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Reaper's Claim: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 1

Page 10

by Simone Elise

  He rose from the chair with the look of a raging bull. “Reel ya shit in, Abby.”

  “How about I just ride out instead?”

  “Dad, just let her go, will you? She will get your blood pressure up,” Kim snapped into our conversation. “Really, Dad, just let her go. She won’t back down.”

  “Yeah, Dad, listen to the model daughter of yours.” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Kim just has so much good advice these days, especially when it comes to getting pregnant and aborting it.” I shot her a smug look. She hated me mentioning her abortion, so I did it frequently.

  “Abby, that really isn’t nice,” Trent spoke up, trying to come to the defense of his halfwit of a girlfriend.

  “Trent, your face really isn’t nice, but yet I have to deal with it regularly.” I shot him a tight smile and a “mind your own fucking business” look.

  “ABBY!” Kim got to her feet and for once was actually seen off of Trent’s lap. After all, since she started dating the walking pizza, she had decided to become a lap poodle.

  “Not my fault he looks like a pizza topping gone wrong.” I shrugged my shoulders, pretending to come off innocent. To be fair to Trent, his skin wasn’t that bad, but I heard Kim mention once he used to have bad skin, and it is sort of a weakness and a sore spot for him.

  So being the bitch I am, I take someone’s weakness and punch them in it. “Now if you all don’t mind, I have places be, with people I actually give a fuck about. So see ya later, and I hope that later isn’t anytime soon.”

  Sure, I was a bitch. I wasn’t denying that or making excuses. Perhaps I had grown up to be Satan’s Bitch, as Kim liked to refer to me as.

  I left the room in silence. No one said anything to me. Nobody stopped me from leaving, either. A large part of me felt pleased with that because I had what I wanted. I wasn’t wanted by them. They wanted me gone, and I wanted to be gone.

  Funny how sometimes things worked out.

  Chapter 15


  Novels; it was something I had yet to give up. I flicked the page. I wished my life was as thrilling as the ones on the pages.

  “We need to talk.”

  Drake walked into the lounge, scotch glass in hand. I closed the book I was reading and arched an eyebrow after taking in his expression.

  “What’s wrong, Drake?”

  He lowered himself into the armchair across from me. “After last night, I didn’t think we would see each other for a while and…” he gestured his glass towards me. “You just turn up like nothing happened.”

  “What do you want me to say?” I pulled my legs off the chair and twisted to face him full on. “Come on, Drake. I was drunk, you were drunk. Two plus two equals us fighting.”

  Drake dropped his head to the side, studying me. “How many times do I have to push you away till you see it?”

  To see that we were the worst possible match ever? I already knew that. I had already seen that. But here I sat on his couch, reading a romance novel, acting like he hadn’t cheated on me the night before.

  “My dad and his sidekick rocked up this morning. I had to leave the house, and once they are gone, I will leave. Promise.” I snatched the novel up from the couch and got up. “Don’t worry, Drake, I haven’t forgotten what happened.” How could I? Even with a fuzzy memory, I still classed it as a fight we wouldn’t be coming back from.

  “We’re still friends, Abby.” He got up, grabbing my wrist just before I was about to walk away. “Nothing can change that, so you’re welcome to stay as long as you like.”

  Friends. We were never friends to begin with.

  “Sure.” I gave him a tight smile. “I guess the whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing never worked out. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that we never really became boyfriend and girlfriend.” We had skipped every step and went straight to the fighting and the sex. “I’m going to go have a nap; didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “No, you didn’t.” He gave me a half smile. “You know, Abby, I think we would work together better as friends. No messy stuff to cause our fights, yeah?”

  I thought about it for a moment. “Sure, Drake.”

  I didn’t really feel anything about us openly admitting we weren’t going back to that fighting, messed-up couple. A part of me, a large part, just didn’t care anymore. I suppose I really didn’t care about anything.

  “Oh, and Abby?”

  “Yep?” I spun on my heel, now at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Just so you know. Hard and mean doesn’t really suit you.”

  “You haven’t known a different side to me,” I pointed out.

  “Please. I still remember the girl who wouldn’t let me leave the house without eating first.”

  “Maybe I was just worried you would end up skinny.” I shot him a wink and started to walk up the stairs.

  Maybe I had gotten hard. Maybe I had lost my ‘good’ side.

  I sighed and closed the door of Drake’s guest room behind me. Perhaps I needed to snap my life back into focus, but I just didn’t see how I could do that, not when Dad was in town with the bloody Reaper.

  I dropped the book on the floor and pushed down my jeans, climbing into bed. Maybe I just needed a good few hours’ sleep.


  “Don’t like what I’m hearing, brother.” Roach put his glass down on the table, sitting directly across from me. He had his judgment eyes on and a cold expression to match. “You either start explaining or hand the vest over.”

  He wanted answers? Well, I didn’t feel like giving any. I stared down blankly at the can of beer. All because of fucking Abby Harrison. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be answering to him. I should have never given up my President patch.

  “Shit had to be sorted. I sorted it.” I glanced at him. “Family is family, Roach; can’t turn my back on them.”

  “The club is family.”

  “The club is the club.” I swallowed the rest of my can and crushed it in my hand and tossed it in the side bin. “He’s all the family I have, and I’m not turning my back on him.”

  “I’m not asking you to! I’m just making it clear that you stepped over a line and their shit is their shit, and you got no right getting involved in their shit when you’re wearing that vest.” He gestured to my club vest. “What you do affects the club. What you believe affects the club, and getting involved with that brother of yours affects the club.”

  I didn’t have the best temper control, and I felt what little control I had slipping away with every word he said. There is a difference between a club brother and a blood brother. I’d never really seen that until now, but I guess no one ever dared to tell me otherwise.

  “Not gonna apologize for what I did, Roach.” My eyes were sharp as I looked at him. “I’d do it again; ain’t gonna pretend like I wouldn’t.”

  Roach looked at me solemnly for a few moments before getting to his feet. “Is that the only reason you agreed to come here? Because of him?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t come all this way to watch you have a family reunion, would I?” My tone was dripping in annoyance. “Look, ya wanted the truth, now ya got it. I came here for Drake. Blood is blood, and he called me shortly after you told me I had to come here. So it worked out well.”

  His top lip curled up. “You better watch ya tone.”

  “Why?” I rose to my feet, gripping the table. “You and I both know this VP shit ain’t working.”

  “Not letting ya walk away, Reaper.”

  “Not asking.” I shrugged the vest off. “I’ll always pick blood over the club.”

  “You of all people know the club becomes blood.”

  “Roach. Ya telling me I can’t help my brother? I’m telling you that where Drake is involved, the club don’t mean shit.” I stuffed the leather vest in his chest. “I guess you’ll have to find someone else to do your dirty work.”

  “So that’s it, ya walking away from the brotherhood for this!?” he roar
ed, grabbing me by the cuff of my shirt and slamming me back against the kitchen wall. “WHAT AM I GONNA TELL THE BOYS? THAT THE REAPER WALKED?”

  Gripping his shoulder, I pushed him backward. He might be strong, but I’m stronger; I guess it had to do with the fact I hadn’t let my body go yet. “Tell them whatever ya like. I don’t give a fuck.”

  Was I mistaken for walking away from a brotherhood that had been behind me for years? I wasn’t sure, but Drake was the only brother I had. He might screw up regularly, but he was all I had.

  Abby wasn’t here, and I was thankful as fuck for that. The last thing I needed was seeing her judgmental eyes as she watched me turn my back on my club.

  I slammed their front door and strode across the lawn towards my bike. Rage fired through my body at a hundred miles an hour. Kicking the bike to life, I had only one destination in mind—Drake’s house.

  Looks like I’ll be crashing with my little brother for a while.


  My blood ran hot from the run in with Roach when I pulled up in front of Drake’s house. I wasn’t in the best mood, I would admit that, but when I saw the trail of cars, the bikes, and the boozing teens on his front porch, I knew my mood was going to go downhill.

  Should I have expected my brother not to be throwing a raging party on a Saturday night?

  I stepped over a lightweight who had already passed out on the front lawn and headed for the house. I pushed a couple out of my way; it was their own fault anyway. Who makes out in a front doorway?

  Drake had money. Family money. The house was big, old. We called it the haunted mansion growing up. He had the place to himself after Nanna passed, but by the look of it, he had made himself at home.

  The bass of the music was deep, thick, and thumping. I scanned the lounge looking for Drake, then I spotted him dancing with a blonde.

  Drake and his women.

  I cut through the crowd and gripped his shoulder. Being my brother, it was in his blood to turn and throw a punch; I expected it and ducked.

  “BROTHER!” A grin sparked across his face, and he lunged to hug me. “WHAT THE FUCK YA STILL DOING HERE?” he roared over the music.

  “Gonna crash for a bit.” I gripped his shoulder and yelled it in his ear.

  He frowned and noticed the missing vest. I always wore a vest. He nodded his head with understanding. “My house is your house!” he yelled back.

  Blood. That was what it came down to. I patted him on the back and he handed me his drink. “Enjoy the party, brother!”

  He was speaking to me, but his eyes looked over my shoulder. I turned to see who had stolen his attention. In my head, the music faded, and all I heard was the increase of my own heartbeats.


  She was on the sunken level of the lounge, which was filled with people dancing, drinking. Abby was by herself, hands in the air, swaying to the beat. She looked to be high on something, but it was a sexy high.

  Drake whacked me on the shoulder and mouthed “got to go” before cutting his way through the crowd of people.

  When Abby threw her hands around his neck, I took a big gulp of the drink Drake had handed me. Looked like Abby wasn’t just a guest but Drake’s friend.

  I didn’t know how that made me feel. Pretty pissed off, I suppose.

  She laughed as Drake twirled her around and then tightly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back into his chest. I knew where this was going, and fuck if I was staying to watch. I wished this night was over already. I picked up my bag from the hallway and headed upstairs. I needed to find a room to drink the night away.

  Chapter 16


  I had my morning scotch, trying to shake the pain of a hangover, when Drake dragged his topless arse into the lounge.

  “Pour me one, will you?” Drake dropped down on the couch. “Good night.” He yawned, then took the drink from me. “Nothing like a morning scotch to help a hangover.”


  We both raised a glass.

  “So you bang that bird last night?” I swallowed the remaining dregs of my glass. I glared down at the carpet, remembering Abby draped all over him.

  “Which one?”

  “The brunette? You know, skinny, curves?” I looked at him.

  “Oh,” Drake’s lips twitched into a smile. “You mean Abby.”

  He knew her name, more than he would normally know about a girl. Fuck, did he like her? My luck can’t be that bad. The bloody woman was ruining my life.


  A voice I knew all too well called out. Looked like all my questions were answered.

  Drake and I looked across the room, and there she stood, the devil with all her temptation. She was wearing a man’s tee shirt. It wasn’t mine though; why the fuck did that bother me?

  Her legs looked never-ending, and the way her hair was frizzed, looking all sex-kitten like… damn, the woman was dripping in appeal.

  Drake had noticed, and he was licking his bottom lip. “What’s up, babe? You’re awake early. Didn’t see that happening till late afternoon.”

  I needed something stronger than this. I scoffed to myself, looking down at my glass.

  “You… what… what are you doing here?”

  My eyes shot up, and I saw Abby staring blankly at me. She was talking to me.

  She tilted her head to the side. “Did Dad send you here?”

  “I’m clearly missing something.” Drake piped up, pushing himself back into the couch. “Come on, share.”

  “Reaper knows my dad.”

  “Your dad?” Drake frowned and looked at me. “Why the hell are you hanging out with her old man?”

  “Her old man is Roach.” I scoffed. “She didn’t share that part, brother?”

  “Never came up.” Drake looked annoyed and then looked at Abby. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  When she didn’t answer, I turned to look at her. She froze, not moving an inch, just blinking. Slowly, she raised a finger and pointed it at me. “What… what… what did you just say?”

  “Her old man is Roach?” I repeated for her.

  “After that.”

  “What?” I had no idea what she was trying to get at; it was too early for this shit.

  “You called him your brother.” Her eyes flicked to Drake, “Is Reaper your brother?”

  Drake looked reluctant to answer. He exhaled slowly. Looks like my little brother was scared of her.

  “Yeah, it is true.” Drake shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry, Abby, never came up.”

  “Never. Came. Up?” She looked like a raging bull and was across the lounge in a flash, and for once, her anger wasn’t directed at me. “Really, Drake?! It never came up. We were together for a YEAR!” She shoved his shoulder.

  “HEY!” Drake grabbed her hand and stood up. “You never mentioned your old man being fucking Roach.”

  “Well, it just never came up,” she snapped at him, ripping her hand back. “I can’t believe you.”

  “You haven’t changed, have ya? Still taking your hormones out on people.” I rose up. Her sharp blue eyes locked with mine.

  “You can go tell Dad I’m not coming back. So piss off, will you?” she snarled, rage flashing across her eyes.

  “Not going anywhere.”


  “He isn’t going anywhere,” Drake piped up while also taking the empty glass from my hand. “He is moving in.” Drake turned back around, pointing a glass at Abby, “And as you agreed to move in last night, I guess I should really introduce the two of you, seeing as we are all housemates now.”

  Fuck. Me.

  “What did you just say?” We both said it at the same time, causing us to share a glance.

  “Oh come on, brother, she’s hot and a good cook.” He winked at Abby. “And Kade is good to have around, Abby. Everyone thinks twice having the Reaper behind ya.”

  He could say Abby was made of fucking gold, and my opinion of her wouldn’t change.

p; “I can’t live here with him.” Abby shook her head. “Sorry, Drake, but I’ve changed my mind.”

  “Abby, come on! What’s the problem?” Drake pleaded with her.

  “The problem is he works for my father.” She shot me a hot look over her shoulder. “I don’t trust him.”

  “Well then problem solved!” Drake grinned and then handed me a refilled glass. “Reaper isn’t a Satan’s Son anymore.”

  “What?” The edge in her eyes had softened as she turned to look at me. I noticed the way her eyes searched for my missing vest. “What happened?”

  I threw the drink back and handed Drake the empty glass. “Nothing to do with you.”

  I wouldn’t tell her shit. She would gloat. She would love to hear how I just gave my whole life up for her.

  But at the end, it wasn’t her fault I walked, it was me. I chose family over the club.

  “I’m going back to bed; wake me when your whore is gone.”

  I left the room, not giving a fuck about the hurt in Abby’s eyes. A taste of hurt would be good for her. She had caused me enough pain, and it was about time she got some.

  Chapter 17


  I always had a habit of screwing a good thing up, and Abby was a living example of that. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as she read one of those novels of hers on the old couch in the shed. She was the type of girl that didn’t mind hanging around the shed. I learned early that as long as you gave her one of her old books, she is happy to be anywhere.

  “Keep staring at me, and I’ll start to think you want something.” Her eyes fluttered up from the book and looked into mine.

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” I looked back down at the engine I was working on.

  Show Abby a bit of interest, and I won’t live it down. It was hard enough trying to be her friend. I was just thankful she was at least giving it a go.

  “So,” she put her book down and got up. “What is the go with Kade? Why the sudden move in?” She handed me a rag to wipe my hands with.


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