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That Summer (Part Two)

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by Lauren Crossley

  That Summer

  By Lauren Crossley

  That Summer

  Copyright © 2015 Lauren Crossley

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be

  Reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed

  Or electronic form without consent from the author.

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  Copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

  All characters and storylines are the property of the author

  And your support and request is appreciated.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious.

  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental

  And not intended by the author.

  Cover photo ©

  I want to thank each and every one of you who has purchased one of my books. I want to thank each individual who has emailed me or reached out to me in some way and thanked me for writing one of my novels. It truly amazes me that one of you across the other side of the world can read my stories and I am so grateful that each one of you has been willing to take a chance and invest your time in one of my books. My writing is not hearts and flowers because I am fully aware that the world we live in is not like that. Every single day we face choices, make decisions and encounter dilemmas which truly test us as human beings. We look for answers and search for solutions just like the characters I create. They are incredibly flawed because I do not wish to write about people who are perfect. In real life, we don’t always get a happy ever after and this is why I will continue to explore the darkness which we all must face as individuals at some point in our lives. We all have a choice and we have all come to know that bittersweet ending which I tend to favour when it comes to my writing. This book is for all of you who ‘get’ my writing, who ‘get’ the characters I have created and who understand that life is not a fairy-tale. Sometimes, we must improvise and find our own happiness, we must search for what completes us and brings us joy. One of those things for me is my writing and this is why I am honoured you get to be a part of this.

  Thank you.


  Present day…

  “Are you ready to continue, Serena?” My therapist asks me, leaning forward in her seat with a compassionate and understanding expression on her face.

  “I suppose so.” I reply brusquely, close to hating her for making me carry on with this when she knows how much pain it is causing me.

  “Is it alright with you if we pick up where we left off yesterday?” She asks me gently.

  “I guess.” I answer curtly, folding my arms across my chest in a defensive manner.

  “Now we’ve already covered how you came to meet Cole and how the two of you first started your relationship. You have also discussed with me what happened when you both found out that you share the same father as well as the circumstances which lead you to run away with him.” She finishes, pausing for a moment so I have the opportunity to respond to her statement.

  “I remember.” I reply coldly, staring at her intently.

  “What I want us to talk about today is the reason that you’re here and the reason it’s no longer safe for you to approach Cole.”

  “He despises me.” I state firmly. “And I can’t say that I blame him.”

  “Serena, all of us say and do things we don’t mean sometimes.”

  “Oh, he meant it.” I assure her with certainty. “He looked me in the eyes when he told me that he despises me. He told me he won’t rest until he’s made my life as miserable as I’ve made his. He said I ruined him and he intends to destroy me like I destroyed him.”

  “When did he say this to you?” She inquires gently.

  “About six months ago.” I answer truthfully.

  “Before we talk about what happened then, we need to discuss the events which took place when you first ran away from him. I need to know what happened between you both when you left everything behind so you could be with him. Where did you go? What did you do? And how long were you together before the two of you were found?”

  “You mean before I called the police? Before I told them where we were and that Cole and I were related?” I demand angrily.


  “Five days.” I whisper softly, my anger decreasing when I remember those final days I spent with Cole. “We spent five days together before they caught up with us and before they took him away from me.”

  “And how long was it before you saw him again after that?”

  “Three years.” I murmur quietly. “That’s how long it took for him to find me.”

  “And now he’s searching for you again?” She prompts me.

  “He’s always searching and I know he’s never going to stop.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because he swore to me he wouldn’t and I believe him. He won’t rest until I’m found and he won’t find peace until he captures me again.”

  “But what about you?” She asks, emphasising the importance of my own self and what I need. “What about your peace?”

  “Cole is my soulmate.” I remind her impatiently. “He’s the other half of myself and I know I will never find completion until we’re together again.”

  “Even though the consequences of a life with him would be catastrophic?” She asks me incredulously. “You’ve already said he still resents the fact you ended things between the two of you?”

  “Despite the misery I might face with him, I still want him.” I claim boldly. “Andi don’t need a happy ending… all I need is Cole.”

  Chapter One

  Six years earlier…

  “Serena, wake up. Wake up, baby. We’re here.” A deep, masculine voice whispers in my ear, stirring me from my sleep.

  “Where are we?” I mumble sleepily, rubbing my tired eyes with the back of my hand.

  “A motel where we can spend the night.” Cole answers tiredly, fighting against his own fatigue as he allows his head to fall back against the car’s head rest.

  “I’m so exhausted… I don’t think I can move.”

  “Do you want me to carry you?” He offers kindly, taking hold of my small hand in his.

  “Mmhmm.” I murmur, nodding my head slowly.

  He walks around the car so he can lift me out of it and makes his way across the car park with me in his arms towards reception.

  “Wait out here.” He instructs me, gently placing me down onto my feet. “I’ll go in there by myself and see if they have any rooms available.”

  “Why can’t I come in with you?” I ask, leaning against the outside wall of the building as I look up at him in confusion.

  “I just don’t want to arouse anyone’s suspicion. You’re so worn out and weary, they might think I’ve drugged you or something.”

  “I’m sorry.” I apologise sincerely. “I’ll try and wake myself up by the time you get back.”

  “It’s fine.” He assures me, placing a gentle kiss on the centre of my forehead. “We’ve been driving for hours, it’s no wonder you’re exhausted.”

  He gives me a weak smile before he goes inside, leaving me alone in the empty parking lot. I have no idea what time it is but I’m guessing that it must be around half five or six o’clock in the morning. I remember it was around two in the morning when Cole had just left my house, right before I sent Lisa that message.


  God, it hurts so much to know I won’t see her again. At least… I won’t for a very long time. She’s been my best friend for so long and has been there for me through my darkest days, I feel like I’ve betrayed her by running away with Cole like this. I feel like I should have at least tried once more to e
xplain things to her. If only I could go back and make her see things from my point of view, maybe then she would understand.

  “You should see which number they gave us.” Cole startles me, making his way out of the reception.

  “Which number is it?” I ask him, glancing around the motel’s rooms which are scattered across the empty car park.

  “Thirteen.” He replies gloomily, gazing down at the room key in his hand.

  “Never mind.” I console him. “Let’s just hope it will be lucky for us.”

  “Come on.” He says kindly, taking hold of my hand. “I think it’s going to start raining, just look at them black clouds.”

  “I don’t like them.” I inform him, staring up at the early morning sky. “And I don’t like thunderstorms either.”

  “I’ll keep you safe, I promise you.” He grins at me, pulling me along behind him.

  He unlocks the door to number thirteen before he steps inside, turning on the light switch which is right next to the door.

  Inside is so basic, there’s barely enough room to fit the double bed which is in the centre of the room. There’s a small TV in front of it and a tiny bathroom with a sink, a toilet and a bath all crammed inside.

  “It’s… nice.” I say quietly, wondering how on earth the two of us are expected to stay in here.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t have time to find us anything nicer.” Cole apologises sadly, lowering his head slightly.

  “Listen, I don’t care where we are, so long as we’re together.” I remind him, cuddling up against his chest.

  He returns my embrace, providing me with the exact amount of comfort I was needing.

  “We’ll be staying somewhere much nicer soon, I promise.” He tells me, squeezing my trembling body tightly.

  “What do you mean? Where else can we go?”

  “Never mind all that right now. Let’s just get ready for bed.” He says, closing the door behind him before he locks it.

  With hesitation, I make my way inside the gloomy bedroom, sitting down on the edge of the bed as I watch Cole unpack our things. I didn’t even notice that he brought our bag with him from the car and observe him trying to find enough space for our clothes in the tiny wardrobe which has also been provided.

  “How long do you think we will have to stay here for exactly?” I inquire timidly.

  “Not long.” He replies with certainty, discarding the empty bag he was unpacking. “I don’t think either one of us could face more than a night in this place.”

  I moisten my lips, instantly relived that we should be staying somewhere else by this time tomorrow.

  “I think I’ll go and brush my teeth and take a quick bath before I go to bed. I won’t be able to sleep otherwise.”

  “Ok, I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  It’s when I’m in the small, cold bathroom that it finally hits me. I’ve actually ran away. I’ve packed my things and left my entire life behind me to be with Cole. No more college, no more lessons and no more Lisa.

  I shake my head, willing myself not to think about her. If I allow my wandering mind to go there right now, I won’t be able to hold it in. My tumultuous emotions are all over the place, I can’t seem to get a hold of them right now and I doubt I will be able to until I feel stronger.

  I end up running myself a deep bath, pouring a large amount of bubble bath into it so I can make sure it’s extra clean. Immersing myself into the extremely hot water, I exhale slowly. My muscles start to relax when I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, trying to expel the negative thoughts from my mind.

  “Serena, can I come in?” Cole asks me, knocking on the bathroom door gently.

  “Erm… no! Give me a second.” I exclaim loudly, scrambling out of the bathtub so I can find a towel to cover myself.

  “Are you ok?” He demands, sounding worried. “What’s wrong?”

  “Just hold on.” I beg him, starting to panic when I can’t see a bath towel anywhere.

  “Serena, I’m going to break this door down in three seconds if you don’t let me in.” He promises me, banging his fist against it in frustration.

  “Cole, please don’t! I can’t find a towel and I’m soaking wet. You can’t just barge in here!”

  “What are you talking about? Why can’t I?”

  “Because… because it’s not right!” I reply anxiously. “You can’t.”

  My eyes suddenly land on the towel I’ve been searching for. It’s hanging on the back of the bathroom door and I can scarcely believe it’s been right there in front of me the whole time.

  “Are you serious?” He asks incredulously, shaking the door’s handle roughly. “You don’t want me to see you now you know the truth?”

  I hastily wrap the towel around my body and inhale deeply, preparing myself for the confrontation which is bound to happen as soon as I unlock that door.

  “I’m sorry.” I whisper, reluctant when it comes to making eye contact with his thunderous glare.

  “Don’t apologise.” He snaps impatiently. “I just want to know why you didn’t want me to see you.”

  “I-I had no clothes on.” I answer meekly, clutching the towel against me.

  “So what? I’ve seen you naked before, Serena.” He responds defiantly, allowing his gaze to wander up and down my body.

  “I know but… things are different now.”

  “Why? That’s not what we agreed when we decided to run away together and it’s not what you were saying when you asked me to kiss you in your bedroom right before we left.” Cole argues fiercely, placing both of his hands on my bare shoulders.

  “You told me it would be ok if we didn’t… if we didn’t have sex.” I remind him softly, lowering my gaze to the floor beneath our feet.

  “Serena, I know I agreed to that and I meant it at the time but…” He sighs deeply, pausing for a few moments before he continues. “It’s not what I want. I want to be with you and I really don’t know if I can spend a lifetime with you without us being together properly.”

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “I knew you needed some time to get used to the idea of us again but now you don’t even want me to see and that was not part of the deal. We both said that we feel the exact same way about each other as we did before and now you want to change things!” He exclaims loudly, his desperation rising.

  “Cole, I don’t want things to change. It’s just the way it has to be.” I explain sadly, hoping he will understand my complex confusion.

  “Sweetheart, no one knows us here. We’re alone and we can be ourselves. We have the right to love each other as we want to. No one can stop us.” He speaks decidedly, pulling my body against his.

  “You don’t get it, do you? I can’t just pretend I don’t know the truth! I can’t just forget what we found out and I certainly can’t erase the fact that you’re my half-brother. Cole, we share the same father and you have to face that at some point.”

  I push him away from me and stare into his smouldering brown eyes. I don’t understand why he keeps on pretending. It’s as though he’s somehow managed to block it all out and wants things to carry on exactly like they were before. He’s fighting against the truth and I just don’t think I’m capable of doing the same.

  “I don’t care about any of that! I don’t care about DNA or any of that meaningless stuff they try and tell us is important. All I care about is you. I’m madly in love with you, Green. I always have been and I always will be. I don’t love you as my sister or anything other than the girl I’m absolutely crazy about. You drive me insane and being apart from you feels like the equivalent of having my heart ripped out of my chest. I can’t do it anymore. I have to be with you.” He growls, fisting his hand in the back of my hair so he can force me to look right up at him.

  “You don’t think I want any of those things?” I ask him, taking a moment to absorb every single feature of his magnificently handsome face. “You don’t think I ache for you and long to have you hold me
like you used to? I want everything with you but one of us has to remain rational and I can’t just forget what I now know. Neither can you.”

  He sighs wearily and leans back against the wall outside the bathroom, closing his eyes as his chest heaves up and down.

  “Look, we’re both exhausted and really need to get some rest. We can talk about all of this in the morning… when we’re feeling better, ok?”

  He opens his eyes and glances in my direction, begging me to reconsider everything I just said to him.

  “Ok.” I acquiesce timidly, still clasping the small towel against my chest.

  “Alright, I’m going to go and take a quick shower.” He states abruptly, brushing right by me as he enters the bathroom. “You should try and get some sleep. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” I say, smiling weakly.

  He trails his index finger down the side of my face, watching my reaction intently.

  “Keep the bed warm for me.” He whispers huskily, touching my lips with his own.

  He closes the bathroom door behind him, purposefully shutting me out like I did with him just a few minutes ago. I’m left standing in the hallway, shivering and alone as I fight the urge I have to go inside and join him. God, to know that he’s in there… underneath the shower and completely naked is the greatest temptation I’ve ever fought against in my entire life. I honestly don’t know how I manage to keep myself from bursting my way inside but it certainly takes a tremendous amount of strength.

  I dry myself off and change into my pyjamas, climbing into the freezing cold bed as I curl my arms around the soft pillow underneath my head. My eyelids start to feel heavy as soon as I get comfy and they slowly begin to close, blocking out the golden glow of light which illuminates the patch of carpet beneath the bathroom door. The steady stream of water from Cole’s shower is oddly comforting and I find myself falling fast asleep within seconds.

  The weight of his body as he climbs in beside me is enough to interrupt my much needed slumber and I yawn, turning over in bed so I can face him. He’s shirtless and still warm from the shower, wearing a pair of shorts he must have brought with him.


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