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Reaper's Claim: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 1

Page 26

by Simone Elise

  “You got anything you want to tell me?” Roach’s eyes were hardened, and he was clenching that spanner so tight his knuckles were going white.

  What the fuck. Had Abby said something?

  “You knew this ride out was important, yet you still managed to not give a fuck. Wanna tell me why you are suddenly more interested in something else other than this club, this family?” His voice rose with rage, his eyes boiling with it.

  Sure, I knew I had been letting things pass that I normally wouldn’t. I had my mind on Abby all the fucking time, and it was affecting my role in the club. Guess if there was a word for it, it would be distance.

  “Just had other shit on my mind. I’m getting my shit sorted. Won’t happen again,” I lied. Cause things won’t go back to normal, not after I tell him what I am planning on telling him when I get back.

  He nodded his head. “Hope the long ride clears that head of yours.”

  “Yeah well, I’ll see you in a week.” I turned and walked off.

  This ride wasn’t going to clear my head; it was going to fill my head with worry. I knew Abby could handle herself, but that still doesn’t stop a man from worrying about his girl.


  “Guess what I found out?” Kim barged into my room. Why knock when you can just burst in? I closed my laptop, not seeing the point of yelling at her about knocking because she would just turn around and do it again.

  “What Kim?”

  “I found out why Vivien is so hell bent on scaring us off.”

  “That didn’t take you long.” I was surprised at how quickly she had worked it out. “So what is it?”

  “Vivien Westbrook is scared of us.” Kim’s tone soured, “Her dad owns a chain of hotels and as for that Sebastian, he’s bad news.”

  I smiled at her choice of words because the men we hung around weren’t bad news at all.

  “So why has she got it out for us? Because she hasn’t been acting like she is scared of us.”

  “She and her brother are suppliers.”


  “Of drugs, you idiot, get with the program,” Kim snapped, frustrated by my lack of knowledge.

  “What drug suppliers? Seriously?”

  Sure, the girl looked like she had attitude, but she didn’t look capable or should I say involved with that side of life.

  Kim nodded her head. “They are the main supplier for the campuses.”

  My mind slowly started to catch up. “So she would have thought that we’d be stepping on her toes.”

  “That’s what I thought at first. They’d be concerned that we would start supplying. But-”

  “Go on, don’t stop; you have me hooked now.”

  “I think they are more concerned with us finding out about it.”

  I frowned. “Why?”

  “They’re dealing ice, Abby. We both know what Dad thinks of that drug.”

  Ice was a drug Dad had no interest in. In fact, he hated it. His younger sister, our aunt, got hooked and overdosed on it when she was young. She died when we were really little.

  “And Dad doesn’t use outsiders; they deal directly,” Kim added.

  “So they are being supplied with it from who? Another club?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “All I know is whoever is supplying them is doing it behind Dad’s back, and they clearly have guts.”

  It made sense now. Why she was trying to scare us off. She thought we were going to take her trade, but more importantly find out they were dealing in the first place behind the club’s back.

  “Dad’s going to be furious.”

  “Furious? He’ll take heads off for it!” she exclaimed. “It could start a war. Abby, we have to handle this.”

  “And how exactly do you plan on us handling this?”

  “By making her see who she is really dealing with,” Kim smirked. “Right now she only see us as a threat, but once she realizes that we aren’t just some little club whores but are in fact the fucking princesses of this club, she will back off.”

  “That might get her off our back, but what about the supplying issue?”

  Kim’s eyes widened and her face soured; I knew that look too well. That look meant she had a plan.

  I was outside smoking when Kim found me. I was not in the mood for games. If anything, I was in a foul mood because Reaper had left. And all I wanted was him.

  “We need to take care of Vivien.” Kim said, taking the cigarette off me. “And how is that?”

  “By reaching out for our half sister’s advice.” Kim handed me her phone. “Her number is sitting there; you just need to dial.”

  “Why would she want to help us?”

  “Because we are family and that is all the club is about. She won’t turn her back on this.”

  Kim had a point.

  “Fine, I’ll call her.”

  “Good. Cause she might be able to give us more details on our new enemy.” Kim finished the cigarette and dropped it to the ground, stomping on it. “Smoking doesn’t suit you, Abby. You’re meant to be the good twin, remember? Tell me how that turns out.”

  “Where are you going?” Wouldn’t she want to hang around and see what Amber said?

  “I have to go see Trigger. I won’t be long.”

  “Whatever.” I shot at her while hitting the dial button. This was either going to go well or she would hang up on me.

  “Hello?” Amber’s voice answered.

  “Hi, Amber. You might not remember me, but I’m Abby. Abby Harrison. I just have a few questions for you.”

  There was silence for a moment on the other end of the phone.

  “I was wondering when you were going to call. It took you long enough.”

  Chapter 56


  “I’m not calling to ask for a sisterly chat. I just need to ask you a question.”

  “Sisterly chat,” she scoffed. “Fine, what is your question?”

  “Do you know Vivien Westbrook? Or the Westbrooks in general?”

  My question was met with dead silence. I was about to give up and hang up just before she finally answered.

  “I know her sister.”


  “And the Westbrooks once had a strong connection to the club. Let’s just say that connection got cut. Vivien and her brother Sebastian are the only ones that are still acknowledged within the family.”

  “What did you do to her sister?”

  “It’s a small world, sometimes you step on toes. I don’t remember what I did, all I know is it caused her dad to stop acknowledging her as part of the family.”

  “Well, now I’m copping heat for something you did.”

  “Is Vivien giving you trouble?”

  I paused before answering. Should I really be telling her anything? I suppose what was the harm, wasn’t like she was going to ride down here and sort it out for me.

  “She’s threatened by us, and well, I’m not sure how to handle it.” I was honest. I wasn’t one to go to her level and play dirty. But at the same time, I was born with a backbone; it was time to use it, and I knew that.

  “You want my advice?” Amber’s tone was crisp, no bitchiness within it. “Handle it the way our blood knows how. We don’t take shit from others. So give it back to her, just do it better.”

  I smiled slightly to myself. “Thanks.”

  “If you need anything else,” her words broke for a moment. “You can call me.”

  I think that was Amber’s way of extending an olive branch.

  She wasn’t shutting us out.

  “I might take you up on that.”

  “Well, I should tell Reaper that when he gets back, his woman might be a changed one.” Amber’s words surprised me.

  “Reaper is with you?”

  “Didn’t he tell you where his run was to?”


  “Well, I guess it doesn’t matter where the guns are going as long as they get to where it’s needed. Nice speaking to you,
Abby.” The dial tone followed after her goodbye.

  So it was official. We had to handle Vivien the only way we knew how, and that was dirty.


  At the moment, Vivien only saw Kim and me as a threat. But as of this morning, that was all going to change.

  My grip loosened around Brad as we slowly came to a stop outside the campus. Just as I hoped, Sebastian and Vivien were out the front.

  Kim was on the back of Trigger’s bike and behind him was Cameron and a few of the other boys. They were going for a ‘ride’ today, and we had convinced them to drop us off on their way.

  The reason?

  To give Vivien the fucking message that she isn’t just fucking with us, they are fucking with the club.

  Brad braced the bike as I climbed off, and I yelled a thank you over the roar of his motor.

  Kim was walking towards me, and then together we faced the campus entranceway, which had every pair of eyes on us, including the two pairs that we wanted.

  “Vivien, Sebastian, morning.” I stopped, smiling at them, with Kim at my side. “The car was getting serviced; boys gave us a ride.”

  “Good thing that you live so close to a mechanic,” Sebastian smirked across at me.

  “Having so many men around all the time does help.” I met his determined eyes. “But guess that is expected when you live in a clubhouse.”

  Kim and I were both wearing club supportive tee shirts. Time these idiots got the message they aren’t just fucking with us, but with all the deadly men that wear these colors as well.

  “Nice choice of tops.” Vivien looked us up and down. “Really makes it clear who you support.”

  “It’s not supporting, love.” Kim stepped forward, giving her a determined look. “It’s our blood, our family.” Kim faked a friendly grin directed at the both of them. “Would hate to find out someone is threatening them.”

  “Good thing everyone knows not to fuck with Satan’s Sons then,” Sebastian snapped, losing his cool. “See you both later.” He gripped his sister's arm, and they turned sharply and walked off.

  Kim and I shared a look.

  They had gotten the message.

  I couldn’t help but smirk as Kim and I walked off.

  “They're scared,” Kim smirked back at me.

  “So they should be.”

  No one fucks with the Harrisons and gets away with it.

  Chapter 57

  Vivien Westbrook

  “They know, Sebastian.” I kicked his leg as he lay on the couch, not caring at all. “Sebastian, would you at least listen to me!”

  We hadn’t spoken about it at school, but we were home now, and this had to be addressed.

  He lazily looked up over his phone at me. “Calm down, Vivien.”

  “This is all your fault! If you hadn’t gone kissing one of the brats, I wouldn’t even have stepped in and threatened them!”

  “Chill, would you? Abby had no idea why I was chasing her, and she wouldn’t have found out because I would have blocked it. What happened this morning is all on you.”

  “And how did you come to that conclusion, dumbass?”

  “You’re the one that harassed them.”

  “I’m the one taking a stand before Dad finds out! So yeah, go ahead, blame me for acting and trying to get rid of them!”

  “Before I find out what?”

  I went stiff and slowly turned around to see Dad standing in the doorway. Fucking Sebastian should have warned me or shut me up; he would have seen Dad standing there!


  “Has the Harrison situation been dealt with?” He looked directly at me.

  Of course he would be expecting answers from me, not his golden son.

  “No.” I crossed my arms. Fuck it. I wasn’t sugarcoating it. “If anything, shit got serious. They know. Which means it is only time till the club finds out. Then we end up with our throats cut and our house shot up.”

  “I love how you place the house shooting at higher importance than our throats being cut,” Sebastian piped up.

  Dad’s expression hadn’t changed. His normal hard expression remained. “Get rid of the girls before they open their mouths. I don’t care how you do it. Just get it done.”

  And just like that, Dad turned his back and walked out. Turning his back on us and the problem. He expected me to handle this. Well, I was done handling it.

  “I’m done. My way didn’t work, as you pointed out. So you deal with it,” I snapped at Sebastian and then stormed out.

  If Dad was so concerned about his trade through the universities, then he eventually has to step up and deal with it; till then, Sebastian can deal with it.

  I was done.


  I wouldn’t say the week had been uneventful, but it had been a long one without Reaper around. Not that I was telling him that. I wasn’t giving him that to hold over my head.

  But my week was coming to an end as of now, and I couldn’t stop the grin as I heard their bikes ride through the gates.

  “You could at least pretend not to be jumping for fucking joy that he is back.” Kim gave me a sideway glance. “Dad’s going to pick up on you two being together.”

  I rolled my eyes. “He won’t be picking up on anything because I’m telling him myself.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you insane?”

  “Questioning my sanity levels when you’re back with Trigger?”

  “I’m not back with anyone.” She glared at me. “We’re just friends.”

  “With benefits.”

  “Depends what you class as a benefit,” she muttered under her breath, clearly not expecting me to hear.

  “Didn’t expect you girls to be down for tea tonight.” Dad sat on a bar stool, beer in hand.

  “Why?” I walked towards him to sit beside him. “We get hungry too, you know.”

  Dad’s eyes locked with mine. “Sure, that is the reason. You and I need to talk, girly.”

  I swallowed the needles of nerves; he only called me girly when I was in trouble.

  “Can we do it after tea?”

  “No.” He put his beer down. “Now. Come on.”

  I glanced at Kim, only to see her smirking. Great, well, she wasn’t going to help me.

  I remained silent while following him across the room and into his office. I did a quick run through my mind, and I couldn’t think of anything I had done to piss him off.

  Nope, nothing. Couldn’t come up with a thing.

  He closed the door and I still remained silent, taking the seat across from his giant chair.

  “You better start talking, girly.”


  “Why you’re chasing the Reaper.” He drew out a long breath. “I’m not blind, sweetheart.”

  Suddenly my stomach dropped. “Well, I guess it was going to get out eventually.”

  “End it.”

  My mouth dropped. I hadn’t expected his decision to be so final so quickly.


  “I mean it, Abby.”

  “And I mean it too, no. I’m not breaking up with him.”

  I was trying my best to be firm, but I was going up against one of the hardest and meanest men, and that wasn’t just me thinking that.

  “The Reaper is my Reaper for a fucking reason, Abby. He had no weakness. He’s cold.”

  “I’m a weakness to you.”

  “And I fucking take that on board with everything I do.”

  “Reaper wouldn’t put me in harm's way.”

  “Being with the man puts you in more fucking harm than just being my daughter. There are more men that want that man’s head than mine. That’s why he is called the fucking Reaper. He kills, Abby.”

  “Stop it, Dad.”

  “I’ve watched him gut a man with a knife.”

  “Stop it.”

  “He’s a killing machine. My killing machine.”

  I stared at him blankly. “And I love him.”

  Dad’s eyes
bulged and the veins running up his neck stiffened. “Take that back.”

  “Sending him to another charter, threatening me, threatening him, it isn’t going to work because I’m in love with him. My heart chose him, not me. Don’t you think I know how stupid it sounds to be in love with a man that is known for only coldness?!” I blew out a hot breath. “But it doesn’t change anything. I love him. The good and the bad.”

  Dad grunted. “There is more fucking bad in that man than any good.”

  “That’s your opinion.”

  “He is my Reaper.”

  “And I love him.”

  Dad cringed. “Stop saying that.”

  “It’s not a joke, Dad, and I want your blessing.” I crossed my arms stubbornly. “You know that with him looking over me, there is no chance any other man or woman could hurt me. You know he would die before letting someone hurt me.” Or so I hoped.

  Dad glared back at me as his mind clicked over what I said. Then he just stood up, surprising me completely. Had this conversation ended it?

  “I’ve seen that man screw through women. I won’t be letting you be another one of his girls.”

  “I won’t be.”

  “Darn straight you won’t be, because I’m going to make sure of it.”

  I gulped. What did that mean?

  “If you punch him-”

  “I’m not punching up your pretty boy. I’m fucking telling him straight what being with you means, then we can see what he decides.”

  They were going to talk.


  I don’t know how I felt about that.

  Chapter 58


  “YOU!” Reaper came at me, pointing a finger. Taking in his red cheeks and narrowed eyes, I knew what had happened.

  I slipped off the stool.

  “Don’t you fucking dare run away.” His furious voice followed me.

  He didn’t even seem to care that the bar and dining room was full; meaning we had every pair of eye on us.

  I had managed to scramble up the hallway away from their ears just in time when Reaper’s hand gripped my upper arm, pulling me to a stop.

  “Got something to tell me?” he grunted.


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