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Reaper's Claim: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 1

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by Simone Elise

  “Don’t tell my father.” She placed her hand on my chest. “He loves Trigger. Kim is just a fucking idiot.”

  Who the fuck is Kim? More important, who the fuck was her father?

  I was about to ask her both questions but stopped when someone called my name.

  “REAPER!” Banger roared. His drunken arse walked around the corner.

  I hurried to block her from Banger’s view. “What?” I roared up the alley at him.

  “Prez wants ya.” He took a long drink of his beer and then tossed the bottle to the side.

  I glanced back at the girl, but she wasn’t looking at me; she stared down at the ground. The black Metallica t-shirt gripping her body had worked its way up, exposing the soft skin of her midriff.

  “Are you alright by yourself?” I asked. I really didn’t want to leave her, and that bothered me. Why the hell did I care if this girl was alright or not? I had done the gentleman thing—my duty to her was over, but still I didn’t move.

  “Yep.” Her blonde hair fell to the side as she glanced up at me. “I’ll be fine.”

  I didn’t believe her, but Banger snapped at me to hurry up. I nodded my head regretfully, taking three steps before pausing and looking back at her. “Pity you aren’t fucking legal.”

  “The forbidden is always more desirable.” The corner of her lips twitched upward, and for the first time, I saw her smile. I knew right then it wasn’t something I would ever forget, and I wanted to punch myself for admitting that.

  I nodded my head, shooting her a grin before walking up the alley to Banger, who was ranting about me taking my sweet time. I didn’t look back at her, but I fucking wanted to.


  Roach was a hard, cold, mean bastard of a man. If you didn’t know him, you wouldn’t give him a second look for fear he might rip your throat out. He was the Satan’s Sons MC President. His VP, Trigger, was sitting next to him, and both of them were sitting directly across from me and my Prez, Dane. A few other people occupied the table, too: Banger and Bleach on our side, and Gitz and Cameron on theirs.

  I lit a cigarette and glared at Trigger.

  “We agreed to help shift ya guns, brother, but we didn’t agree to inherit your war with the Soldiers.” Roach took a long drag on his cigarette.

  “The Soldiers aren’t worth our bullets,” Banger barked. “We’re dealing with it; got nothing to do with you.”

  “They shot up my garage, brother. That makes us a part of it,” Roach barked back.

  It appeared that the meeting was not going to solve anything. Everyone was hungover and nerves were raw. Before the boys could open their mouths and begin a pointless argument, a blood-curdling scream roared throughout the room. Everyone jumped.

  “Oh fuck me; shit just got real.” Gitz shook his head, and within a minute the double doors behind them blew open and in walked a very angry redhead.


  Roach spun around in his chair. “What the fuck have you done to your head?!” he roared, getting to his feet.

  Dad? Roach has a daughter. I glanced at Dane, but he didn’t seem shocked by it.

  “I didn’t fucking do it! I fucking woke up with it!” she screamed at him. “It was fucking Abby!”

  She was swearing like a man and screaming like a maniac. I guess the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree with these two. I wondered how long it would be until she too was shooting people and blackmailing cops.

  “Abby!” Roach screamed.

  “We came for a fucking meeting, not family drama,” I hissed in Prez’s ear. They were wasting time. I was all for spending time with brothers and shit, but I was hungover and the last thing I needed to witness or hear was a whiny, spoiled brat complaining to her old man. This is why you shield up before entering any woman.

  “Brother, you’ll be thanking him in a minute.” He grinned with a knowing look in his eyes.

  I glanced back up and then there she was, wearing the same tee shirt from the night before, only now with a pair of shorts that were extremely short.

  She crossed her arms and glared at the redhead. I looked between the two and ran my eyes over the features of the redhead. They were fucking twins—identical twins—and the only difference was the red hair.

  “What did you do, Abby?” Roach fumed. “Why did you dye ya sister’s hair?”

  “Because it was either dye mine, dye hers, or cut all her hair off.” Abby shrugged her shoulders but kept her face deadly calm. It was the kind of calm you would expect to see before a storm.

  “Red, Dad, fucking red!” The evil twin stomped her foot, threatening to cry.

  “Abby, ya better start fucking explaining yourself!” Roach roared at her, and I couldn’t stop the glare that I shot his way.

  Roach was the size of two normal-sized men. He was big, intimidating, and I really didn’t like him speaking to her like that. I didn’t know why it bothered me. I lit a cigarette and couldn’t look away even if I wanted to.

  “I felt like it,” she hissed at him with fire in her eyes.

  “We are about to get a show,” Bleach sneered.

  “I sometimes feel like fucking throwing you two out on the streets. Doesn’t mean I’d fucking do it!” he roared.

  “It’s red, Dad,” the redhead sobbed.

  “Now look what you’ve done, Abby,” Roach patted the redhead on the back.

  “Oh god forbid, Kimberly cries,” she spat, glaring at her sister.

  “ENOUGH!” Roach pointed a finger at her. “Fucking explain ya-self, Abby, before ya end up living on the fucking streets.”

  “Oh come on, Dad. I’ve done her a favor. Now she can re-fuck her way through every guy in town as the red harlot.”

  “DAD!” Kim roared and reared back her fist to hit her sister. Roach stepped in between them, keeping them separated.

  “Every fucking day I wish… I wish I had fucking boys!” he roared.

  Abby continued to glare at her sister, and I had a strong feeling I knew why she had decided to attack her sister’s hair.

  Trigger leaned back in his chair, grinning. “You know, Kim. I like it. Makes you look older,” he spoke up, running his eyes over Kim.

  Kim blushed bright red.

  Would Roach be okay with his VP fucking his underage daughter? The look of rage on Roach’s face gave me my answer.

  “She’s still fucking sixteen,” Roach roared down at his VP. “And you better stop fucking looking at her like that before I rip ya cock off.”

  I guess he didn’t know about what his VP got up to with his daughter after all. I glanced back at Abby, only to have her eyes lock with mine.

  I had gone unnoticed until now. She gulped, and then her eyes snapped to the ground.

  My seat creaked as I sat up straight. I wanted her to look back at me. Why the fuck won’t she look at me?

  “Boys. All I wanted was fucking boys,” Roach muttered under his breath, glancing between his two girls. “Well then, how are we going to settle this?”

  “I want to kill her,” Kimberly snarled.

  “With what, Kim? A pair of your high heels?” Abby scoffed.

  “You think you’re so bloody clever, bookworm.” Kim spat, glaring fiercely at Abby. “Why don’t you do the world a fucking favor and go back to your fucking bedroom and stay there?”

  “Do you even know how to spell the word ‘favor?’” she threw back, taunting her sister.

  I liked her. I fucking liked that fire in her eyes.

  “Enough!” Roach roared over their ranting. “I’m in a fucking meeting.” He waved his arm around the room. “This is my fucking CLUBHOUSE.” The veins in his neck bulged.

  “Calm down, Dad.” Abby’s eyes softened, and she patted her old man’s arm. “You’ll give yourself a heart attack.”

  “Yeah, Dad, chill, would you.” Kim patted his other arm.

  “I need a break,” he snarled, “from your bullshit and your bullshit.” He looked between the two. “Always fucking fighting, alway

  His roaring was enough to make the windows shake, and every man in this room flinched, but Abby and Kim didn’t seem the least bit fussed by it.

  “Look what you’ve done,” Abby snapped at her sister.

  “What I’ve done?” Kim glared back, taking the bait. “You dyed my hair, bitch!”

  “Yeah, and we both know why,” she snapped back. “And if you don’t settle down your fucking rant attack, I’m going to tell Dad.”

  Roach stood solidly between them while they threatened each other, acting like he wasn’t even there.

  “Tell me what?” he piped up.

  “Do you want to kill him?” Kim’s voice had an edge to it.

  It was as if I was watching a fucking movie, though Abby was hotter than any actress. Down, Kade. Underage, remember? Abby was an underage pussy that I had no right to be thinking about.

  “I would love to.” Abby crossed her arms. “You know I have nothing to lose.”

  “You want me dead, Abby?” Roach roared into the conversation.

  “Shut up, Dad; we aren’t talking about you.” Kim raised a hand in her father’s face.

  Trigger looked a hell of a lot more nervous now. He knew what he had been doing the night before.

  One glance at the twins and I could tell them apart now, and it wasn’t just the red hair.

  Abby had softness in her eyes. She was slightly taller; her breasts appeared to be made for my hands, and she had an ass all men would watch when she walked away. Kim’s breasts were smaller, and she had a flat ass. Not to mention, she looked and dressed like a club whore. One glance and you would know who was who.

  “Fine. I’ll back down.” Kim crossed her arms.

  “You don’t have to. Really, I would love to tell Dad what you told me last night.” Abby applied a bit more pressure to the situation until her sister spun around, her long red hair flicking around her face.

  “Sorry for bothering you, Dad. We have this all sorted.” Kim shot her dad a big grin and then put her hand out. “I need money.”

  “For what?” Roach sounded a bit more relaxed.

  “For a new wardrobe. I have red hair now.”

  “I didn’t know whore came in any other color,” Abby spoke up.

  “Says the ugly twin.” Kim rolled her eyes.

  Roach slapped a big wad of cash in Kim’s hand. “Get out. Fuck off, the two of you.”

  Kim planted a kiss on her dad’s cheek. “See ya tonight, Dad.” She shot a glare in Abby’s direction and a lustful wink at Trigger, and then walked out.

  Abby started to follow her, but Roach wrapped his hand around her upper arm, stopping her. “Abby.”

  “Yes, Dad?” She turned around and looked up at him with no expression.

  “You gonna tell me what really happened?”


  “Did someone hurt you?”


  “Are you lying?”


  He shook his head, his face softening. “You’re lying, little one.”

  I had seen Roach kill a man in cold blood. I had seen many sides to this man, but I had never seen the soft, gentle one. I looked at Dane, and he grinned back at me. I guess being a father does weird things to a grown man.

  “I’m fine, Dad. Sorry for interrupting your meeting.” A weak smile traced her lips.

  He pulled her into a hug, ripping her up from the ground. Then finally, she looked me in the eye while hugging her old man, looking over his shoulder at me. Her feet dangled in the air as Roach hugged her.

  Darn, she was beautiful.

  “Do you want to stay for the meeting, little one?” He put her down, rubbing the top of her head. “We’re talking about the Soldiers.”

  This was club business. Skirts did not belong in the middle of club business.

  “I think the room is a bit full. I’ll see you tonight.” She was blocked from my view, but I could still hear her voice.

  “Righteo, little one. Off ya go then.”

  Abby closed the two large wooden doors behind her. Roach slumped back in his chair and reached for his bottle of beer.

  “Don’t have fucking girls. Let that be a lesson to you young blokes,” he grunted.

  Dane grumbled a deep laugh as both of them shared some fatherly joke together.

  The meeting continued, but I wouldn’t lie and say my mind wasn’t on a sixteen-year old's blue opal eyes and killer body.


  Embarrassment was something I was used to. Growing up around so many men and being as clumsy as I am, it just came with the territory. But this morning, I got a huge dose—close to an overdose—when I was not only ranted at by Kim but also had told off my dad, all in front of the man I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about all night.

  Kade Wilson; also known as Reaper.

  No woman could lie and say they didn’t find him attractive. He had a bad-boy appeal, and even a saint would fall for his looks—those deep dark eyes, that sexy smile, and that body. I knew it wasn’t just my hormones lusting after him because any female with a pair of eyes would be doing the same.

  I was singing off-tune, loudly, to a Metallica track when my dad broke into my bedroom.

  “Dad, ever heard of knocking?” I snapped before bending down and swooping up my paintbrush. Great, another stain on my carpet.

  “Better start explaining why the hell I just got a letter from the school, Abby.” He waved a piece of paper in my face.

  I snapped it from his grasp and read over the finely written letter, which detailed a suspension—my suspension.

  “I didn’t do anything.” I was gobsmacked. The letter stated I was being suspended for abusing a teacher. Sure, I might be a bit of a spitfire at times, but I couldn’t remember one occasion where I had abused a teacher.

  “The letter is telling me otherwise,” Dad grunted, not buying my denial.

  “I didn’t do this.” I gave him back the piece of paper. “They must have gotten Kim and me mixed up because I don’t even have Mrs. Matthews as a teacher!”

  I watched as Dad thought it over. Finally, he blew out a deep breath and turned around sharply. “KIMBERLY!” He closed my door on the way out and roared down the hall.

  Kim was suspended, again. What a surprise.

  I looked back at my painting. There was something off and I couldn’t decide what it was, but something was missing from the abstract piece of art. Maybe I just needed a break from it.

  I was cleaning the paintbrush in my bathroom sink when I heard Dad’s big boots storm back into my room.

  “Abby, I can’t find Kim.”

  I looked up at my mirror and saw my dad’s reflection staring behind me.

  “Well, I wouldn’t have a clue where she is.” I could guess, though; it was the same place Trigger was. I did like my sister—just a little bit—and I knew that telling Dad that Kim was sleeping with Trigger would bring a whole lot of hell down on her.

  “You cut yourself?” Dad stepped closer, looking into the sink filled with red.

  “No, just paint.” I showed him the clean brushes. “I’m not that stupid, Dad.”

  “Good. Don’t want you doing any of that cutting with razors shit. Too pretty for scars, baby girl.” He ruffled my hair. “I’m heading out for a while. I’ll be back before the party tonight.”

  “Um, Dad,” I spun around. “Is the Western Charter still staying?”

  “They haven’t ridden out; I expect them to in the next few days though.” He narrowed his eyes, looking down at me with suspicion. “Why?”

  “Just wondering how many I will be bartending for.” I hid my real reason behind a smile.

  Kade was still here. He hadn’t left, which meant maybe I could redeem myself. I didn’t want him to look at me like I was a little girl.


  The booming laughter came from the lounge in the clubhouse, which could be heard from my room two floors up.

  I closed my bedroom door and walked up the hallway. Kim popped her head out of her room.

  Red hair… I couldn’t help the evil grin. Serves her right for not controlling her boyfriend and letting him loose; Trigger knew it wasn’t Kim the night before.

  But Kim, in her rage, wouldn’t hear of it. Instead, she ranted about how he would have done me a favor finally popping my cherry. She was disgusting at times, but I knew she said it out of rage: she didn’t mean it.

  She was more hurt that Trigger couldn’t tell us apart when we were complete opposites. He could darn well tell us apart now; I made sure of that.

  “Are you going out tonight?” Kim asked, walking next to me.

  “Yep.” This always happened. We would have a major fight, and then hours later we would pretend it didn’t happen. It was easier than saying sorry.

  “Trigger is meant to be breaking away from Dad later. I was hoping you could stay home and make sure we weren’t missed.” She had the guts to ask for a favor. God, she knew how to outdo herself.

  “Just give Dad a few beers. He will soon forget about where his gay VP is. He was looking for you this morning.”

  We took the stairs two at a time.

  “Yeah well, he found me. Stupid school. Honestly, they have it out for me. Please, Abby.” She grabbed my arm, stopping me. “Please do this for me. Come on, my hair is fucking red for god’s sake!”

  After a few seconds of tossing the idea around, I sighed. “Fine, but you better warn that boyfriend of yours. If he comes near me again, I’m telling Dad.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” She waved her hand, making light of it.

  “Not yeah, yeah, Kim. I mean it.”

  We walked up the hallway and into the bar. The lounge and bar were an open space; it was huge and completely filled with bikers.

  The girls weren’t wearing much, and the blokes weren’t hiding their lust. Many of them had hands up the shirts of the whores and had them pinned against walls, against the bar, on the couch, on the pool table. It was funny how I was so used to it that I didn’t even look twice.

  “I’ll see you later,” Kim whispered in my ear before stalking off, making fuck me eyes at Trigger.

  God, those two make me sick.


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