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Gentle: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 4

by Jason Lenov

  "It's only a touch, Matthew. Just a comforting touch, to soothe you after your long journey. What's the harm in that?"

  It was not a question I expected. Of course there was harm in it! Why if Anna Elizabeth were to see me, see her with her hand in that illicit place...

  "Don't worry about Anna Elizabeth. She would be happy to know that her husband was being treated to some relief after such a weary day." Her smile didn't falter as she gazed into my eyes with hers, her stare boring down towards my hardest muscle. "Won't you let me undo your buckle, Matthew? Won't you let me soothe what rages inside you? It will help you sleep."

  I lifted my eyes to the ceiling. What witchery was this?!? What demon had sent this woman to test my mettle against myself?

  Strength, strength Matthew! I thought. I knew what I must do. I knew the thing to do was to push her hand away, stand up and tell her to leave me be! That was what a gentleman would do. A real man wouldn't let himself be swallowed by this devilish woman's game!

  But that dark part of me, the one that was now rubbing clawed hands together in the corner of my mind began to whisper.

  She's right, you know? It's been a hard day. You've been through a lot. Don't you deserve a rest?

  No! I couldn't! I wouldn't! I shouldn't...

  Once again she swept her hand towards my core, pressing the pads of her fingers a little more firmly against my iron hardness that refused to wane.

  "Please, Matthew? Just a little touch. It won't hurt. I promise."

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw her smile had faded. Now she was wearing a tender, pleading look as if any refusal of her offer would be a deep and hurtful thing.

  "I...I shouldn't," I whispered. But her expression had softened my resolve.

  "There is no shouldn't here, you'll come to know that soon. It's not like everywhere else, Matthew. We have no secrets to keep from each other. It's a gentle place. You'll see. Now come, let me loosen that buckle and see if I can't ease your tension?"

  I was gripping the underside of the chair now, my knuckles surely turning white.

  Stand up! Walk away! Resist!

  What will it hurt, huh? Just a little touch?

  I tried to slow my breathing and as if another entity had willed it, on exhaling I whispered, "yes..."

  Chapter 6

  As soon as the word had passed my lips her fingers danced across my pants. She wrapped them around the end of my belt and yanked forcing a gust of air from my lungs. With equal strength she yanked my trousers down so hard I nearly fell off the chair.

  I gasped.

  She sucked in a breath and our eyes sank to where my heated rod was still bouncing between my legs. "Oh Matthew..." she whispered.

  Oh Matthew, I groaned inside. I knew this was wrong. I should not be here. I should stand and walk away and...and...and her hand was so close to me I could feel the heat from her palm on my throbbing flesh.

  "We must teach you to relax."

  I stared at the slender fingers as they curled into a fist. Her flesh pressed against mine, heating me even more. All thoughts but one left my mind. I stared into the tiny dark eye at the center of my swollen cock's head. A drop of creamy dew seeped out.

  Anna Rebecca leaned closer, so close that now I could feel her hot breath on my cheek and neck. In one smooth motion she brought her fist up my shaft, squeezing more cum up until it was spilling down onto her thumb. Then she let her hand fall back to my root in a firm pump.

  "Oh!" I groaned, wallowing in the depravity of it. What weakness! What betrayal! All just to feel the sick tickle in my middle grow.

  "Yes, Matthew, yes!" she breathed, her strong hand starting to pump in a firm rhythm now. "Can you feel your seed crawling through you already? Release it, Matthew. Unleash it and let it spring forth!"

  Her hand was strong but soft and I squirmed and writhed in the chair it warmed my flesh up and down, up and down. Fresh blood surged into my cock, hardening it and making me grip the chair even more tightly. A tiny spurt of pre-seed sprang up from the hole and landed on the edge of her finger. With her fist still pumping, Anna Rebecca lowered her lips to the place the liquid had landed. Flicking out her tongue she lapped it into her mouth then, turning to me, swallowed it with a wicked grin.

  The sight of the lewd gesture made my body seize then start to spasm. Clutching the chair I felt my mind tear from myself, felt it drift off far away until all I could feel was the needing ache between my legs. Then the hot swell of semen through my cock. Then the sound of my own, fierce roar.

  A light. The mirror. A light in the mirror. In the mirror? A single point of light formed in the mirror, behind a woman's shape. Golden tufts of hair. That halo. The light brightened and I realized, at the moment of my climax that it was not a mirror but a two-way pane. And the shape behind it was my very own Anna Elizabeth, standing in witness to my vile betrayal.

  The pleasure that was pulsing through my body was suddenly poisoned. Laced with a bitter and razor-sharp regret. "No!" I cried even as thick plumes of spunk gushed from my hot column.

  Beside me, Anna Rebecca grinned, her hand pumping and thumping against my pelvis as she coaxed the sticky delivery from my cock.

  A moment later, my mind returned, reattached itself to my body and the full weight of what I'd agreed to sank into my chest. I looked up. Anna Elizabeth was...smiling? Could it be? Was that a smile? Impossible! How could she be smiling, seeing what I'd done?

  A nod. The slightest nod, forward and to the left. An acknowledgement that she had seen it all. And then from behind her a dark shape emerged, loomed, swooped until it was right above her.

  "Anna Elizabeth!" I screamed, trying to warn her of the danger.

  "It's alright, Matthew," Anna Rebecca soothed beside me.

  Then I realized who it was. That paw. That same dark, muscled paw that had squeezed my shoulder settled on hers. Pater Rex.

  He tilted his head, lifted his nose and sniffed the air above her neck.

  Then the light turned off.


  I was wakened from the deepest sleep I'd ever slept by the sound of footsteps shuffling towards me from the door. I bolted upright, my hand shot towards where my bedside lamp should be. It wasn't. Where was I? Who was with me?

  The fog of dreamless sleep began to lift.

  Anna Elizabeth.


  Pater Rex.

  My own depravity the night before.

  All the thoughts began to trickle in, running together, streams into the river of my mind that made me myself again.

  A light. A match in the darkness. Then a candle and the smell of sulphur as the match blew out.

  "Good morning, Matthew." It was Pater Rex, his dark baritone sounding still unused that day. "How did you sleep?"

  The question shook me from my terror and my stupor and my shame. How had I slept? How had I fallen asleep? I remembered only Anna Rebecca backing out through the door, her lips twisted in a wicked grin. Then blackness. The deepest sleep.

  "I...I slept well. Thank-you, sir."

  Pater Rex smiled.

  It was then I noticed the tiny gap between his two front teeth.

  "We'll be family soon, Matthew. You can call me Pater, if you like?"

  It sounded like a kind invitation but I'm the kind of man who takes some time to get used to things. "If it's all the same..."

  "It's all the same," he replied. "When you're ready. When you're ready." His face seemed suspended in the darkness, the rest of his body part of the night under its black frock. He seemed to float toward the curtains. When he pushed them open, the light of day poured in, pooling on the floor.

  I shielded my eyes against the light. He set the candle on the table and blew it out.

  "Anna Elizabeth," I whispered. "Where..."

  "Don't you mind, Matthew. Don't you mind," he said, chuckling at the question. "She's in good hands. You can be sure of that."

  I swung my legs over the bed. My bare feet sank onto the cold, stone floo
r. "I...last night...I'm sorry," I stammered, lowering my eyes, cowering before him in my shame.

  "Sorry? About what? You didn't like my wife's charms?"

  What?!? I look up into the two dark orbs at the center of the white's of his eyes. "Ch-ch-charms?"

  Pater Rex lowered himself and sat next to me on the bed. The frame creaked and groaned under his weight. "We are just the stories that we tell ourselves, Matthew. What story did you tell yourself last night?"

  "Story?" I asked, completely confused.

  "When my Anna Rebecca tended to your tension what story did you explain that with? Guilt? Shame? Were you the hero of the book? Or the villain? Or worse," he growled, "the bystander who couldn't look away?"

  I shook my head. Why did this man speak in only riddles?

  "What if none of those were right? What if you were just a weary traveller? Tired after a long day's ride? What if all you needed to sleep well was the tenderness of a woman's touch? You couldn't very well have your Anna Elizabeth now, could you? You're not married yet."

  I lowered my eyes, trying to chew through what he'd said.

  "We are men, Matthew. We have certain needs and out there," he said, sweeping his hand toward the window, "women just don't understand." He paused as if to give me time to weigh his words. "But here? Here things are different. We have different stories. Stories where we men don't have to hide our desires under veils of guilt and shame."

  And suddenly his explanation, his story, made me feel a lightness in my chest. "So she's not..."

  "...mad?" he asked, stealing the word from me. "No. Anna Elizabeth is one of us. She understands. Tell me, did she not comfort you once when you needed it?"

  I gasped. How had he found out? Had I told him? Yesterday when my mind was reeling in confusion at this strange new place?

  "It's alright," he purred. "She confessed. I've forgiven her. We are only human, after all and she was trying only to be kind. But you took her comfort, didn't you? The same way you took comfort in my wife's hand last night?"

  It all felt so wrong and lewd and perverse. And yet...there was something so liberating about his candour. Perhaps the story would be different here. "I did. I'm ashamed to say it, but I did," I answered.

  "Well here you can let go of that shame." He stood up and started walking towards the door. "Come, Matthew. There is much to show you. And then we must begin the preparations."

  "Preparations?" I asked, breathless.

  "For your wedding. How exciting it will be!" He rubbed his two paws together and his eyes went wide as his deep and hearty chuckle bounced along the walls.

  The air outside was crisp and clear with just the first hint of winter's sting. The hills around us were painted in the deep red and orange of autumn and smoke curled from the chimney's of leaning shacks.

  In the light of day I looked out over the compound. The stone building I'd stayed in was the largest of the compound. It was surrounded by a network of streets, or alleys, rather, mostly mud with a few paving stones here and there. All around us the residents of Gentle were going about their day.

  It took a few moments for me to put a finger on the curious feeling that was gnawing at my mind. It seemed like a kind place, a gentle place, yet there was something slightly off. Staring at the inhabitants for a little while longer made me realize what felt odd.

  All the women were white here. Blonde's and redheads and brunettes. They were all shapely though a fresh flush of shame coursed through me at the observation. They all wore white dresses, the kind Anna Rebecca had been wearing the night before. Their breasts were all ripe and pert and their legs looked supple beneath the folds of their gowns. This much was normal, though maybe not to be expected for this part of the world.

  It was the juxtaposition of the way the men looked that had me confounded. All of them were black. All shades of black from chocolate to the blackest black of night. They were all strong, well-muscled men who moved through the streets, some with these white princesses on their arms.

  Pater Rex took me by the arm. "That's the village, Matthew," he said, spreading his hand toward the tiny houses. "There's our church," he said, motioning to a wooden building in the center with a tall spire. Though it bore no marks of any religion. "And there," he said, pointing to a larger building in the distance, "that's the barn. That's where we're going now. Come."

  And with that we began our walk. No one seemed to notice me at Pater's side. They all bid him good morning, bowing their heads as they passed us, but no one remarked at what seemed to be the only white man in the village. Me.

  The barn was like any farm barn I'd seen. It had two large doors to the upstairs and earth had been piled beneath them in a makeshift ramp. There was a set of double alley doors beneath and on one side paddock doors that must have led to the stalls. But as we crossed the threshold to the downstairs, I realized this was no ordinary barn.

  Imagine my surprise when my eyes adjusted to the light and I saw that the barn was inhabited not by cows or horses, but women in various states of pregnancy and undress. My eyes went wide and I stared up at Pater Rex in shock.

  My gaze was greeted by his low chuckling, a laugh that danced along the walls.

  As soon as the women heard it, they all began to cluck and clap their hands together and swarm towards us calling Pater Rex's name.

  Until he raised a hand to quiet them. Then they all fell silent like obedient pets. "This is Matthew!" he cried out. "He is to be Anna Elizabeth's husband!" he explained.

  Once again the women erupted into a loud din, clapping and shouting and laughing and stealing glances at me from across the room.

  Pater Rex turned to look at me again. "This is our mothering barn," he said. "The women all live here."

  My jaw dropped in shock and awe. "Live here?" I asked, my voice hushed. "In this barn?"

  Another chuckle. "It seems strange, doesn't it? It would, coming from the outside as you have. But rest assured that they are well taken care of here. They are tended to day and night. All their needs are met and they can be together until the time comes to birth."

  I stared along the rows of women staring back. All smiled contented smiles as if this were the most normal thing. Living in a barn. "I...I don't understand."

  "You will, Matthew. You will. It's just another story. Just a different story than the one you've been told should be. Come. There's something I want to show you." He took me by the arm again and led me into the throng.

  The place was damp with women's sweat and smelled as smelled as if all of their pussies had been heated by desire. A sweet smell that made my mind skitter into the dark hole that held my most shameful thoughts.

  I could feel their gazes on me as we walked. Pater paid almost no attention to them. He lead me past stalls and stalls until he came to one he seemed to like. Then he turned and looked me in the eye. "You remember when I told you we all have needs, Matthew?" Pater asked.

  I nodded.

  "This is where you come to relieve them."

  "What?!?" I gasped.

  "These little nymphs have all been seeded, you see. There is no danger of a pregnancy taking place. Not just that but they are all in here together all day long. They're not allowed to touch themselves, or each other." He gazed out over the sea of women and clucked, then turned back to me and raised an eye. "But sometimes they do." A slow chuckle rolled out of him again. "Know that you can come here anytime you please. You will be well taken care of."

  "Me?" I asked. ", I couldn't. I love Anna Elizabeth and..."

  He poked a finger in the air to stop me. "And her time to move into the mothering barn will come. But until it does, all of this is yours."

  I followed his hand that swept out over the crowd. A smile. A furtive glance. A thigh, a breast. The throng pressed closer as if the sight of a man was making them all hungry in their cunts.

  "Now let me show you my favorites." Pater Rex unlatched a stall door and swung it open. Three nude and very pregnant women recli
ned in the soft straw. Their bellies were fully swollen and their breasts sagged low, heavy with a coming milk.

  Despite my best efforts to keep my thoughts chaste, my cock began to engorge with blood at the sight.

  "Matthew, meet Anna Casala, Anna Tempera and Anna Karita," Pater Rex said.

  Backs straightened as the women sat up gazing at me as if I were the first man they'd seen in months. As their chests pressed out and bottoms rounded, they all three bit their lips and their bodies began to sway.

  Pater Rex sucked in a sharp breath through his flared nostrils. The air was moist with their need.

  "Anna's," he growled. "Present."

  All three swayed up onto all fours, their bellies hanging low, breasts smacking together leaking with a little milk.

  I swallowed, unable to believe the sight I was beholding.

  Slowly, all three turned around.

  I gasped.

  Three hot, pink gashes, juice streaming from them moved slowly from side to side.

  "Which one would you like to be your first?" Pater asked.

  Chapter 7

  "My first?" I gasped.

  "Yes," Pater breathed. "They are all delicious. You can try them all."

  The last night had been madness, what had happened with Anna Rebecca, Pater's wife. This seemed like some freakish nightmare. Some young man's wildest dream. "I...I can't..."

  "You have to," Pater growled. "It's part of the Anointing."


  "The way we welcome you into our fold. It's the way it's always been done. It would be rude to refuse."

  My eyes eased back towards the three pregnant temptresses, licking their lips and swaying their hips. Their pussies gushed now, inviting me in.

  My mouth was dry. My throat, tight. "I don't mean to be rude," I explained.

  "Then don't be!" Pater snapped. "It's all just a different story," he said, his voice softer now. "Our story. Your story now, too."

  My cock had hardened to rigid beam and it strained against the fabric of my pants. What was a man to do? What would any man do when presented with such an offer? Was there a man strong enough to decline? The story Pater Rex was telling was that there hadn't been.


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