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Page 25

by Lucy Lixx

  That’s what I was choosing to put my faith in now. That somehow, Daddy would take care of everything. As I stared up at his apartment, I tried not to think about how my mother had probably just left it. It was ten, and he told me to be here. It was as simple as that, and that’s as simple as I was going to make it. When I opened the car door, stepping out of it, closing it and locking it, I locked away my worries as well.

  Without those worries, I was still all too aware of the gentle shaking in my hands brought on by anticipation. My juices dampening my thighs since I had forgone underwear, wanting to surprise him, and I was also aware of how tight my bra felt when all I wanted was to be bare in front of him. Since the day I had seen him in the gym, I knew it had been leading up to this. He was a god who’d taken human form, and that was something I was almost certain of. Now that I had decided to lay my problems at his feet, knowing he’d take care of them, all I wanted to be was Daddy’s perfect little girl, and that’s exactly what I’d be tonight.


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  Have My Cake And Eat It too Daddy

  Chapter One

  Daddy’s eyes followed me as I sat down at the table. He smiled coyly at me. I always noticed when his eyes lingered on me a bit longer than they did Amy, his actual daughter. He'd stare at me much more often than he did my mother Daniella, and even though there was a small part of me that thought that this wasn’t right, it also sent a thrill through me when he looked at me like he did. His smile seeming almost hungry, and I just couldn’t ignore it.

  The way he glanced at everywhere the nightgown clung from my breasts to my ass stirred heat inside me in ways I knew was wrong...but it made me feel wanted...beautiful...powerful. There was a part of me, an inner voice, telling me to cover up, and yet another would tell me that I should have come down in something a little more daring. A little more see through. I never knew which to listen to. My stepdad, James, wouldn’t know what to do if I had come out in something more revealing than I usually did. Even now I could see he was turned on, and I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to chase the thoughts away, but they wouldn’t leave. “Do you want orange juice today?” Daddy asked me, and I smiled at him a little, looking up from my French toast.

  “Yeah, sure.” I said, trying not to blush. I bit my bottom lip as he handed me the glass of orange juice. It had pulp. Just how I liked it, and it made me happy to know that he remembered.

  “Not a problem.” He said, and I was going to say something else, but I realized I was staring too much. Amy came down, and the moment was ruined anyways.

  “Morning guys.” She said, stretching as she shook her head.

  I really didn’t like her. She looked cuter than me, or at least I thought so. She had these beautiful c-cup breasts that I couldn’t help but to envy. I had nothing but B’s, but Daddy never looked at her like he did me. He just smiled, hugging her before handing her a plate of food as well.

  “So when’s Daniella going to get back?” Amy asked, and I frowned. I hated that she called my mother Daniella. She wasn’t even going to be in for my birthday, and I didn’t question my mother nearly as much. I knew that she was busy with work, and it wasn’t as if we had the best relationship before now either. Shaking my head, I looked at Daddy who gave me an apologetic look. He knew it was a sore subject for me. He always did listen when I talked.

  “I don’t know, Amy, hunny, but really you should call her step-mom or something at least.” To which Amy only frowned. She was a year younger than me, only seventeen.

  “Yeah, yeah.” She said, and I just bit my tongue to keep from saying something as I took another sip of my orange juice.

  “Anyways. I’ll be with Sandy for about a week, okay Daddy?” She asked, and Daddy thought about it for a moment. He didn’t look like he liked it at all, and I rolled my eyes. She was always hurting them. He looked at me, as if asking for my permission for her to miss my birthday and I just smiled and shrugged. It hurt, but if my mother wasn’t going to be there I didn’t want her there either. That was for sure.

  “Sure.” He said, and she perked up.

  “Yay! I’ll go pack now.” Amy said before turning, and she looked at me.

  “Oh, hey Ann.” She said before bouncing up the stairs.

  “Your birthday is tomorrow, and yet it looks like it’s just us, huh?” He said, and I shrugged.

  “I’m sure mom will celebrate later, and let’s face it, Amy forgets anyways.” I told him, to which he laughed, ruffling my hair.

  “You always were a trooper.” Daddy said as he went to clean the dishes.

  “I’ll do that for you!” I told him, and he shook his head.

  “Oh, no. you just rest up and start thinking about where you’d like to go for dinner tomorrow.” Daddy told me.

  I got up, nearly tripping but Daddy caught me. His grip made me flush. I landed right against his chest, and I couldn’t help but to feel how oddly firm it was. I had seen him without a shirt, but only once or twice. He had been working out a lot since then. I tried to stop the thoughts, but they wouldn’t seem to stop. I knew I was flushing when he gave me a worried look, patting my shoulder reassuringly.

  “You be careful, okay?” Daddy said, flashing a smile at me.

  “Okay, Daddy.” I said, and he laughed again before turning back to the dishes.

  “I’m going to go pick out my outfit.” I told him, going to my room.

  The stairs were tiresome knowing that I could run by Amy on the way up, but like usual she was too preoccupied on the phone in her room. I was silently thankful that she’d not be there, asking me tons of awkward questions or making snide remarks. One thing my Daddy didn’t seem to know was that she certainly wasn’t nice to me. He deserved a better daughter, and I certainly tried to be a good daughter for my step-Daddy, but I couldn’t ever tell what he was thinking.

  I looked at myself in the mirror, and I sighed again. I hated that I had a small chest. They were small B’s, but at least they were perky. My slender hips didn’t show much, and I figured that I’d always look young with my round face. Brunette hair never made me stand out all too much, and yet everyone always complimented me on my eyes. They weren’t just brown, but a hazel that everyone always said had gold in it. I smiled, trying to find the perfect outfit, but nothing came to me. I decided it’d be best if I just went to bed, trying again in the morning. By then I’d be 18, and maybe the pressure that seemed to settle over my chest would release. Sleep didn’t come easy, and for some reason I couldn’t stop thinking about the way that Daddy looked at me this morning, but eventually I fell deeply asleep.

  Chapter Two

  Waking up that morning I was groggy, but I smelled coffee. I slipped out of bed in my pink nightgown, making sure that it was straightened out so that my nipples weren’t showing as I went down. The house was quiet, but with mom and Amy gone I couldn’t be surprised. Daddy was there in the kitchen, and I knew it before I even rounded the corner.

  It was the way he was humming, and for a moment I stopped to listen. He was one of the happiest men I knew, and yet I couldn’t figure him out no matter how much I tried. He had taken me in, loved me, cared for me, and he had set a standard no man had been able to beat so far. Daddy turned around immediately when I entered the kitchen. He had always been attentive.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. I hope that you’re feeling well.” He said, and Daddy’s eyes raked over me.

  He looked up and down my body, and for once in my life I was all too aware that I was only wearing a nightgown. The look had never been so blatant, and for a moment I wondered if he had thought about me last night too. No, I shouldn’t think about that. I thought, shaking my head, but they were hard thoughts not to have. He sat down a large plate in front of me. An egg white omelet because I didn’t eat yolks, sausage because I preferred it over ba
con, and toasted raisin bread because it was my favorite. A cup of orange juice was sat beside me, and he smiled at me. He remembered everything, and so I smiled at Daddy back.

  “Thank you.” I said, looking from the plate to those blue eyes that pulled me towards him in ways I knew I shouldn’t feel. Mother had always been lucky.

  “I have coffee too. I’m trying Kona blends. You’ll probably like it since you like it strong.” He said, laughing.

  “Happy birthday, baby girl.” He told me, making me bite my lip as I started to shovel food down. Daddy sat with me while I ate, eating across from me once his toast popped up as well.

  “So have you thought about where you’d like to go out?” He asked, and I giggled.

  “Yeah the new sports bar that opened up sounds great.” I told him, and Daddy nodded, telling me it wasn’t an issue. I finished the rest of my food, and yet I couldn’t stop smiling. I couldn’t wait to go with him, and somehow I just knew what the right outfit would be. He told me that he’d be back with my present later, and I frowned. The last thing I wanted was for Daddy to go and leave me, but I couldn’t wait to see what he had in store for me as far as a present was concerned.

  I went to my room, thinking about him, and there was nothing that I could do but to put on Netflix. Trying to get my mind off of everything wasn’t easy, and I shook my head. He had a mischievous look in his eyes when he had left, and I wanted to see what Daddy was getting me, but I knew it was only a matter of time. Turning eighteen was exciting, and I decided to hop in the shower. I had one last night, but I hoped that the cool water would calm me down. The thoughts that I were having were something I felt need pushed away, but with my mother gone I couldn’t help but to think that Daddy may be a little lonely.

  Chapter Three

  Daddy came back just as I was blow-drying my hair, and he caught me in just a towel. I don’t know why I didn’t close the door, but I smiled at him, and he smiled back after the look of shock left his face. I turned the blow-dryer off as I finished, and looked up at him with the biggest smile I could manage. My fingers played with the edge of the towel.

  “Uh, when you get dressed baby come down stairs.” He said, and I nodded.

  “Okay, Daddy.” I said, and he gave me another odd look before turning around.

  I know I caught him off guard, and I saw as he was turning around that he was getting aroused. At first I was shocked, but then I smiled a little. He knew I was becoming a woman, and I knew all too well that my step-Daddy was a man. It’s why I always thought my mother was lucky, and yet she was never around anymore. A small part of me thought about going down there without putting any clothes on, just a robe, but I thought better of it.

  I slipped on the little black dress that I had been saving for a special occasion, and it hugged the small curves I had. A pushup bra helped to make my B’s look a little bigger than they were, and a little makeup helped as well. Some nice red lipstick and mascara to make my eyelashes look full and my eyes a little bigger, and I felt I was ready to go down. The small heels I managed didn’t hurt either. He looked at me as I came down, and his eyes widened for a moment. For the first time I noticed that Daddy’s eyes lingered on my breasts, moving down and lingering on my hips with the way the dress moved halfway above my knees, riding up a little as I walked.

  “Do you like it?” I asked, and Daddy smiled at me.

  “Yes. You look quite like a woman…” He said, trailing off, and I couldn’t help but to giggle.

  Daddy had a box wrapped up in generic birthday paper and a pretty pink bow, holding it out to me. I took it, looking at the pink bow. I touched the satin fabric before pulling it free and unwrapping the gift. It was a Sharron’s Pieces were a well-known store around here that did custom orders, and I couldn’t help but to grin as I opened the box. The inside didn’t disappoint. It was a necklace, and I could tell that he had ordered it just for me. It had white pearls all the way down to a white gold teddy bear, and yet somehow it fit. Despite me being a woman, he knew that I still kept a teddy bear tucked away in my closet. I blushed as I looked up at him, but my grin was even wider.

  “It’s beautiful.” I told him, and Daddy motioned for me to let him put it on me.

  I turned around, and he took the necklace gently from my hands. I moved my hair to the side, and the cold teddy bear landed between my cleavage before he dragged it up. I could barely keep from shivering as he clasped it around my neck. I almost let out a sound of pleasure, but I barely held it in. my blushing wasn’t going to stop anytime soon it seemed. His hands lingered on my shoulders for a moment before he stopped back and I turned around.

  “It looks beautiful on you.” Daddy told me, and I touched the small bear. The pearls felt cool against my skin.

  “Thank you.” I said, and he nodded.

  “It just got done today. I’m sorry for running out on you sweetheart.” He said, pulling me to him as he kissed the top of my head, and for a moment I thought about him kissing my lips. He pulled away, and I looked down. My stomach growled loudly, and he went right back to smiling and laughing. The odd look he gave me was gone. It wasn’t long before we got in the car, and my stomach growled again. This time a little louder. Daddy only shook his head, assuring me that he’d order appetizers.

  Chapter Four

  The restaurant was wonderful, and Daddy ordered a beer which quickly turned into two. I didn’t mind. His sense of humor got a little more active, and I couldn’t help but to smile a little wider. Laugh a little louder as he made jokes. His eyes lingered on mine, and I just ate my Gaelic chicken when I couldn’t think of anything appropriate to say. With a small shake of my head, I flicked my eyes over to him again to find that my step-Daddy was still staring at me.

  Daddy didn’t seem to be nearly as shy after a few beers. I drove us home, to which he laughed, telling me he was fine, and yet I knew that he’d be thankful I did it in the morning. When we got back home, I was happy. I had a great birthday, and I thought that I was going to go straight to bed, but as I lingered in kitchen doorway, watching him grab a glass of water, he looked at me. His eyes stopped me dead in my tracks, and I looked back, smiling a little.

  “You know, baby girl. You’ve grown up a lot.” He said, and my heart was hammering. My hand went back to the charm that he had given me, and I bit my bottom lip a little.

  “Yeah, Daddy. I know.” I told him, and at the word Daddy his eyes closed, and he seemed to hold back a groan.

  He crossed the room to be by me, and he tilted my head up by placing two fingers under my chin. My heart hammered a little more as I tried to process what was happening, but before I could Daddy’s lips were on mine. The quietness of house was forgotten, and all I could think of was his soft lips brushing against mine as I moaned into the kiss.

  I hadn’t been kissed more than twice, and here he was causing a shiver to run down my spine. His tongue pushed between my lips, caressing my own, and I couldn’t hold back the moan now. He pulled away a moment later, and there was something different in his eyes this time. He looked at me with lust. Not like a little girl any more.

  “God…” He said, and I knew he wasn’t thinking clearly, but I didn’t want him to be.

  “You’re beautiful.” He whispered, and I bite my bottom lip. I could still feel his own lips caressing my own, and I shivered again.

  “I really shouldn’t be doing this.” Daddy said as he ran his fingers through his hair shaking his head, and panic seized me. I reached out to hold his hand, almost pulling him towards me.

  “But I want it.” I said, and that’s all I could say as I bit my lip, and he nodded with a small chuckle.

  “I know you do, baby girl, and that’s why you’ll have it.” He said, and he switched to holding my hand as he led me to the master bedroom on the first floor. I knew it was their room, and I had never been it. My heart beat a little louder, and I could feel my palms shaking.

  Chapter Five

  I looked a
t Daddy as he closed the door before my eyes darted to the four poster bed. It was so much more adult than my own little canopy bed which was only a full. Mother had insisted on a king, and I was sure I was about to see why. He smiled at me, and it was devious. A look I never thought I’d see on him outside of my dreams, and then concern crossed his face.

  “You’re sure you want this?” He said, and my eyes darted towards my Daddy’s bulge in his pants.

  “Yes.” I whispered. I could barely speak, but I knew despite how nervous I was I wanted this.

  I wanted this more than I had ever wanted anything, and his hands went to my black dress, sliding it down my arms and over my small hips. It pooled at the floor around my feet. I was in front of him in just my black pushup bra and boy short panties. He smiled at me, and before I could feel embarrassed Daddy started to kiss my neck. I had never had a boy kiss me there, and I closed my eyes before turning my head to give him better access.


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