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Charmed & Ready

Page 14

by Candace Havens

  Window to window

  With this flame I protect all within

  Evil shall not pass these borders.

  As I will, so mote it be.

  The energy spun away from me. It was something you could more feel than see.

  "Wow, I'm back to thinking magic is cool." Zane's eyes were huge.

  I smiled and patted him on the back.

  "Let's go make you a pretty new doodad for your neck."

  Thursday, 2 am.

  I want to call Sam so bad right now. I woke up in the middle of a dream about him. It wasn't one of those where we shared the excitement.

  The dream was about his hands. How he plays my body with perfection every time he touches me. Could feel his hand sliding up my thigh, teasing between my legs and then plunging inside me. Then his lips on me.

  God, I woke up in a sweat, needy and body aching.

  I need Sam. Dammit. I need him.

  This sucks.

  I'm going to call him in the morning. I don't care how mad he is at me. I will work this out.

  Thursday, 10 A. M.

  Malibu, California

  Soon to be sassily beautiful witches: 1

  Simone just called. Evidently she'd been on patrol last night. She sounded exhausted. I asked her if she'd been after something specific.

  "No, not really. Had an idea about something, but it didn't go the way I expected." She yawned.

  Of course I yawned right after she did. They are contagious, especially when you've had only three hours of sleep.

  "I called to let you know that we have appointments with Sir David at two. We're doing the works this afternoon. I'll pick you up around one. The traffic can be shit coming in from Malibu."

  "That sounds like fun, Simone, but I can't leave Zane behind."

  "I'm not asking you to. He's the reason David's forgiven me so quickly for missing our last appointment. He can't wait to get his hands on Zane's hair."

  "Zane has highlights?"

  "Bronwyn, sometimes you are so naive. Do you think blond hair looks like that naturally? This should be a hoot. I can't wait to see what he does for you. Don't forget to be ready at one."

  She hung up. I decided to get a couple of hours of sleep. I thought about maybe doing it out by the pool, but it would take too much effort to move.

  I'll just snuggle down here, and dream about the beautiful new 'do Sir David will bestow upon me.

  * * *

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Thursday, 3 P. M.

  Beverly Hills

  Witches hanging with the famous people: 1

  I'm so fucking gorgeous. I can't believe it. Simone was right about Sir David, he is the master with hair. We're still here. I have my glass of champagne, my journal and I'm sitting in this massive massage chair while Sasha finishes my pedicure.

  The whole place is very modern. White couches, chocolate walls and candles everywhere.

  David's doing Simone's auburn highlights now. Of course they aren't called auburn, they're like hot mocha red fudge or something.

  Me, I'm chai tea mixed with mango and my hair actually glows.

  Zane's in the middle of a facial with Lilly. She's already sucked all the nastiness from my skin. It glows too. I feel like a new woman.

  David coerced my waves into spiral curls that fall all over my head. I love it. Have no idea how he did it, or if I could ever replicate it, but I'm loving it right now.

  David shut down the salon for Zane. The power of celebrity in Los Angeles. I swear. But it's okay because I happened to realize today that I don't mind the star treatment at all. We're his only clients for this afternoon.

  Cool. It's time for my makeup application with Tara. I can't wait.

  Thursday, 6 P.M.

  Well, up until five minutes ago we were three incredibly beautiful people with nowhere to go. It isn't safe to do much in public, but Zane has a friend at a club who wants us to come to the back room.

  "We can eat, dance, whatever we want," Zane said. "And watch everyone below. No one will even know we're there."

  I wasn't sure. I didn't the like the idea of us being anywhere innocents could be caught in the crossfire.

  "Come on, Bron, a little dancing will do us good." Simone laughed. Her mood had lightened since we left Sir David's. Possibly because he'd given her a sleek head of hair that was so shiny I swear I could see myself in it.

  They both stared at me across the seat of the limo. "Fine," I sighed. "But the first hint of trouble and we are out of there."

  We've come all the way back to the Malibu house to change. Zane's need for a change of venue hasn't been the most economical in the way of time. We also have to stop at the Staples Center to see how the stage is going for his concert. There were problems with some lift at the rehearsals in London, so they want to make sure all is well.

  It's funny. I sometimes forget he's one of the most famous faces in the world. As campy and silly as he can be at times, he's "just another bloke." His words, not mine.

  Now, what to wear?

  2 A. M.

  The club was called Mac's. Doesn't sound like much, and didn't look like much from the outside. Of course we were coming in from the back.

  Inside it was a different story. We walked up the back stairs to the second floor, it's on the side of the normal VIP room where most of the A-list celebrities hang out. This room was for even more special guests. Thank you, Zane.

  The windows were mirrored on the other side, so no one could see us. Security stayed outside the door, and Zane, Simone and myself had a dining area and dance floor to ourselves. There was also a bank of televisions on one wall so we could see all the dancers up close.

  "Oh yes, look at this one." Zane used the remote to focus in on a young woman in a yellow T-shirt and short black leather mini. She didn't wear a bra and was at least a D cup. Her breasts were bobbing to the music in a hypnotic rhythm.

  "This is so wrong." I moved to the large window across the main wall. "We can watch them from here, without spying on them so close."

  "Oh geez, Bron, get a grip." Simone grabbed the remote. "Now there, my friends, that's something worthy of a close-up."

  She pushed the button so that the camera zoned in on a pair of jeans. I couldn't see the guy's face, but he was obviously excited by the girl next to him. His dick was hard against the fabric of his too-tight jeans and it had to be at least nine inches long.

  I crossed my legs. Blowing out a breath, I grabbed Zane's hand. "Let's dance."

  He laughed. "Oh baby." He gyrated his hips up and down.

  "No." I pushed him about two feet away from me. "I'll dance here and you dance there."

  Simone had been nibbling on the last of the sushi they'd brought up. I don't mind the tuna, shrimp and avocado rolls, but the rest—well, it made me hungry for Lulu's fried chicken. I bet if Zane ever tried Lulu's he'd get off this healthy eating kick. Of course, it would ruin him for life.

  Thinking of Lulu's made me think of home. And Sam. I wondered what he was doing right now. I had dialed his number this morning, but I never pushed Send. I did take my picture with my glorious new hair and saved it on my phone. I may send it later.

  Zane was doing his best to distract me and it almost worked. He and Simone had moved into a clinch and were doing some warped version of the tango. She had a daisy in her teeth, and he twirled her out and then tight against his body.

  Their dancing did make me forget about Sam for a moment, but that's also when I felt a twinge of something. Simone must have noticed too. I saw her stiffen and look at the wall of televisions.

  We both tried to see what we felt, but none of the faces gave me anything. I sent my mind out, and let me tell you, half-naked people in a club think some raunchy crap. I saw three-ways, four-ways and some bondage ideas. Wow, that one was interesting.

  But as hard as I tried, I couldn't find whoever it was in the mass of humanity.

  "Zane, we need to go. Whoever is down there probably doesn't m
ean us harm, but we can't chance getting caught here with so many innocent bystanders." I'd read their minds, and they weren't so innocent. But I didn't think any of them had plans to die tonight.

  "What's wrong?" Zane went on alert.

  "Someone's here and I can't get into their head, so it's best if we go."

  Simone grabbed Zane's leather jacket from the chair and pushed him to the door. "I'm going downstairs to see if I can locate him. If he's a demon or warlock, I should be able to sense him—or her, if it's a witch."

  I took one last look out the window. A dark-haired man with beautiful brown eyes looked at me from the corner by the large center bar. He smiled.

  But I knew he couldn't see me. Then he disappeared.

  "That's it, we're outta here." I shoved Zane to the door.

  "I saw him, Simone, but he's vanished. If he can do that… Let's just go."

  We took the back stairs and I loaded Zane in the limo. More than anything I wanted to stay and investigate, but I couldn't take the chance that this might be a trap. Many times bad warlocks have tried to lure me away from my charges. I also didn't want to chance Simone getting hurt, though I'd never tell her that.

  "Simone, if they attack us in transit I'm going to need you with us."

  She hesitated a moment outside the car and then jumped in.

  Zane laughed, but I could see his hands shaking. "You girls certainly know how to add some excitement to a night."

  I smiled at Simone. "Yep, we're just two hot chicks who know how to party."

  Simone pulled out a bottle of champagne from the limo fridge and popped the cork. "That's right." She did all of this while keeping an eye on the road searching for anyone who might follow.

  I wanted to hug her, but figured I'd get a punch in the gut for trying.

  We made it home without incident, but the whole thing at the club made me very uneasy.

  That guy wanted me to notice him. His smile had been an invitation.

  To what? That's the question.

  3 A. M.

  Zane woke me banging on the door.

  "My amulet's glowing," he screamed. It was more of a panicked scream than anything else. I checked the wards on the house with my mind, but found nothing.

  Then it dawned on me. "Zoë," we both said it at the same time.

  I closed my eyes and centered on the child. She sat in the middle of her bed holding Turtles the elephant tight. "I can't remember your name, I can't remember your name." She kept saying it over and over, her eyes shut with fear.

  "It's okay, Zoë, it's Bronwyn, I'm here. Open your eyes. Uncle Zane is here too."

  Zane was staring into my eyes so that she could see us both.

  "Zoë, look around the room. Is everything okay?" I kept my voice calm.

  "It wasn't real. It felt like she was there but she wasn't. She tried to get my dream." Zoë looked at Zane. "I don't know who she is, Uncle, she says she's my friend. But she doesn't feel like it."

  She saw the woman again, and she shouldn't have, because I had that child protected. The only people she could dream about were her family and friends.

  "Zoë, honey. I know you were so scared, and I'm proud of you for being brave. But I need you to be quiet for just a second. Look at Uncle Zane."

  She did what I asked. Her big moon eyes pleaded with his. I could feel his pulse through my hand. He was frightened for her.

  I gently went through her mind, rewinding her dream slightly so I could see. The vision wasn't clear. The woman's silhouette was visible through a window. But I couldn't see her face.

  Damn. I brought myself out and stared at Zane. I shook my head, so he'd know that I didn't find what I looked for.

  "Zoë, who is this woman you told Bron about, have you ever seen her outside of your dreams?"

  The little girl shrugged. "I don't think so. She doesn't want to be mean, but she can't help it, Uncle. She wants to be a good person."

  "Luv, how do you know?" He squeezed my hand so hard it hurt. I don't think he realized it, but I didn't want to break contact with him.

  "She told me a long time ago. A friend, she said she's always been my friend."

  I didn't know what to tell him. The woman could be real, or she could be a character from a dream.

  Saying a soothing spell, I calmed Zoë down. It was morning there and time for her to get up, but I didn't want her starting her day afraid.

  Her breathing slowed and she smiled.

  "The necklace worked. I couldn't think of your name but I grabbed it and yelled for Uncle Zane in my dreams."

  "How very smart of you, Poppet." He smiled back at her. "I'm so proud of you."

  Her eyes lit up. "Thank you, Bronwitch."

  I smiled. I'd been called lots worse. One of the boys in high school used to call me Bronbitch. I grew to like it, especially when my powers came in. At our senior party his pants just happened to slip around his ankles and everyone saw him for the pencil dick he was.

  "You're welcome, Zoë."

  Zane said a few more words, and then I checked on the guards. They were alert and standing just outside her door.

  It's five A. M. in Sweet. I'm sending Sam the picture I took of me and my beautiful new hair, in an e-mail. Maybe my curly tresses and glowing skin will incite him into forgiving me.

  I know it's a reach, but sometimes a girl's gotta pull out all the stops.

  * * *

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Friday, 2 P. M.

  Malibu, California

  Backup-singing witches: 1 (Just kidding)

  The concert rehearsals go into full gear today. We're headed out to an airplane hangar where Zane says they've set up a stage.

  "We'll go through the show just to make sure we don't have any rough spots." Zane was downstairs early this morning. Well, ten, that's early for him. He's also changed his diet. Lean protein and fruits and vegetables.

  "Hanging out with you hasn't done a thing for my figure." He pointed to his incredibly slim waist. There wasn't a speck of fat on his body. I'd seen him by the pool. He was slim but had a stomach most men would kill for, and his upper arm strength was evident.

  I'd never tell him any of that. His ego had enough inflation. But if he thought eating healthy helped his performance, who am I to argue?

  "That's fine, as long as you don't make me eat all that healthy crap." I pointed to the bowl of fruit, which actually looked really good. There was kiwi in there. Man, I love kiwi. Didn't dare eat it in front of Mr. Healthy, though.

  "I'm going for a swim in the pool. Want to join me?" He walked toward the kitchen.

  "Exercise and dieting. Forget it. I'm going to scrounge up some pancakes and take a nap."

  That made him laugh.

  Actually, I grabbed some kiwi, and came back upstairs to get charms ready. I also had to figure out a way to protect Zane, the band and the twenty thousand people at the Staples Center a week from now. I'm powerful, but that stretches even my limits.

  I e-mailed Garnout and asked if he had any ideas. And checked my phone about a dozen times to see if Sam called. If he could resist my picture I sent him last night, well, I refuse to think about it. Maybe he hasn't checked his e-mail yet.

  8 P. M.

  I'm exhausted. This rock star crap is tiring. But fun. As soon as we got out to the hangar, I put wards up to keep any unwanted visitors away.

  Zane was all business. I honestly thought he'd be a bit of a prima donna, but he isn't. The way he treats his band, backup singers and crew with such kindness says a lot about him.

  One of his singers wasn't feeling well. I sent her a healing spell, but Zane insisted she rest.

  That's when the fun began.

  "Bronwyn, can you help us out?" He motioned me up on the stage.

  If he hadn't said my name, I would have pretended not to notice him. I climbed up the stairs in the back.

  I walked up to him. "You rang, master?"

  "Cute. Here, stand in between Chris and Jenny so we can get t
his blocked. Follow along with them. They'll show you what to do."

  I held up a hand. "Wait a minute, I'm not a singer."

  "Then don't sing, but stand there and move around with them so we can make sure the staging and lighting works."

  "Fine." I put my hands on my hips.

  Chris and Jenny were quite lovely. They showed me everything, and I'll never tell Zane, but I had the time of my life. I even hummed along to some of the tunes I knew. By the third song, I caught on to some of the hand motions and dance steps. They repeat a lot, but mix it up for each song.

  Can't wait to get home and show Kira and Margie. Maybe we'll have a private karaoke night and I can teach them all I learned.

  I'm worn out, though. Still not exactly going full strength yet. I wanted to practice today and use my new power, but this being California, didn't think they'd appreciate me shaking the ground on a whim.

  Haven't heard from Garnout. Or Sam.

  I don't understand how he can love me so much and think the worst. As bad as it may have sounded, he had to know that I would never do anything to hurt him. Well, obviously he doesn't know that or he'd answer my calls and e-mails. Relationships suck.

  11 P. M.

  Had a voice mail from Garnout. He's sending some spells that will help with concert security next week. I also had an e-mail from Sam.

  "Bronwyn, I can't do this right now. I'm sorry. I need some time to sort things out. Everything is such a mess.—Sam"

  The thing is, I'm not really sure what exactly he's needing time for, and I know that sounds insane. Does he mean what happened with Zane? Is he still trying to get over that meeting with his ex?

  Oh, the phone is ringing. Maybe it's him.

  4 A. M.

  I just thought I was tired before. Simone called from the road.

  "I'm picking you up in ten minutes, be ready."

  She pulled up on her motorcycle, and I ran out to the circular drive. I'd thrown on a pair of jeans and a blue T-shirt that says La Merde se Produit, which is Shit Happens in French.


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