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Reaper's Claim: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 1

Page 5

by Simone Elise

  Kim muttered something under her breath but didn’t argue. It was the night of the big party, and by the moody expression on each of our faces, it was easy to see we were all just flipping jumping for joy for Kim’s pink party.

  “I’m not lifting a finger. I had no hand in turning this into....” I looked around the joint and then shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t think there is a name for this much pink.”

  Dad grunted in agreement, and Kim just shot me her classic ‘fuck you’ glare. She really is just smothering me with sisterly love.


  She hadn’t shown her face once. I took another gulp of my beer and looked over the crowd. How can she not show her face at her own goddamn party? It was after midnight, and the party was in full swing. Lots of teens drinking and lots of grinding, but still there was no Abby.

  Kim danced on the top of the bar with another blonde, and Trigger didn’t even try to hide the fact he was watching her every move.

  Roach, from what I had heard, passed out sometime earlier in the afternoon. I don’t blame him; Kim’s whiny voice would drive any man to the bottle.

  “I’m going to get some air,” I yelled in Liam’s ear, who was more interested in flirting with the young chick on his arm than listening to what I had to say.

  I needed some fresh air, a smoke, and a break from the noise. At first, I hadn’t planned on walking over to the clubhouse.

  It was stone quiet when I entered the club pub.

  If she wasn’t at the party, she would have to be here. I took the stairs quickly, and I had already knocked on her door before it hit me: what the fuck was I going to say to her?

  Her door flung open and there she was, my own personal minx. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, her cheeks flushed, and those shorts she was wearing would cause a priest to fall down to his knees in front of her.

  “Reaper.” Her eyes widened slightly as she stood in the doorway with a shocked look on her face.

  “Did I piss you off or something?” I leaned against the doorframe, feeling a lot more comfortable seeing how nervous she was. “Not like you to call me by my biker name.”

  “I...” Her lips pursed and her long lashes fluttered. Slowly, she crossed her arms. “Why are you here?”

  “Came to wish you a happy birthday.”


  “I don’t lie, babe.”

  “Please, that is all your kind does.”

  “My kind?” I scoffed at that. “We’re cut from the same patch.”

  “Why are you here, Kade? Instead of over there?” She nodded her head in the direction of the party.

  “The question is why are you not over there. It’s your party, remember?”

  Her face slowly fell to the ground, and she stared down at her feet. Guilt crept through my stomach. Shit, did I say something wrong?

  “I don’t have any friends over there. The two friends I do have wouldn’t come because, well...” She looked up. “Kim’s a bitch.”

  “So you’re hiding out in there then?” I dipped my head at her bedroom.

  “Not much else to do.”

  “Fuck that; get dressed.”

  Once again those opal blue eyes of hers widened. “What? Why?”

  Those scared kitten eyes did something for me. I don’t know if it was healthy or right, but fuck it felt good, and I didn’t want to stop looking into them.

  “I’m taking you out, sweetheart.” I leaned forward. Towering over her, I dipped my head to her ear. “You’re legal now, remember? Go get dressed.”

  I heard her gulp, and she didn’t pull away from me. Instead, she turned her head and her dangerous eyes locked with mine.

  “Give me ten minutes.” She put a hand on my chest and pushed me out the door, shutting it in my face hard. It didn’t even anger me a bit cause I knew she was getting ready to leave with me.

  Chapter 6


  It had seemed like a good idea at the time but by the look on her face, I doubted myself. We were at a party, and she wasn’t into it at all, so taking her to a pub or a club had been scratched out. This seemed like the right idea.

  “Seriously?” Abby’s crystal eyes looked up at me, her perfect red lips curved into a smile. “You’re actually going to come in here with me?

  “What, babe, don’t want me to?” I faked confidence and pretended that her baby doll face wasn’t causing my stomach to flip around like a bloody teenager who was seeing a girl for the first time.

  She chewed that juicy bottom lip before looking up at me again. “I just didn’t think you were the late night shopping kind of guy.”

  “I haven’t gotten you a birthday present; seems only right to get you one now.”

  I needed her to stop looking at me like that. I needed her to stop batting those long lashes. Come on, baby girl; you’re killing me.

  She ran her dainty fingers through her long blonde hair and looked across at the shopping mall. “I’ve never been shopping with a guy before.”

  I liked that. Why the fuck did I like that? It was as if a part of me liked being her one and only even if it was just the first guy to take her shopping.

  “Well, babe, it’s going to be an experience.” I winked at her and reached out for her hand. Was she going to take it or not? Why the fuck did I reach out for her hand in the first place? All the questions melted away when she did take it. Darn, her hand was cold.

  We left the bike in the car park and walked towards the huge shopping mall, which before now, I had no intention of ever entering.

  The things you do for a woman.


  I had never seen so much junk and clothes in my life, and we had only been in two stores. I couldn’t understand; it was after one o’clock in the morning, and there were still crowds of shoppers around. I guess that is December for you.

  I leaned against the shop counter, and the retail assistant was chatting with me, a conversation which I wasn’t into. My attention was on Abby as she scanned a rack of clothes.

  She frowned at a blue dress. She was stunning, and I wondered if she knew how beautiful she was. Only eighteen and so flawless.

  A bunch of loud boys entered the shop. It took them a full two minutes before their eyes landed on Abby.

  We were in some punk, young-clothes shop. Fuck if I knew the name of it; all I knew was there was a hell of a lot of clothes and Abby seemed to like it.

  A tall boy with a cocky grin slowly made his way over to her. My eyes narrowed as I watched like a predator.

  “Harrison.” The boy stood right in front of her. “Why aren’t you at your party?”

  “Noel.” Abby crossed her arms, and I watched as she took a noticeable step away from him. Her interest in the dress was gone. “Why are you speaking to me?”

  “You mean why haven’t I pushed you over or backed you into a corner by now?”

  One more word, cunt, and I’ll be giving you a facial. I stepped away from the counter. I didn’t want to charge over there in case the prick was Abby’s friend. I wouldn’t embarrass her.

  The kid was young, looked like the type of bloke most girls would go for in high school. Maybe she had a crush on him. That made my stomach burn with disgust and anger.

  “You know, Noel, I’m surprised you even bothered to waste a few moments of your pathetic life with me. Looks like your friends are waiting for you; best you fuck off now.”

  While Abby was speaking, another male made his way over to them.

  “Surprised to see you out in public, Harrison.” The other male sized her up. I knew that look; it was the same look that I had given a hell of a lot of women.

  That was all I needed to see. A need to protect her fired through me.

  Abby was stiff as a board, and I could almost feel her anxiety as I approached her. Standing behind her, she must have known I was there because she was quick to take an extra step back until she was pressed against my chest.

  She was scared of these fuckers, and
that sent a jolt of rage through my blood.

  I wrapped an arm around her waist, keeping her back pinned against my chest. Her body melted into me.

  Couldn’t say I didn’t like the feeling.

  “You’re going to want to take a step back.” I threatened, keeping my eyes locked on the kids. One punch and he would be on the ground. If he and his mate knew what was good for them, they would back off. I wasn’t below hitting a boy. I saw it as teaching a lesson. I’d call it ‘don’t fuck with a biker’s girl.’

  Noel raised his hands, taking a step back. “Calm down, brother. Harrison isn’t worth fighting over.” He grunted, and the guy next to him nodded in agreement.

  Just don’t kill him. Just don’t kill him. I kept repeating it in my head, trying to keep a handle on my temper.

  “Start walking.” It wasn’t a suggestion so much as a warning.

  “Catch you at school, Harrison.” Noel shot a look at Abby with a threatening tone to his words before the two of them walked off to join their other friends, who were standing around at the entrance of the shop looking like they wanted to leave.

  I kept my eyes locked on them until they walked out of the shop. Abby’s breathing was rapid and sharp, and I wondered what the fuck those boys had done to her to get her so worked up and have such a fear of them.

  I dipped my head down to her shoulder and whispered in her ear. “Are you alright?”

  It took a few minutes before she nodded her head. She kept her hand on my arm, which was wrapped around her. “I’m ok.” She tilted her head to the side, staring into my eyes. “Thanks for that.”

  “Didn’t do anything, babe.” I wished I had done more, but for some reason, I thought that me punching the guys wouldn’t have pleased her. Abby was a gentle soul, the complete opposite of me.

  “Can we go?” She pulled out from my grasp, spinning on her heels to look up at me. “I just want to get out of here.”

  “What about the dress?” I nodded my head at the dress she had just spent at least five good minutes looking at before.

  “I wouldn’t have any place to wear it to.” She glanced at it. “I don’t usually wear bright colors; that is more Kim’s thing.”

  I grabbed the dress. “You really need to break out of your shell, babe.”

  “No, Kade, don’t. It’s expensive.”

  My eyebrows shot up at that, my smirk twisting at her sweet, caring smile. “Good thing I’m loaded then.”

  She continued to natter more excuses why I shouldn’t buy her the dress as I walked it to the counter; it wasn’t until I handed over the cash that she gave up.

  “Do you have a dressing room?” I asked the sales assistant who was looking me up and down like a piece of meat.

  Women… so easy.

  “Just to the right.” She pointed a finger, not taking her eyes off me.

  I handed the dress to Abby and gestured with my head. “Go put it on then.”

  “You want me to put this on?”

  “I can put it on you if you want.” I grinned at her, enjoying the way her eyes slowly widened.

  “Nope. I’m more than able.” She was quick to walk off in the direction of the changing room. Damn girl was fine, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she walked away.


  It was plain, simple, and elegant like her. The blue strapless dress hugged her body perfectly, and it stopped midway up her creamy thighs. She looked stunning even with the big black combat boots she was wearing.

  “I look stupid.” Abby snapped. “People keep looking at me, too.”

  We walked down the street, hand in hand. We had left her other clothes in the shop after she decided they weren’t worth carrying around. While I thought she looked amazing, she thought she stood out.

  “You care too much.” I twirled her around to my side, tugging her under my arm. “Anyway, babe, who says they aren’t staring at me?” I whispered in her ear.

  That sweet angelic face lit up with a smirk. “You know, Kade, I think you’re right.”

  “That doesn’t happen often, trust me.”



  She stopped and placed a hand on my arm. “You’re kind of alright.”

  That simple compliment coming from her lips caused a feeling to creep through me. I knew right then that I was falling hard for someone I shouldn’t.

  Chapter 7


  I had spent the last year complaining about how I was invisible. Never did I think that one day I would be glad I was. When Kade and I arrived back at the house, not one single person had even realized I left. Sure, most of the people that should have been worrying were passed out with alcohol poisoning, but still, I couldn’t help but let that tiny little smile spread. I was thankful for being invisible that night.

  I was also kind of okay with being invisible at school. While Kim gloated in the aftermath of a successful party, I did everything in my power to remain invisible. I was high on the memory of the other night.

  The way his touch just lit a fire within me. The way he looked at me, like I was something special.


  Hearing that voice caused me to walk faster, and I was sure I would have gotten away if I hadn’t tripped over my own foot and gone flying to the floor.

  The snickering and laughing from Noel and his stupid friend was all I needed to hear.

  I reached for my books, only to have Noel kick them away.

  “What, Noel?” I looked up at him from the ground, and with no class or grace, I got back up to my feet. “Come on then, get on with the insults so you can leave me alone.”

  Noel’s lips twitched into a grin that would scare any sane person away, and it usually appeared before he said something hurtful.

  “Your boyfriend isn’t here to back you up now.” He took a step closer to me. “Can’t go whimpering to him.”

  Kade. Oh god, I wished he was here right now.

  “So?” I challenged him and scooped up my books. “What is your point?”

  “Getting lippy, aren’t we, Harrison?” He cocked his head to the side and took a few more steps towards me until I was backed against the wall.

  It was the end of the day, and I had avoided him thus far. The door to my freedom was at the end of the hall, and I couldn’t help but let my eyes flicker to it.

  “If you have nothing to say, can I just go?” I asked, but it came out more like a plea.

  “Sure, Harrison. In fact, go on, go.” Noel stepped out of my way and gestured an arm out for me to leave.

  I wasn’t going to wait for him to change his mind, so I rushed past him and had my hand on the door before his evil voice spoke to me.

  “Oh, and I love what you did to your car. Good to see you are embracing who you are.”

  What had he done? I pushed the door open and bolted down the steps.

  Noel was fully evil, and I was sure he was Satan’s actual son. He had made it his personal mission to make my life more miserable.

  I reached into my handbag and pulled out my keys. My car was everything to me. I had either been fixing the darn thing or nagging the boys to fix it for as long as I could remember, which was when I first got it when I was fifteen.

  Dad had finally coughed up and paid for its paint job as my birthday present. It was beautiful and was only finished last week.

  That’s why Noel threatening my car had my blood running cold. I spotted my purple beast in the car park. It was sparkling in the sun and looked like it had just ridden out of a magazine.

  So when I reached the driver’s side of the car and saw what had been keyed into it, it was natural for the tears to swell in my eyes.


  ‘Biker’s Bitch’ had been keyed, badly and roughly, into the side of my car. I pulled the car cover over it after parking it in the back of the garage. I had managed to get it home without one person seeing it.

  I was gutted. It felt like someone had keyed the words in
to my own body. I hated Noel and if I could, I would kill him. I was tempted to tell my dad.

  But what would that prove? It would prove them right, that’s what.

  I flicked the lights off and closed the door. I knew—because the bikes that normally decorated the driveway in front of the clubhouse weren’t there—Dad wasn’t home. I wasn’t sure if Kade was still around. He hadn’t mentioned he was leaving when we last spoke on Saturday.

  I couldn’t be sure. It was Monday, and it would make sense if they had left to head back home.

  Suddenly I felt a lot flatter. I closed the clubhouse door behind me.

  “Heard what happened to your car.”

  My head snapped up. Kim was sitting on the couch, TV remote in hand and looking at me. The normal hate in her eyes was not there.

  “I didn’t hear about it until it had been done so I couldn’t do anything.” Kim turned to look back at the TV. “You going to tell Dad?”

  I was shocked because Kim was speaking to me and more importantly, she was speaking nicely to me. Which only meant one thing.

  “What do you want, Kim?” I shoved my hands in my leather jacket.

  “Fine.” She looked back at me with a bored expression. “I need you to not tell Dad about it.”

  “I won’t have to, the words kind of tell him for me.”

  “Just don’t drive it then.”

  “Why? Why should I protect Noel? He is a piece of trash, and a punching from Dad wouldn’t be a bad thing.”

  “Dad has enough stress on his plate; do you really want him chasing Noel down? You know he has a temper.” Kim got up from the couch, crossing her arms and looking like her normal pissy self. “Come on Abby, think of him for once and not yourself.”

  I scoffed, shaking my head and leaving the room before I decided to do something I would regret.


  I listened to music and tried my very best to work my stress out in the gym when Kim showed her ugly head.

  “Dinner is ready. Dad’s waiting,” she yelled over the music and then slammed the door.


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