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Reaper's Claim: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 1

Page 18

by Simone Elise

  “Holy shit, Abby, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just please move.” I went to sidestep him, but he only blocked me off.

  “Did you hurt yourself?”

  I shook my head, letting the tears run down my cheek. “Please Brad, move.”

  His eyes were glued on my wrist. “Come on, let me take you to get that looked at.”

  “I just want to go to my room!” I stomped my foot. Why did everyone think it was ok to try and stop me from what I wanted to do?

  “Abby. It looks broken.” His voice softened. “Let me take you to go get it looked at?”

  I couldn’t go back through the bar. I didn’t want Kade to see me like this. I didn’t want Dad to see me like this either because I was sure I would get an ‘I told you so.’

  Glaring down at the carpet. “I can’t go back through the bar.”

  “Fine, we will go out the side exit.” He didn’t question as to why, and I was grateful. So I followed Brad back down the stairs, crying and holding my wrist.

  Chapter 31


  I knew I never had the best luck, but this, well, this just sucked! I stared down at the white cast on my wrist. This was the most unattractive thing I had ever seen.

  “Now come back in about six weeks, and we can have a look to see if it is ready to come off.” The doctor finished writing a prescription and handed it to me. “These painkillers do cause drowsiness, so best not to drive while taking them.”

  I nodded my head, feeling very sorry for myself.

  “Now miss, before I let you go.” The doctor went and pulled the curtain around the bed. “I want to ask you one more time, how did this happen?”

  He wasn’t buying my ‘I fell’ story. It most likely didn’t help my case either that a large, overbearing tattooed monster called Brad brought me in.

  “My wrist breaking was my fault. No one else’s.” And I wasn’t lying; it was my fault. I shouldn’t have walked around the club in my gym clothes. I should have taken my dad’s advice. It was my fault I was here.

  He frowned and while he nodded his head, accepting my answer, I knew he hadn’t believed it.

  “Well, then you are free to go.” He pulled the curtain back, and I gathered my things off the bed.

  “Thanks, doc.”

  I took another look at the hideous cast on my arm. God, I looked like I was back in primary school. Walking out into the waiting room, I spotted Brad immediately. Just his appearance made him easy to spot, but what had made it easier was the way everyone was leaving the seats next to him empty.

  It seemed people had taken to standing rather than sitting next to him.

  “Brad.” I waved at him, his head snapping up.

  I watched the color drain from his face. “Please tell me it isn’t broken.” He was out of his seat, coming at me immediately. “You ok, Abby?” He placed a hand on my shoulder, looking concerned.

  “Yeah. I’m fine. Just sucks I’m stuck with this for months.” I realized that close to nearly everyone in the waiting room was staring openly at us.

  I suppose seeing him actually being concerned and caring had shocked them.

  “Can we go?” I asked him, shifting my handbag on my arm, which he then immediately took off me.

  Now that did make me smile.

  “Yeah darling, I parked the van around the corner. Not too much of a walk for you.”

  “I broke my arm, Brad, not my leg,” I smirked at him.

  Cracking a grin, he answered, “Righteo smart arse, let’s go.”

  The thing about Brad that most people didn’t know was unlike a lot of bikers, he had a good, caring heart. He just didn’t show it often.

  “Talked to your old man before,” Brad said, walking beside me and I cringed.

  “Great. What did he say?”

  “He wanted to know what happened.” He gave me a sideways glance. “Didn’t realize something had happened, Abby. Why didn’t you tell me Mavis attacked you?”

  “So that’s his name.” I groaned, realizing now Dad knew the whole story. I couldn’t just fib to him. “So Dad is furious then?”

  “Nah, he was just concerned. Wanted to know if it was broken or not.”

  “Well, it’s broken.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. Why didn’t you tell me? If I had known Abby, I would have…”

  “Stop, Brad.” I gripped his arm, shaking my head at him. “There wasn’t anything you could do. Reaper was already laying into the guy, and it was my fault. I shouldn’t have been wearing what I was wearing.”

  Anger boiled in his eyes, “Don’t be stupid, Abby. You should be able to wear whatever the fuck you want without getting attacked. What happened shouldn’t have happened. Simple. And it’s been dealt with.”

  “What does that mean?” I didn’t like the sound of violence, but I knew that was the only language my dad spoke clearly. “Did Dad hurt him?”

  Brad scoffed, “He would have if he got a chance. Reaper apparently beat him to it.”

  My stomach twisted, and nerves filled me. “Is Reaper ok?”

  Brad gave me a blank expression, “It’s Reaper, of course he is ok. The man didn’t even land a punch on him.”

  I felt relief that Reaper hadn’t been hurt because of me.

  “Dad’s going to be so mad. He hates it when his guys fight, and I caused it, which will only make him more furious.”

  “Mavis is a wild one, Abby, just rides between clubhouses. So Roach will be ok about it.”

  We stopped at the van, and I smiled as Brad opened the door for me. Such a gentleman.

  “Thanks.” I smiled up at him, “And thanks for bringing me here too, Brad, and for waiting. I owe you one.”

  “Nah darling, you don’t owe me a thing.” He winked and gave me a push up into the van.

  It was now that I realized I wasn’t that unlucky. In fact, I was actually lucky to have run into Brad tonight because I don’t think any other guy would have stopped what he was doing and taken me to the hospital. Well, forced me to go to the hospital.

  Chapter 32


  I was all about new experiences. Well, I was all about them now that I had grown up. Even I would admit that as a teenager, I was very sheltered. Still, there are some new things I didn’t want to experience, such as a broken wrist.

  Kim was giving me a sideways smirk.

  “Shut up.” I pointed a finger at her after catching her expression in the mirror. “You can’t say anything.”

  “I hadn’t said anything.” She crossed her arms, giving me a cocky smirk. “Can’t believe Dad hasn’t said anything yet.”

  “I don’t see that as a bad thing.” Seriously, if I could avoid a lecture from Dad, I would. “In fact, I’m making an effort to avoid him.”

  “I’m sure he has noticed,” she arched an eyebrow at me.

  “Come on. Don’t make me feel bad about it.” I huffed and put my hands on my hip. “It is more than acceptable to give him some space, you know? That way, he is less likely to kill me.”

  “I think he is more worried that you want to kill him.”

  Surely Dad wouldn’t be thinking that I was avoiding him because I was mad at him. I was scared he was going to throw me out.

  “I guess it’s been a few days,” I grumbled. Maybe I should stop being invisible.

  “Have you seen Reaper?” She made an effort to not sound overly interested.

  Just his name sent my stomach into a knot. “No, I haven’t.”

  “What, not at all? Since it happened?”

  Why did she sound so outraged?

  “He left that morning Kim. Wasn’t like I could take him down.” It was true. He had ridden out that morning.

  I couldn’t lie and say it hadn’t bothered me. He hadn’t even checked to see if I was ok. He had just left.

  “So he didn’t even see if you were ok? Before he rode out?”

  God, why did she have to have that tone in her voice? I knew it was screwed
up; I didn’t need her making it more obvious.

  “I got back from the hospital, and he was gone.” I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “So when is he back?”

  “Today.” I met her judging eyes. “Well, that is what I’ve heard.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Don’t say uh huh like that. It’s not a big deal. God, it’s just a broken wrist.”

  Sure, I was downplaying it. I knew it was just a broken wrist, and it wasn’t that big of a deal. Still, the fact that Kade hadn’t even thought about seeing if I was ok before he left bothered me.

  “Well, it’s past ten, so he must be here any minute then,” Kim smirked while heading for the bedroom door. “Oh,” she paused, holding the door open. “Go see Dad before he gets back.”

  Since when did she become the one giving the good advice? I really wasn’t enjoying this change of roles.


  “Dad, can we talk?” I stepped into his office, closing the door behind me.

  He looked up from his newspaper, a morning coffee in hand and a burning cigarette leaning on the ashtray.

  For a moment I saw relief wash over his face, and he folded the paper up. I moved to sit in the chair across from him.

  I noticed his glance drop to my plastered arm.

  “How’s the wrist?” His smile formed into a frown.

  Well, that was getting to the elephant quickly.

  “That’s kind of the reason I’m here.” I swallowed sharply. “Dad, I’m sorry. I should have listened to you. This is all my fault, and I’m sorry for ignoring you.”

  Dad’s face twisted quickly into shock and disbelief. “You got nothing to feel sorry about, Abby. This was my fault. I’m the one who should be saying sorry to you.”

  “I’m the one who walked around half naked in your bar! I was asking for trouble.”

  “No woman, no matter what she is wearing, should be attacked. Especially you.”

  I could hear the protective father coming out in his voice.

  “Still, Dad, I was the one walking around like bait. It’s my fault, and I’m sorry for embarrassing you like that.”

  He huffed. “The only embarrassing thing about this is I wasn’t the one to wring the bloke’s neck.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that too. Getting Reaper involved. I know you hate it when the boys fight.”

  “He was defending you. I Would have done the same thing. Should have been what Trigger was doing instead of egging it on.”

  My eyes widened slightly; I hadn’t expected Dad to know about that.

  “You should know better than anyone, Abby. There isn’t anything that goes on around here that I don’t know about.”

  Yeah, I suppose I should know that by now. Guess it was a miracle that he didn’t know about my relationship with Reaper yet.

  “About Reaper and you…”

  God, I spoke too soon.

  “Um yeah?” I faked a frown. “What about us?”

  “Want to tell me what is going on between you two?”


  He gave me a pointed expression.

  “I’m serious, Dad. Nothing is going on between him and I. I just… well, it is going to sound stupid.”

  “Try me.”

  “I feel safe around him.” I met Dad’s examining eyes. “That’s all, I swear.”

  I was leaving out a lot of details, but I suppose I wasn’t lying either. The foundation of the relationship I have with Reaper was built on trust. I trusted him. I felt safe with him.

  Dad slowly sighed, seeming to have accepted my explanation. “You got plans for today?”

  Change of subject, which meant that awkward conversation was over.

  “Not sure. Kim is heading into town, something about needing new clothes. I’m not in a shopping mood.”

  “So you’re planning on hanging around here then?”

  “Is that a problem?” Did he want me to leave? I couldn’t be sure.

  “Reaper’s heading back in this morning with a few blokes. It might be for the best if you weren’t around.”

  So he wanted me to leave.

  “So that explains why you gave Kim that heap of cash yesterday,” I smirked. “How long do you want us gone for?”

  He picked the cigarette up from the ashtray and finished it.

  “You can come back tonight, just make it late.”

  Great. Now I had to think of something to keep me occupied all day.

  “I’ll head out soon then.”

  He nodded his head. “I’ll see you when you get back.”


  Being made to leave felt way too familiar. Maybe if I was going to stay in town, I should think about getting my own place and stop living with the old man and his drunken crew.

  I pulled out my mobile and dialed Kim’s number. Looks like I was going shopping.


  “What about this one?” Kim held up a black dress. “It’s shorter.”

  “I don’t know if that is necessarily a good thing,” I advised her while searching in my handbag for my buzzing phone. “I thought you said you wanted to look classy?”

  Kim shopping for something that wasn’t trashy, slutty, or didn’t show half her breasts was a challenge, one she wasn’t succeeding at.

  I think every blood vessel in my body ran ice cold when I finally found my phone and saw the name on the screen.

  A text message from Reaper.

  Not once had he messaged me.

  Not once in the whole time that we had been doing, well, whatever our relationship is, has he ever messaged me.

  Had something happened?

  I stared blankly at my phone for a good few minutes while multiple theories ran through my head. Finally, I decided to just see what it said.

  Where are you?

  There were a few things that floated to my mind as I read his three little words.

  One, he actually spelled correctly.

  Two, he had noticed I wasn’t in the clubhouse.

  Chewing my bottom lip, I decided it was better to keep my response short and sweet.


  I suppose you can’t get any shorter than one word.

  My phone buzzed again.


  He had a very good point. He knew I didn’t like shopping. It wasn’t like it was a hidden secret that I despised it. To give him a real answer to that question, it was going to take more than a few words.

  Dad wanted us out of the clubhouse for a bit

  I pretended to help Kim look for a new dress while waiting for his reply. When five minutes had passed and I had heard nothing, I realized maybe he wasn’t going to write back. Wasn’t like I had given him much to go off.

  My doubt disappeared when my phone buzzed again.

  Hear your wrist is broken?

  I frowned instantly. Hadn’t he already known that when he left? Unless he had left before anyone had told him.

  Perhaps he didn’t even know I went to the hospital?

  You left

  I wanted to add, ‘and it really bothered me that you pissed off without a word,’ but I thought it was better to just keep that to myself.

  Not by choice. Are you coming back here tonight?

  His little explanation didn’t really answer any of my questions. But then again, I wasn’t sure if I could answer his question either. I glanced over at Kim, who was still going through racks and racks of dresses.

  I had a strong feeling that she had no plans of heading back to the clubhouse tonight, and it wasn’t like I had anyone else to be with.

  I don’t know

  I decided to just write back the truth because I had no idea what the plan was. I knew Dad didn’t want us back early, and I knew Kim didn’t want to go back tonight at all.

  I want to see you

  I smiled instantly reading that. I wanted to see him too. Hell, I’ve wanted to see him every day since he left. But I couldn’t be all needy and tel
l him that. I had to play it cool.

  I’ll be back when I’m allowed to

  And that was the truth. As soon as Dad let us back, and Kim wanted to go back, I would be there. Until then, I just had to stay away.

  He didn’t write anything back, and I sort of didn’t expect him to. Sighing and putting my phone away, I spotted Kim and headed towards her.

  I really wish this day was over already.

  Chapter 33


  He was wearing a tank top, with long open sides that showed off his tattooed side piece and part of his back piece. Leaning on his bike, a pair of thick black sunglasses blocked his marvelous eyes, which I could spend hours staring into.

  He had a half smile on his face while he listened to some man who I hadn’t seen before. In fact, he was so focused on their conversation that he hadn’t even heard Kim pull in, which was saying something.

  “Get the boot, Abby,” Kim grunted while readjusting her shopping bags. “Seeing as you aren’t getting any shopping bags.”

  Rolling my eyes at her pointed remark I closed the boot and followed slowly behind her.

  As far as I was concerned, there was no rush to go inside because once I was in there, I wouldn’t be able to gawk at the sexy god beast known as Reaper.

  “Oh, hey Abby. How’s your wrist, love?” Cameron asked, I hadn’t realized it was him Reaper was speaking to.

  Reaper’s head turned in my direction, and I watched his smile fall. Well, that hurt.

  “It’s all right.” I lied. It was aching today, and I think it had something to do with the fact Kim thought having a broken wrist was no excuse to not be able to help her carry her bags at the mall.

  “You’re the only girl I know who could pull off a cast, darlin’.” Cameron attempted to make me feel better. “Good to see you girls are back too, your old man thought you had split.”

  Funny, because he was the one who had sent us away for the day.

  “What’s with all the extra bikes?” I nodded my head at the new row of motorbikes.

  “Upgrades,” Cameron smirked, and I knew behind that confident smirk there was a story.


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