The American Soldier Collection 15: Their Battle for Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 15: Their Battle for Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Lucca stepped back.

  “We’re not staying here anymore. Our businesses need some upgrades and there are designers to meet. We have responsibilities,” Lucca said to her.

  “You have your artwork and more pieces to work on. If you let Lucca post those designs to some people we know, we’re certain they would love your work and want to showcase some of the pieces,” Krane suggested.

  “No. I don’t need you trying to promote me or a potential career in art. I get what you’re saying. I hear you loud and clear. It’s time to expand out and meet new people and not feel dependent upon you, my rescuers. Got it loud and clear,” she said and stormed out of the room.

  Lucca looked at Krane.

  “What the hell just happened?” Lucca asked.

  “We squashed any possibility that we could entertain an attraction to her. It’s how Star said it has to be. He’s right. She’s too young, too focused on us being her rescuers and representing a security she needed after being a prisoner. She hasn’t experienced life, or had the opportunity to know what she wants.”

  “We will continue to train her, right?” Lucca asked.

  “I wouldn’t allow any other people to train her.”

  “Good. We’ll focus on that, and the fact that we’ll have to attend her birthday party.”

  “Let’s get going. Star and Border should be finished with their meeting with Cosivan and the guys. Then we can head to The Crest and start seeing what the designer has come up with,” Krane told him and they headed out of the home gym.

  Chapter 5

  “Sorry to interrupt, but what do you think?” Nalia asked.

  She walked into Malayna’s studio without the large boot and wearing a pair of sneakers. She was smiling from ear to ear and Malayna couldn’t help the tears that filled her eyes.

  She placed the paintbrush down and hurried to her and she and Nalia embraced.

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I knew you would be. You’ve been my biggest supporter.”

  Malayna pulled back and smiled wide. “I’ll always be there for you, you know that, right?” Malayna asked her.

  Nalia squinted at her and placed her hands on her hips with attitude. “You’d better be,” she teased and they laughed.

  “Your men must be thrilled that you’re able to move around freely,” Malayna said to her.

  “Of course they’re thrilled about it, but Viktor is still insisting on carrying me around. Which I really don’t mind, and especially when it’s to bed,” she said and winked.

  Malayna chuckled and felt her cheeks warm. She wondered if she would ever feel that way, or have love like that.

  “Oh no, what’s that expression for? What did I miss?” Nalia asked and Malayna walked back over toward the painting she was working on.

  “Nothing. So what do you think?” she asked her and turned the painting toward Nalia.

  “Oh my. That is so stunning. Where is this place?” Nalia asked, moving closer.

  Malayna took a deep breath and released it.

  “It was a spot that I could only see partially from the window of my bedroom, but I imagined what it would look like inside.”

  “Your bedroom? You mean in Lozova?”

  Malayna shook her head and grabbed the paintbrush to sign the bottom of the painting.

  “In Mexico, where Cornikup held me prisoner.”

  Nalia placed her hand on Malayna’s shoulder. “Oh, Malayna.”

  She turned to look at her friend. They were almost the same height, but Nalia was more toned, more physically fit and had this aura of confidence and attitude about her. She wished she could get some of that attitude, too.

  “It’s okay, Nalia. I don’t want to be afraid anymore. I don’t want to appear helpless and weak, like I can’t accomplish anything on my own.”

  “Malayna, no one sees you as weak, and in regards to accomplishing things on your own, look at this work, these beautiful pieces of you that you’ve displayed on canvas. My God, Malayna, you’re so talented, and so beautiful and perfect. You light up a room with your presence. You bring happiness to people the moment they meet you. That’s a gift. Your art abilities are a gift.”

  “I appreciate your compliments. You’re biased for sure,” she said.

  Nalia chuckled. “I don’t think I’m the only one who has noticed you and your beauty both inside and out,” she said to her and Malayna squinted her eyes at Nalia.

  “Not for nothing, but four very interesting men seem to find it difficult to stay away from here and from you.”

  “Who do you mean?” she asked.

  “Oh, come on, Malayna, I’ve seen the way Star and his team watch you and keep nearby when you’re around.”

  “No, I’m afraid their actions are purely based on loyalty to Nicolai, and the fact that they were the ones to rescue me.”

  “Baloney!” Nalia stated firmly.

  “No, it’s true. They made their feelings perfectly clear two weeks ago. I haven’t spoken to any of them since then.”

  “What happened?”

  Malayna explained in great detail about the episode in the home gym and what each man said. Nalia chuckled.

  “They got it bad. That is so crazy because they were like super mysterious men. I asked Cosivan about them the other day and what he knew about them and their pasts. They’ve had some crazy things happen in their lives. Border and Star are biological brothers, but Krane and Lucca met Star and Border in the service and they became inseparable. When they left the service Star’s parents took them all in. Apparently Krane and Lucca had very troubled childhoods. Anyway, they have dangerous, high-profile positions in the Russian mob and specifically their family, the Mulichecks. I can remember years ago hearing that name and I’m pretty sure they own a bunch of clubs and bars, kind of like my men do.”

  “I wonder what happened to them when they were little?”

  “I don’t know, but from what I gathered from the conversation with Cosivan and from observing Star, Border, Krane, and Lucca is that they are very private men. They don’t take a liking to many people and seem untrusting, so I gather they’re been burned before.”

  “You mean by women?”

  “I don’t believe so. I asked Cosivan about them dating and he said they are never with any women and that it was also none of my business and why the hell was I asking him that. So I kind of dropped it. But I know they travel a lot and do special jobs. They had been gone for so long searching for leads on you.”

  “Which is why they see me as a child, a responsibility. They don’t see me as a woman, or at least one that could make them happy, I don’t know. I guess they’re right. I mean I have no experience with men except for violence and control. I often wonder if and when I meet the right man, if he’ll be understanding to my fears when it comes to intimacy and well, just the need to feel protected and safe. It’s so hard to want to be independent but also to need to be hugged and cared for.”

  Nina chuckled. “I suffered from that, too. I had this desire to be free, to be a person my mother hadn’t wanted me to be, and that even my father forbade me from being. He tried so hard to keep me from my destiny as his daughter and part of the family and all that is attached to it. None of that mattered. Those men came for me anyway. They tried to hurt me, in order to get back at my father. In their sick heads they thought they could rape me, impregnate me, and force a connection with a bloodline. It’s a crazy world and I needed and still need to learn a lot about being part of this family and all it entails. You’re going to do the same things. It’s even more important for you to show independence and strength emotionally and physically because Nicolai is your father. He’s one of the highest members of the many families. If you focus on that, on the fact that you’re here now and part of Nicolai’s life, then everything else will fall into place. Who knows, maybe those men who can’t seem to keep their eyes off of you will wake up and realize you’re not a child but a woman. That you have wants, desires, and
a need to be strong and independent but also a need to be cared for and loved. It just so happens that sometimes those types of men need a little push.”

  “A little push? What do you mean?”

  Nalia smiled wickedly.

  “Trust me, Malayna, you have to make them realize that they can’t live without you, that they don’t want any other men paying you attention and wanting you, and that you’re stronger than they give you credit for, and sexier than they could fantasize about.”

  “I don’t know about that. No experience with men, remember?”

  “I was a virgin when Cosivan and the team had found me and rescued me. They respected that, and I think loved me extra special and took their time because of that. When Star and his team find out you are, they’ll take their time, too.”

  Malayna snorted. “Or they’ll cross their fingers in front of me and back up like I’m some freak.”

  Nalia chuckled and looked her over.

  “Not with your body, or those bold blue eyes and extremely long, beautiful hair. Which, by the way, Nicolai said we need to go shopping for a dress for your birthday.”


  “Come on. It will be fun. You just need to decide if you want to use the night as an opportunity to establish the kind of woman you really are and want everyone to see you as, or allow everyone else to dictate who you are and will be. It’s all up to you.”

  Malayna thought about it a moment and felt that need, that desire to be something more.

  “You’ll help me, Nalia? With the dress, with the planning, and with whatever it takes to show Nicolai and everyone else that I’m strong, I’m capable, and I’m ready to take control of my life and my future?”

  “You bet I will be there, but mark my words. You won’t need me. There’s a passionate, creative, strong-minded woman inside of you just waiting to break free. They are not going to expect anything. Let’s get this party started.”

  Malayna smiled wide. She was going to knock their socks off.

  * * * *

  “Nicolai, this is quite the party. I’m certain Malayna is thrilled,” Karlicov said to him as they stood by the large formal living room waiting for Malayna to make her entrance. She had yet to show up for her own gathering and more people were arriving. He glanced around the room and noticed Star and his team. They looked uncomfortable in their tuxedos, but it was a black tie affair and an opportunity for him to have Daren Mulicheck visit and possibly take some time to go over some business later on. His lovely wife Soyva stood between Daren and Star as they talked and mingled with other guests.

  “Oh my,” Karlicov whispered and at the same time Nicolai heard some gasps of excitement and then people turn to look toward the small gathering of people coming from that direction. Nicolai spotted Malayna immediately and the tears hit his eyes, his chest tightened with pride, with concern, with protectiveness and love all in an instant at the sight.

  Malayna looked like an angel.

  Nalia was right by her side, along with Aspen. The three women were stunning in their attire and allowed Malayna to walk ahead of them as Aspen’s men and Nalia’s men began the introductions.

  “She looks gorgeous, Nicolai. You’d better keep her security guards close-by.”

  Nicolai turned to Karlicov with his eyes squinted. “Or you could let nature take its course and allow the Mulicheck men to claim guardianship of her. It seems to me they’re very interested.”

  Nicolai watched from afar as various men and women introduced themselves to Malayna. She smiled and held herself well, shoulders back, an air of confidence yet sweetness about her. It was the sight of Pierre Lafranchess bending down to kiss her hand as he took it, and the daggers from Star, Krane, Lucca, and Border as they watched Malayna receive all the attention. That was when Daren Mulicheck caught his eye and gave him a nod.

  * * * *

  Star watched in shock as Malayna entered the party looking like an absolute goddess. Her dress showed off a perfect, curvy figure in a white mermaid gown that was off the shoulder, leaving the opposite side encased in a sheer beaded material. It wasn’t until she was a few feet before him that he noticed that one whole side was sheer from under her arm, down her ribs and upper thigh before gathering in a sheer piece filled with beading as well. It was sexy. Way too sexy for the sweet young woman he forced himself to believe she was. This was a different side of Malayna. A woman who looked confident, classy, capable of anything, including making a man like him get aroused and want her in every way.

  As some guy bent down to take her hand and kiss the top of it he saw Malayna smile and then blush at something he said. Then the guy stepped closer, placed a hand on her hip, and whispered next to her ear. Whatever he said had her nodding and giving a thank you before another set of men introduced themselves to her.

  He didn’t like the jealous possessive feelings he was having or the jab to his sides from his brothers as they verbalized their similar emotions.

  “My god, she looks gorgeous. What has she been doing the last two weeks? Working out with weights? Her arms are toned and Jesus, that slit is so fucking high,” Krane said to him.

  “It’s completely see through, and from here it doesn’t appear that she’s wearing any panties,” Lucca said to them.

  “Shut up. I don’t need to think of that, too, right now,” Border snapped at him.

  It was then that their father and mother were introduced to Malayna by Nicolai.

  “Let’s go. It may be our only opportunity to wish her a happy birthday,” Star said.

  “Not if I can help it,” Lucca stated.

  * * * *

  Malayna felt so beautiful and confident in this dress. It was more than she could have hoped for except now her father was whispering into her ear.

  “This is quite the dress, Malayna. I hope you succeed in capturing the attention of those you intended,” he said knowingly and she felt her cheeks warm. Busted by her father. Interesting.

  “I doubt it, Nicolai. Many believe I am still a child, or even incapable of being successful on my own. I intend to prove those skeptics wrong.”

  He smiled and winked. “I don’t doubt that. You’re my daughter after all, and look so much like Mya. It touches my heart deeply. Happy birthday, Malayna,” he said to her and kissed her cheek.

  She hugged him tight and felt the tears fill her eyes. She whispered into his ear. “Thank you, Father,” she said, calling him that for the first time. When she pulled back she saw the hint of emotion in his eyes and then he cleared his throat and went back to his calm, intense demeanor as some people approached.

  “Malayna, I would like you to meet Daren and Soyva Mulicheck.”

  She processed the name immediately and was glad that Nalia and Aspen had schooled her on the important people and the names to listen for and to acknowledge with great respect. These were two of them and they were also Star and Border’s parents.

  “It is such a pleasure to meet you. Happy birthday, Malayna,” Daren said and kissed the top of her hand.

  She bowed at him and then smiled. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. and Mrs. Mulicheck. Thank you so much for coming.”

  “It is our pleasure, dear. You are so stunning. My God, Nicolai better keep an eye on you,” Soyva said and Nicolai nodded to the right where two men stood on guard. They stared straight-faced. Her two new security guards were with her whenever she left the house or now, when she was at an event with so many people. Dubkova and Murin were pretty serious and total goons but they shared her native language and she had the chance to speak Ukrainian with them often.

  She turned to the right as someone touched her shoulder. She was surprised to see Krane standing there. She caught him inhale against her hair and tiny goose bumps traveled along her skin. Even in the very high silver heels she wore, he towered over her.

  “Happy birthday, Malayna,” he whispered and he leaned in to kiss her, placing his hands on her waist.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled his cologne
. “Thank you, Krane,” she said back to him, being sure to let her lips touch his ear. She felt his hands tighten on her hips and his fingers traced over her hip on the sheer side. She couldn’t help but to wonder if he were checking to see if she were wearing panties. She wasn’t and it made her feel brazen and mature. It fed her confidence.

  The man looked so handsome in a tuxedo, his dark blond hair gelled back, making him appear debonair yet still very dangerous. Then her eyes locked onto Lucca. Krane stepped away and next to his parents, who were talking to Nicolai.

  Lucca looked her over from head to toe and gave her a wink. He pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her affectionately, shocking her. His lips kissed her neck by her ear. “Happy birthday, gorgeous. This is some hell of a dress,” he scolded and pulled back, gazing into her eyes and then looking over her bodice. His hands caressed her hips as if he were looking for the panty lines that didn’t exist. She hid her chuckle and hoped she wasn’t blushing. Lucca and Krane made certain body parts come alive.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  “We wouldn’t miss it, nor miss seeing you, Malayna,” Star said to her. He glided his hand from wrist to upper arm but didn’t step in to hug her. It was like he wanted her to make the first move and she refused to. Tonight was about showing them how mature and womanly she was, and more than capable of handling them and the attraction she felt.

  “Happy birthday. You look beautiful,” he said and he leaned closer and kissed her cheek. She took the opportunity to reach up and place her palm against his cheek, which made him stiffen and pull back. It surprised her. He was suddenly cold, but then Border took his place.

  “Happy birthday, Malayna,” he said, straight-faced and serious, looking directly down into her eyes as he stepped closer and kissed her cheek. She wanted to hold on to him, to them as they surrounded her but she fought that need. She had to show them that it wasn’t a crush she had on them. That she didn’t fantasize about them because they rescued her. No, it was more than that. She didn’t have to be experienced with men to understand the feelings running rampant through her body, nor the way they looked at her with hunger in their eyes.


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