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A Treasury of Curious George

Page 3

by H. A. Rey

  but he was too late. This was not a surprise after all. This was a mistake. The yellow hat was nowhere to be seen. Poor George. He was all alone in the big city. How would he ever find his friend now?

  Soon George could see nothing but legs. He was surrounded by a crowd of moving people, and he had to keep moving himself so that he would not get stepped on.

  Then George heard a woman's voice coming from the head of the crowd. "Going up," she said.

  Up! That was just what George needed. He needed to be high up, like in a tree or on the escalator. Then he could get a good look around. George joined the crowd as they got into an elevator and went up.

  Here was a good lookout! From up here George could see a bridge, lots of tall buildings, and a little green lady standing in the water. But he did not see his friend.

  "It's time to go," called the woman from the elevator. "We have lots more to see." The crowd followed the woman. They wanted to see more. George wanted to see more, too.

  Soon George was on a big bus driving through the city.

  There was lots more to see!

  But no matter where George looked,

  he did not see the man with the yellow hat.

  Back on the bus, George looked and looked. Finally, he saw something familiar. George was excited. He rushed inside. He was sure to find his friend here! Instead, he ran right into the clerk.

  "You're just the one I've been looking for to help me fix this mess," he said.

  George felt bad. He had not meant to make such a mess.

  Could he help rewrap the boxes? George took some ribbon in one hand, some paper in another, and some tape in a third.

  Then, like only a monkey can, George wrapped those boxes. Soon, a crowd gathered to watch. Everyone wanted George to wrap their boxes, too.

  Just as George tied his twenty-fifth quadruple bow, he spotted his friend. At last! George was happy. But when he saw that the man was carrying a present, George became sad. He had forgotten all about finding a surprise for his friend. Then he had an idea...

  "George!" exclaimed the man with the yellow hat. "What a good surprise!" His friend was very glad to see him. "I've been looking all over the store for you," he said. "And now I have a surprise for you, too."

  George opened his surprise and put it on.

  It fit perfectly.

  "Now we're ready to see the sights," the man said.

  George held tightly to his friend's hand and everyone waved goodbye.

  "Let's be careful not to get separated again," the man with the yellow hat said as they left the store.

  "The best part of the holidays is spending time together."

  George agreed.

  The end.




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