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Reaper's Claim: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 1

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by Simone Elise

  “I need you to piss off.” I walked up to the motel reception desk. The old guy behind the counter just looked at me with wide eyes. I guess I was abrupt. Maybe I needed to talk in a way he would understand. “How much will that cost?”

  “You want to hire the place for the night?”

  “You vacant?”

  “Yeah, we are empty. Not our rush period.”

  I doubted this place ever had a rush period. But it was my only option. The other motel, which was slightly better than this, was occupied by The Club. So I couldn’t take Abby back there. And this place didn’t even have a hotel, or something flash.

  This was it.

  She deserved better. Hell, she deserved better than me.

  “So you still interested in renting the place? Won’t be cheap for every room.”

  My eyes gazed out the window. She was at the pool, putting in one foot, testing the temperature.

  “You got cameras?” I looked back at the old man, who was summing up whether to give me a straight answer or not. I wasn’t stupid. I knew when people were about to lie to me.

  “Yeah we do.”

  “Turn them off and you have a deal.”

  He was debating about it. I could see it in his eyes.

  “I’ll be back at eight in the morning. If there is any damage, I’ll be calling the cops. Hand over the cash and some ID.”

  That problem was now sorted. I had secured a place to spend the night with her. Now what the hell was I going to do? I couldn’t let my guard down. I WOULDN’T let myself feel any more of her. If we did have sex, that is all it would be. Wasn’t like I was making a commitment to her.

  Then again, I had just put more effort into securing a place for her to make sure she felt safe. Normally I wouldn’t even care if the girl felt safe or not. Again, I was lying to myself when I said Abby wasn’t different.


  I would be a liar if I said I was fine. I can’t believe I was here. Then again, I wasn’t being suffocated by nerves. I wasn’t overthinking it. I was just going with the flow. But I did know if I wanted this evening to go as planned, I would have to push it.

  What was taking him so long? How hard was it to book a room? Wondering where he was, I looked up in time to see Reaper walking towards me and the reception lights flick off. Strange. I thought reception never closed.

  Guess this was a small town. Maybe they knew there would be no more business coming their way.

  Guess this meant there was no room service. I looked up at the stars. One bonus of a small town was the sky really lit up at night. The moon was huge. I had never seen it this big. But did I ever really take much notice of the moon? Maybe not.

  The air was still hot and sticky even though the sun had gone down. You would think it would cool down, but it seemed my new home was in the middle of a mean summer.

  I had already slipped my sandals off. Sitting at the edge of the pool, I slowly dipped my feet in. God, that was refreshing.

  I reached for my clutch, pulling out my cigarette packet. Empty. Well, that’s a fan-fucking-tastic way to start the evening.


  I turned and looked up just in time to see Kade handing me a lit cigarette. My fingers brushed his as I took it off him.


  So, my confidence from earlier was shaking at the mere touch.

  I sucked in the cigarette, needing it more now. Just stay strong, Abby. Just stay strong.


  “Yeah,” I tilted my head to look at him. “Aren’t you?” I looked at him with his tee shirt, leather vest, and jeans, as well as big steel-toed boots. I was hot and I was in a dress. Suddenly, I felt like a complete fool for even saying it. Clearly he dealt with the heat better than I.

  “Nah. It’s always hot where I am.”

  Well, that answered my thoughts. I handed him back the cigarette. “I have a feeling it’s going to be like that here too. Much to my disgust.”

  “What? Do you hate the heat?”

  “Yes. Who likes sweating twenty-four seven?” Seriously. I couldn’t be the only one to think that. He shrugged his shoulders, clearly not sharing my point of view. “You’re strange.” I shook my head, my blonde hair whipping around.

  So now here I was. Finally reaching a situation Reaper and I had been heading for since he saved me.

  Withdrawing my feet from the pool, I got up. My eyes slowly scanned his muscular body till I reached his eyes.

  They were set on my face. One move, that was all I had to do to make this happen.

  Would he take charge once I took the dive?

  Going up on my tippy toes, my lips brushed his and just as I hoped, he took charge. Lifting me off the ground, he wrapped my legs around him and suddenly I wasn’t breathing air. No, I was breathing Kade. We traded long, deep kisses as he walked us towards a room.

  Was I making a mistake?

  Would I regret this?

  I don’t know. But it felt so darn right. So I didn’t fight the need to cling to him tighter, or kiss him firmer.

  I just didn’t care.


  I ran my hand up her bare back as she slept. I couldn’t stop myself from touching her. I hadn’t had enough of her. Couldn’t get enough of her, which was why I was awake so early. I listened to her inhale softly and exhaling slowly.

  I swear, listening to her breathing was calming me and also stopping me from what I had to do next.

  I had gotten a taste of her, and I wanted more.

  I wasn’t ready to leave her.

  I wasn’t ready to let her live a life without me in it.

  So I was going to do what I always did when something came my way that I wanted. I would take it.

  I kissed her bare shoulder and got out of bed. Leaving her right now was one of the hardest things I’ve done. But I had to do it for my plan to work.

  I was going to give up my patch. As soon as my eyes laid on her naked flesh, I realized my patch was the least I would give up to spend time with her. I knew Roach wanted a new VP and I had enough experience to get it. Then once that was settled, I wasn’t going to rest till she was back at the club where I could watch her every move and when I wasn’t doing that, I’d be sneaking her into my bed.

  I scribbled a note for her to stay put till I got back. I took another long look at her before leaving.

  God darn she was beautiful and if I had my way, she was going to be all mine.

  Chapter 11


  I found out the hard way and maybe that was my fault, or maybe I was just as stupid as my sister. It didn’t matter as I stood at the reception desk listening to the man order me a taxi. The details of the night before were blurry at best, but this morning’s memories were crystal clear.

  The feeling of waking up alone in a motel room, the feeling of my stomach dropping when I reached out to the other side of the bed and found that Reaper wasn’t there. He didn’t even stay long enough to say good morning. Hell, he didn’t even stay around long enough for me to wake up.

  As I chewed over this morning’s events, I found myself becoming more bitter by the moment.

  Why didn’t he wait? Why couldn’t he just wait until I woke up?

  “The taxi will be here in about ten minutes.”

  My head snapped up to the man behind the counter. I could see the pity in his eyes, and that was only making the disappointment in myself grow.

  “Thanks,” I muttered, scooping my bag off the counter and heading out. The door chimed as I pulled it open.

  The morning’s air was bitter cold.

  I felt like a cheap hooker waiting for the taxi of shame.

  I wanted to hit him. I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to whip all this anger I was feeling for him, at him.

  I couldn’t be sure what was worse: that I wanted to see him, or that I knew he had gotten what he wanted and left as soon as he could.

  I knew he had no intentions of seeing me again. Perhaps that’s why my
anger was being clouded by this feeling of betrayal and hurt.

  I thought he liked me. I thought we were different. All last night, I had somehow convinced myself that we would turn out different, but this morning, I realized there was no ‘we.’ There wasn’t even an us.

  “You look lost, love.”

  I was pulled from my thoughts, and I looked over my shoulder. I hadn’t even noticed him when I went outside.

  He was leaning against the wire fence, a cigarette in hand and this devilish charm within his eyes. I could see with one look he was born to be trouble. Tall, chiseled features and eyes that could steal your every thought shone in the sun.

  “Not lost, just waiting,” I replied and for the second time today, I heard the emptiness in my voice. I might be feeling like a depressed train wreck, but I didn’t like hearing that in my voice. Why couldn’t I put up a front?

  “The name’s Drake.” He flicked the cigarette butt to the ground, stomping on it.

  I was freshly burnt. The last thing I needed was to spark an interest with another flame. I gave him a tight smile and turned my attention back to the road. I wished that the taxi would come faster.

  “So not the friendly type then?”

  While I may not be interested in letting myself be interested, he wasn’t following the same reasoning. I let out a low sigh and dragged my eyes up to look at him.

  “I’m just not in the mood.”

  “I get it, being freshly dumped does that to someone.”

  My face flashed with shock. Was it that obvious?

  “You can wipe that shock off your face, love; I’m not a mind reader.” He cocked his head to the side slightly. “Just putting two and two together.”

  “Two and two?”

  “It’s either A, you gave it up to a dude and he left before you woke up or B, a hooker. And if that is the case, I’m more than interested in the hourly rate.”

  “You’re a pig!”

  He chuckled. “Not the second one then. Pity, I was more than keen.” He looked me up and down with his seductive gaze. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride. Unless you want to stand here longer looking like last night’s shag?”

  The sting of my last bad decision was still freshly burning, and yet here I was lining up for a second round. So with crossed arms and a suspicious mind, I followed him to his car.

  It was just a ride, right? It wasn’t like I was going to end up screwing him in the backseat.

  I closed the car door and gave Drake a side-glance. “The name is Abby,” I muttered.

  The engine roared to life and even though I had told myself it was just a ride, I had seen a glimpse of something within Drake’s eyes—that look, that flicker—I knew this wasn’t just going to be a five-minute ride.

  But I wasn’t reaching for the handle. Instead, I leaned my forehead against the cold glass. Life was defined by moments and experiences, right?

  I suppose I was a sucker for self-punishment.


  One Year Later

  Her blonde hair was ruffled, her cheeks flushed, and an amused smile played across her lips.

  I ran the back of my fingers down her bare arm.

  She curved back into me. “You know, Kade, if you keep staring at me like that, I’m going to think you're about to burst out with a proposal or something.” She giggled.

  I hadn’t seen Abby so relaxed. So happy, and it was here in my arms. I was seeing it for the first time. Something bubbled in my bloodstream, pride I think.

  “You’re beautiful. You know that, right?” I looked into her crystal-blue eyes.

  Her cheeks tinted red. “You can stop trying to charm me; you already got me.”

  I rolled her onto her back, keeping my arm behind her. I could feel her naked body underneath me and in this second, I felt like everything was alright. Fuck, what was this feeling consuming me?

  She was a gorgeous rare gem that I felt was going to crumble in front of me.

  I slowly lowered my lips to hers and she arched up, meeting my kiss.

  She reached up, locking her arms around my neck. I was addicted to her touch, to that smile, to her. And when she pulled away, I cringed.

  Just before worry consumed me, I looked into her eyes as amusement sparkled within them. “Kade, you’re kind of a great kisser.” A soft giggle fell from her lips.

  Her face began to blur, then fade, and before I knew it, I was pulled away from her. I woke up alone in an unmade bed. Rubbing my eyes, I pulled myself up. My mouth was dry, and I craved water.

  Abby’s smile was still playing on my mind. Again, another memory of that night had managed to take over my dreams. Why couldn’t I just have a dream instead of reliving something from the past?

  I reached for the beer can beside my bed, and I felt immediate disappointment when I found it to be empty.

  Abby Harrison was still playing on my mind, and it had been over a year since that night.

  My bathroom door swung open, and Lea walked out wearing one of my shirts.

  “You alright, Reaper?” She looked me up and down. “You look like hell.”

  “Thanks,” I grumbled and got to my feet. Darn morning afters.

  “Well, I’m heading out, got shit to do.” She was freshly showered. “See you when I see you.” She gave me a wave over her shoulder before leaving.

  That was Lea for you; she wasn’t the clingy type.

  My phone had numerous missed calls, and I really couldn’t be fucking bothered with returning them. My body ached from the long ride, and my brain throbbed from the lack of water.

  I found it utterly frustrating that a mere memory of Abby Harrison could still upset me. She had looked at me like I was something special to her, that I was something to her, and then she just shut me the fuck out.

  It still bothered me, and it didn’t fucking help being back here. Roach rarely mentioned them, but still, I picked up on small things.

  If I had known that Abby was going to turn as she did, I wouldn’t have given up my President patch to be Roach’s VP, but karma had it in for me.

  Not only did the bitch lock me out of her life, she wouldn’t even let me explain my plan, and now I fucking regret ever coming up with it.

  I shouldn’t have jumped as I did. I should have waited until the waters had calmed down to see what was going to happen between her and me. Instead, I handed in my patch and moved to be her father’s bitch. Now I get to regularly be reminded what I wasn’t. I wasn’t a President. I wasn’t Abby’s man. I was washed up, regularly drunk, and doing Roach’s dirty work.

  I pulled my leather club vest over my bare chest and pulled on a pair of jeans. It was the middle of the afternoon, so the clubhouse would just be waking up.

  It had been a big weekend with Roach’s birthday, a party that neither of his girls showed up to. Abby and Kim haven’t been back here since they left.

  From what I picked up, Roach didn’t really speak to them that much. Which was a fucking good thing if you asked; it kept Abby the fuck away from me.

  I staggered down the stairs and could hear conversation from the club kitchen.

  “Well if it isn’t the Reaper!” Gitz smirked, raising a freshly opened beer.

  “Bit early for that, isn’t it?” I reached around him, grabbing a glass and heading towards the tap.

  “You won’t be saying that when I tell you something.” Gitz had that evil grin of his, which told me he was about to tell me something that was likely to piss me off, which as a result would give him some joy.


  “Roach is heading down to see his girls.”

  “How the fuck does that have anything to do with me?” I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

  Gitz’s grin got bigger, and his eyes narrowed with amusement. Gitz had slowly over time became my best mate, and when I was drunk, I had told him shit that I really shouldn’t have.

  Gitz was a good bloke though and never repeated it, but still, seeing that grin right now, I
regretted telling him anything.

  “And Roach wants his VP to ride down with him. Pack ya bags pumpkin, ‘cause you’re hitting the road.” He slapped me on the back, chuckling.

  “You’re fucking kidding me!” I yelled at his back, but he just kept laughing.

  His laughter answered my own question. Suddenly all the missed calls from Roach made sense.

  Chapter 12


  A final presentation and an English final were all my mind could focus on. It seemed like all year I had been working towards this goal and now that it was here, I was stressing out.

  “Babe.” Trent reached across the table, placing his hand on top of mine. “You really need to stop the pen tapping.” Those kissable lips of his twisted into a smile.

  “Sorry. I’m just, well...” I looked down at my blank piece of paper. “Unsure what to write.”

  “Well, good thing you have a full month before it is due.” He let go of my hands and stretched his arms.

  We had been studying for a solid two hours, and I loved that Trent was willing to give up his Friday night to help me study.

  “You’re right; we should really just have a break.” I closed my textbook. “Seriously, I’ve knocked that paper out of the way and only have one more to go, so why don’t we start our Friday night?”

  “You sure?” He gave me a challenging look, as if he knew that I would still be thinking about this paper anyway, so why bother pulling me away from it.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I want to spend Friday night with my boyfriend.” It was settled; no more studying. “So what do you want to do?”

  The front doorbell rang, and I knew that Aunty Amanda was at work and Abby wouldn’t come down to answer it.

  “Ok, hold that thought. I’ll just get the door.” I shot him a smile, and he nodded his head.

  The one thing I loved about living with Aunty Amanda was there weren't strangers coming and going. I felt lame admitting it, but it made me feel a hell of a lot safer, not to mention I no longer needed that deadbolt lock on my bedroom door.

  I opened the front door, and my smile dropped immediately. My good mood went with it as well.


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