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Wishes for the Wolf: Men of the Pack Book Two (Silver Moon Pack / Men of the Pack 2)

Page 10

by Parker Skye

  “Well, shit. I guess that explains what’s had Ryan’s wolf in such a tizzy,” Ben commented, holding his side gingerly. He kissed Adam gently on the cheek in thanks for the sweats he had retrieved for both Ben and his brother.

  “What do you mean?” Logan asked, pulling the slightly too small sweats up gently to avoid splitting the seams. As large as Ben was, his older brother was just a little bigger still.

  Adam smiled widely at Logan’s confusion. He had come to the same realization as his mate. “Izzy is Ryan’s mate. Can’t you see it?”

  Logan’s eyes flew wide in shock and looked back to take in the pair still standing near the front door. Ryan’s naked form was still twisted around Izzy’s wet one, one arm wrapped tight around Izzy’s waist. The other hand soothed over Izzy’s face and neck as if ensuring the other man was whole and unharmed. The contented rumble pouring from Ryan’s chest was loud enough to be heard on the other side of the neighborhood, much less on the other side of the small kitchen.

  “Well fuck a duck,” Logan said in exasperation. “What are we going to do now?” he asked, turning to his brother for direction.

  “I’m going to go take a shower with Adam and he’s going to kiss all my boo-boos,” Ben said, wrapping his arm tightly around his own mate’s waist. “I’m not sure what you are going to do, but if I were you, I’d give them some space today. I think Ryan’s wolf has had enough for now. We’ll call Alpha Leikos later and update him on the situation as it stands. Obviously Izzy is no longer a threat to the pack.” Adam pulled one of Ben’s arms over his shoulder as he helped him slowly maneuver down the hall.

  Logan watched them until they were safe in the bathroom. Grabbing the car keys from the kitchen counter he headed for the garage. He met Izzy’s gaze over Ryan’s shoulder and could see the confusion painted across the other man’s face. Izzy mouthed ‘sorry’ as Logan shook his head in irritation. The slamming of the door to the garage was his only answer.

  Once they were alone in the entryway, Izzy put his cold hands on Ben’s hips. His chin was perched on Ryan’s shoulder, not by choice but in desperation to continue breathing as Ryan continued to hold him tight like his life depended on it.

  “Um, Ryan?”

  “Yes, love?” Ryan said, his face still buried in the other man’s neck.

  “Um, could you maybe let me go? I’m freezing and I need to get out of these wet clothes.”

  Ryan pulled back and took in Izzy’s unsure expression. “Oh, I’ll let you get naked, all right. But you aren’t going to be putting on any more clothes for a good while today. My wolf is not going to stand for it.”

  “What do you mean? I thought you were done with me after what happened with your alpha last night,” Izzy said, his gaze dropping to the floor.

  Ryan’s finger under his chin forced Izzy’s violet eyes to meet his. “Know that what I am saying to you now, little D’Jinn, is the truth and never doubt it. You are mine for now and forever. I’m sorry it took your leaving to make me realize what should have been obvious. You are my soulmate and I could never be done with you. Do you understand?”

  Izzy nodded faintly in comprehension and Ryan flashed a feral grin. Izzy gasped as Ryan captured his mouth in a fierce kiss. Between the two of them, they made short work of relieving Izzy of his damp attire, leaving an easily followed trail from the front door to their bed.

  Chapter 24


  Izzy fought to free himself from the haze of lust Ryan’s declaration had pushed him into. He had important things to talk to Ryan about. They didn’t have time for this. If Izzy had any hope of fulfilling Ryan’s three wishes before the deadline set by the fae, they needed to get to it.

  “Wait, Ryan, wait,” Izzy panted out as soon as his lips were free. Sparks shot through his brain when Ryan’s teeth clamped down on the silver bar piercing his right nipple and tugged. Oh my god. Feels so good. Gathering his self-control again, he fought to free his hands from Ryan’s and grabbed handfuls of Ryan’s dark brown hair instead. Ryan’s groan of pleasure at the added sensation was quickly stifled when Izzy forcefully pulled him up by those same handfuls. Once Ryan’s golden eyes met his, Izzy continued, “Ryan, wait. We need to talk.”

  Ryan shook his head firmly, pulling his own hair from the force of Izzy’s grip as he did so. “Nope, I’m done talking. You are mine. I’m not letting you go again no matter what you say.” Ryan’s golden eyes shone with a touch of mania.

  “Even if I don’t want this?” Izzy said in a whisper, hating himself more by the second as the foul lie passed his lips. It was the only way he could think to get Ryan to focus on what was really important, ending their connection by completing his three wishes. In three days, Izzy would be gone, no matter what. He couldn’t let Ryan become attached to him in such a permanent way. It would be cruel and possibly fatal to the werewolf to lose his mate after such a short time together.

  The pain that flashed across Ryan’s face was almost more than Izzy could bear. “You don’t feel the same, do you?” Ryan said, his voice cracking in the middle.

  Izzy sadly shook his head side to side. If he’d had anything to eat in hours, he was sure he would have vomited it all up at the self-disgust that washed over him. Another lie to add to his lifetime of lies.

  “I’m sorry, Ryan. I wish I did feel the same. You will make someone a fantastic mate someday, but it’s just not me. It can’t be. We’re just too different,” Izzy continued, trying to reject him as gently as possible.

  “But this doesn’t happen, Izzy. Shifters don’t make mistakes with finding their soulmate. It has to be you,” Ryan argued desperately.

  “I don’t know what to tell you, Ryan, but I’m not the one for you. I don’t feel the same connection. I’m sorry this is hurting you, but you need to let me go and move on with your life. I don’t want to lead you on that this is going to turn into something more than it is,” Izzy replied more firmly.

  “I don’t understand, Izzy. I’m not sure I can let you go.” The devastated expression on Ryan’s face almost had Izzy taking it all back. But he knew he had to push through his own pain if he ever hoped to help Ryan find his own happiness. His time on this plane was limited and he couldn’t forget he had one last job to do. No matter how much it destroyed him, Izzy needed to focus on his duty as Ryan’s D’Jinn. Being Ryan’s mate could never be, no matter how much he wished it was so. Wasting what little time he had pretending otherwise wouldn’t help either one of them in the end.

  “I can leave again, if that would make it easier for you. When you decide on your wishes, you just rub the lamp and I’ll come back.” Izzy clenched his fists at his sides to resist placing his palms on the sides of Ryan’s strong neck.

  “No, don’t leave again. Please. I’ll control myself. I just couldn’t stand to not know if you are safe or not. My wolf was close to going rogue this morning without knowing where you were. For everyone’s safety, I don’t think we should risk that again.”

  “Okay, I’ll stay, but we can’t do this anymore, okay?” Izzy said sadly. Ryan simply nodded once and fled for the bathroom. The shower kicked on but it wasn’t loud enough to drown out Ryan’s pained howl. Izzy had never hated himself more than he did in that moment.

  Chapter 25


  There was no way Ryan was mistaken. He felt it deep in his soul, even deeper than the connection he felt to his alpha, his parents, his pack. Izzy just couldn’t feel it for some reason. It must be the fundamental differences in the magicks that created their kind. While shifters and humans were somewhat on the same spectrum, Ryan admitted to himself that he had no idea what level of mystical the D’Jinn were. He hoped for his sanity’s sake Izzy would be willing to hang around. While Ryan was willing to give him the space he asked for, the soulmate bond wasn’t something he could just wish away. Or was it?

  No, absolutely not. I would never do that to myself. If there was a glimmer of hope that Izzy would eventually come around, Ryan knew he would cl
ing even to that miniscule possibility. All shifters knew you were only gifted with one soulmate. Many spent eternity waiting to find theirs and were never successful. Many gave up waiting and formed a family with another mate that shared compatibility and friendship. But to find your soulmate and reject that bond would destroy a shifter. Ryan knew that even if he was the only one who felt the connection, he would never willingly leave Izzy’s side.

  A faint knock on the bathroom door had him hoping Izzy would be on the other side, but the smell was wrong. He knew it was Ben before he forced himself to open it and acknowledged the concern on his best friend’s face.

  “You alright?” Ben asked, as if the vicious fight between them just a scant hour ago had never happened.

  “No, no, not at all. But I’m still sorry about hurting you this morning. You have to know I wasn’t in control of myself right then. I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you or Adam. Or Logan either, even though he’s a prick sometimes.”

  Ben sighed deeply and put a hand on Ryan’s shoulder, tilting his head until their eyes met. “I know that, Ryan. I remember how it felt when I realized Adam was my soulmate and thought he was in danger. Hell, I killed a man over it, so I know what you were going through right then. But, if really is your mate, why are you in here howling?”

  Ryan hunched his shoulders up and crossed both arms over his chest, hugging himself tightly. “I don’t know how, Ben, but he doesn’t feel it. He says my wolf is mistaken. But that can’t be, can it?”

  “Oh, Ryan,” Ben said sympathy etched across his face. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It can’t be, can it?” Ryan repeated.

  “I don’t know, Ryan. I honestly don’t know. Listen, why don’t you drive us to school this morning. It would get you out of the house and give you some time to think. Plus, maybe Izzy just needs some space to work things out in his mind. Logan just got back and I’m sure he won’t mind turning over chauffeur duty for one day. Okay?”

  “Yeah, okay. That sounds like a good idea. Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you at the truck,” Ryan said, then hesitated. “Um, on second thought, can you bring me some clothes? I don’t want to walk out there naked again.”

  “Sure, Ryan. No problem.”

  Once Ryan was dressed, he followed close behind Ben and Adam as they made their way to the garage. He felt stupid trying to hide behind them, but he just couldn’t stand to see the look of pity on Izzy’s face again so soon. They walked past Logan, sitting backwards at the bar, glaring daggers in the direction of the sofa. Obviously Ben had filled his brother in on what had gone down in his absence. Ryan shook his head slightly in Logan’s direction, silently telling him to let it go. It wasn’t Logan’s battle to fight. Logan nodded once and dropped his gaze. He grabbed his coffee mug and headed for his room instead.

  When Ryan pulled up to the high school, he was surprised to see the entrance surrounded by Lakeland police cars. “What do you think is going on?” Ryan asked Ben.

  “I don’t know, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Ben replied, reaching between the front seats to grab Adam’s hand, as if to reassure himself his mate was safe.

  “Maybe we should just go,” Adam added, fear evident in the way his voice was pitched at a slightly higher octave than normal.

  “Yeah. I think that’s a good idea. Ryan, can you get us out of here?” Ben asked, not looking at his friend, but instead watching the movement of several uniformed officers as they flanked the entryway, deep in discussion.

  Ryan edged toward the outside lane of the pull-through and accelerated slightly. He wanted to get out of there, but he figured speeding out, tires squealing was a sure-fire way to get them all arrested in short order. His fears were confirmed when Detective Black walked out the high school’s front door, closely followed by his partner. Black pointed his finger in the direction of their vehicle and Ryan knew they’d been made. Before he could hit the gas and escape, however, a uniformed officer stepped in front of their SUV, gun drawn and pointed in his direction.

  “Stop the vehicle!” the officer yelled out. Ryan had no choice. The way behind them was blocked with a line of cars. He would have jumped the curb and made it back to the main road, but the traffic in that area was no better. The police presence had slowed the progression of students and parents attempting to make it to school on time and cars filled every drivable square inch for the entire block. They were trapped.

  Detective Black approached the passenger side of the vehicle, hand on the weapon at his waist. When he reached for the passenger door handle, Ryan couldn’t suppress the growl that rumbled through his chest at his need to protect his pack mates. His wolf was still on edge from the day’s events.

  “Ryan, calm down. Everything is okay. They aren’t going to hurt any of us if you just stay calm,” Ben soothed. Ryan forced himself to take several deep breaths and could feel his wolf relenting.

  “Benjamin Sterling and Adam Harris, please step out of the vehicle with your hands behind your heads. You are both under arrest for the murder of Charles Harris. Don’t do anything stupid, boys, and no one is going to get hurt,” Black said. The window did little to muffle his firm tone, especially with their superior hearing.

  “Ben, I’m afraid,” Adam admitted faintly.

  “Everything’s going to be okay, baby. I’ll take care of you. I promise,” Ben replied, squeezing Adam’s hand tighter in his own. “Ryan, they are going to arrest us and you aren’t going to do anything, all right. You go home and tell Logan what happened and call Alpha Leikos. Understand?”

  “Yes, I understand, Ben. I’ll get you both out if it’s the last thing I do. I promise,” Ryan replied, teeth gritted together tightly.

  Ben turned to him directly and said, “No, you will do whatever Alpha Leikos tells you to do and no more. Adam and I will be fine. I will not have you or Logan risking yourselves over this. Whatever happens, I will take responsibility for it. I don’t have time to argue with you about this, but know if I find out you did anything that puts yourselves in any more danger I will kick both your asses when I see you again, got it?”

  Ryan nodded once and sighed dejectedly. Officer Spicer pounded on the passenger window glass and added his own “Get out of the car, now!” to the building tension surrounding their vehicle. Ben squeezed his mate’s hand again gently for reassurance, adding, “Adam, don’t worry, I’m going to protect you. Do you trust me?”

  “Always,” Adam said softly. Both shifters slowly unbuckled and exited the vehicle hands behind their heads as directed. They were quickly surrounded by uniformed officers and forced to the ground on their bellies, arms wrenched behind their backs and cuffed. Ryan had to fight again to keep from shifting to protect his friends. Once they were back on their feet and being led away, Ben shot Ryan a look through the windshield.

  “Remember what I said, Ryan!” Ben called out as his head was pushed down and into the back of a patrol car. Adam found the same treatment into a separate cruiser and before Ryan could react, the swarm of police was gone, taking his half of his pack with them.

  Chapter 26


  When Ryan slammed through the front door, Izzy jumped in shock. The look on Ryan’s face had him ready to run, but he quickly realized the aggression wasn’t aimed at him. “Logan! I need you!” Ryan called out.

  “Ryan, what’s wrong?” Izzy asked, jumping up and heading Ryan’s way. As he neared, Ryan visibly flinched and Izzy stopped where he was, keeping the distance Ryan apparently needed. Logan burst out of his room, tugging a thin gray t-shirt over his head, his face was flushed and his brow beaded with sweat. Izzy hoped he’d just been exercising. The thought of Logan on a solo mission gave Izzy the heebies.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Logan asked, chest puffing up aggressively when he took in the scent of Ryan’s agitation and the expression on his pack mate’s face.

  “When we got to school the police were waiting. They had us surrounded. I couldn’t get us out of
there. Adam and Ben were arrested,” Ryan said in a rush of words. “I’m so sorry, Logan. I couldn’t get us out of there. We were trapped,” Ryan repeated, seeing the storm building in Logan’s bright blue eyes. Logan took a deep breath and shook his head, as if clearing his mind of everything less important.

  “I know it’s not your fault, Ryan. Let’s focus on what we need to do, okay? Let’s go call the alpha.”

  “Yes, that’s what Ben said to do before they were arrested,” Ryan agreed. Izzy made to follow as they walked off to Logan’s room, but the glare Logan shot him made clear how unwelcome he would be. He watched the werewolves walk away, growing agitation at his inability to help. Damn it, if he could just tell Ryan what to do, this would all be over. But, once again, the curse tied his hands and zipped his mouth shut.

  What seemed to be hours later, Ryan finally emerged from Logan’s room and joined Izzy on the sofa. His eyes were red-rimmed and he looked utterly defeated. Izzy wanted to take him in his arms more than anything, but he knew it would only hurt Ryan more in the end. He pulled himself tighter into the corner of the couch to keep from succumbing to a momentary lack of self-control.

  “What did your alpha say?”

  “He said to keep calm and he would call a lawyer friend of his to work on getting them released on bail. He found out who the informant was and unfortunately it's not going to be as easy to get Ben out of this as he thought. I’m sure Ben will do everything in his power to protect Adam and if that means taking the full rap, I know he will. I just hope he doesn’t do anything stupid like confessing right off the bat thinking it’s the only way to protect his mate. He’s got to give us some time to figure this out.”

  “Who was the informant?” Izzy asked.

  “When Adam’s dad was killed, Alpha Leikos contacting a nearby coyote pack that we have a loose alliance with. They sent some of their members to help clean up the mess and dispose of the body. Unfortunately, now they’ve decided it serves their interest more to stir up trouble. They must have found out Adam is Alpha Leikos’ stepson. They probably hope to use this somehow to blackmail our pack. If they testify against Adam and Ben, their fates are sealed,” Ryan added, his voice in a near monotone. Izzy could feel the exhaustion pouring off the werewolf and figured he was still upright by sheer will alone.


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