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Amaury's Hellion

Page 21

by Tina Folsom

  “I made sure she realized that I’d destroy them and their precious reputation if either one of them ever touched me or Eddie again. And I had the proof to make it happen.”

  “What happened to the bastard?” If he wasn’t dead yet, Amaury would be happy to do the deed himself. He felt a swell of fury rise in his stomach.

  “He survived. She called an ambulance and told them what I told her to say: that her husband surprised a burglar and was stabbed by him. I made sure all the evidence pointed to it by the time the police arrived: I broke a window from the outside and hid my bloody sheets. Of course they didn’t find the guy, and of course they tried to sniff out what was going on, but all they had to go on was our testimony. There was nothing they could really do. By the time he got out of the hospital, I’d brought a copy of the recording to a safe place with instructions to make it public if anything ever happened to me or Eddie.”

  “A safe place?”

  “A mail box at one of those mailbox places in another town with instructions to open the box and send its contents to the county sheriff if anything happened to me.”

  “And then?”

  “I had almost two more years left to my eighteen’s birthday. Those months living with them were hell, but he didn’t touch me, too afraid I’d make good on my threat. When I applied to become Eddie’s guardian on my eighteen’s birthday, they supported my application. I had two jobs by that time, working constantly, I could support us. They wanted me gone, so they did everything to help me leave.”

  Amaury swallowed hard. How could an eighteen year old girl take on such responsibility while dealing with her own pain? How much had she suffered? “How could you even stay with them after what he did to you? Why didn’t you go to the police?”

  “I had no choice. I couldn’t risk a long drawn-out trial. I stabbed a man. It would have taken months to prove that I acted in self-defense. I couldn’t risk being separated from Eddie. They would have sent him somewhere else while all this was going on. No, it was too risky. I needed to stay with Eddie. It was the only way.”

  “Don’t you think it was riskier to assume they’ll give you guardianship of your brother? You were only eighteen, for God’s sake.” What were the chances of her application not just being tossed out immediately?

  “As I said, my foster father was a respectable citizen, and he knew people. He pulled some strings with the judge, that’s how badly he wanted all this to go away. I was a thorn in his eye. As soon as I became Eddie’s guardian, we left, We moved around a lot until we landed here in San Francisco.”

  Amaury grunted. He wished the asshole had bled to death rather than survived. He didn’t deserve living, raping a sixteen year old. His sweet Nina, putting her through horror like that. The thought of wanting to kill somebody coiled through him. He felt his body tense and harden.

  “So, you see. I did a terrible thing, stabbing him, wanting to kill him. I did it on purpose. I knew what I was doing, and still I did it.”

  Nina turned her head away from him and buried it in the pillow. He didn’t know what to do. Pull her into his arms? Give her space? Why couldn’t he read her emotions so he would know what to do now?

  “I’m sorry, Nina.” Amaury couldn’t find any words, not when rage coursed through his veins. Somebody had hurt her, and he wanted to retaliate, hurt that man even more. He put his hand on her shoulder and flinched, pulling it back instantly—his fingers had turned into sharp claws. He felt his jaw itch and his fangs push through, unable to prevent his vampire side from appearing. No, he couldn’t let himself go like that in front of her. The last thing she’d want to see right now was another violent man, especially after he’d attacked her in his sleep. He had to tamp down his anger first before he could pull her back into his arms.

  “Sleep a little longer. I’ll let you rest.”

  Amaury turned his head away and avoided looking at her. He knew his eyes flashed red. He glanced down at his hands—lethal weapons. No, he couldn’t touch her right now, as much as he longed to comfort her. He wasn’t in control of himself. “I’m sorry.”

  He got out of bed and, naked as he was, walked into the living room, pulling the door shut behind him.

  In one corner, his punching bag hung suspended from the ceiling. He headed straight for it. That was what he needed: to punch something if he couldn’t punch her rapist or any of the other men who’d hurt her. Amaury slammed his fists viciously into the bag. He would kill any man who hurt her. Nina was his to protect now. Nobody would ever hurt her again. He’d make sure of that.


  Amaury hadn’t come back to bed after Nina had told him about her past. She could easily guess why: he was horrified about what she’d done. And what was probably worse, she’d been raped, and what man wanted to deal with that? Nobody wanted that. Least of all a man like Amaury who could have any woman he wanted. He could have a woman who didn’t carry the kind of emotional baggage she did.

  He probably already regretted having slept with her. His “I’m sorry” had dripped with pity. She guessed he’d spent the remaining hours of the day thinking about how he could extricate himself gracefully from this relationship. Nina would make it easy on him. She wouldn’t stay where she wasn’t wanted.

  As Nina let the warm water of the shower run over her body, she knew she should have never opened up to him. She’d been lulled into feeling safe by his gentle words and by his admissions of his own past. At first it had been a shock to hear what he’d done, but she had found it in her heart to forgive him, because he’d not been himself. The pain in his eyes when he spoke of his son had cut deep into her own heart.

  But when it had come to her own guilt, Amaury hadn’t been able to do the same. She’d instantly felt his hesitation at even touching her, until he’d finally pulled away completely—as if he was disgusted with her. In the moment where she’d needed his touch most, he’d denied her, he’d withdrawn.

  He’d rejected her, just like everybody else had done so before him. Like her foster mother had rejected her after she’d exposed her husband as a pervert. Even knowing that her husband was abusing young girls, she’d still chosen him over Nina. Her self worth at that point couldn’t have been any lower—until now: being rejected by Amaury after opening her heart to him was even more painful.

  Nina dreaded facing him now. She didn’t want to see the pity in his eyes or the regret. Maybe he’d keep her around for a little while longer so it wouldn’t be too obvious that he didn’t want her anymore, but she would know.

  She wouldn’t let this happen. She would leave—on her own terms. And there was only one way to do it: defend her aching heart by attacking him. She couldn’t let him know how much she hurt. It would only make it worse.

  Nina stepped out of the shower and dried off before she dressed in the clothes from the night before.

  She found Amaury in the living room where one corner doubled as a small gym. He was dressed in gym shorts. His upper body was bare, his muscles flexing with every move he made, his skin glistening with sweat.

  He greeted her with a cautious look. “You’re up.”

  “Yes, I took a shower. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No. No, of course not.”

  Was this nervousness he displayed? He wiped his face with a towel then took a few steps toward her. Midway he seemed to change his mind and stopped.

  “Can I leave you alone for an hour? I need to go feed.”

  The words didn’t immediately sink in. “Feed?”

  He nodded, his eyes remaining cautious. “I didn’t feed last night, and the night before I already barely had any blood.”

  So she had understood right after all. Amaury was planning to go out and drink somebody’s blood. Good—it provided her with just the right ammunition to make her exit.

  “You’re going out to bite somebody?”

  The look he launched her could only be described as stubborn. “I need blood to survive.”

  Nina knew what a vampire
needed. “What’s wrong with mine?” Would he take the bait? Would he go in for the fight she tried to pick so she could leave with her head high?

  His eyes wide, he stomped toward her and grabbed her shoulders. “Are you crazy? You don’t know what you’re saying. You can’t possibly want me to bite you.”

  The moment he said it, a realization hit her like a thunderbolt.

  She wanted him to bite her.

  She wanted him to drink her blood.

  Her life wouldn’t be complete without Amaury taking her. And in that instance of realization, she felt more fear clamp down on her than ever before in her life.

  With the strength she thought she didn’t have, Nina shook off his hands. “Get away from me!” If she stayed, she would become his toy, something he could push around any which way he wanted, because she would have no strength to resist him. She couldn’t allow this. She could never again be at the mercy of a man, no matter how much she desired him. No matter how much her heart ached for him.

  Amaury’s face took on a puzzled look. “Nina, what is this about?”

  “I don’t ... I can’t—” Her voice broke. She spun around and fled, yanking the door open.


  She heard him yell after her, but she was already in the stairway and kept running. She had to get away from the only man who had cracked the door to her heart open—leaving it exposed to be hurt.


  Amaury stopped at the top of the stairs and looked down. Nina’s rapid footsteps echoed in the hallway. What had just happened?

  He ran his hands through his hair.

  Had she really tried to offer him her blood?

  It was what he’d fantasized about for the last few days, ever since he’d licked her blood off her wounds. It had haunted him, the knowledge that he was lusting not just after her body, but also after her blood. He wanted Nina, all of her.

  As he ran down one flight of stairs, he stumbled over a package in front of Mrs. Reid’s door. He instantly stopped in his tracks. The old lady was still gone—all, because of him.

  As crazed as he felt right now—thirsty from the lack of blood—his brain kicked in, and fear spread in his chest. What if he hurt Nina like he’d hurt the Mrs. Reid? What if he couldn’t control himself? The way he wanted Nina right now, he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to stop drinking from her.

  He remembered the sweet taste of her blood on his tongue, the intoxicating scent, the smooth texture when it had coated his throat. His cock went rigid at the mere thought of tasting her again, drinking from her, more this time, much more. His hands balled into fists as he fought back the urge to run after her and dig his fangs into her.

  His desire collided with the guilt pulsing through him. He had to set something right first, had to assure himself that Mrs. Reid was going to live. The burden of another death at his hands would be too much to carry, and he couldn’t go back to Nina, knowing his conscience wasn’t clear. She’d forgiven him for one murder—he didn’t believe even she would have it in her heart to forgive him for another.

  If he could save Mrs. Reid, only then did he deserve another chance. If not, he wasn’t good enough for her, not good enough to take what Nina offered him.


  An hour later he’d found out where the old lady had been taken and had snuck into her hospital room.

  Mrs. Reid looked fragile, lying there surrounded by tubes and machines. Amaury took a seat next to her bed and just looked at her. Her skin was pale, and there were lots of bruises. Had she fallen, because he’d weakened her too much?

  His gut twisted in disgust at himself. He was a despicable creature, feeding from the weak and vulnerable, a monster. Amaury let his head fall into his hands, not knowing how to go on.

  A sound at the door made him jerk.

  “You can’t be in here. Visiting hours are long over,” the young nurse said. She stood at the door, hands at her waist and a scolding look on her face.

  “I’m sorry. I just only got into town.”

  “And you are?” He sensed the suspicion she treated him with.

  “Her grandson,” he lied, knowing that if he didn’t claim he was family, she’d get security to throw him out instantly. “I’m sorry. I was so worried about her and didn’t want to wait till tomorrow.”

  Her look softened, and she gave him a pitiful smile. “Have you talked to the police yet?”

  Amaury stiffened. “The police?”

  She nodded and stepped further into the room. If she was going to drag him to the police, he’d have to use mind control and wipe her memory. “Yes, I think they have a lead on the guy who did this.”

  He swallowed hard. They were onto him? How? He’d wiped Mrs. Reid’s memory. There’d been nobody in the stairways when he’d entered her apartment to feed from her. Amaury stood, ready to do whatever he needed to do. His body hardened as he prepared to use his powers.

  “You mean, they haven’t told you yet? It’s really awful what he did to her. Nice lady like her, and that thug just robs her and beats her up when she’s on her way to cash her social security check. I don’t know what the world is coming to.”

  “She got robbed?” He cast another glance back at Mrs. Reid. Her arms sported black and blue bruises.

  “You mean nobody told you?” The nurse tossed him an incredulous look. “She was attacked right outside her building.”

  Amaury shook his head. “Nobody told me. I just came out here as soon as I heard she was in the hospital.” He hadn’t caused this? This wasn’t his fault? He felt a boulder the size of Mount Rushmore lift from his shoulders.

  “Will she be alright?”

  “She’ll pull through. She just needs some rest. You should go home now. Come back tomorrow during visiting hours.”

  He nodded. “Just a few more minutes?”

  “I didn’t see you.”

  He smiled at her as she left the room and closed the door behind her.

  Amaury approached the sleeping Mrs. Reid and stroked his hand over her cheek. He hadn’t hurt her after all. It was terrible what had happened to her, but at least he was free of guilt. He could feel her pain, and he knew he could help her.

  Swiftly, he pricked his finger so a small drop of blood appeared. He guided it to her mouth. With his mind he sent his thoughts into her.

  Open your mouth and take the medicine.

  In her sleep her lips parted, and he let several drops of blood drip into her mouth.


  A few drops would be enough to help her heal faster. By tomorrow, the black and blue bruises would be gone, and her aching bones and muscles would feel less sore. There would be no adverse effects. Vampire blood was a cure for many human ailments, and if scientists only knew, they would be hunting him and his brethren. Luckily, they didn’t even know vampires existed.

  Sleep now.

  Amaury kissed her forehead. With a last look at her face which already took on a more natural color than before, he left her room. His step was lighter than when he’d first entered the hospital.


  Gabriel rushed through the entrance door Carl had opened for him.

  “He’s in his office.”

  He didn’t even break his stride as he headed for Samson’s office in the back of the house.

  Samson looked up from his desk and motioned him to come in as he finished a call.

  “Thanks, Thomas, and when you’re done with it, we’re meeting here at—” he looked at his watch, “—eleven o’clock. Call Ricky and Amaury for me, will you? Gabriel just got here.”

  He disconnected the call and stood up.

  Gabriel hadn’t taken a seat yet. He preferred standing.

  “Give me the lowdown.”

  Samson always came right to the point. Gabriel appreciated that in his boss. No beating about the bush, no politics.

  “We’re sure it’s Luther. Paul Holland confessed after a little persuasion by Zane.”

  Samson raise
d an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything.

  “After he broke, I was able to get through to him. Luther wants revenge, that’s pretty clear, and not at all surprising, given what happened.”

  Samson nodded. “Understandable. After he lost Vivian and his unborn child, he nearly went crazy. There wasn’t anything we could do to help him. He needed to blame somebody.”

  “Don’t you think it would have been better if you had told him the truth?”

  Samson shook his head. “Amaury and I decided it was better to keep the truth to ourselves. It would have killed him. When he disappeared, we first thought he’d followed her. But somehow I always knew he’d come back when he’d collected his strength. We knew we’d have to face him one day.”

  “Now what?”

  “We prepare as best we can. I don’t want him harmed, but we have to defend ourselves. Has Paul given you any indication as to what he’s planning?”

  “I doubt he knows. I couldn’t find anything in his memories that would suggest he does, and Luther certainly is smart enough not to divulge too much information to his men. But you know him. He has a plan. He always did. We can be sure of that.”

  “Then we’d better have a plan, too. Have you alerted your people to him?”

  “Yes; they all know now who he is. Everybody is working on finding where he’s hiding out. We have a pretty good idea where he is. I found some hints to a warehouse in Paul’s memories. We’re confirming it right now.”

  “Once my guys get here, we’ll mobilize our side. Who can we trust?”

  Gabriel gave him a cautious look. “That’s just it, we can’t be sure.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “He’s creating new vampires.”

  He could see his boss’ jaw drop. “He what?”


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