he showed up.

  After about three hours of driving, he finally reached Little Water. The witch coven compound wasn’t in the charming little town, and Jade explained that he had to drive just outside it, about 15 miles out into the more remote part of the town. He drove down Main Street, followed it right outside until he reached a small country road. After about 20 minutes of driving down that road, he finally found the turnoff that led to the compound. Liam almost missed it, having driven right past the exit. But, as he looked in his rearview mirror he saw a black Mercedes seemingly pull out from nowhere. He stopped, waited for the other car to disappear around the bend and backed up.

  And so he found himself driving straight into a witch coven compound. It was actually quite…normal. Not that he was expecting anything not normal. The compound was actually pretty. Small houses lined the main street, all well-maintained and their gardens immaculate. It looked like any suburban American street, except they were surrounded by enormous trees and thick forest. He continued driving until he reached the end to the cul-de-sac and found the ranch-style home painted in white and blue, just as Jade had described.

  The whole trip, he’d been wracking his brain, trying to figure out what exactly he was going to do when he knocked on Lara’s door and what his first words would be once she saw him. This part of his plan he didn’t figure out beforehand, but he figured he could wing it.

  As soon as he parked the car in front of the house and saw Lara standing on the front porch with her mom and an older gentleman, he knew he didn’t have to worry about having to announce himself and knocking on the door. And when he opened the doors to the SUV, the first words out of his mouth weren’t exactly what he thought they’d be.

  “Hugo! You beast, get off her!” Liam shouted as he climbed out of the driver’s seat. Hugo had been going crazy as they approached the house, and Liam thought the dog just needed to relieve himself. As soon as the passenger door opened, he bounded up the porch steps and placed his huge paws on the front of Lara’s dress.

  “Hugo! What are you…” The dog’s large, wet tongue licked Lara’s face, making her giggle. “Oh my! How did you get here?” She gently pushed him down on all fours, and then scratched his ears. “That’s a good boy…”

  “Uhm, sorry about that,” Liam said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “He’s been cooped up for the last couple of hours.” He climbed up the steps and grabbed Hugo by the collar. “Calm down, boy.”

  “Alpha, how nice of you to…drop by?” Vivianne Chatraine raised a brow at him.

  Liam cleared his throat. “Uhm, yes. Well…I…” He should have known Vivianne would be here, too. When Jade told him to go after Lara, she forgot to mention she lived with her parents. “I had Hugo fly out here from San Francisco. He missed her.”

  “Oh, did he?” Vivianne smirked.

  The older man beside them cleared his throat. “And you are…?” He gave Liam a suspicious look and crossed his arms over his large barrel chest. Dressed in red flannel, jeans,
work boots and sporting a thick white beard, he looked like a lumberjack. Or Santa Claus. A grumpy Santa Claus, anyway.

  “Oh Graham, this is Liam Henney, Alpha of the San Francisco clan and Lara’s, uh…”

  “Friend,” Liam said quickly, extending his hand towards the older man.

  “A friend, huh?” Graham eyed him. “I’m Graham, Lara’s father.” He took Liam’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you, sir.” Liam returned his firm handshake.

  “Alpha,” Vivianne began. “Will you excuse us?” Vivianne took Graham by the arm and dragged him inside the house.

  “What are you doing here?” Lara whispered to him as soon as the door closed.

  “Why are you whispering?” he asked loudly.

  “Because…argh!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. Hugo nuzzled her side, nearly knocking her over.

  Liam caught her before she fell, pulling him close to him. God, he missed her, missed being close to her and smelling her delicious strawberries and champagne scent.

  Lara looked up at him, meeting his eyes, then quickly disentangled herself from his arms. “Answer my question. What are you doing, and how did you get here?”

  “Jade gave me directions.”

  “Jade?” her voice raised slightly. “You didn’t answer my first question.”

  “I went to Rusty’s last night and you weren’t there. You weren’t home either, and you didn’t tell me where you were,” he explained. “Why did you run away from me?”

  “I wasn’t running away, I went home!” she said in an exasperated voice.

  “You left without telling me, I think that’s running away.”

  “I don’t have to explain my whereabouts to my friends,” she said, emphasizing the last word.

  Liam opened his mouth to speak but realized he didn’t have a counter. Before he could say anything, the front door opened and Lara’s father came back out to the porch.


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