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Jabari (The Broken Book 2)

Page 4

by Serena Simpson

  What was he talking about? Did he think she could just sit there and watch an alien kill him? Oh… He was an alien trying to kill her. True, but she couldn’t do it; her heart wouldn’t let that be all right.

  “It wanted to kill you. I thought it would rip out your throat. How could I let that happen?”

  “How could I let anyone besides myself eat you and what good would you do in a cocoon?”

  Damn, she was going crazy. There was moisture flowing from her pussy, and her thong was long past soaked. Maybe this was how they did it. They pretended they were offering sexual gratification before they cut you up and put you in the pot.

  She gagged at the thought. He got out the Jeep and came around opening her door.

  “We’ll finish this upstairs.”

  Didn’t she get a last monologue? Goodbye cruel world or something like that before he killed her. Don’t move feet she screamed, but her body betrayed her by taking his hand and getting out of the Jeep he was driving.

  He picked her up because she was still shoeless. There had been too much blood, and gore caked on them. They ended up being burned with the rest of her clothes. His long legs ate the ground between his car and the elevator. She was concentrating on everything. Yes, Jabari was a soul-sucking monster, but he still made her hot. Wasn’t that how the worst serial killers did it? They were attractive and lured you to your doom.

  “What are you thinking?” He asked as they walked into the empty elevator.

  “Serial killers who are attractive can kill more.”

  He growled in her ear. “Are you saying you find me attractive?”

  She shivered deciding she would enjoy the feelings making their way through her body before he killed her. He must be the best killer on earth to make her feel good enough that she was willing to let him carry her to her doom.

  She handed him her key when they reached her door.

  “Please feed Fie before you kill me.”

  He opened the door and carried her to the couch. Fie came out meowing and jumped on her lap.

  “Don’t worry Jabari will take care of you. Promise me you’ll take care of him.”

  “I will take care of everything that matters.”

  “He talks funny Fie, but he will care for you.” She stood up and followed Jabari into the bathroom as he changed Fie’s water and gave him some dry food mixed with the food he made.

  “Go eat, I love you.” She turned around and went into the bedroom to get clean clothes that fit. Her mind was sitting somewhere between reality and fantasy. She knew it, but at times like this, all she could do was rest. It was a side effect of the illness. Her doctors had never seen anything like this before. They wanted to study her, she should have said yes so no one else ever suffered like this. She said no. Now that she was dying, she understood more than ever how precious her life was. She wanted to enjoy the time she had left even if she was enjoying it alone.

  Jabari stood in the doorway staring at her. She ignored him. This was her fantasy. With her nightgown clutched in her hand, she walked back into the bathroom and took a shower. There were still traces of alien blood under her fingernails. The door to the bathroom opened, and she smiled. The shower was enclosed with frosted glass. He could only see a silhouette of her. She picked up her sponge and worked it over her body making sure she put on a show.

  She opened the door a few inches and grabbed a towel to wrap up in before she came out.

  He was standing there with his legs spread apart and his arms over his chest.

  She stared at his head and worked her way down to his feet that were now bootless. Here was the male who played a starring role in her fantasies. The one where he knew her so well that he knew her startled cry of no was yes. He would ravish her for hours until she was exhausted with her body having repeat orgasms then he would tuck her in bed beside him proving how much he loved her.

  She laughed everyone needed a dream.

  “When you attacked that bird, did you do it for me or would you have done it for anyone?”

  What was he talking about? She had to give her head a shake to leave her fantasy and focus on him.

  She would have done it for anyone. Nope, she was lying to herself. It was nice to think she would be that brave for a random stranger on the street. Her first thought would have been to call 911, but not when she saw Jabari was in danger. She couldn’t stomach the thought that he wouldn’t be here anymore.

  “You. I did it for you, not because I’m brave. I don’t run into burning buildings. People like firefighters have my highest respect, but I know my limits.”

  “I don’t think you know your limit's defender.”


  “You look like the defenders on Rios IV, beautiful brown skin with long silky braids.”

  “Are you saying that there are people who look like me somewhere out in the stars?”


  “What’s a defender?”

  “They defend their planet from war waged by their people and attacks from space.”

  Brandi’s shoulder’s straightened, and her chest lifted. His words made her feel good.

  He was evil… Right? “Are you going to eat me now?”

  “Do I have your permission?”

  She gave a silent nod to her head. I mean it’s not like she could say sure kill me now with a smile.

  He crossed the room and picked her up before taking her to her room and placing her on the bed. The wicked smile on his face and the burning glint in his eyes made her pussy spasm. Maybe she should rethink saying yes.

  He stood over the bed staring at her before he placed a finger on her cheek tracing it.

  “Do you want it soft or hard?” His voice sounded like gravel with a silkiness that made her want to rub her thighs together.

  She stared into his eyes feeling like she was caught in the headlights of a car that would never stop in time. Soft or hard. Although she didn’t desire pain, she was greedy for sensations.

  “Hard.” The word caught in her throat and ripped out by force as her breath came out after it panting as if she had just run a mile.

  His fingers slid down to her chin, then found their way to her throat. Before she could blink, he grasped the towel and pulled, leaving her bare. The cool air caressed her nipples and found the hotness between her legs teasing her with its embrace.

  “The opportunity to eat a defender, my defender, is an honor.”

  “Are you honorable?”

  His gravel laugh was back, but this time it was much deeper making her think of rocks tumbling over each other.

  “I’m not honorable; I'm broken. I kill for a living; I have since the moment I was created. The only ones I ever stood for were taken from me with joy. I have no honor. That is the male you defended.”

  His eyes blazed when they met hers. He refused to look away to pretend to be the good and honorable male she always pictured.

  “And still I defended you.”

  He dipped his head as if her words were enough for him. His hand moved over her chest until he reached one nipple that was already hardening. He took it between two fingers and pulled before he twisted.

  She arched up a high-pitched sound came from her as she felt pleasure swamp her senses. He sat on the bed next to her.

  “Your clothes.” He grabbed the bottom of his shirt pulling it over his head.

  He lowered his head and took her nipple into his mouth cutting off anything else she was about to say. One suck had her hands in his hair as she pulled him closer and held him tight.

  “Again.” Her voice was raw with need. She should stop this before it went too far. Or maybe she needed to remember to be scared. His mouth tugged on her nipple again, and every nerve ending lit up. There was no way she was going to deny herself the pleasure he was offering.

  Tomorrow she would remember that she was dying and couldn’t afford a personal relationship. Then she would remind herself that he wasn’t human. Tonight, she would live out
the fantasy she had of making love to him since she first encountered him in a restaurant.

  Her hand snaked out to feel the bulge in his pants. The thickness of it made her feel even more feminine; he wanted her. Perfect, she wanted him to.

  He switched to her other nipple sucking on it while she gave him little sounds of pleasure to encourage him. His hand went to her nipple and pinched making more wetness seep between her legs.

  “Should we do this?” It was a moment of nervousness where she wanted to question everything.

  His growl in her ear made her shiver again. This was once in a lifetime. Hell yeah, I’m doing this. Her fingers went to his shoulders tracing the marks where he had been tortured. He had overcome so much, and now the muscles were so defined that she couldn’t believe he was here with her. Her nipple popped out of his mouth making a noise that turned her on even more.

  He looked over at her; his ice blue eyes had little flames behind them. She should be scared that was too freaky. Right, because becoming a monster wasn’t freaky. Reaching out she traced the area above his eyes before he lowered his head and kissed down her stomach.

  He spread his hand over her belly like he was cupping her. His fingers traced over her making her feel sensitive. She gave a small growl of her own as he teased her.

  “Jabari.” His name came out with a high-pitched sigh as he nipped close to her belly button making her anticipate the next place his lips and teeth would touch her. “You’re making me crazy. My well-ordered world is going up in smoke.”

  “I want you like that, off-guard, willing to go where I lead.”

  Then he had her right where she wanted to be. His lips moved further down until she could almost feel his warm breath on her clit. Her shoulders tensed waiting, wanting, but he didn’t move.

  What was he waiting for? She was ready to explode with need. Her tongue came out to lick her lips. Then she bit her lip, and still; he was immobile as if had become a statue. Not able to wait any longer a growl of true dissatisfaction left her lips as she brought her hungry pussy up to his face.

  His deep masculine growl of pleasure ripped through her body giving her an orgasm as he took her clit into his mouth and sucked. Her head went backward as she screamed holding onto him. That was new, different. Holy hell how did he do that?

  He licked her clit in slow lazy circles until she came down. That’s when she realized her clit was throbbing from the pressure of his mouth. His fingers rubbed against her slit.


  One finger pressed in making her tense as it went deep. Damn, it had been a while. Then he added a second finger. This was nice, then he added a third finger and spread them making her feel full. She could take it until he pulled out and plunged back in. Forget taking it, she was being greedy riding every wave of pleasure he was giving her.

  She forgot the walls were a little on the thin side as she begged for more. When his fingers were replaced with his tongue, she thought she would lose her mind. When he found her clit again and pinched it. She rolled into a field of pleasure covered in heavenly scents.

  Her shout of again could be heard echoing through the room.

  Chapter Seven

  Brandi woke up feeling warm and cared for. She closed her eyes and allowed her body to sink into Jabari’s. A smile of contentment stole across her face before she forced herself back to reality. Quietly, she left the bed and put on a robe. Fie was lying on the bottom of the bed. She picked him up and walked out the bedroom leaving the door cracked.

  “Let’s go do some work.” She walked into her second bedroom. The walls were a stark white in here. She had a desk, an easel, and an assortment of paper and pencils along with colored chalks.

  This was where she allowed her imagination to run wild as she designed clothes. She flipped through some of her more futuristic outfits before she sat down and centered herself. Once she picked up her pencil time flew by as she continued the dress she was working on.

  A knock on the door brought her out of her world of beauty. Her eyes looked down at Fie asleep at her feet before she looked at the door again. Jabari should have left. The clear sky brightening the room said it was at least two hours later. She went to the door wondering what she should say.

  The open door revealed him wearing nothing but the pants he never took off.


  He looked at her not saying anything. Her stomach jumped and tightened.

  “Did you come to say goodbye?”

  He was still silent, and she found herself wanting to shuffle from foot to foot, but she forced herself to stay still.

  “Is that what you want?” His voice was harsh; she moved back a step or two.

  “Not necessarily.”

  The fire was back in his eyes, and she wasn’t feeling pleasure from it.

  “You seem upset.” She was on the retreat now. “You might want to think about what you’re doing. I would hate if you didn’t live to regret it.”

  Her knees touched her chair, and she sat with a loud thump.

  “What do you want?” he growled. His displeasure made her stomach jump.

  “I want you to stop before I cut you in half.” She grabbed a knife from under her chair. No one was coming into her home to threaten her and think they were getting away with it.

  The frown on his face was gone as he smiled at her. “Defender.” Then he plucked the knife out of her hand in a move that was too fast for her to see.

  “I’m not leaving Brandi. I don’t care how many times you sneak out the room, or how long you stay holed up in here. I’m not leaving.”

  He picked her up and placed her against the wall. His body held her in place while his lips took her in a kiss that was making her go up in smoke. He placed his thick cock against her pussy and pushed making her heart almost stop. Her legs went around him as he nipped at her mouth for entry. His tongue invaded her as his hips shoved against her, and she was ready to open wide and take him hard and fast.

  “More.” Her tongue dueled with his looking for dominance even as it accepted defeat. He was overcoming her senses with a smoothness of alcohol that had been aged to perfection. Her nipples were willing to give in if only he touched them, suck them, pluck them. Her core was needy as it begged to be filled by him.

  It was only one night, and all he used were his fingers and mouth, but already she was addicted to him. His scent filled her head. She’d sell everything she had for the next taste of him. She bared her neck asking for his bite, his possession.

  It was the knock on the front door that brought her back to her senses.

  “Someone is at the door.” She pushed against his shoulders.

  “They’ll wait.” His kiss was deeper making her feel like she was drugged with pleasure as her eyes lowered and all she could think about was getting closer to him.

  “Your kiss could be a drug.” She was feeling good. The pain that had been making its way up her legs disappeared.

  He stepped back and let her down. She ached already missing the closeness.

  “You and I are going to have to talk if you think you’re staying.” Her voice was gruff when all she wanted to do was rub all over him.

  “Who is it?” She answered the second knock.

  “It’s breakfast.” He went to the door and let in two males who looked like they could be related to him, but she had never seen them before. They walked in and looked her over and then turned their heads in a clear sign of dismissal.

  “Well, that was rude.” They ignored her and laid out the food on her table.

  “You ordered breakfast.”

  “This way neither of us has to cook.”

  She nodded. It was a good idea, but this was more than she would have thought to make.

  “Is that eggs benedict?”

  One of the two males in her home nodded, but neither spoke to her. When they were done, they glared at Jabari before walking towards the door. The last one stopped and looked at her before his normal brown eyes flipped an
d became a different color.

  “She carries the taint of evil. Someone is trying to kill her.” He slammed the door behind him and left.

  She found her knees giving out and sat on the couch.

  “Are they like you?” Her voice was low as she replayed his words.

  “Yes, he’s created like I am. Like me, he has been tortured.”

  “What did he mean when he said someone is trying to kill me?”

  “I don’t know. Do you have any enemies?”

  “None that want me dead.”

  “Come eat, we’ll figure it out.”

  The joy at the thought of breakfast was diminished by what she heard. Still, the eggs were pulling at her.

  “You know there is too much food here.”

  “I eat a lot.” He sat down and placed Fie on a chair with his bowl.

  Her heart melted. He was the most dangerous caretaker she had ever met, and she liked it. There were times when he looked at her, and her heart caught in her throat. It was the danger that he exuded, then in the next heartbeat; she knew it would never be directed at her. Maybe this made her mentally sick, but it was sexy as hell to know this dangerous male would never hurt her.

  “How did you know I wanted eggs benedict for breakfast?”

  “You talk in your sleep.”

  “Are you serious?”

  His eyes met hers; they were so warm that the ice was melting. Damn, there was going to be a flood somewhere besides her panties.

  “Yes, you talk in your sleep.”

  Her cheeks heated up as she ducked her head. None of her previous lovers ever told her that. Then again, most of them weren’t the staying around kind. She took a quick peek at him and hid her eyes again. Could she really call Jabari a lover? He was more of a one-night stand. He said he wasn’t leaving, and he did order breakfast, but they all say that before they disappear.

  Deep breath, enjoy the moment. She would deal with the fallout when it happened.

  “I need to pick up the rest of my clothes from the Coliseum.” That was where she put on her last fashion show. “They’ve been calling. All the feedback has been positive, and I’ve gotten some orders for a fall line of clothes.”


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