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Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5

Page 15

by Teresa Gabelman

  A truck full of men slowed down, yelling obscenities and making gestures at Jill. Slade turned his head with a loud growl, flashing his fangs at them. One of them banged their head on the doorframe trying to pull his head back in the truck window. The truck peeled away, running the red light ahead almost broadsiding another car.

  “You almost caused an accident.” Jill raised her eyebrows at him. When he didn’t answer, she turned to start walking again.

  The bike revved up to a roar as he pulled up on the sidewalk blocking her way. “Get on the fucking bike.” Slade lifted his sunglasses to stare at her. “Now.”

  It was a battle for only a few seconds. Knowing she was going to lose anyway, she walked up to the bike, grabbed his shoulder as she lifted her leg over, and then put her feet on the pegs. “Since you asked so nicely.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t have a helmet.”

  “I’ll be careful.” He was looking down to make sure she was ready. “Where in the hell are your shoes?”

  “At the warehouse.” She wasn’t going to say any more than that, but thought what the hell. Might as well get it out there in the open. “I didn’t want to interrupt yours and Jax’s conversation, so I left them.”

  She felt him stiffen at her words as she wrapped her arms around him, but he kept quiet. Revving the engine, he carefully pulled into traffic. Once cleared with the open road ahead, he opened the bike up and Jill never felt freer in her life. If she ever made enough money, she was definitely getting herself a bike. Although, if Slade bowed down and agreed to be her driver for life, she would reconsider, because having her body pressed against his was pure heaven.

  “Why are we here?” she asked, a little disappointed when he pulled into the warehouse.

  “To get your shoes.” He kicked the stand down and then leaned forward so she could slide off before he swung himself off in one fluid motion, heading toward the door.

  “Oh,” Jill replied, feeling stupid. What did she expect, a long ride to somewhere private and beautiful where they could sit and stare lovingly at each other? Jill actually smacked her forehead trying to knock some sense into herself, and then noticed he was watching her through the reflection of the glass door. “Bug.” She passed him without looking when he held the door open for her.

  Spotting her shoes, she went to get them without turning on the lights. Turning, she walked back out, but stopped because Slade’s silhouette outlined the doorway.

  “You’re not going to quit.” His deep voice surrounded her. His golden eyes glowed in the darkness of the room.

  “I’m not planning on it.” Jill held her shoes to her chest. “But I think your liability rules need to be changed. It’s totally unfair.”

  Slade stood still as stone, not moving. “It is unfair, but it is the way it is.”

  “What exactly does that mean?” Jill frowned. “It is the way it is? Really? No kidding? I can kick Steve’s ass, yet I can get let go because I don’t have a cock because it is the way it is. I’ll tell you what that is, it’s total bullshit.”

  Slade didn’t respond to her rant, but she could see the whiteness of his teeth. She stomped toward him ready to go. She didn’t find any of this funny.

  “Move.” She stood, staring at his chest.


  She looked up, the grin still planted firmly on his face. “I don’t find any of this funny.” She stepped closer. “And I don’t like to be laughed at.”

  “I’m not laughing at you.” Slade stayed firmly planted. “You need to stay focused on your training. Don’t worry about liability or anything other than making it through the training and you’ll be fine.”

  “Easy for you to say. You’ve got a cock.” Jill rolled her eyes, and then caught him grinning again. “Stop laughing at me.”

  “Then stop saying cock.” Slade’s grin widened. “And change your hair back. Blue suits you and I like it.”

  Jill’s stomach dipped at the mention of him liking anything about her, even her hair. She snapped her mouth closed, forgetting what she was about to say. He leaned down, his grin slipping to only tilt one corner of his sexy mouth, and then…his fucking phone rang.

  “Fuck,” Slade growled, reaching into his front pocket.

  Actually, Jill wanted to reach in his front pocket herself, but more than anything, she wanted to grab his phone, throw it on the ground and stomp it into a million pieces.

  His eyes met hers briefly while he listened to whoever was on the other end. “Yeah, I got it. We’re on our way now.” He hung up, his face taking on a completely different emotion. No more easy going Slade; he looked downright scary. “We have to go.”

  Jill followed him at a half run as his long legs ate up the distance to his bike after locking the warehouse. “Who was it?” She hopped on the back, grabbing on tightly since he was in a hurry. “Is someone hurt?”

  His bike roared to life as he shook his head. Grabbing her hands, he locked them together around his waist. “Hold on tight,” he ordered just before he flew out of the parking lot and onto the road.


  Jax parked his bike and ignored the stares that always followed him. He didn’t even pay attention anymore. The Mayor’s office looked pretty busy as pencil pushers and lawmakers went in and out of the building. Jax, with his black boots, black jeans and white cotton tee definitely didn’t fit in with the suits walking past him. No one could see behind the dark sunglasses that he was assessing the situation with a precision that would surprise most, because he just looked like an ordinary biker.

  Jax Wheeler was the best interrogator the Vampire Council had ever had. He was on the top and had been for years. Not only could he make people talk, he knew without a doubt when they were lying. He was never wrong and it usually only took him a very short time to break someone holding valuable information. That is why Sloan was sending him to see their Mayor. The man who was trying and succeeding in bringing back concentration camps. Men like this started wars and it looked like another war was on the horizon and one humans may just lose.

  Walking into the Mayor’s office, he headed for the desk where a dark haired woman sat typing on a computer. “Is the Mayor in?” He knew he was because he saw his car parked in the Mayor’s special parking place.

  “Yes, he is.” She smiled up at him, her eyes growing wide as she got a good look at him.

  “Good.” He headed toward the closed door.

  “Sir, you need an appointment.” She stood, flustered.

  “I just made one and I’m here.” He opened the door and walked in. The Mayor sat behind his desk, his head thrown back as his hand moved up and down disappearing behind his desk. Jax spotted a pair of high heels sticking out beside the desk.

  Slamming the door hard made the Mayor jump and then scream in pain as a woman, who he figured was the one and only Alice, jumped up from between his legs. “You bit me!” The Mayor’s voice was shocked as he looked down into his lap.

  “You must be Alice.” Jax couldn’t help saying; how ironic he was just talking about her talented mouth.

  “How dare you just barge in here?” Alice hissed, fixing her dress suit.

  Jax didn’t answer. He simply wiped at the corner of his own mouth, indicating she should do the same. He then ignored her, looking at the Mayor who was still inspecting his dick. “If you’re going to be getting your political dick sucked on taxpayers’ time, then maybe you should lock your door.”

  “Jesus, I’m bleeding.” The Mayor cried out, grabbing some Kleenex off his desk and wiping furiously. “Alice, get him the fuck out of here.”

  Alice’s face turned ugly as an evil grin showed her fangs. “It will be my pleasure.”

  Jax reached up lifting his sunglasses, his golden eyes stopping her in her tracks. “That may not be as easy as you think, my cock sucking little gold digger.”

  “Another Warrior?” she spat, her eyes narrowing.

  “American Native Warrior who takes great offense at what you are trying to do,” Ja
x’s voice turned deadly.

  “Trying?” Alice laughed, her eyes flashing toward the Mayor who had finally stood. “We have succeeded and you rudely interrupted our celebration. The roundup is beginning as we speak.”

  Jax kept his composure and was damn proud of that fact. “You do realize what you have done.” His attention went to the Mayor.

  “Of course we do,” Alice answered.

  “I wasn’t talking to you, whore,” Jax sneered, glaring at her. “My name is Jax Wheeler.”

  “How dare you talk to my fiancée like that?” the Mayor huffed, outraged. “I’ll have you arrested.” He went to pick up the phone, but Alice’s eyes widened in fear, making Jax sneer turn into a deadly grin.

  “I see you’ve heard of me.” Jax took a step toward her. “I’ve already figured you out. Now it’s time to let your plaything know exactly who he is dealing with.”

  “Don’t fuck with me.” Alice leaned closer, her words hissed for him alone.

  “I don’t take sloppy seconds, bitch, so no worries there,” Jax hissed back. “And from what I’ve heard, every Warrior’s dick has been down that throat. How does politician dick compare to Warrior dick?” This he said loud enough for the Mayor to hear.

  “Alice?” The Mayor looked back and forth between the two.

  The look Alice tossed Jax should have worried him, but it didn’t. She threw her head into her hands crying as if her heart had been broken. “How can you let this man talk to me that way?” she said between sobs. “Oh, my God. No one has ever been so cruel, and for you to even think what he says is true. I love you, Tom, more than my own life.”

  Jax cocked his eyebrow watching the show. Hell, even if he was the dumbest son of a bitch on the planet, he never would have believed this fake-ass act. Obviously, the Mayor was the dumbest son-of-a-bitch on the planet because he ran to her side. Jax edged toward the desk, his eyes scanning anything that could tell him the location of the camps. A paper with what looked like a golden seal caught his attention and there it was. He memorized it and then looked away.

  “I love you, Alice, you know that. I could have never gotten here if it weren’t for you.” He took Alice in his arms. “Please stop crying.”

  Alice sniffed, her cries loud, but as she looked up at Jax from over the Mayor’s shoulder, her face was nothing but evil. “I’m just so upset.” Her voice came out as a heartbroken woman, but her face stayed emotionless. Then she mouthed at Jax, ‘You will pay.’

  “Looking forward to it!” Jax didn’t mouth the words, but said them out loud, surprising her. “Now, if you can find your balls for a second, Mayor, I would like a copy of the order for obtaining and retaining half-breeds.”

  The Mayor pulled away from Alice, helping her over to a small couch in his office. “Wait here, dear, while I finish business.” The Mayor turned, his eyes narrowed. “I do not have to give you anything.”

  Jax took out of his phone. “I’ll just call the Warriors and they can all fill this office until you find the right one to give it to, because one way or another, we are getting a copy of this order.”

  “You don’t believe me? You just can’t take my word that there is an order for the capture of all half-breeds?” The Mayor stood tall, trying his best to look intimidating, but he was failing miserably.

  “Capture, hmmm, now there’s a new word that I’m sure you haven’t used in public for this service you’re doing for the human race. And unfortunately, I do believe you.” When the Mayor looked up at him surprised, Jax just shrugged. “You’re too stupid to lie, but I want that order in my hand.”

  “Get out!” the Mayor bellowed, the door opened and a uniformed police officer stood in the entrance.

  “Not without documentation.” Jax held up his phone. “One text and this room will be filled with fifty-plus Warriors.”

  The Mayor’s face turned bright red with rage. Turning, he rummaged through his desk, papers hitting the floor, the phone tipping over; the buzz of the dial tone filled the office. Fumbling with a paper, he looked it over with narrowed eyes before handing it to Jax. “Now get out.”

  Jax didn’t budge. He read over the paper shaking his head as his golden eyes darkened. His eyes rose to meet Alice who he knew was behind this whole thing. That was an absolute truth. “Congratulations, you’ve just sealed the fate of every human.”

  Alice didn’t say a word, just stared at him through narrowed eyes, her fake tears gone, and in place, a satisfaction that made him sick.

  “This has nothing to do with humans.” The Mayor’s voice shook with anger.

  Jax sighed, glancing at the clueless Mayor. “With this paper, you have set forward something we have tried for thousands of years to prevent.” Jax looked back at Alice. “And all because of a whore’s vindictiveness you have set in motion a war that humans will lose. Don’t call us for protection, Mr. Mayor, because in all likelihood, it will be us coming after you.”

  Jax walked out the door, out of the office and into the hot sunshine. He hit a key on his phone and waited for Sloan to answer while he looked at the unknowing humans walking around. “Goddammit!” Jax hissed as he slid onto his bike.

  “I take it the meeting didn’t go well,” Sloan said through the phone.

  “You got that right.” Jax shifted himself on the seat kicking up his stand. “Have everyone meet at this address, and I do mean everyone, their mates or whatever included. It’s about to get real ugly, real fast.”

  Chapter 19

  Adam was the first into the compound. He knew that all the women would be together in the games room waiting for their men to come home, but he headed toward his room anxious to get to Angelina. As he passed the games room, he heard her voice; he could pick her voice out of thousands. Stopping, he peered into the room and saw her, sitting in the middle of the floor, playing with Daniel who was growing like a weed and trying to stand. Angelina was like a guardian angel watching over him so he wouldn’t fall.

  As the Warriors made their way toward their mates and Duncan picked up Daniel, Angelina searched and finally found him. With a smile, she headed toward him, and without hesitation, she wrapped her arms around him tightly. “Glad you’re back.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He smiled down at her wanting nothing more than to whisk her away to his room, but Duncan had told him she needed to file her official report so they could be finished. Robert and the others had told them everything they knew and it all checked out. Now all the Warriors needed to put them away were personal reports from each woman.

  “What’s wrong?” She frowned, pulling away.

  Adam sighed, looking over her head at Anne and Janie and then back down at her. “Duncan needs you, Anne and Janie to fill out official reports on what happened so they can close this case on their end.”

  She didn’t even flinch. Her eyes stayed clear and on him. “Show me the way.”

  “You are amazing.” Adam tilted her chin up to kiss her lips.

  “No, I just want this over with.” Angelina kissed him back. “The sooner I can put this behind me, the quicker I can get on with my life. I’m done with him controlling anything I do. I know Anne and Janie are ready to get back to their families. Even though their situation is different than mine, the sooner we all do this, the better for us.”

  Taking her hand, he led her toward Duncan who was playing with Daniel next to Pam, who was laughing at their antics. “Duncan, I’m sorry to butt in, but Angelina is ready to file her report.”

  “So are we.” Anne stood, still a little shaky, but looking much better with the Warriors’ care.

  Duncan looked at each of them going from daddy to Warrior-mode automatically. Kissing Daniel on the cheek and blowing a raspberry on his rounded stomach making the little one laugh loudly, he handed Daniel to Pam with a kiss to her cheek.

  They all followed Duncan into Sloan’s office. He handed them paper and a pen. “Just write down everything you can remember, sign and date. Pam can witness them.”

  Adam l
eaned against the wall as he watched Angelina relive her ordeal all over again, and within fifteen minutes, she stood and handed the paper to Duncan, who stood looking over it.

  “Is that everything?” he asked, looking down at her. “That was quick.”

  “Four pages of hell is enough.” Angelina frowned. “And the quicker I got it done, the quicker I can forget about it.”

  Duncan nodded. “Thank you. I’ll have Pam witness unless you want her to do it now while you’re here.”

  “No, it’s fine. She can do it whenever.” Angelina turned, heading toward Adam who still leaned causally against the wall waiting.

  “You okay?” He searched her face.

  “Perfect.” She smiled, capturing his hand in hers, while rubbing the blue hair band on his wrist.

  “I have six pages.” Anne handed Duncan her pages and walked out the door, but hugged Angelina on the way out.

  Janie, who was always so quiet, handed Duncan her papers without saying a word. She smiled shyly at Angelina and Adam, and then followed Anne who waited just outside the door for her.

  Squeezing her hand, Adam led her back to his room. Once inside he shut the door and pulled her into his arms, bending to kiss her. Adam knew he had to stop before he lost control. Right now was not the time. She had been through so much already and he didn’t need to be pawing all over her. Pulling away, he stared down into her glassy blue eyes.

  “What?” she sighed, her tongue coming out to moisten her lips.

  He held back the groan stuck in the back of his throat. He was trying to do the right thing here. “I need to grab a shower and then we’ll go eat something.”

  Angelina frowned, looking unsure. “Oh, okay.”

  Not really knowing what to do, Adam turned to get some clean clothes. He then headed toward the shower, but her voice stopped him.


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