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Jabari (The Broken Book 2)

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by Serena Simpson

  The widest pair of shoulders she had ever seen were in her small kitchen.

  “Are you ready to eat?”

  His voice caressed her touching every part of her. The body she thought was dead of desire perked up at the sound of him.

  “Fie, I made you food also, come eat.”

  “Jabari what are you doing here?” She felt a shaft of anger that he would break into her apartment. However, he broke in to make her food. It shouldn’t matter; it wouldn’t matter if her days weren’t numbered. Right now, that someone, a male someone, cared enough to think about her health was making her forget that he was dangerous.

  “Feeding you, we’re having dinner together. Remember?”

  “I thought I asked for a rain check? Besides, I never really agreed to dinner.”

  “It’s not raining.”

  She stared at him wide-eyed until she walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. Her mouth opened to explain what a rain check was then closed it deciding to see what he cooked first.

  “You can cook?”

  He gave her a horror-filled look. His eyes were deliberately wide as his mouth twisted into a mask of pain making her laugh.

  “No, Quinn has been trying to teach us, but she says I’m helpless. I’ve learned the basics, but it doesn’t appeal to me that much.”

  “Then what are you doing in my kitchen?”

  “Putting the basics to work.”

  “What are you cooking?”

  “Cream of wheat for you, steak and a potato for me, and a nutritious cat food for Fie.”

  “You’re making food for my cat?”

  “You want him to eat, right?”

  “Well, yeah.” She pinched herself to make sure this wasn’t a dream. She gave a grunt of pain. Next time she’d have to pinch herself softer. He was here the male who filled her nights with hot dreams and her day with a little frisson of fear.

  “Why are you here?” His eyes went to the stove. “That’s not what I mean, and you know it.”

  “I want to get to know you, Brandi. You run every time I get near.”

  That’s the sign of a smart woman. How could she tell him there was no future for them?

  He set a bowl in front of her with toast on the side. As far as the presentation went, he got a zero, but that he made her food, and there was butter and sugar set out for her… Well, he got over a hundred percent, and she’d tell him as soon as her eyes stopped trying to leak.

  He sat down with his plate and put a small bowl on the table for Fie.

  “Your food needs to cool before you can eat it.” Fie jumped on a chair and curled up content to wait.

  “Thank you.” She took a bite of her food doing her best to keep her hand from shaking. “I wasn’t expecting this, but I appreciate it.”

  “You have to eat.”

  His voice caressed her again. She ached to be well enough to take him up on the promise in his voice. Her food went down hard as the need to stop breathing battled with the need to swallow. His eyes caught hers spelling out a future she wouldn’t have been able to believe even if she was well. The desire to fall into his eyes, to take what he was offering almost overwhelmed her.

  Her eyes closed reminding her that reality would not change. She’d been to several doctors, and she wasn’t long for this world. She took another bite of her food knowing she needed all the strength she could get.

  After several bites she was too tired to eat anymore. Instead, she would watch Jabari eat and enjoy the memory.

  He pulled his chair closer. “You have to eat Brandi.” His voice caressed her ear.

  She leaned back against him giving herself permission to get lost in the fantasy. Her braids were over his shoulder, and it made her smile. It was like they were whole when they were together. He took the spoon and fed her. It was a time of silence when you spoke with your body not needing to say words. She ate almost all of it before she was full.

  “Now to feed Fie.” His voice was soft against her ear. There was a light pressure on her cheek.

  Had he kissed her? She couldn’t call foul not after the way she had laid against him sucking up his warmth and comfort. He picked her up and took her to the couch before going into the kitchen and getting Fie and his food. He sat next to her taking up most of the space and making her feel small once again.

  Her heart squeezed as she watched him hold Fie tenderly with one hand. He picked up a bite of food with his fingers and offered it to him. Fie sniffed and then licked the food before he decided to take a bite.

  He ate something she wanted to sing. The vet said if he ate, it would prolong his life a little. She watched as he took several bites, and then he bit Jabari.

  “Fie!” She was shocked. He had never acted aggressively before.

  “It’s okay Brandi. Fie understands me; he knows I’m all about biting.”

  Her eyes were wide as she watched Fie lick the slow stream of blood coming from Jabari’s finger. He closed his eyes and laid out in Jabari’s hand before he fell asleep.

  He laid Fie on her lap and went to clean her kitchen.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Habit.” When he finished, he took her and Fie to the bedroom. “I’ll lock up.”

  She nodded too tired to protest. “I want my key back.”

  He reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled it out. She rubbed her legs together. It was nice to know she could feel the need to pull him on top of her.

  “Goodbye, Brandi.”

  Her hand lifted and cupped the side of his face. Enjoying the feeling of his warm skin. She traced his cheek before she drew away. “Goodbye, Jabari.”

  She watched him walk away knowing her one night of being a princess was over. At least, she got a night.

  Chapter Three

  His claws kept trying to break through his skin. He wanted to shred the seats. It was the look of pleasure on Brandi’s face when she sat in his Rolls that kept him from tearing it up. The familiar ache of impotence swirled in his stomach coming up his esophagus to burn with fury in his mouth.

  He growled as his beast fought him for his skin. Memories of Brandi were playing through his mind. The way she smiled when she laid against his chest. The small sound of pleasure that came from her. How she looked as he fed her.

  A growl tore free loud enough to shake the car as he pulled into the driveway. He put it in park not caring that the engine was still running and threw himself against the door in his desperation to be released. He changed forms his beast demanding then stealing his skin. The growl that emerged would have awakened the neighbors if they had any.

  He ran towards the side of the house where they were building the outdoor kitchen. The grip he had on his sanity slipped, but he could still remember there was someone in the house he could hurt. Slade stepped out of the kitchen door and changed forms. Jabari came at him, claws outstretched death in his eyes.

  They clashed falling to the earth as they fought for the dominant position. Jabari slashed at his neck Slade turned his head deflecting what could have been a death blow. Jabari howled in frustration as Slade kicked him off. They both jumped back to their feet.

  They circled around looking for a weakness. Jabari eyed Slade’s leg the one that had been cut several days ago and went for it. There was a roar of pain as claws shredded his back. Claws gripped his ankles as the rest of his brothers joined the fight. They pulled him down until they could subdue him. He roared and growled his frustration speaking in the language of his beast. They dragged him inside the house and through the kitchen. He felt every bump as he hit the stairs.

  They took him to the part of the basement they used for holding enemies. There in the corner, was a cell designed for him. They tossed him in and locked the door. He stood and ran at the walls trying to claw his way through. Each brother watched him before turning their backs and walking away.

  Slade sat on the floor in front of his cell for a long time before he finally left. Jabari foug
ht for freedom until he couldn’t move. Then he fell to the floor covered in grief he couldn’t bear.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Slade’s voice broke the silence.


  “Talk anyway.”

  Jabari lifted his head to watch as his brother once again took a seat on the floor ignoring the chairs by the wall.

  “She’s dying. It that what you wanted to know? How long does she have left, is that what you’re wondering? Weeks’ maybe a few months.” His voice was raw from the pain he could still feel simmering beneath the surface of his skin.

  Slade flinched. To hear she was dying hit closer to home than he was ready to deal with.

  He was taking his pain and his anger out on his brother. Opening up wounds that were still too new to be considered old. He was acting like a bastard or a wounded created either way his actions were unforgivable.

  “Maybe Mekhi can…”

  Jabari was shaking his head. “No, there is nothing he can do. There is nothing I can do. She will die.” The dead gift he carried inside of him flared to life long enough for him to realize she was dying and nothing and no one could save her.

  “Then all you can do is stay away from her. I don’t want a repeat of last night.”

  “Could you stay away from Brie?” Slade roared his teeth elongating.

  “I didn’t think so. She’s my mate. How am I supposed to stay away?”

  He didn’t have an answer for that.

  “I’ve wondered over this last month how Mekhi managed to keep his mate. I hoped it was skill and knowledge, now I know it was luck. None of those will help me with Brandi.” He stood covered in dry blood.

  Slade opened the cell and handed him a pair of pants.

  “What will you do?”

  Jabari stopped on his way out and turned to face Slade. “I wish I knew.”

  He left the basement and took the stairs until he stood in his room. The white walls stared at him a contrast to the walls in Brandi’s condo. He passed them up unable to look and headed for the shower. Maybe Slade had a point. He should stay away.


  Brandi woke feeling much better. She ignored the feeling and took her time getting out of bed. She fell for this false sense of strength a few times in the past only to end up on her ass.

  Fie was standing by the bed talking up a storm. She had to smile; he looked so much better after last night. Whatever Jabari fed him helped.

  “Are you hungry, baby?” She didn’t even flinch when she said, baby. She no longer thought of the fact that she wouldn’t have children. Those thoughts could tear her in half. It always helped that she hadn’t met anyone who made her think about settling down. That changed last night when Jabari fed her. He didn’t have to, but he did. She turned her mind away from the thought before she spiraled into a dream filled world.

  There were no more dreams for her or thoughts of the future. She told herself that every day, then she stiffened her spine and fought. Giving up wasn’t in her nature.

  She walked into the kitchen and grabbed the food that Jabari made for Fie. She heated it up and brought it to the bathroom to put in his bowl. She changed his water and watched with a smile as he began to eat. Today was going to be a good day.

  She used the bathroom before she walked back into the bedroom. Today was her day to visit the youth center in her old neighborhood. She pulled on her favorite pair of shorts along with a t-shirt and a jacket. She got cold faster now.

  “Fie, I’m going out, but I’ll be back in time to feed you dinner.” She laughed as she opened the door. Talking to her cat made her feel better. Someone was listening to her even if he could only meow in response.

  She almost tripped over the package on the other side of her door. It was wrapped in a festive paper that reminded her of parties. The card read ‘I love your new line of clothes.’ It was from an admirer. Occasionally she got something nice from someone wanting to say, thank you. She tucked it in her bag to be opened later. Right now, she needed to hail a cab or call another Uber. She made it to street level still debating what to do.

  “Going somewhere?”

  Jabari was standing next to his Rolls as she left the building. Her shoulders stiffened hadn’t she said goodbye to him yesterday?

  “Not with you.” The ache she felt in her gut almost killed her, but she needed to protect him. If he got involved with her the well of pain, she saw behind his eyes would only get deeper. She couldn’t do that to him… Could she? She turned her back on him and pulled out her phone to get a ride.

  It was wrong because she knew it would hurt, but she allowed herself one last look at him as she got into the car. Her heart seized. Why couldn’t she have the desire in his eyes?

  She gave the driver directions to where she was going then settled back. Her heart ached, but she couldn’t do this to either of them. He could become important in her life, and she didn’t have much life left. Who was stupid enough to fall in love at the end of their lives? Was it stupidity to grasp onto love where you found it? The voice inside her head, the one that liked to play devil’s advocate, asked.

  She gave her head a shake. For others, it made sense just not for her. She exited the car only to find Jabari pulling up behind her.

  “What are you doing here?” Why did he have the power to move her? It wasn’t like she knew him, but from the first time she saw him her heart beat faster, and she wanted, oh how she wanted.

  “Is there a law against coming here?”

  “You’re stalking me.”

  “It’s part of what I do.”

  She tapped her foot in frustration. She wanted to yell at him as if she hadn’t left that part of her life behind. All she had time for now, was emotions that made her feel Zen.

  “You can’t be here!”


  “Because these kids don’t ride in Rolls Royce’s. They may not even know what one looks like. Then you come here and flaunt how rich you are in front of them. It's not fair.” You can’t be here because I’ll need you when I’m weak, and it’s not fair to get my hopes up and then dash them. Those words stayed behind the barrier of her teeth.

  She turned and made her escape into the building leaving him outside and hopefully out of her life.

  “Ms. Brandi.” Several of the kids ran to her to receive hugs and kisses. The parents walked up to her and hugged her giving her smiles of welcome.

  “I heard we’re having a game of B-ball here today.”

  “It’s girls against the boys, we’re going to kick their butts.” One girl told her, she was in the midget league.

  “You can try,” one of the boys shouted as he made a basket.

  “Go warm up Tina.”

  “Yes, Ms. Vahl.” She ran off to find another basketball.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m feeling fine Leona. Now that I’m here watching the kids I feel even better.”

  “They will do that to you. Why don’t we find you a seat? Maybe by that man who is eating you up with his eyes. You attract the best men.”

  Brandi turned around to see Jabari sitting in the stands watching her. She turned her head to look at the other side of the room.

  “Are you telling me you would rather sit by yourself than by that sexy man?”

  Yes, her head screamed, but her heart wasn’t having it. Unable to stop herself her feet carried her over to him. He moved making room for her.

  Her tongue came out to lick her bottom lip, and his eyes followed the movement. Could one last grand affair of the heart before she died be wrong?

  Chapter Four

  The boys swept the victory, not by much, but they were still the winners, and you could see the pride on their faces. Cheers and shouts were filling the space as the loud crowd showed their appreciation.

  “I need to congratulate the winners.” It was a small olive branch.

  “I’ll be here when you’re done.” She nodded and walked off. It was strange, but she
believed him.

  He watched her walk off before the young female on the court caught his attention. She threw the ball at the hoop, but it was the anger within her that reached out to him.

  “We would have won if I made that last shot. Is the problem me or is it that girls aren’t as good as boys?” She asked who ever walked up behind her.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “They’re taller, stronger, faster. Isn’t that how it goes?”

  “What about smarter?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t get behind that one.”

  “Then you can win.”


  She turned around and looked at him. He was huge. “Um, you're big.”

  “I am, but people and things that are big go down every day.” He held out his hand, and she placed the ball in it. He aimed at the basket and made it.

  “Sure, they do.” She didn’t try to hide the anger in her voice. She caught the ball.

  “You can make that shot too.”

  “No, I can’t.”

  “You can’t make it, yet.” He emphasized the last word. “Come stand right here. Now make your shot.” She moved over to the spot he showed her and shot for the basket but missed it.

  “I never seem to be able to make it from here.”

  “There are two reasons. One because you’ve told yourself, you can’t do it. Two because you haven’t trained.”

  “What do you know about training? I saw your ride. We all did. You’re just another rich white man.” She shifted to her other foot, she didn’t mean to say what she was thinking.

  “I know you have a choice, I never had one. Around the age of five, my brothers and I were kicked out and told to learn to survive. We hunted food to eat. If we killed the wrong animal, we suffered the consequences. Learning to clean one after it was killed didn’t come as naturally as we would have liked. We were told that we were animals. I’ve since learned that no one should be on their own at such an early age. No matter what their species is.”


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