Witch's Mate

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Witch's Mate Page 12

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Alpha,” Graham said in his gruff voice.

  “Liam, please.”

  He nodded. “Liam. It’s getting late, son.”

  “Yes,” Lara said in a fake cheery voice. “Thanks for bringing Hugo, it was nice to see him. Enjoy the drive back.”

  “Actually, it’s way too late for Liam to be driving back, and that poor pooch of his shouldn’t be cooped up in a car for another three hours.” Graham patted Hugo’s head and the grateful dog licked his hand. “He should stay. Both of them. Your mother’s already getting the spare room ready.”

  “What?” Lara asked, her eyes growing wide.

  “Thank you, sir, I appreciate it,” Liam said. Lara shot him a dirty look.

  “Well, we still have some leftover pot roast from dinner, you’re welcome to have some if you’re hungry.” He turned to his daughter. “Your mom and I will be heading to bed. Take care of our guest, will you, Lara?”


  With one last nod, he bid them goodnight and went back in the house.

  “C’mon,” Lara grumbled. “I’ll show you to your room.”


  Liam followed Lara into the house, Hugo behind them, his tongue wagging. Once again, Liam was struck by how normal everything inside seemed.

  “Not what you expected?” Lara said as she led him down the hallway.

  “Not at all,” he chuckled.

  “I’m afraid we just put away our cauldrons and pointy hats,” she said wryly, which elicited another laugh from him.

  “Well, here you go,” Lara said as they stopped at the door at the end of the hallway. “The guest room’s in here. There’s a bathroom with towels and stuff. Feel free to root around the kitchen if you’re hungry. I’m sure Hugo will enjoy the pot roast too.” She scratched Hugo on the head, earning her a happy whine from the dog. “I’m going to bed, goodnight.” She walked to the door next to his, went inside and slammed the door.

  “Well, boy,” he looked down at Hugo. “What do you think I should do?”

  Hugo looked at him with doleful eyes and cocked his head.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lara woke up as the sun streamed into her bedroom. She thought that she wouldn’t be able to sleep, since she was so confused and angry that Liam was here. However, strangely enough, she slept soundly. After taking a quick shower and putting on some leggings, a shirt and her shoes, she padded out of her room. The door to the guest room was open, and she spied the neatly made bed and blankets folded on top of the covers. Did Liam leave already? Before she could think any further, she squashed down the disappointment and walked to the kitchen.

  “Mother? Daddy?” she called out. They were usually up at this time, having coffee at the kitchen table or outside on the porch. The kitchen was empty, but the scent of fresh coffee wafted through the air.

  There was a note taped to the refrigerator with her name on it. Opening the piece of paper, she read the contents as she poured herself a cup of coffee.


  Your father and I are headed to the Smith farm to help them with an emergency. We’ll be back tomorrow morning.


  “What?” she exclaimed out loud. Did her parents suddenly leave her alone? She shook her head. There was something not right here.

  A sharp bark interrupted her thoughts. Hugo! That meant Liam was still here. She rushed out the back door, which lead to the rear porch and back yard. Of course, “back yard” was really their acreage behind the house. The huge dog looked like he was having the time of his life, running around and chasing squirrels.

  The rhythmic thwack of metal against wood caught her attention. Turning her head towards the wood pile to the right of the porch, she half-expected her father to be standing there, chopping wood as he did in the morning. What she saw, however, was something surprising. It was Liam, chopping down log after log, wearing only a pair of sweatpants.

  Axe raised high, the muscles along Liam’s bare back and shoulders rippled as he brought the heavy tool down. The piece of wood split in two in one motion. Sweat dripped down between his shoulder blades, and he took another log from the pile and positioned it on the chopping block. She couldn’t help but stare at him, her eyes moving down from his wide shoulders, his strong back, and the tapered, trim waist. He wasn’t overly muscled, more on the lean side, but his form was phenomenal.

  Liam must have sensed her watching him, because he quickly turned around. A blush crept up her cheeks, realizing she’d been caught. He flashed her a smile and then stalked up to her.

  Oh, dear Lord.

  If the back side of him was attractive, the front was even better. Thick corded muscles stretched across his shoulders, his arms strong and - was that a tattoo around his right arm? His perfect pecs were divided with a strong line, his six-pack defined and leading down to the deep V along his hips. A light sprinkling of hair disappeared under the sweats hanging low, the outline of his cock obvious through the gray fabric. She quickly averted her eyes and took a sip of her coffee.

  “Good morning,” he greeted as he jogged up the steps. He grabbed a towel hanging from the bannister and wiped off the sweat.

  “Good morning,” she murmured, staring into the thick, dark liquid in her cup.

  “I saw your parents this morning, they said they had to go to a friend’s farm.”

  “Yeah, they left me a note.” God, even four feet away he was still too close, the mixture of sweat and his citrusy scent sending heat through her body and desire throbbing between her legs. “What are you doing?”

  “I asked your mom if there was anything I could do to repay her for her hospitality. She asked me if I could chop some wood since she and your dad were called away.”

  “Shirtless?” She put her hand over her mouth. “I mean, where did you get your clothes?”

  “Oh, these?” He grabbed a white shirt and put it over his head, and she sighed in relief. “She said it was one of your cousins’ or something. I think it fits OK. I brought some other clothes too, but your mom didn’t want to get them dirty.”

  The shirt was about a size too small and clung to his body, making the puckering of his nipples evident. She wondered what they tasted like.

  “OK,” she whispered. “I mean, I should go back.” She turned to head back into the house, feeling dizzy all of a sudden.

  “Wait,” Liam said in his low baritone. “Will you show me around your compound? I’m out of wood too, I was thinking I should get some more. Your dad said there are always fallen logs around the property I could collect once I was done.” The small smile tugging at the corner of his lips made him seem even more handsome.

  “Uhm, sure. I need to go…get my boots and I’ll come out in five minutes.”


  By the time she came back, Liam was playing with Hugo in the yard, tossing him a stick, which the goofy giant dog happily fetched and brought back to his master.

  “What would you like to see first?” she asked as she walked up to him.

  “Well, I’ve seen your house and the back yard. How about showing me and Hugo the woods around your home?”

  “Sure.” She nodded and led them toward the thick grouping of trees at the far end of the property.

  “This really isn’t what I expected,” Liam confessed as he followed Lara. She led them to the small foot path that led deeper into the woods. As soon as Hugo saw the path, he darted straight ahead, his happy barks echoing through the forest.

  “Oh yeah?” she smirked. “Walking into a witch coven…what did you expect? Cobwebs and bats? Pointy hats and warts?”

  “Oh no, not warts,” he said, stopping to walk ahead of her. He pulled a branch out of the way so she could walk safely past. “It seems very normal.”

  “Well, we have to appear normal, you know,” she stated. “We’re one of the oldest covens on the east coast, and we lasted this long because we’re careful.”

  “No one’s ever
stumbled upon your compound before?”

  She sidestepped a stray branch on the path. “Yeah, about that. This place is protected by magical wards and spells. If anyone were to come by it, they would think it’s nothing special and just move along.”


  “Yeah. Huh.” She gave him a strange look. “It’s funny how you found us so quickly.”

  “I had help.” Liam gave her a smile. “And I almost did miss it, but I saw another car come out of the turnoff.”

  Wesley and his parents, Lara thought. “Right.”

  “So, I’m curious, if you don’t mind sharing witch secrets…”


  “Your dad.”

  She let out a laugh. “You’re wondering how my parents got together, right?”

  “Yeah…it just seems…you know…mismatched.”

  It wasn’t the first time someone had asked her about Vivianne and Graham. They did make a strange pair, with Vivianne so elegant and worldly, while Graham was the complete opposite. Her father very down to earth, gruff and loved to work with his hands. She decided to indulge him. “Most people assume my dad’s not in the picture, since I have the same name as my mom and grandmother.”

  “Is he your real dad?”

  “My biological dad, you mean? Yes.” She was used to the look Liam gave her, so she continued. “Our culture is very different from human or Lycan culture. For example, in my family, it’s always the female children who have the powers. And in witch society, the amount of magic you have determines your rank.” She paused. “Now, it’ll take me too long to explain the hierarchy of the witch and warlock families and why they’re that way, but in the order of things, my mother outranks my father. So, when they got married, he took her name.”

  “Wait.” Liam paused, putting a hand on her shoulder. “So your dad…his name is Graham Chatraine?”

  She nodded. “Yup. That’s legal, by the way. He changed it.”

  “He didn’t mind?”

  “Well, he loves my mother, and if he wanted to marry her, that was the condition.”

  “Wow, I can’t believe…”

  “Do you think less of him because of that?” Lara asked.

  “Not at all, I really respect your dad for doing that.”

  Lara was surprised by his answer. “Well that’s how things are done. He’s originally from Tennessee, he used to live near the Smokey Mountains with his coven. Yes.” She laughed when he made a face. “There are redneck witches and warlocks, just like there are redneck Lycans.”

  “So he moved out here?”

  “Yeah, actually, he didn’t mind marrying a higher-ranking witch, but he wasn’t too crazy about moving to New York. He actually thought my mother lived in New York City at first. But they fell in love, and he moved out here. Believe it or not, my dad built the house and he maintains it. He loves working with his hands, so he works as a handyman for the coven.”

  Liam grew quiet and they continued to walk deeper into the woods, with her in the lead.

  The walked in silence, but after a while Lara couldn’t take it anymore. She stopped and then turned around. “What are you doing here?” She finally asked the burning question in her mind.

  He seemed surprised but narrowed his eyes at her. “Why did you run away?”

  “I did not run!” She stepped forward, looking up at him.

  “Then why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?”

  “I didn’t know I was supposed to ask for your permission,” she countered. Anger rose up in her.

  “That’s not what I wanted!”

  “Then what do you want?” she screamed at him. She pushed at his chest in anger, the air currents around her rushing towards him. Power rushed through her body, and she struggled to control it.

  “I just want to know you’re OK,” he said, putting his hands up in defense.

  “Why? Is it because I’m your friend?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Argh!” She threw her hands up in frustration. She turned around, but he grabbed her and spun her back to face him.

  “What did I do, Lara? To make you run away from me?” he asked softly.

  “I said I-”

  “Don’t lie to me,” he said, an edge in his voice. “I did something to make you run away.”

  She looked up into his eyes, her breath catching in her throat. What was she supposed to say? She ran away because he didn’t have sex with her? Or because she was scared of falling for him?

  “It’s nothing!” She pulled away from him and ran down the path in the opposite direction. Liam called her name, but she ignored him, continuing to head towards the house and running as fast as her legs could carry her. However, even with a head start, Liam caught up with her just as she was running up the steps to the back porch.

  “Stop! Lara, stop!” He caught up to her at the top of the steps and turned her around to face him. “Now, tell me what did I do?”

  “Nothing! You didn’t do anything!”

  He frowned. “Is it because I didn’t have sex with you?”

  She took a deep breath. “Liam, it’s not…it’s fine. I know you just think of me as your friend, and that’s fine. You’re probably still in love with Alynna and-”

  “Hold on!” He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her up against the door. “First of all, I didn’t push you to have sex that night because I could tell you were still shocked and scared. It seemed to me that since San Francisco, you didn’t even want anything to do with me, and suddenly you were inviting me to bed? I wanted you to come to me because you wanted to, not because you were scared or because you felt grateful that I rescued you from that asshole.”


  “Let me finish.” His grip held her in place. “Next, I’m not in love with Alynna or anyone else. She’s my friend, that’s all. And as for thinking of you as a friend…well, I have enough friends.”

  His lips came down fast on hers, so fast, she didn’t have time to protest or move away. Not that she would have. She parted her lips, letting him slip his warm tongue into her mouth.

  Liam pressed up against her, his cock like steel as it pushed up against her very core. Unable to help herself, she ground up against him, moving her hips until her clit bumped against the ridge of his cock. Pleasure zinged through her, from the spot where their bodies were grinding against each other. Wetness pooled between her legs, soaking her underwear and making her even slicker.

  “Your bed or mine?” Liam managed to say as he pulled away from her.

  “Yours,” she cried softly as he lifted her up into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. She clung to him as they walked through the house, down the hallway and to the guest room, where he deposited her on the bed.

  As she moved to unbutton her shirt, Liam shot her a heated look. “No, don’t. I want to unwrap you myself,” he said with a cheeky grin and whipped off his own shirt. He shucked off his sweats in one motion, his thick penis bobbing up against his flat stomach. Dear Lord, he was big. And how could he get so hard all of a sudden?

  His eyes seemed to glow in the dim light of the room. Crawling over to her, he grabbed her ankles and pulled her to his lap, eliciting a gasp from Lara. Nimble fingers made quick work of the buttons on her shirt, and he quickly unsnapped her bra and tossed it away.

  “Gorgeous,” he said as his eyes devoured her naked breasts. Large, warm hands cupped them and he bent down to put one puffy pink nipple in his mouth. “Even better than in my imagination.”

  Liam gently pushed her down, and she lay on her back, then reached down between her legs. He pulled at her leggings, pushing them down in one motion along with her panties. “Fuck, you smell amazing.” Fingers played with her clit, making her moan and buck her hips up. “I can’t wait, sweetheart,” he whispered as her positioned himself between her legs. “I’ve been waiting too long to feel you around me. I promise, I’ll make you scream and moan while I lick you later…but for now…”

�Wait,” she gasped. She didn’t want him to stop, but she couldn’t risk it. “I’m not on any kind of birth control.”

  His eyes grew lucid, and he nodded. “Wait here.” He disappeared for a moment into the bathroom and came out with a foil packet. Quickly, he ripped off one side with his teeth and placed the thin sheath over his cock, before climbing on top of her.

  “Lara,” he whispered as the tip of his cock pushed at her entrance, moving in slowly.

  She cried out as he suddenly filled her in one motion. Gripping his hair, she tried to anchor herself as his cock began to slide out slowly.

  “So perfect.” He was so thick and long that Lara had to bite her lip to keep from crying out, the slight sting of pain giving way to pure pleasure. His hands gripped her ass, pulling her hips up so he could fuck her deeper. “Jesus, you’re tight and so wet, sweetheart.”

  She moaned, unable to think or breathe or cry. Liam was now picking up the pace, rocking into her fast and deep, his cock hitting just the right spot to send shockwaves through her. She felt herself tightening around him, gripping him as her body began to convulse.

  “Liam!” she cried, her hands waving in the air, sending papers flying across the room and books falling off the shelves. Trying to get a hold of her power, she gripped his biceps and bit into his shoulders, which only made him let out a growl and pump into her faster, one hand snaking up her breast to tweak and tease her nipple. That sent her over the edge and the orgasm came fast and blinding, and even as she closed her eyes, whiteness filled her vision.

  Liam rumbled her name, thrust into her one last time, and then his body grew tight like a bowstring. His hand moved between them, stroking her clit and making her cum once more. As her pussy tightened around him, he let out a guttural sound that half-sounded like her name and a growl, and then collapsed on top of her.

  Heavy breathing from both of them evened out slowly. Liam rolled away, his feet planting onto the hardwood floor with a heavy thud as he raced to the bathroom. He came back out quickly, slipping his sweats over his lower body and climbing back into bed with her. “Sorry,” he murmured, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. “Just needed to clean up.” He pulled her back against his chest and settled his arms over her.


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