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Re/Paired (Doms of the FBI Book 2)

Page 28

by Michele Zurlo

  Katrina had no way of knowing that. “I’m sorry, Chief. He had to be in court, and I had some extra time.”

  “You made time.” Chief Alder folded her hands on her desk. “I’m aware of your caseload, Ms. Legato. You don’t have extra time.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I made time. Aaron helps me out when I need a hand. He’s a good friend.” She felt a little like she was on trial, but she didn’t know the charges.

  “Friend or not, I want you to stop writing his briefs and doing his work. This case”—she tapped a file on her desk—”is one that we’ve invested countless hours building. It’s the culmination of two years of investigation. We can’t be losing evidence or misplacing the logs. Carelessness is intolerable.”

  At least the file on the desk belonged to a case where charges had been filed. “I know, Chief. My brother and his best friend worked on that case. I’d hate to see their hard work destroyed almost as much as I’d hate to see a criminal set free.” Lots of agents had worked that case. Some were still working it.

  The chief sighed. “You haven’t explained why you took those files home.”

  She truly didn’t want to throw Aaron under the bus, but she couldn’t lie for him. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I was leaving work, and Aaron handed them to me in the lobby. He thought I’d left them on my desk instead of taking them home. I don’t know how they got on my desk. I put them in my briefcase because I was running late, and I took them home. Agent Brandt was with me. He can corroborate my story.”

  Chief Alder didn’t move a muscle. “I admire your loyalty, Ms. Legato.” After several moments, she shuffled some papers on her desk. Katrina had the feeling things were being left unsaid. She didn’t know what she was missing.

  Then the chief cleared her throat. “Due to an unexpected medical leave, there is an opening for a second chair on the Holbrook case. I want you working with me. This is your chance to show me what you’re made of.”

  The world froze. Chances like this didn’t come around very often. Many people in the office had more experience than she did. Sitting next to a prosecutor as talented as Elizabeth Alder could teach her more in one day than she could learn in the office in a year.

  This was the chance Aaron had wanted. Anyone with ambition wanted it, and the chief had offered it to Katrina. Though she felt disloyal, she knew she couldn’t turn down the chief. It hadn’t been an offer as much as an order. “Thank you, Chief Alder. I won’t let you down.”

  In lieu of an answer, the woman smiled in dismissal. As Katrina turned to leave, the chief spoke. “You’ll get further with a social worker if you meet with them in person.”

  It seemed Chief Alder knew more about Katrina’s business than she assumed, which was a little creepy. “Thank you, Chief. I’ll do that.”

  She called Keith to let him know she would be out in the field and she’d meet him at his place for dinner. He didn’t sound too happy about the change in plans, but last week had set an unrealistic precedent. He worked irregular hours, and she sometimes needed to work late.

  Through sheer tenacity, she got in to see the social worker assigned to the Shaw children. The woman had strands of iron gray streaked through her coarse black hair. Her office was small, and her round frame took up most of the room. A half-filled cup of coffee sat at her elbow, and her desk was covered with papers. The nameplate on the door had fallen off, revealing the tarnished brass behind it.

  “Mrs. Daley? I’m Katrina Legato. I’m an assistant prosecutor with the US Attorney General’s office. Can I have a moment of your time?”

  The woman eyed her with a steely look that said she’d seen it all. “If I tell you those kids are fine, will you go away?”

  Katrina moved aside a stack of files and sat in the chair she’d uncovered. “No, I won’t. I’m sure my situation is unusual.” She ignored Mrs. Daley’s roll of the eyes. “The children belong to my friend’s sister. He’s estranged from the family. I don’t think he even knows he has a niece and a nephew. I wanted to get all the information I could before I said anything to him.”

  Her eyes narrowed even more. “Estranged? I’m curious as to what it takes to become estranged from Mrs. Shaw.”

  Katrina guessed that Savannah was in the habit of using people, including her kids, to get what she wanted. “Well, Keith refused to associate with his parents and sisters unless they quit drinking. They wouldn’t quit, so he moved on with his life. He’s with the FBI now, and he’s doing well. I don’t want to rock the boat if I don’t have to.”

  Mrs. Daley sighed. “And what is it you think you can do?”

  “I don’t know.” She hadn’t thought beyond passing the information to Keith. “I just want to make sure they’re taken care of, I guess.”

  The woman lifted a brow. “Is your boyfriend interested in taking the kids? The state does prefer to place children with relatives when possible. The family they’re with now only handles short-term placements. They’re not interested in adoption.”

  Katrina hadn’t seriously considered that possibility. She wasn’t against kids, but she didn’t see them occupying a prominent position in her life anytime soon. And Keith had been vehemently against having children of his own. “But they’re young enough that somebody will adopt them, right?”

  Mrs. Daley shook her head. “The baby, Corey, maybe. He’s a cute little boy, with those golden curls and those green eyes. Good-natured too. But the three-year-old girl, Angelina, is a tougher case. She’s biracial, and the mother has no clue which races those might be, and she’s prone to temper tantrums. I’m not talking the regular kind, either. She can go for hours, and she can get pretty violent. I think she has some special needs, but I’m not sure what they are. Most people don’t want to adopt outside their race, and they don’t want special-needs kids. I’d prefer to keep them together if I can.”

  Katrina’s heart jumped to her throat to hear that dire pronouncement. Just knowing what Savannah had done to her younger brother made her sick. But for the first time, she considered the fact that the woman hadn’t treated her own kids much better.

  “Can Keith meet them? I mean, if he wants to. I can’t speak for him.”

  The social worker crossed her arms over her ample bosom. “If he’s a relative, he can petition for visiting rights. You know where friend of the court is located.”

  Katrina picked up on the woman’s changed attitude. “Did I say something to offend you?”

  Mrs. Daley pursed her lips. “It’s always the same story. Maybe you can’t have kids and you’re thinking you can raise these ones, but then you find out it’s not all sunshine and roses. These kids have been through a lot in their short lives. I thought maybe you were the kind of person who cared about that, but now I’m not so sure.”

  She had no right to judge Katrina so harshly. She barely knew Katrina at all, though Katrina didn’t feel the need to point that out. It was the perfect opening to end the conversation and kick Katrina out.

  “I do care. It’s a little overwhelming, that’s all. I’ve known Keith for eleven years. He’s an exceptional person. He served in Iraq, and when he returned home, he joined the FBI. He’s dedicated his life to putting away bad people.” She swallowed back unexpected tears and stopped thinking through what she wanted to say. The words poured out.

  “He’s never said much about his family. Savannah is eight years older than him, and she was horribly abusive. I don’t know all the details, but I know that when he says he doesn’t want kids, it’s because he’s afraid of reliving the horror of his childhood. After his mother approached me last week—he won’t even talk to her—I went to see Savannah in jail. She seemed to want Keith to take the kids, but I didn’t promise anything because I’m not sure he’ll even consent to see them.”

  Mrs. Daley handed her a tissue.

  “Thank you.” Katrina dabbed at her eyes and blew her nose. She was more than a little appalled at her breakdown. Her heart broke for those kids as much as it did for Keith, though she knew
he didn’t want sympathy. “I honestly don’t know what I’m doing here.”

  Mrs. Daley shook her head and blew out a stream of air, sounding like a pressure-release valve. “Honey, you’re a mess. I’ll set up a meeting, but you need to figure out what you want. I’m going to have to place those kids as soon as I can, and that might mean splitting them up and keeping Angelina in the system. Now give me your card and get out of my office. I have work to do.”


  That night at dinner, Kat was exceptionally quiet. Keith had arrived home first, and he’d downloaded an awesome tilapia recipe. It used capers and bacon, as well as all his favorite vegetables. He’d thought Kat would exclaim over it, and then he’d show her the surprise he had in the dungeon.

  “What’s wrong, Kitty Kat?”

  She brightened at his use of her nickname, and she seemed to come to life a little. “Nothing. Chief Alder put me second chair on the Holbrook case.”

  That was a huge deal. Keith couldn’t figure out how that would make her almost pensive. “And you don’t want the responsibility?”

  “No, I do.” She focused her gaze on him, searching his face for something. “Aaron wanted second chair really badly. He was crushed when they refused his request. I came to the chief’s notice when I found some files that had gone missing. It was a favor for Aaron. I don’t want him to think I went behind his back.”

  This wasn’t the first time Kat had mentioned Aaron’s shortcomings. Keith had spent time with Jordan that morning, going over the evidence they had on Buttermore. The man was definitely setting up Kat in a way that could ruin her career. Thankfully Jordan was already gathering evidence.

  He put his hand on her bare knee under the table. He’d allowed her to wear clothes, but he’d made her remove her panties and hose. “He’ll be jealous at first, but if he’s a true friend, he’ll be happy for you.”

  Really he wanted to tell her that Buttermore was corrupt and that she should stay away from him, but Kat was a horrible actress. Her inherent honesty would inevitably lead her to slip up and say something to Buttermore, especially if she was feeling betrayed and her emotional guard was down. The elusive stalker provided enough stress for now.

  She stretched toward him and kissed his cheek. “You’re a very sweet man. And this is very good fish.”

  “I know.” He slid his hand up her leg, scrunching the fabric of her skirt out of the way. “I have other good things planned for tonight.”

  She shifted her leg to let him have more access, and her expression turned downright flirty. “Really? Does it involve bondage?”

  “Of course. And you’ll get to call me ‘Doctor.’ Actually, you’ll get to scream it.” He pulled her onto his lap and slid her plate closer. Though she was sitting next to him, it was too far away. He plunged his tongue into her mouth until she clung to him and made those little kittenish moans in the back of her throat. Then he fed her the rest of her dinner.


  When Keith had given her the folded garment and told her to change into it before knocking on the dungeon door, Katrina hadn’t expected it to be one of those paper hospital exam gowns. She put it on with the opening in the front, frowned at her attire, and knocked on the door.

  “This isn’t sexy.” She muttered it, but he opened the door just in time to hear her criticism.

  His gaze traveled down her form and back up. “It isn’t meant to be sexy, Ms. Legato. This is a doctor’s office, not a sex clinic.” He took her by the arm and led her into the room.

  Maybe her gown wasn’t sexy, but she had to admit that adding the lab coat over his shirt and tie did make him appear even more handsome.

  Most of the dungeon had been hidden by strategically placed sheets that functioned as drapes. Only the corner with the exam table was open. It reclined like a chair, but it also had padded extensions on which to rest legs.

  “Doctor, going to the gynecologist’s office is never sexy.”

  “Of course not,” he agreed somberly. “That would be unethical. Get on the table.”

  She sat on the center part of the table and leaned back.

  “I’m going to lift your legs into the stirrups. Nothing to be alarmed about.”

  He lifted one leg, bending it at the knee and adjusting the stirrup part to fit her length. Then he saw to her other leg. She felt split open, exposed in a way that never happened with her real doctor. Analyzing the placement of her legs, she realized that her doctor never spread her this wide.

  Then she felt the restraints being tightened into place. He secured her at the ankles and just above her knees. Next he tied her arms to the padded armrests, securing her at the wrists and elbows. Then he buckled a thicker leather band over her shoulders. An even thicker belt crossed her hips to hold them still.

  He hovered over her, checking the fit of the restraints. “Comfortable?”

  The exam table was surprisingly cozy. “What are you going to do to me?”

  One corner of his mouth lifted with the suggestion of a smile. “Anything I want. We’re alone in a soundproof room, and you’re tied down.” He ripped at her paper covering, shredding it as he pulled it from her body. “And now you’re naked.”

  She tried to move, but it was a futile attempt. She could turn her head, but that was all.

  He frowned at her, and then he disappeared behind the chair. She heard him rummaging around. When he returned, he secured yet another restraint across her forehead. Now she couldn’t move at all.

  “Now, Ms. Legato, what seems to be the problem this time?”

  She was tied to a chair and trapped in a room with a sex addict, but she didn’t consider that problematic. She searched for a plausible answer. “My pussy aches.”

  “Hmmm. Sounds like you need a full exam.” He put on a headlamp and situated himself on a rolling stool between her legs.

  She felt the heat of the light as it bathed her wet tissues. He probed her folds without any sense of urgency.

  Abruptly he stood. “I can’t see anything down there. I’m going to shave you.”

  Katrina wasn’t sure she’d heard him right, but when he produced one of those rolling surgical carts with a bowl of warm water, a can of shaving cream, and a razor on it, she protested. It had been a few days since she’d groomed herself, but it wasn’t that bad. She didn’t object to being shaved, only to the fact of him doing it. “You’re not really going to shave me.”

  He chuckled as he resumed his seat. “How are you going to stop me?”

  She could call red, but she didn’t want to stop the scene. She could see where this could get interesting. The heat of the lamp made her juices seep even faster, and the loss of control freed her to enjoy the process. He made quick work of it and cleaned her up with efficient movements. Then he produced his cell phone and took a picture, which he showed her. It looked downright pornographic.

  “That’s the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen, Kitty Kat.”

  “You’d better delete that picture.”

  He chuckled as he slipped it back into his pocket. “Delete my screen saver?”

  She wanted to rail at him, but he blew across her pussy. Sensations, wild and wanton, came to life. Then he ran his finger over her tender flesh.

  “Now I can do a thorough exam. You do not have permission to orgasm.”

  That made her wary. She’d noticed that he often denied permission when he was going to make it difficult for her not to climax. Heat from the light came back, but it was quickly replaced by heat from his tongue. He licked her pussy lips, and she found out just how insidious he could be. The restraints let her go nowhere. The sensations on her bare pussy bordered on too much, and she couldn’t lift her hips or wiggle back to ease the pressure. She was stuck in this position, completely at his mercy.

  “Doctor, please.”

  He ignored her, exploring her folds with short and long licks. Soon he let his fingers join the party. He fucked them into her slick opening and found her sweet spot. She
fought the heat coiling in her abdomen, but each tiny jerk of her arms or legs, even her shoulder and hips, against the straps only heightened the arousal. He buried his mouth in her cunt, and due to the inclined positioning of the chair, she could see the ecstasy on his face.

  Her climax broke over her, and he moaned between her legs, lapping faster at her juices. When he sat back with a self-satisfied smirk lifting the corners of his mouth, she cursed him.

  “Well, I can see that this naughty pussy needs to be taught a lesson.”

  Her body quivered with aftershocks. He used the flap of a crop to trace around her nipples. If he hit her with that in her newly exposed pussy, she didn’t know if she could handle the pain.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’ll try harder next time.”

  “Yes,” he said. “You will.” With that, he brought the crop down on her leg.

  The flap got her, but the plastic length of the implement did as well. It stung. It hurt. Heat radiated from the red line forming on her thigh. She mewed, a belated reaction, and he brought it down on her other thigh.

  Back and forth, he alternated thighs and the force of his strikes. He peppered her inner and outer thighs. Dimly, she noted that he concentrated on the meaty areas and avoided the places where he might hit too close to the bone, strict guidelines he’d imparted at their practice session.

  Sweat broke out on her brow, and the sting morphed into pure heat. Her thighs were a mess of red lines, and her pussy was thick with cream. Then he tapped the floppy leather flap on her clit, and she exploded. Colors burst behind her eyes, and she screamed with the force of another climax.

  He didn’t give her much time to recover before he turned his attention to her breasts. He was gentler there, tapping her swollen globes and pointy nipples. He varied the force as well. She never knew when he would bring the crop down hard or tap it lightly or just barely touch it down at all. When he stopped, heat spread over her breasts, stomach, and thighs. Her pussy craved the feel of him stretching her with his cock.

  “How are you doing, Kitty Kat?”

  She knew he wanted her color, but she played dumb. “My pussy still aches, Doctor.”


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