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Turbulence: Book One in The Renegades Saga

Page 30

by E. M. Whittaker

  The agent laughed at her confident demeanor as she sifted through her handbag. “You’ll have to trust me.”

  “Mye, the last time I listened, you shot Harrow Aravice and gained a battle scar.”

  Gloved fingers brushed against his numbed arm. “I’m playing with drugs Sanderson won’t approve.” A clear vial dangled from Aviere’s fingers. “Humans use them, but if I’m luring Vinny, I need bait.”

  Travis’ hazel eyes glowed as he stroked his smooth jawline. As he realized Aviere’s words, he danced back, almost flopping on the cushioned couch. “I’m not becoming your pawn, Mye.”

  “Not you. God knows I love my driving hand. But I have another target. They’re seeing me soon and I can’t be late.”

  Travis glared at Peters’ snoring form and his eyes widened when the revelation dawned on him.

  “I see you understand, Travis.”

  “You prefer to make the Underground an enemy? Sanderson can’t protect you from all of them.”

  “Sanderson can’t,” Aviere agreed. “But you can.”

  “I’m not ready to take on Underbosses and their minions, Aviere Mye.” Travis stormed to her and rocked her shoulder. “Think about what you’re doing!”

  “I did. Now, I’m acting. We tried Sanderson’s approach. Besides—you act as if I’m being careless again.” He balked when Aviere batted his palm aside. “Have a little faith, Travis. We’re still alive, after all.”

  The rambunctious, arrogant attitude made Travis contemplate the Poisoner’s explanation. He unbuttoned the wrist cuff, bunching the prim sleeve to his elbow.

  Inside, the killer persona whispered, crooning him to trust the fiery woman grinning with anticipation.

  “True. But let’s see who gets Vinny McSeeten, Aviere.”

  The purse thumped against Travis’ good arm when she moved toward the doorway. “Hard to shoot with one hand, Travis. Prove you’re worth Sanderson’s time and I’ll rethink betting against you, agent.”

  “Same goes for you.” Travis pressed a switch next to his chair and the metal door widened. “If we survive, I’ll consider teaching you to shoot. If we die—”

  “We won’t. Not until I find my answers, Travis.”

  “Vinny won’t give them to you,” Travis said, following Aviere's hectic pace. “Sanderson’s teasing you, Mye.”

  He recognized Aviere’s mask and blanched when she spun around, eyes partially changed. “Lowell Sanderson will pay. But until I learn more information, I’m stuck playing Sanderson's game. So let’s get Lil’ Vinny before he disappears. Otherwise, I’m taking my temper out on you.”

  Travis followed Aviere’s lead and noted her straightened posture and bloody gloves. Heartbeats fluttered in the agent’s chest as his other persona continued crooning, hounding him to beat Aviere at her own game. The notion entertained him until his limp arm wouldn’t reach for his handgun.

  His fist tightened as he stalked behind her, lingering two strides from her hectic pace.

  “I’m driving, Travis.”

  “Fine, Mye. But I decide on music. Any more blaring rock songs and I’ll go deaf.”

  “Oh, Travis. You act as if I care about your opinion.”

  Travis snatched Aviere’s keys dangling from a finger. “Get your keys and I might reconsider.”

  He rushed down the stairs before Aviere attacked again, amused by his partner’s curses while she tried sprinting with a stiffened leg.

  Chapter Nineteen

  For the tenth time, Aviere recounted the plan, whirling like a hamster wheel inside her frazzled mind.

  She ditched Travis and locked him out of her vehicle, snarking when he swore about his growing hatred for cats. Aviere waited long enough to watch Travis flinch at the Corvette and sneered at his hesitation before sitting inside the driver’s seat. After hearing the engine turn, she bolted through the streets, thrilled when a female driver screamed outside her window.

  Aviere scooted into the lane next to the screeching woman, almost clipping the woman’s sea-green Ford Escort. As the driver shrilled profanities at Aviere, the Poisoner giggled to herself and darted away, sulking when her Bluetooth chimed.

  Oh yeah. I should answer Travis, but then again…

  She snatched the iPhone and operated the dictation function, careful about her directions. After spelling out a series of instructions, she told the device to forward the lengthy message to Travis’ phone.

  As the message traveled, the speedometer broke ninety miles per hour. She flipped the headlights off and rounded the exit, heart pumping as adrenaline coursed through her. Aviere stopped herself from speeding higher, remembering tonight’s purpose.

  As the speedometer slowed, she brushed her palm against Jet’s console, whimpering under her breath.

  “Sorry, Jet, but not tonight. After I catch Vinny, we can cut loose.”

  The engine whined as if disputing the Poisoner’s logic.

  “Christ, Jet. Stop making me feel guilty, boy. Least your window’s fixed, eh?” Her left hand lay against flawless tinted glass. “Once Lil’ Vinny’s passed, we’ll race again, okay?”

  The Ferrari hit roadkill and Aviere jolted, furrowing her eyebrows at the dead skunk in the roadway. When another car swerved behind her, the Poisoner rolled her eyes, caressing Jet’s steering wheel.

  I’ve gone bananas. Sure, I love Jet, but he’s not a person. So why am I pleading forgiveness from a Ferrari? Did single life exacerbate my eccentric behavior?

  Her foot itched to slam the accelerator, but her thigh stung from her brisk pace. After performing a perfect turn, Aviere scratched the pale flesh, griping about the cheap elixir Limere made. Eyes darted to the digital clock on Aviere’s radio before caressing her pointy nose.

  Twenty minutes to reach my target. But can I arrive at the airport before Travis?

  Aviere contemplated as the Bluetooth chimed against her ear. Quickly, she answered it, greeted by her rival’s accented speech. “Just the woman I need. Listen… be ready to charge when Travis arrives. I’m confident he’ll make an entrance.” Aviere paused, observing Jemina’s kissing noises. “Christ, stop making out with Joseph and listen to me.”

  “Hmph. Not my—”

  “Travis won’t arrive at the same time. I texted long-winded directions with a scenic route. Agent Neuro’s down, so Travis won’t guess until he arrives.”

  Aviere jumped at the rancorous roaring against her earlobe, tempted to toss the Bluetooth across the passenger's seat. After Jemina stopped, Aviere continued in a sour voice.

  “Jemina, Armandi thought he could stop Lil’ Vinny on his own… so I’m using him as bait.”

  Stunned silence followed before a stuttered reply. “Aviere… you—you can’t! After—”

  “Armandi called an hour ago, mentioned meeting Lil’ Vinny and hung up on me. I didn’t have another option.”

  A cry erupted on Jemina’s end and Aviere clutched her breast, wincing at the high-pitched noise.

  “Goddammit, I didn’t have another alternative, Jemina! Meet me where we rendezvous for the airport races and bring some muscle with you. I don’t care who, as long as Lil’ Vinny’s caught tonight.”

  When the call disconnected, she speculated, accounting for every moment and her myriad of weapons. A hand dropped into her front pocket, comforted by the familiar blowgun resting against her thigh. Then it drifted to the rear pocket, where she almost poked herself with a vial.

  Everything’s set. If everyone else arrives on time, I’ll come out unscathed.

  The bright lights from the highway calmed Aviere’s nerves, and she sped with a sense of foreboding. A black GPS in the center console beeped when she exceeded its recommended speed. As Aviere pumped the brake, she released a tense breath, patting Jet’s steering wheel once more.

  Tonight, I want to cut loose, not chase Vinny McSeeten. I can’t believe I couldn’t race this weekend. But something tells me racing’s the least of my prooblems, since I know I’ll be hurt afterward. Coming out
unscathed isn’t my style.

  Aviere held her breath for a few seconds and weighed her options. Fighting against her nature elevated her heart rate, but contemplating Vinny McSeeten’s death made her pale. A cool sweat glistened against her forehead as she rolled down the window and inhaled the muggy air.

  Screw it. Maybe getting the cops will resolve this faster. I bet Neuro accounted for my deception and slipped some feds inside police cars. That’d be interesting.

  Instrumental music blared as Aviere gave in, smashing the petal and ascending over one hundred miles per hour. The music crescendoed in harmony with Jet’s pace and her mechanical laughter, faking bravado to subdue her nerves.

  As she drove, Aviere’s amusement vanished, fear residing behind her cerulean eyes.

  Nervousness gave way to chilling calm by the time Aviere arrived at a deserted parking garage near BWI Airport. Instrumental music turned to classic rock, but even the rocking guitar solo couldn’t elevate Aviere’s competitive streak. Cerulean eyes peered in her rearview mirror and she slapped her thigh, cursing at the uninhabited area.

  I counted on finding Lil’ Vinny before Louis Armandi, but no one has arrived yet. Guess it’s a waiting game.

  As she pulled into the garage, Aviere glowered. She expected a surprise, even though she bribed the parking attendant to use the facility after hours. Disappointment crossed her features before gripping Jet’s steering wheel, then gasped at a lone Mercedes parked in the corner of the lot.

  Louis, you shocked me. Clever devil—you foresaw my arrival. But I predicted you’d show. It’ll make my job easier.

  Despite her determination, Aviere rocked in her seat as she released the seatbelt, grasping the blowgun secured in her jeans. Warm from being wedged between her thighs, she wanted biting cold to help conceal her emotions.

  The notion of using a family friend to capture a psychopathic killer made bile rise in Aviere’s throat.

  The Poisoner swallowed hard before parking next to the vehicle.

  Louis, you leave me no choice. If anyone finds out, the Underground will have my head quicker than Harrow Aravice shooting my thigh.

  Aviere grabbed a flavored water from behind her seat and cracked it open, consuming half the contents in thirty seconds. Even the lukewarm liquid didn’t quench her thirst or dry mouth, but she overlooked fear and opened Jet to address the Native American businessman stepping out of the Mercedes.

  “Aviere, I predicted you’d arrive at midnight,” Armandi started, waving absently. “You don’t have—”

  “I have a score to settle and a duty to perform. You’re not screwing my chances with Lowell Sanderson, even if I despise how conniving he is.” Her eyes flashed to the gun resting against her holster and squinted as the Mercedes drove away.

  Aviere waited until the Mercedes sped down the street before sighing in relief, facing Armandi once more.

  No witnesses. As long as Travis and Jemina are my only backup, I should be safe. But I won’t need long if Lil’ Vinny shows on time.

  “You don’t need Sanderson to uncover answers about Gunther, Aviere.” An eerie calm passed through Armandi’s voice, almost soothing the Poisoner. “He won’t deliver answers. I can.”

  “I don’t expect you to understand, Louis.” Aviere removed her glove with whitened teeth before dropping a hand in her pocket. She clutched the glove with her free hand, clenching it until the leather rubbed together. “But if you’re iced by Lil’ Vinny, people will assume I’m responsible. I heard Evelyn. She’s right to doubt.”

  “Then you’ll make sure I don’t, won’t you?”

  The cocky attitude and self-assured smile strengthened Aviere’s conviction. “I have a plan, though.”

  “I figured, but I’m not keen on playing with concoctions—especially from claws, Aviere.”

  “Who mentioned anything about claws?” she drawled, sauntering toward the businessman. “That’d be predictable. Give me some credit, Louis.”

  “Flirting won’t work, either.”

  As Armandi turned away, Aviere reached for his shoulder. “Please. I’m not a cougar. I still love Gunther, no matter his mistakes.” Wiry fingers clasped the blowgun before jamming it into Armandi’s neck. “That’s why I need your cooperation.”

  The Poisoner expected resistance, but cried when Armandi’s burly hand almost broke her fingers.

  She squeezed her eyes and swallowed more bile, stomping on Armandi’s dress shoe. Lithe fingers tightened around the blowgun, applying pressure to deter the pain. When he released her hand, Aviere breathed, but her eyes widened when meaty fingers grabbed her throat.

  A muffled cry escaped her and she almost dropped the silver blowgun.

  “Devious bitch… after everything…”

  Armandi’s gruff words didn’t register as another adrenaline spike made blood pound in Aviere’s ears. Minty cologne mixed with desperation as the businessman’s grasp slackened and his hand faltered. She slid little fingers underneath his and calculated seconds by choking breaths, praying the serum worked within her thirty-second agenda.

  Aviere stole precious air and winced at fresh bruising against her sensitive throat.

  Twenty-five seconds, Aviere… it’ll act in twenty-five seconds. You’ve got this.

  Leather-gloved fingers spread against her throat as Armandi seized his and reeled in place. Indigo eyes widened before croaking unintelligible phrases. The Native American trembled before plunging to his knees, dirt clinging to his dress slacks. He grabbed his chest and sputtered at Aviere, casting a stiff finger in her direction.

  “Clever… bitch. Like…”

  “Yes, Louis. Curse Myra. But Vinny won’t appear without a dead body, and I guaranteed one.”

  The bravado didn’t soothe her thundering heartbeat or the palpitations hurting her chest. She pushed a hand against her heart as Armandi croaked and collapsed, landing on his side. Quivering knees squeezed together before her legs buckled.

  Stop panicking. Armandi’s secure. Time everything meticulously, or else Armandi can’t be revived. I’ve only got one chance.

  Aviere swallowed and grasped her peridot when Armandi reached out to her. Another gulp and pain burned her esophagus. Cerulean eyes closed and stopped teary eyes, morphing into the mask she hated donning. Tiny lips tightened and her eyes turned cold before regarding Armandi’s dying body.

  The Poisoner knelt next to Armandi and gripped her elbows to stop her trembling hands.

  “Louis, I’ll revive you. But you were perfect bait, so I took the opportunity. You’ll understand after you see reason. Just keep this between us afterward.”

  She pushed a finger to Armandi’s full lips as he struggled, curse words lost. A few tremors later, his body turned limp, eyes rolling back before releasing a gurgled sigh. Aviere stared at Armandi’s vacant eyes, reeling from the betrayal and confusion dying in his clouded vision.

  Louis, you exposed yourself. I needed to intercede before Vinny killed you.

  Tires screeched and Aviere tensed, almost sticking herself with the empty vial. The Poisoner bit her cheek before switching the ammunition, pleased the antidote remained protected. As she fetched the handgun behind her waist, the blowgun dropped back inside Aviere’s front pocket.

  Travis’ words resounded through her brain as Aviere removed the safety, jumping when the Bluetooth rang in her left ear.

  “Not now,” she whispered, fixated on shining headlights on the dim street. “You have the worst timing, agent.”

  Behind her, Aviere cringed, then dived on Armandi’s lifeless body as a cacophony of bullets filled the air. While holding up her shaky body, bright headlights blinded the feline’s vision. Tires squealed before a deafening crash sounded behind the Poisoner. Brunette hair covered Aviere’s glasses and partially shielded the light as she stared, eyes widening at a Ford F150 spinning toward a limousine.

  The red truck knocked the limousine off course, rolled twice, and then exploded.

  Blood curling screams erup
ted as fire kissed the limousine’s frame. They silenced seconds after the vehicle landed on its side and exploded again.

  From the side, Aviere caught a snigger and tensed, registering heinous hair gel before a cold barrel pressed behind her skull.

  Well, that escalated quickly. Spin around and Vinny’ll shoot you… not good-looking odds, Vi.

  “You’d consider deceiving me, Aviere Mye?” Cool metal pressed harder until pain erupted in the Poisoner’s neck. “Armandi’s faking pretty well for a lifeless body.”

  Aviere bit her gum and held her lips together, willing white spots to clear away from her vision. Then she hunkered down over the stiff corpse. “You can check, but Armandi’s a corpse, Vinny.”

  “Then move, Mye.”

  “Remove the gun off my skull,” she stated. “At least face me if you’re murdering me, coward.”

  As cursing and bullets serenaded Aviere’s plight, she grunted when Vinny snatched a fistful of stringy hair. “Get up, or I’ll lift you. Hard to explain a bald patch behind your head.”

  She hugged the businessman’s icy body and yelped when the gun dropped to her shoulder and fired.

  Bone cracked and shattered before Aviere’s right arm went limp. Pain vibrated through Aviere’s tiny body before her grip loosened. Whimpering, the Poisoner rose as Vinny dragged her aside, cramming a Beretta 96A1 semi-automatic pistol against her jugular vein.

  “The hitman fooled me, letting you live. I offered a hundred thousand dollars to have that asshole assassinate you, but he ran with my fucking money.”

  Aviere blinked, tired of spots dancing in her fuzzy vision. Loud noises softened as blood pounded in her ears. “I’m worth that much?”

  “Your rank rose, you know. After you offed Aravice, you reached his rank. Didn’t expect you’d pull—”

  “You and Aravice talk too much,” Aviere muttered, using her good arm to slip behind her. “It cost him.” She drew the slim air gun from its holster, cursing herself when her arm weakened. She tried spinning to face Vinny, but he tugged on her scalp harder.

  The pistol slipped from nerveless fingers and she watched her only salvation slide across the blacktop.


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