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Even in Death

Page 7

by Eden Wildblood

  Memories of their time together washed over her, both the good and bad ones, and Wynter was left feeling confused and overwhelmed, even more so than when it’d happened the first time with Marcus’s desk.

  Thankfully, Marcella hadn’t seemed to notice, but she did seem to calm and warm against her. The Priestess then pulled Wynter closer still, and she tilted her head and offered the lightest of kisses. Wynter went to ease away, thinking this wasn’t a complication either of them wanted, but instead she felt herself growing warmer too.

  Instead of retreating, she instinctively put her hands on Marcella’s flushed cheeks and smiled.

  “Let me help you,” she whispered, and as if on cue, Jack returned to them. He took in the clearly heady scene and even Wynter couldn’t ignore the huge hard-on pitching a tent in his jeans. She remembered the effects of Marcus’s bite well and knew Jack had to be gagging for it in the aftermath, and so decided to help them both. He probably had blue balls after his wife not having let him touch her, and rightly so after what she’d just been through, but it was time they reconnected—literally.

  Wynter beckoned him closer, her arms still wrapped around Marcella, and then she was quick to switch places with him, but she didn’t go far. She couldn’t anyway, thanks to the Priestess having a firm grip of her hand, and so Wynter lingered, watching as Jack undressed his wife with a solemn expression on his tired face. He clearly loved her, and was ever so gentle and was caring in his approach, not rushing a thing, and it was nice to see.

  And then it appeared it was her turn. Marcus was suddenly on her too, peeling off her clothes and he was being his now often gentle self as well. Once he had her naked, Marcus did the same with his designer suit, and soon she was beneath him on the huge sofa she and Marcella had been sat upon, and the other pair were right beside them.

  Marcus seemed to be mirroring them, and as soon as she heard Marcella cry out with Jack’s gentle probing, she too felt her husband ease his way inside of her. He began to move, his mouth on hers the entire time, and Wynter felt her body begin to sing for him. He was so good at this. Too damn good. He always seemed to know exactly what she wanted, and soon she was fit to burst with her first climax, which he coaxed from her without apology, and of course carried on even after she had come back down from her high. And all while Jack did his best to satisfy his wife close by to them.

  It was an odd undertaking, but one Wynter felt she had to see through. An heir needed conceiving, but it was more than that. Marcella deserved to hold her baby in her arms and give her the love she had been so ready to give her first daughter. She reached up and took her hand tightly in her own, and got the impression that Marcella needed to know it was okay. She had to feel not only Wynter’s presence, but also the approval from her, and her witch’s heart.

  Wynter readily gave her it and the witch held her back just as tightly, but otherwise they had nothing more to do with their lovemaking, and vice versa. It was strangely intimate, the four of them together, and by the next morning it seemed clear to them all that the shift had indeed occurred. Marcella was no longer in any pain, which could only mean one thing.

  A new Priestess was on her way.

  That morning while Jack slept and Marcella rested alongside him, Wynter wandered the huge house. She went around making notes about what each room should be used for and the colours or wallpaper styles she wanted. She still had no clue what she was actually going to do with the huge house, but figured it was enough to simply be making a start.

  “Darling?” she called, and wasn’t surprised when Marcus appeared around the doorway a few moments later. He might be busy with work, or so he’d told her repeatedly, but he never seemed to be far away. She wondered if perhaps she distracted him, like when they were back at Slave and instead of focussing on his work he’d played his games with her. Toyed with her emotions and lured her away from the real life she’d foolishly been so desperate to change. And at least if the same could be said the other way around, then she’d gladly take it. Take any power over him she could muster.

  God, she’d give anything to go back to that night at the club when David had approached her. She’d tell him no and walk out of there without ever looking back. Wouldn’t let her dire situation and greed drive her into the employment of the dastardly vampire who had taken all that she’d offered and more. And all for what? She hadn’t so much as looked at her bank account in months. Yes, there would be bountiful amounts inside, and yet she had no need for a single penny of it.

  She peered back at him and had to force those thoughts away, like always. There was nothing she could, or would, do about it now.

  “Yes, my sweet,” he said, and in spite of her thoughts telling her one thing, her body reacted to him in its usual desirous way. She was drawn to him and soon found herself perched beneath his icy stare, her hands itching to touch him.

  Wynter forced herself to take a step back just so that she could think straight.

  “I’m going to make a start with the decorating. Any input from you on what you want where, or colours?” she asked him, and strangely Marcus actually seemed relieved.

  “No. I have my office, which is all I need. From there, I plan to rebuild my empire, while you rebuild this place. Make it your own and then we’ll talk more about the hordes,” he told her, and Wynter shuddered. It was easy to forget that they were all out there, buried in pits beneath the house and its grounds. But of course she was meant to watch over them. To become their queen, or so the alpha had said.

  “Sure, but don’t come moaning to me when I go crazy and glitter paint the entire fourth floor,” she teased, and Marcus smiled down at her, his gaze finally turning warmer.

  “Glitter the entire house if that is what you wish,” he said, and then closed the gap between them and offered her a gentle kiss.

  “You’re under a lot of pressure, aren’t you?” she asked, having somehow sensed he was stressed.

  “The Committee needs me to put right what I destroyed. I broke hundreds of my own laws and need to make amends,” he replied, and she was glad for the honesty.

  “What can I do?” Wynter replied.

  “Stop being so goddamn perfect and distracting me?” he answered playfully, but she knew there was an element of truth to his words. She was getting in the way of him running his empire, and there was a part of her that felt a great deal of satisfaction about it. At least she wasn’t the only one who had to suffer the consequences for his attraction.

  “Nah,” she joked, and then backed away. “Now, get back to work.”

  He grinned and seemed like he might be about to defy her, but they both knew it was better he actually followed his own rules for a change, and Marcus took another step away.

  “One month,” he then said, and rolled his eyes when she frowned in confusion. “You have one month to have the house ready. We need to formally announce our wedding and unveil the plans for my new ventures, as well as outline the change in ownership of the hordes. We will host a grand gala to honour the occasion, so you must have it ready, my sweet.”

  He disappeared again before she could so much as grumble, and actually, Wynter found herself more enthusiastic than ever about the task ahead. She had a deadline and a purpose. She might not like having to invite however many vampires Marcus wanted in her home, but knew it was inevitable. And if it was going to be the case of countless visitors to their home-come-office then she was going to make damn sure it was on her terms, and in the perfect setting.

  She started by grabbing a set of car keys from the numerous hooks by the door, and then took off outside in search of whatever vehicle she’d happened to have the fob for. There had to be ten sat on the driveway out the front of the mansion, and so she was sure one of them had to match the key in her hands.

  Wynter was still pressing the unlock button with her arm stretched high, hoping to come close enough to the relevant vehicle for it to bleep and alert her to its whereabouts, when the alpha vampire suddenly appeared fro
m around the back of the house.

  He beckoned her over, and with a huff she charged after him, half expecting to find Marcus there, but instead the soldier led her to where a garage lay. She pressed the button again and heard the distinct honk of a car from within its keep.

  She didn’t need to say a word. The alpha had the door wrenched open a second later and she followed him inside, where they discovered a treasure trove of both classic and modern cars. Wynter grinned and she went to each in turn, checking out their amazing condition and the absolute perfection all around her. Marcus hadn’t destroyed all of Camilla’s things, after all.

  “Which one’s my new toy?” she then asked her companion, whom she knew would be coming along on her little shopping trip. Marcus wouldn’t have had to so much as lift his head from his desk to issue the order for his minion to accompany her, and actually, she couldn’t blame him. She knew there would be no going anywhere alone any longer, or at least until she had his trust, and of course that might never happen. Not while she continued to seethe and hold onto her hatred towards him, and as it stood no matter how nice he was deciding to be, she had no intention of ever forgiving and forgetting. If she couldn’t be free, then neither would Marcus, regardless of the connection they may share when in one another’s arms.

  Wynter pressed the button again and her face broke into a smile when the huge four-by-four at the end of the row flashed its lights and gave out a loud beep. She’d expected something small and nippy, but actually the big beast would be perfect. And practical. She was heading out with some serious intent, and just hoped Marcus was ready for her to take a chunk out of the fortune he had always been so quick to dismiss.

  She climbed in and found a control for the garage exit on the dash, and by the time the metal door had lifted up out of her way, both she and the alpha were in and good to go.

  Wynter tore out of there without any fear, and found she was incredibly aware of her surroundings while behind the wheel anyway. Nothing like back when she had been human. It was almost as if the car couldn’t keep up with her reflexes and the speed she felt more than comfortable cruising at, and her mind went back to the night when Jakob had driven them out these same gates and down the same country roads to take her shopping. Wynter smiled, remembering how uncomfortable she had been back then, and how incredible her driver had looked while careening around tight bends and whizzing through lights that had seemed to turn green at his command.

  Damn, she still missed him.

  Wynter shook those thoughts away and focussed on what she had set out to do. There was some kind of retail park close by, and after a mere flick of her fingertips against the built-in satellite navigation system, she had it programmed in and they were on their way.

  They arrived in no time at all, and the jinni was quick to change into a more ‘everyday’ outfit, rather than her finest, but was sure to still look her best. After all, she figured what good was being able to alter any aspect of her appearance at will if she didn’t also do it in style. Her companion, on the other hand, was still dressed like a doorman thanks to Marcus never having changed their dress code, and his pale skin made him look albino against the otherwise warm backdrop of sunny spring day. “Keep behind me,” she commanded, and the alpha simply grunted in response.

  Wynter then stepped out of her hundred-thousand-pound car with a smile, and she watched as the other shoppers stopped and stared. They had to be wondering who she was and why she had a bodyguard with her. Perhaps she was royalty, or a celebrity? Well, they would never guess the real reason behind her apparent wealth, that was for sure, and so Wynter pressed onwards before anyone could even try.


  After hours spent browsing the numerous shops on offer and finally choosing the first of her many purchases, Wynter had the alpha pack up the car and the pair of them then sped back to the mansion. But this time, she took things a little slower. She checked out the scenery and actually took a few minutes to figure out where the hell their new home was. The chillier weather had given the game away before, so she’d known they were high up the country, but was surprised to find that they were actually in Scotland. Wynter had her suspicions anyway after her having spoken with numerous members of accented staff back at the retail park, but had to admit she’d had no clue before actually zooming out on the sat-nav’s map to see where exactly they were.

  When they were home, Wynter went room by room, where she painted square patches onto the walls using the many tester pots of paint she’d grabbed at the nearby DIY store. She also had wallpaper samples and carpet or flooring taster squares, and was in her element as she began making her final decisions. She worked through the night and by lunchtime the next day, her plans were finally beginning to come together.

  The house was eerily quiet, but Wynter didn’t care what any of the others were up to. She had her jobs to do and was ready to make a start. She picked out the three reception rooms downstairs to be the first to finish. Each of them were to remain in the classic style, traditional to the house itself, and so she got to work. Wynter knew she could easily employ a team of decorators for the task, but didn’t want to. This was going to be her job to see through, and so she quickly acquainted herself with wallpapering, painting and even a spot of plastering where needed. It helped that she never tired, of course, and after a few hours the first room was done. Even though it wasn’t perfect, she felt immensely proud of what she had accomplished, and couldn’t stop smiling as she took a step back and admired her handiwork.

  By the end of day four of working around the clock, she finally let the small group of Marcus’s vampires start helping. The alpha led them, taking his orders from her before doing that strange silent hive-mind thing with the other four, and it was just a few days until every room in the house was decorated and ready for furnishing.

  Marcus had remained locked away the entire time she had kept busy and as Wynter grabbed the keys to her new favourite car, about to head straight out, she found herself stopping by his office to check in on him. She told herself she didn’t care though. No, she was just being nosy.

  “My sweet,” he called when she opened the door and poked her head inside, “what a pleasant surprise.”

  “I just wanted to let you know I’m heading out for a while,” she said, and knew it was a lie. She hadn’t told him the last time, nor had she asked his permission for anything she’d done, and probably wouldn’t ever if she could help it. The alpha was probably relaying her every move to his boss anyway so Marcus wouldn’t have to so much as wonder about her, and she actually didn’t know why she’d come to him at all.

  “Anywhere nice?” he asked, his eyes still on the documents splayed out on the desk before him, and she took a look around his chaotic space. He had indeed been busy.

  “The shops,” she replied, and took a tentative step towards him. “I’d like to start ordering the furniture and there’s a delightful store in town that sells handcrafted pieces that are one of a kind. I’d like to talk with the designer about doing some bespoke work for us.”

  “I’m glad you’re getting somewhere with your decorating,” he answered, and Wynter frowned. She moved closer still and saw numerous rolls of blueprints and plans beside her husband’s desk. Had he drawn them up himself? Surely not? But at the same time, not a soul had come or gone from the house to deliver them to him, and she had to wonder if perhaps he truly was so dedicated to his work that he’d done every single thing it’d taken to build his empire.

  Wynter reached his side and she watched him work for a moment before answering him.

  “It’s for us, Marcus. You gave me a job to do and I am gladly doing it, but it’s not just for me. Like I said, it’s for us…”

  She then went to turn away, thinking she’d leave him to it. He hadn’t so much as looked at her after all, and Wynter had things she too needed getting on with. However, the second she moved away, his hand reached out to grab her by the waist and Marcus finally turned his face up towards h
ers. His icy blues bore into hers and she felt herself swoon.

  “Oh, so there’s finally an ‘us’ then?” he then mused, his lips curling into a smile.

  In spite of her better judgement, Wynter couldn’t help but return it.

  “I guess there might just be,” was all she could bring herself to reply. Like always, she wasn’t going to give into him too easily. “And maybe one day I’ll be able to leave this house without a guard to watch over me.”

  Marcus simply laughed and then pulled Wynter down onto his lap playfully.

  “That would take a great deal of trust, my sweet. And trust must be earned of course,” he told her, as if she didn’t already know. He then cupped her cheek with his palm and offered her a gentle kiss.

  By the time he pulled away, she was trembling with desire for him to do more than just kiss her, but Wynter forced herself to be strong. And to remember what she was meant to be doing. He didn’t own her, or rule her. He had a cruel and vicious side she refused to taunt nowadays, but of course that didn’t mean he wouldn’t get bored of playing nice all on his own. And when he did, she knew she had to be prepared. To be strong enough to take it, or fight back, whichever the case may be.

  “I intend to,” was all she whispered against his lips.

  “Good. Plus, don’t forget you will only ever be able to leave for any extended amount of time when both the Priestess and myself allow you to. Your vitality is thanks to her gracious gifts, plus your heart beats for me. You will never get farther away from me than necessary, and not a single step more than the front gates of this home if you had any ideas of running away once you breached them.”


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