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Page 35

by Yolanda Olson

  He ran swiftly, almost as if he were afraid. When we reached the mausoleum at the top of the hill, he kicked the door open and pushed Kaeden inside. Then he put me down on the ground, hoisted the door up over his head, and slammed it back into place. Walking over to one of the dust covered windows; he used the sleeve of his jacket to make a circular clearing in it.

  Kaeden and I looked at each other. Something was definitely frightening Cody and that’s not something that you see every day. I stood up and went over to him, putting a hand on his arm. He jumped and looked down at me.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, yeah, fine,” he said with a nervous giggle. He turned his attention back to the window. “We’ll be safe here. The sun will be up soon and you guys can’t go out in that.”

  “Cody, what’s wrong? Something is up. I’ve never seen you like this, and I’ve pretty much seen you as everything.”

  “Huh? Oh. Nothing,” he said not tearing his eyes away from the window.

  I sighed and went over to one of the raised slabs of concrete. As odd as it was, I laid down on it, and closed my eyes. I shouldn’t be this comfortable here, I thought to myself yawning.

  Kaeden sat in the far corner, furthest away from the window, and cleared his throat. I glanced over at him and smiled. He smiled back at me and turned his attention to Cody, who I’m sure was still probably looking out the window.

  In the distance, I heard the sound of birds chirping to signal the start of the day. I sat up and noticed that Cody had blocked the window with his jacket and was sitting against the entrance watching me. I glanced over at Kaeden who was asleep.

  Scooting off my morbid bed, I walked over to him and lowered myself in front of him, leaning back against his chest. He chuckled softly, then wrapped one arm around my waist, and lifted my face to his with the other. I smiled as he ran a finger down the side of my newly formed face and then pulled my head against his chest.

  “I’ve never heard birds sing before; not like this,” I said softly.

  “One day you’ll get to see it. I promise,” he replied.

  “How?” I asked glancing up at him.

  He just smiled and leaned his head back against the door, “You know sometimes I think that the world would’ve been so much less complicated if I had stayed in the jungle. For me anyway. You’d still probably be a mess,” he said laughing.

  Kaeden stirred and I nudged Cody, putting a finger to my lips. Quickly leaning down he kissed my finger.

  “Really though, dolly. I mean it. The world would’ve been a much simpler place. Think about it; you never would’ve met me, which in turn means you never would’ve met Phoebe or Billie.”

  “I wouldn’t want to live in a world that doesn’t include you. Death would be easier than being without you,” I said intertwining my fingers with his. “I know we’ve got this weird ‘relationship’ thing going, but as a person, you have to be one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.”

  “Oh I’m sure we would’ve run into each other eventually,” he said mischievously.

  I laughed loudly then clapped a hand over my mouth. I had almost forgotten that Kaeden was still in the mausoleum with us and I didn’t want to wake him up.

  “You’re too much.”

  “I get that a lot,” he said chuckling. He shifted behind me, “But who am I kidding? I live for trouble and there’s no way I would’ve not seen the star alignment in the sky anyway. Jungle or no jungle.”

  I sat there quietly. I knew he was right. In the short time I’ve known him, Cody was constantly getting into some kind of fix and most of the time it was self-induced.

  “You know sometimes I think that you were made just for me. Like maybe at one point I did something that was so good, that I got something I always wanted.

  Someone that’s mine and mine alone,” he said thoughtfully. “See with Eden,” he continued, “everything is share and share alike. It’s the goody-goody way but it works for them you know? In the other place, it’s every man for himself. So if you have something be prepared to defend it or it’ll get stolen from you. That’s pretty much the reason I decided to hang out on Earth you know. Everything’s easier with the humans.”

  After hearing the sincerity in his voice, I knew what I had to say. I had to say how I felt and he needed to hear it. I took a deep breath and mustered up all the courage I could.

  “Hey Cody,” I started timidly.

  “Hey Finn,” he replied giving me a squeeze.

  I held up my hand, my fingers trembling, and made half of a heart with my forefinger and thumb. He looked confused for a second, then smiled and doing the same with his left hand, connecting the two separate halves into one heart. I leaned up and kissed him gently on his soft full lips.

  “I’ll take that for now,” he said softly with a smile.

  I grinned and snuggled myself back into his body. I was happy that was enough for him. I couldn't just tell him the words he wanted to hear. Not because I didn’t feel it but because every time in the past that I had told someone that I loved them, something horrible always happened to them. Kendall was the latest example of that truth.

  Suddenly the door reverberated with a loud, metallic clang. I jumped and Cody quickly got to his feet. So much for having a moment with my guy, I thought. Clang!

  The noise shook the door again this time waking Kaeden up.

  “Get in the corner,” Cody said shoving me toward Kae.

  I stumbled but Kaeden caught me. Cody looked at both of us, making sure that the sun wouldn’t fry us, then he removed his jacket from the window and looked outside. A look of shock crossed his face.

  “Listen, I have to go out there,” he shouted over the next assault on the door. “Stay in here. No matter what happens. Stay in here.”

  I looked at him suspiciously. He smiled faintly but I saw the fear in his eyes. There was no way I was going to let him go out there. I turned my back to him and leaned down to look Kae in the face.

  “When he opens that door, I’m going to make a run for it. I can’t let him get hurt not over me. I’m going to need you to restrain him. If I die, then I die, but please make sure that he doesn’t see what happens,” I whispered to him.

  “Finn ...” he started, but I cut him off, “Kaeden I’ve never asked you for anything. Just please do this one thing for me.”

  Sighing he looked down for a moment, then he looked up at me and nodded sadly. I hugged him as tightly as I could. I just had the feeling that this would be the last time I’d see him.

  Standing up, I turned to watch Cody who was still preoccupied with whatever it was that was attacking the door. Kaeden stood up next and tensed next to me, removing his glasses. I watched him set them on a high windowsill and then nod at me.

  Cody took a deep breath, and placed his head on the door. Then he looked at me and smiled, fitted his hands into the cracks of the door, and pulled it out of its place.

  That was my cue.

  Together Kae and I ran at him, Kaeden tackling him to the ground into the darkness of the other side of the monument and I ran straight out into the daylight.

  I heard Cody’s angry protests and suddenly collapsed under the weight of the jacket that Kaeden had tossed out onto me. Quickly I wrapped it tightly around myself as I felt the sun starting to burn me already. I fashioned a face protection out of the lining of the hood that looked like a face veil. The only reason I was being so careful with my face was because I didn’t know if Charlie and Remy could fix it again.

  I scanned the cemetery and became confused. I couldn’t find the source of what was trying to break down the door. I looked toward the window and saw Kaeden and Cody arguing inside. I walked over and peeked in.

  Cody was laughing about something and Kaeden looked infuriated. He saw me looking in the window and started to wave me in. Curiously I ran to the door, and waited patiently while Cody yanked the door off the hinges. Grabbing me by the arm, he jerked me into the cold concrete cell and
placed the door back in place.

  “What’s going on?” I asked noticing that Kaeden’s eyes were onyx.

  “Ask him,” he said starting angrily at Cody again.

  I raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for an answer. Instead he just came over and pulled my jacket off of him. Kaeden was standing there impatiently waiting for Cody to tell him what was going on.

  “Fine, then I'll tell her,” he said angrily.

  “Dolly, you have to promise you won't get mad,” he said interrupting Kaeden.

  I nodded and looked at him. I was really curious as to what happened just now.

  “Okay.” He cleared his throat. “Pay attention to what I'm about to do.”

  I watched closely as he walked over to the door, and put his back against it. Next thing I knew, I heard that loud clanging sound that had him scrambling earlier. I tilted my head to the side. I didn't quite understand what was going on yet.

  Laughing, he shook his head and backed away from the door. Then in an exaggerated motion, he pulled his arm back then slowly tapped the door with his fist. I jumped when the noise resonated throughout the cold tomb again.

  “Wait a minute,” I said finally realizing why Kaeden was so angry. “You were the one making the noise? Why?”

  “Something to do I guess,” he said shrugging. “I was getting cabin fever sitting in here.”

  “Cody, just answer me this much. Did you know what I would do? Because if you did, I'm going to rip your head off,” I said putting my face in my hand.

  “No. I really didn't think you'd go charging out there. Thanks though,” he said coming over and giving me a playful punch on the shoulder.

  “She could've been killed, you imbecile,” Kaeden seethed.

  Cody rolled his eyes, “Now you're just being dramatic.”

  “So you were fooling around about Phoebe coming back too then?” I prompted.

  “No. That I wasn't fooling around about. But she won't come up here,” he said seriously.

  “Who did she come back with?”

  “Herself. Before either of you get mad, let me explain. She knew that she wasn't going to be able to fight me again alone. Not with you being so hot headed and running in to help me, dolly. So she did something that neither of us have done in years.”

  “And what exactly is that?” Kae asked. I could tell by the tone of his voice, he was still very clearly agitated.

  Cody walked back to the window and looked out again, then he hoisted his jacket to blot out the sun. Sitting on the slab, I had been resting on, he looked at us both with serious eyes.

  “Self-possession. She's unleashed a terrifying power that neither of us were ever really able to control. Being half angel pretty much cancels out any chance of sustaining a legion of demons in our bodies, but somehow she's starting to figure it out. I never knew she could get that angry,” he said laying back on the death bed and crossing his arms behind his head.

  “Wait. You're telling me she purposely possessed herself with demons?” I asked in disbelief.

  “Yup. We've actually been doing it since we were kids. I was never able to get a grip on it; always made me a little crazy. I think that's what her problem has been lately. And it's not as terrifying as I'm making it seem. I just thought it would be a good way to say that,” he said with a laugh.

  I rubbed my temples feeling a terrible headache coming on. For some reason it just felt like he'd never be able to take anything seriously. Which made me wonder suddenly if he took our relationship seriously. But I didn't feel the need to bring that up now, so instead I just sat on the dusty ground and crossed my legs.

  “Don't you understand that foolish games like that could cost her her life?” Kaeden shouted.

  “Oh get a grip,” Cody scoffed. “I wouldn't have done it if I thought she was going to go charging out into the sunlight. And I sure as hell won't do something like that when Pheebs is around. I'm not that reckless.”

  “I can't deal with him anymore,” Kaeden said. I swiveled around and looked at him. “I'm serious, Finnegan. This guy is going to get you or me or all of us killed.”

  “Or maybe just himself,” I said thoughtfully. “Listen Cody,” I said turning back around to face him. “No more jokes, no more kidding around. I get that you can't die, but we can. And if we're your family like you told Phoebe, then I think you should have more regard for us.”

  “Yeah you're right. I don't know. I guess having that one small show of affection from you put me in a good mood,” he said sheepishly.

  I couldn't help but laugh. It was obvious that I flustered him. If only he knew that he flustered me more than anyone ever had in my life and death. I knew that I'd be able to actually say what he wanted to hear soon enough.

  We spent the rest of the day in silence. Cody agreed; no more tricks. This was getting down to the wire and in less than two weeks; I’d have to find Skiles. I shifted uncomfortably in the back of the mausoleum. I didn’t realize that it was that close. I still hadn’t made my mind up. Then again I didn’t have a chance to breathe to make my mind up, what with all the attacks and things that were going on.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I looked up and saw Cody had shimmied his way all the way down the concrete slab and was looking at me upside down.

  I had to smile. Even when he tried to be serious, he was a goofball.

  “Nothing. I’m okay,” I replied.

  “You sure?” he asked curiously.

  I nodded and pulled my knees up to my chest. Wrapping an arm around them, I put my forehead against my arms and closed my eyes. I hadn’t slept much lately and I hadn’t fed recently either. All of this was starting to wear on me.

  As I sat there, I felt the tips of Cody’s fingers grazing my hair. He started to hum softly almost as if he were trying to lull me to sleep.

  I yawned. It was definitely working.

  Over in the far corner, I wondered if Kaeden was still throwing his silent temper tantrum. He really did want Cody to leave once and for all. But I loved them both; in different ways of course, so it was both stay or both go.

  “Dolly?” Cody whispered.


  “Can I be honest with you?”

  I peeked up at him through one eye. Something he was going to say was going to completely shock me. The feeling was just shaking me at my core.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he said rolling his eyes. “I don’t think Pheebs is trying to learn how to control possession for herself. I have this feeling that she wants to show someone how to do it. I can’t figure out who yet, and the only way would be for me to cross to either side and find out. And since none of them care about what’s going on, no one’s going to tell me. It’s annoying and it pisses me off.”

  “Wait. She’s going to show someone how to possess themselves? Why?”

  “Only one reason I can think of,” he said looking at me intently.

  For a moment I sat there, completely confused. I ran through all the possibilities of Phoebe’s intentions and every last thing pointed back to me. The purpose of her little lesson was aimed at killing me.

  “So listen,” he continued with his nonchalant tone returning, “I’ve still got some friends at Eden’s. I think they’d be willing to put you up until this whole thing is over.”

  “What? No! This is my problem, Cody. I’m not going to run from it. If I do Phoebe wins and Kendall dies a human death. I’ve got too much to lose by running away. Besides, I’m not going to abandon all the people I care about because of some measly demons.”

  “You’re so stubborn,” he said affectionately.

  “Yeah well,” I replied shrugging. “I mean would you leave me to the wolves if the tables were reversed?” Speaking of wolves, where the hell were all the supposed werewolves that show up when vampires are around?

  “Not if a million wild horses tried to drag me away,” he answered laughing loudly.

  “Can you please be quiet? I’m trying to sleep,” Kaeden ca
lled from his corner.

  “Not for long; the sun’s almost gone,” Cody called back.

  “Hm, actually,” Cody muttered to himself. He pushed himself up and off of the cold, slate bed and walked over to the window. Glancing back at me, he measured the distance and then pulled his jacket to the side. “Looks like it’s dusk. You should be okay outside of this place. The rays won’t be powerful enough to do anything to you. Come on, let’s go for a walk,” he said holding his hand out to me.

  I got up and walked over to him. I bypassed his outstretched hand and wrapped my arms around his waist. Leaning my head against his chest I inhaled and exhaled deeply. I smiled as he put his arms around me and squeezed me tightly against him.

  “I thought your sister was in the cemetery waiting to kill me,” I said glancing up at him.

  “Yeah. Possibly. I don’t know if she got bored waiting, but she’ll have to get through me. And I happen to know quite a few tricks she doesn’t know about,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

  I laughed and let go of him. Reaching up on my tiptoes, I pulled his jacket completely off of the window and took it over to Kaeden. Leaning down, I wrapped it around him like a blanket and ran a hand over the top of his head. I walked past Cody, and gripped the small windowsill like structure under the window and pulled myself up. I took a quick look around then hopped back down.

  “What the heck was that? A pull up in a cemetery? Never seen one of those before,” he said chuckling.

  “Yes, well, I’ve got to keep limber in case there’s a legion of demons outside that door,” I said flexing a muscle.

  Laughing he gave me a punch on the arm, and then turned serious. “I really will miss you if you chose to be human, you know.”

  “There’s no way for me to be human again, so stop worrying,” I said giving him a playful shove.

  He nodded but I could’ve sworn that he looked worried. With one more glance at Kaeden, he turned to the door and dug into the sides of the frame and yanked it off the hinges with one grunt of effort. He placed the door quietly on the inside of the mausoleum and stepped out into the beautifully lit purple and red sky. Even though I trusted Cody, I still hesitated. The sun was still out somewhat and that scared me.


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