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Mafia's Rose (Mafia kings Book 1)

Page 9

by Lacee Starliper

  "Why are we going to the house and not the hospital."

  Ivan looked at Dimitri, who was passed out in my arms and said: "You tell her because I'm not."

  "Tell me what."

  Dimitri groaned and sat up like nothing happened. I looked at him and yelled, "What the hell is going on."

  He grabbed his shoulder as he turned to me and groaned. There was no blood at all as he removed his shirt to see a bulletproof vest. I crossed my arms and said, "You knew that this would happen."


  "And you didn't tell me why?"

  "I didn't want to stress you."

  I yelled, "Stress me out. How do you think I felt seeing my husband get fucking shot?"

  He growled, "Don't yell at me."

  We pulled up to the house, and the minute we stopped, I slapped him as hard as I could. I yelled, "You can sleep in another room. I don't want to see or talk to you."

  I stormed out of the vehicle as I yelled: "Don't ever touch me again."

  "Fuck off!"

  He deserved everything I just gave him. Once in our room, I took my wedding gown off and put on leggings with a tank top. I sat on the bed and just looked at the wall. I can't believe that asshole would do that. He knows I am pregnant, and stress isn't good for me.

  He does not think before he acts ever. He can stay in the spare room for forever. I don't even want to see him right now. There was a knock at the door as they said: "Can Dimitri come in?"

  I knew it was Ivan making me grab my wedding dress and take the wedding ring off. I opened the door and shoved it at him as I said: "No, I don't want to see or talk to him and give him these."

  Slammed the door shut and climbed on the bed. After about ten minutes of me sitting there in silence, the door opened and slammed shut. I looked and saw Dimitri, who walked over to me and took my hand in his. He put my ring on and said, "Don't ever take this off again, Luna. You are my wife."

  "Do you even know what that means, Dimitri. I had a right to know what was going on."

  "No, you didn't."

  "Yes, I did! You are my husband, and I have a right to know what you're doing! This shit has stressed me out more than knowing the plan, but you don't even care!"

  He pulled me off the bed and made me look at him. "You know I care. I love you, and I love our baby. The Mafia doesn't concern you."

  I pushed him away and yelled, "If it concerns you, then it concerns me, Dimitri."

  He growled as I got a sharp pain in my stomach. I grabbed my stomach and said, "Aww, that hurts."

  "You're not getting out of this, Luna."

  He said something else I'm sure of it, but everything went black. I know he caught me when I fell, but nothing else after that but blackness.

  Chapter 15

  I felt someone touch my stomach, making me groan and open my eyes. I saw an older man who was dressed like a doctor and Dimitri, who shot up from his chair the minute I opened my eyes. He touches my cheek with care and looks at me with love. I looked at the doctor who said: "Luna, I am doctor Henry and I will be your primary care for you and the baby."

  The baby, how is the baby! I touched my stomach as he laid his hand over mine and said, "The baby is fine. The pain was from your stress."

  That's his fault. Today has been so long. My wedding was ruined, and my body hurt. I want to go back into the bedroom and sleep making me say, "Can I go back to my room I just want to rest."

  He smiled and said, "Of course but rest for the next couple of days and stay away from stress."

  I pointed to Dimitri and said, "Tell him that."

  "O trust me, he did."

  Once he left, I sat up slowly and grabbed my stomach, which kind of hurt. Dimitri touched my stomach and said, "The doctor said you might hurt for a day or two from the stress."

  I am in no mood for him, so I moved his hand and threw my legs over the bed. I was still in my clothes, lucky so I can go back to my room without any help. I went to walk, but Dimitri picked me up first and carried me to our bedroom. Once inside, he sat me on my feet; he pulled the sheets for me.

  I crawled under the covers as he said: "Can we talk."

  "Fuck off."

  He took a deep breath and said: "Your hormones will test me."

  He is pissing me off! I threw a pillow at him and said, "You are an ass! I have every right to be pissed at you right now! I thought you were dying!"

  I hate hormones myself because now I'm crying. Dimitri tried to hold me, but I pushed him away and curled up in a ball to cry. Dimitri wrapped his arms around me and said: "Calm down, прекрасный." (beautiful)

  "Go away. "

  He kissed my shoulder and said, "Please breath, прекрасный." (Beautiful)

  After a second of him kissing my shoulder and massaging my stomach, I finally stopped crying. I relax my body into Dimitri as I said: "That's it прекрасный just relax." (beautiful)

  I closed my eyes as Dimitri moved the hair from my neck and kissed my neck. "Stop."

  He sighed as he nuzzled his face into my neck. He wrapped his arms tighter around me and mumbled, "I sorry, Luna. I didn't mean to hurt or upset you in anyway прекрасный." (Beautiful)

  I know he didn't, but he still did. I turned in his arms and said: "I have a right to know what affects me and the baby, Dimitri."

  He touched my cheek and said, "I know, and it won't happen again."

  I know it won't, but he doesn't know. "You think you know, but you don't. As far as your mafia goes, it's yours, and that's fine, but if it affects me, then I have a right to know what's going on hell even it affects you. I have a right to know."

  He kissed me and said, "I understand that now, Luna, and it won't happen again."

  "It better not, or you won't stay in this room."

  He laughed and kissed my forehead. "You would miss me too much прекрасный." (beautiful)


  He rolled his eyes and said, "You need to eat Luna, so what does my прекрасный розовый want." (Beautiful rose)

  I don't want anything. My stomach hurts, making me groan, "Nothing my stomach hurts."

  He pushed me on my back and touched my stomach with love. "I know beautiful, but you must eat for you and the baby."

  He is right. I sighed, "Fine, but I want a bath after."

  "I think I can manage that, so what do you want?"

  I need something light because my stomach hurts, making me say, "Salad, my stomach hurts."

  "OK, I will be back."

  Once he left, I sat up and slowly got off the bed as I grabbed my stomach. My stomach hurts, but I'm also tired of being in bed. I slowly walked over to the couch and found the remote for the TV to turn it on. After a bit, the door opened to reveal Dimitri, who gave me a killer look.

  I smiled and said, "I'm sorry."

  He brought the food over for both of us and the drinks. I sat on the floor as he changed the TV to a horror movie. We both watched it as we ate, but by the time I was done, my stomach hurt. I grabbed my stomach and said, "Will you start the tub."

  He kissed my forehead and said, "Of course, прекрасный." (Beautiful)

  He left as a maid came in and grabbed our plates. I slowly stood up as Dimitri came back inside the bedroom and said: "You ready."

  I slowly stood up and started to walk over to him, but he beat me to it. He picked me up and carried me into the bathroom where the tub was filling. He sat me down and left to get our clothes making me take mine off to climb into the tub.

  I relaxed against the tub as Dimitri came in with clothes. He started to leave, but I grabbed his ankle and said: "Get in."

  He looked at me with lust, but he is in deep shit. "Don't look at me like that Dimitri you are not getting anything for a good bit."

  He laughed and took off his clothes to crawl in the tub. He relaxes against me as I relax into the bathtub. I saw his shoulder where got shot was bruise halfway to hell. I ran my hand over it, making Dimitri flinch a
way. I pulled my hand back and said, "Sorry."

  He moved us, so I was in front of him and said, "It's fine, Luna. I have had worse."

  I snuggled deeper into his chest and closed my eyes. He is running his hand up and down my stomach as he said: "I just love cold showers."

  I laughed and said, "You have only yourself to blame."

  He kissed my hair, and we both finished our bath. Dimitri did almost everything, but I wasn't going to complain I'm tired and achy. Once I was dried off and changed, he took a cold shower, and I went back into bed to crawl under the covers. I heard Dimitri coming in, making me look at him to see he was in nothing but night pants. "Like what you see."

  "Shut up and get to bed."

  He laughed and walked over to the bed to crawl under the covers with me. I crawled on his chest and closed my eyes to go into a deep and relaxing sleep. This is going to be a long pregnancy.

  Chapter 16

  Eight months later

  I t has been one hell of a pregnancy with my hormones going all other the place. Plus, side I have been driving Dimitri up a wall. The best was making him wait one month till we made love again although it was killer for me too, it was worth it. It is finally time, my due date is in a week, and Dimitri has yet to leave my damn side.

  He is driving me up a wall. He is making me sit in his office while he is working. I slowly stood up and walked over to his desk. He looked at me as I walked up to him and leaned on his desk. "Go sit back down прекрасный." (Beautiful)

  "No, I'm bored, Dimitri."

  "I have work to do."

  "OK, so why can't I leave?"

  He stood up and got in front of me to touch my very pregnant stomach. "You can't leave because your due date is soon, and your water might break sooner. You heard the doctor, Luna."

  I whined, making him smile and kissed. He pulled me to him and said: "Whining, my beautiful little rose won't help."

  I rolled my eyes and then got pain between my legs. I bent over as my water broke. Why couldn't he wait just a bit to prove his daddy wrong? Dimitri grabbed me and said, "What's wrong?"

  "My....water just broke."

  Dimitri picked me and carried me to the room they prepared for this since they hate hospital as he yells for them to get the doctor and nurse. He sat me on the bed as the nurse came in with a gown. "Leave so we can change her."

  He crossed his arms as a contraction hit me, making say, "Dimitri get out or help before I kill you!"

  "I have a feeling I'm going to be getting a lot of death threats today."

  They both started to help me as the nurse say, "Most definitely, Sir."


  It growled, "You’re not the one giving birth here, Dimitri. I think you can handle my venting!"

  He laid me on the bed as the doctor came in with a huge needle. O fuck no, that is not going in my back. "That's not going in me, doctor."

  "This is for the pain."

  "That will be painful! I will do a natural birth."

  "OK, Miss Marco, but don't say I didn't warn you."

  I growled at him, and I could see a little hint of fear as he set the needle down and check me out. I'm not dilated enough, so he left with Dimitri, who kept talking to me about dumb crap. I whimpered and put my head back as the doctor came back in and finally said it was time.

  The first push hurt like a mother fucker, and I cussed Dimitri halfway to hell. The labor went on for about an hour until the doctor finally said: "This is the last one, Luna, I promise."

  I was breathing heavy as Dimitri said, "Just one more push Luna."

  "Shut up! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

  He kissed and said, "No, you don't now the quicker this is over, the faster the pain will pass."

  I growled and said, "Fine."

  "Good on three, Luna. One. Two. Three. Push."

  I did, and it hurt like hell, but after a second, I heard a baby cry, and the pressure vanishes. I collapsed on the bed as Dimitri kissed me and said: "I love you."

  "Yeah, I love you two assholes."

  He laughed as the doctor said, "Dimitri."

  I watched as he cut the umbilical cord, and the doctor handed the baby to the nurse to clean him up. I felt him finish up with me, which felt very uncomfortable, but after he was done, he took the baby from the nurse and handed him to me. I pulled him to my chest and saw our beautiful baby boy.

  He looks just like his father. I pounced him in my arms and touched his cheek as Dimitri kissed my hair. "He has your eye прекрасный." (Beautiful)

  I looked at him and said, "That's about it."

  I looked back at him and said: "He looks just like his daddy."

  "That may be true, but I sure he will be a mama’s boy."

  "Of course, he will."

  The doctor came up and said, "What shall his name be."

  I looked at Dimitri, who kissed my forehead and said, "Viktor Drake Marco."

  He smiled and said, "I will have the birth certificate ready in a day for you two to sign."

  Once he left, the nurse took the baby, making me whine. She smiled and said, "You need to rest, Miss. Your baby is in good hands, and he will be next to you once you wake."

  I sighed because she is right. I'm sore and tired from the whole ordeal. "She is right, go to sleep, my love."

  I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but my body acted on its own accord and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up to pain between my legs and a baby crying, making me sit up slowly and see me back in our bedroom with Dimitri holding the baby. I smiled as I said, "Bring him over him, my love."

  He walked over to me as he said: "You should be asleep still."

  I took the baby and said, "It only hurts a bit, and I could hear the baby crying."

  He sat on the bed as I looked at the baby and said, "What's wrong, baby? Was daddy mean to my baby."


  I chuckled as he grabbed my chest. "O, someone is hungry."

  I slipped my breast out and moved him closer to my breast. The minute he was, he latched on to my breast and started to feed. It was a bit uncomfortable, but I'm sure I will get used to it. I looked at Dimitri, who said, "You are so прекрасный, my love, but when you are anywhere in this house, you better cover-up." (Beautiful)

  I laughed and said, "My caveman."

  He kissed me with dominance and said: "I love you."

  "I love you too, but I don't know if we will be having another child. That hurt."

  He wrapped his arms around me and said: "As I said, we would have as many as God will give us."

  "More like what you will give us."

  "You don't complain."

  "Never love."

  After I finished up with baby, Dimitri put him in the crib and walked over to me to lay down beside me. He pulled me to him, slowly careful not to hurt me and kiss my neck. He pulled the covers back and said: "Let's go to bed, love."

  "I agree. I love you."

  "And I love you, прекрасный." (Beautiful)

  I stayed awake for a bit and watch Dimitri, the man I once hated sleep so peacefully. I love him and are beautiful son. I'm sure we will be having many more I hope I have at least one girl. I finally closed my eyes and let my tired body fall into a deep sleep in the arms of the man I love.




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