Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN Page 18

by Sheri L. Swift

  Cole already smelled coffee brewing downstairs and knew it would be a long night waiting for Jedediah to come home with Lizzy. He headed quietly back down the stairs and went into the kitchen.

  Rose was just pouring him a cup of coffee and she smiled as she handed it to him.

  “I suppose he needs to decide what he wants to do with his life and if swimming is the most important thing,” Cole said as he sipped his coffee taking it to the living room where he sat down in his recliner.

  “I agree; I really just don’t know if Jed’s thought any further than swimming? He never seems to want to talk about it and I’ve been so proud of him,” she was struggling with what to say.

  “I know honey, it can’t be easy for you being his swim Coach and seeing him win all the time and then having to ask him to lose.” Cole gave a half grin.

  “Yes, I suppose so,” she let out a sigh and then went and sat on Cole’s lap and laid her head on his shoulder.

  He put down his coffee and wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head and said, “It’s all good, we just have to trust him to make the right decisions.”


  Since Prince Makoa was living in the city of Torbist once more, Lana decided to move into the cavern so that when her time came her mother Rose and Lizzy would be able to assist her. Seturus would also help, since Lana’s mother-in-law and all of the rest of the mermaids were now in Tullius and not able to be there on this important day.

  The pool had been cleansed and fresh Sea water put within so the Queen would be able to deliver her baby there.

  King Titus could barely stand to see and feel his mate in pain, so as before, he waited outside the cavern leaving them alone.

  Lana had forgotten how much pain it was to bring a child into the world. She felt like the pain was much harder with this one and her contractions were only getting quicker and longer. She clinched her teeth as she felt the pain that caused her to bear down and push.

  “You’re doing really well Lana; I can see the baby’s head, just keep breathing and push when you need to.”

  “I can’t stop! I have to push!” Lana yelled.

  “You are doing well my Queen,” said Seturus as she kept scooping cool water in her hands and pouring it on Lana’s back and over her shoulders.

  Lana gave one last push and out popped her baby boy mer. He was beautiful, just like Tarrock had been; he had a blonde tuft of hair and little silver eyes. He had the ears and sparkling blue-green tail of his father.

  Lana was so thankful that the baby was a boy. Titus had a name all picked out for him and he and Lana knew it would bring some healing for their people.

  Seturus swam and got King Titus.

  When he surfaced and saw that it was a baby boy mer, he had tears fill his eyes. He went and held his son and kissed him on top of his head and then Lana.

  “He is a wonder isn’t he?” She smiled.

  “Yes he is, may I call the others to see him?”

  “Yes my King, it is good for our people to meet him.”

  Seturus went and told the others in the city that the King had requested them to come inside to the cavern.

  When all the mer surfaced, they could not help but to smile at the baby boy mer and were thankful the baby and mother were doing well.

  Titus held his son out to them and said, “Behold my son Prince Titan! May the Seas never be empty of a Titan again!”

  All of the mer cheered and Prince Makoa went to the King to get a closer look.

  “Would you like to hold your brother?” Titus asked knowing what a beautiful moment it was.

  “It would be my pleasure my King,” said Prince Makoa with a bow of his head and tears filled his eyes also.

  When Princess Rose and Prince Tarrock and all of the mer of Tullius was told of his birth, they too celebrated and had a healing balm for their grief and now they looked forward to reuniting with their King and Queen and the new little Prince Titan.


  Chapter 20


  All of Safe Harbor Island was talking about Jedediah Prentis and how there had never been anyone from the island that won State. Jedediah’s times broke all of North Carolina’s previous records and they believed they finally might have a chance to make a name for Safe Harbor.

  It was all well and good for the island, but Cole Prentis didn’t quite see it that way. Once again Jedediah was being put up on a pedestal. Cole never allowed his children to have their blood drawn. He wasn’t sure if they had normal DNA. He just knew they were just like him; they were mixed with the bloodline of the mer and it gave them their exceptional swimming abilities. In one way, he didn’t want to have more attention put on Jedediah, but he also knew he had to let him make choices for himself and prayed he’d realize what those choices meant. He didn’t know where it would lead if Jedediah wanted to claim a swimmers life for himself, but he knew he had to let go; now more than ever and it nearly broke his heart.

  When Jedediah headed down the stairs, it wasn’t quite 5:00am. He entered the kitchen and saw his dad sitting at the kitchen table rather somber. “Morning dad.”

  “Morning Jed, I was hoping to have a few minutes to talk with you on this big day.”

  “Sure,” Jedediah said as he got a cup of coffee and was surprised to find it already made so early.

  “I told your mom, but I wanted to tell you; I think I’m needed more at home this time. With Lana having the new baby and so little to guard them…”

  “Yeah, I can see that, don’t worry about it Dad.”

  “Jed, I just want you to know how proud your mom and I are of you. We want you to have a good future and I think you know we’re a little more than concerned about you if you continue. There will be a lot of scouts out today and you may even get a swimming scholarship…”

  “Dad its okay, I’m not gonna let you down,” Jedediah said with a smile.

  “Okay Jed, I guess that’s all I wanted to say, I love you Son.” Cole grinned and stood up and went over to Jedediah, shaking his hand and then pulling him in for a hug.

  “I love you too Dad.” Jedediah grinned.


  Rose had driven Jedediah, Lizzy, and Robbie to the Triangle Aquatic Center in Cary. The pool opened at 7:00am and she was glad it wasn’t far for her and also glad there were parking spaces left. Willy was coming later with Robbie’s parents when it was closer to the time for the meet.

  Robbie and Jedediah warmed up together in the pool while they could before the prelims began.

  Robbie was entered in a few of the men’s competitions and was sorry Lizzy hadn’t chosen to enter the women’s; especially now he knew she could’ve likely won them all. He spotted her in the stands and gave a wave.

  Lizzy smiled and waved back.

  Jedediah didn’t have a lot of nerves going on like he did most meets, he guessed it was because he knew this would most likely be his last one and he wanted to enjoy it as much as he could.


  When the buzzer sounded Jedediah flung his body forward in a fluid motion and embraced the water. He stretched out his limbs with every stroke, grasping the water and he kept a steady pace set by the swimmer next to him; he didn’t want to give too much on this first prelim.

  Robbie was a close third and like many times before, he saw Jedediah grin and knew he was going to kick it up a notch. Robbie met stroke for stroke and they together passed the other.

  Jedediah was glad to see Robbie do so well, he hoped he’d be able to win all the prelims and have a chance at Nationals. Jedediah knew if he could keep encouraging him to keep the pace he set, then maybe he had a chance, but this was a much bigger fish bowl they were swimming in and the competition would be fierce.

  Robbie’s arms and legs burned, but he kept the same pace as Jedediah and was thankful Jed hadn’t kicked it up any further.

  When the two of them leaned forward as far as they could; they touched the wall ahead of anyone else and
for the first time, Robbie touched first. Although he knew Jed could beat him any day of the week, a win felt pretty good and especially in front of Lizzy and the crowd that now filled the stadium.


  As each prelim ended, Robbie and Jedediah were among the top finishers. It was a long and grueling day, but somehow Robbie was encouraged by his wins; knowing no other human had bested him so far. Jedediah even let him win one of the finals.

  On the last race of the finals, both Robbie and Jedediah were entered in the 500 meter freestyle. They went at it the same as always, stretching every inch of their tall frames. This competition had been bigger than any they ever faced; these guys were younger and so powerful.

  Jedediah sensed Robbie slowing down as another passed him. So he slowed down and met Robbie stroke for stroke and encouraged him all the way. It wasn’t long and the younger guys faded as they had pushed themselves too fast early on.

  Now Jedediah picked up the pace slowly and Robbie felt a second wind and pushed it stroke for stroke with Jedediah.

  Robbie’s legs and arms burned like never before, but he knew it was nearly over if he could just hang on.

  Jedediah made sure Robbie touched the wall just ahead of the others. For the first time in his life, Jedediah came in fourth.

  Robbie was elated; he couldn’t believe he’d beat Jed for the second final and that he’d just won! He yelled out loud, “Woo hoo! This is sick!” He threw off his caps and goggles and reached over the rope and hugged Jedediah and looked up at his time in disbelief.

  “You deserve it man,” Jedediah said in his ear and then they both shook hands with the other opponents.

  They got out of the pool and Robbie said to Jedediah through ragged breath, “If it wasn’t for you, I could’ve never done it.”

  “You could do it Robbie; you always had it in you.” Jedediah gave him a fist bump.


  Cole was full of nerves for Jedediah, but he tried not thinking about it and spent a lot of the day visiting Lana and his new grandson Titan in the cavern.

  “He looks so much like Tarrock and he has the same powerful tail,” Cole said as Prince Titan flipped his tail back and forth to wiggle free of Cole’s grasp.

  “Yeah Dad, he does seem to be just as powerful,” Lana laughed as she saw her father looking a little nervous, “Here Dad, let me take him.”

  “Okay, here you go,” Cole handed him over.

  “How do you think Jedediah’s doing?”

  “I’m not sure, he seemed to be telling me he wasn’t gonna win, but I know how competitive he can get.”

  “I’m sure he knows how to slow down, he knows how important it is to all of us.”

  “Yeah I sure hope so.”

  “I think you can trust him, I know he wouldn’t want to upset you or mom.”

  “We’ve prayed he’d have the strength to do it when its time.”

  “Well there you go, let go and let God, just as mom always says.”

  “She sure does and your right I know.”

  Seturus came in to check on Lana and the baby, she could not keep from holding little Titan.

  “He sure does like you,” Cole said to her with a grin.

  “Only because I was with him when he entered the world,” said Seturus as she hummed the Seahorse Lullaby to him that Lana taught her.

  “Well, tell Titus to let me know if you need me for anything, I’m gonna try and see if I can hear something of the competition on the radio.”

  “Okay Dad, I love you.”

  “Love you too Sweetheart,” Cole said and then dove below.


  Rose drove home with Jed, Lizzy and Willy. Everyone was beyond tired.

  Robbie rode home with his family and they were all so excited for him. He’d even been approached by a couple of colleges asking him who he planned to swim for.

  Jedediah just looked out the window and watched the water as they rode in their van on the ferry headed back to Safe Harbor. He loved seeing the endless ribbons of sand bars as they passed from Hatteras to their own island. He dreamed of what it might be like to live the life of a mer and wondered how his father had done it those four years he’d been married to a mermaid.

  They drove off the ferry and back to their home.

  Cole was waiting in the front yard. He knew the sound of the vehicle and ran out to meet them.

  Rose was all smiles, but didn’t say or think anything.

  It drove Cole crazy, “Well?”

  Lizzy just smiled and passed him up and went into the house with Rose.

  Jedediah grinned and said, “Robbie won State in two categories and is now going on to Nationals.”

  “Okay, so what about you?”

  “I guess it just wasn’t in the tank,” Jedediah chuckled.

  “You purposely threw the race?”

  “Well, let’s just say I did a lot of coaching and Robbie did the winning.”

  “I can’t believe it Son; I’m so proud of you!” Cole grabbed him by the neck.

  “Thanks Dad, I don’t think there’re too many dads that would be happy with their son throwing the race,” he chuckled again.

  “I know, but not many fathers have such a humble son either.” Cole beamed a bright smile.

  “Do you mind if I surf a little and tell Makoa?”

  “Nope and that little mermaid might like to hear about it too,” Cole chuckled and then he went into the house.

  Jedediah went in the shed and took one of his surfboards off of the wall and headed out.


  When Jedediah surfaced in the cavern, he saw Seturus holding the little Prince and humming the Seahorse Lullaby. It was the same song his mother used to sing to Willy when he was born. She learned it from Lana and said she also sung it to Lizzy and Jedediah. He had to smile at the sight.

  Seturus suddenly sensed someone in the water and she quickly turned, “You have frightened me, I did not know you were there.”

  “Where’s Lana and Titus?”

  “The King and Queen have gone to check on Prince Makoa and to have a time for themselves.”

  “So they trusted you to look after little Titan?”

  “Yes.” She smiled down to him.

  Just then Prince Titan let out a squeaky sound as he stretched and both Seturus and Jedediah laughed at him.

  “He’s such a cute little thing,” Jedediah swam closer to the ledge of the cavern floor.

  Seturus sat on the ledge and held Prince Titan on her lap and leaned him down so Jedediah could get a closer look.

  A strand of her long blonde and white hair hung near his face. Jedediah couldn’t believe he was so near to her and he smelled the fresh sweet scent of her hair and he wanted all time to stop just for a little while. “Yep, he sure is a cutie,” Jedediah lifted Titan’s tiny hand with his finger and the baby grasped it. Then Jedediah looked up to Seturus and smiled.

  Seturus was not as afraid as she had been before; now she only looked back down into his eyes and also smiled, then she sat back up, but continued to smile down at him.

  “I think I might be heading back to the South Pacific when the mer migrate in the fall.”

  “You will? Can you live beneath the water?” Seturus was surprised by it.

  “No, not exactly, but I can stay under for some time and I’d love to surf those waves again,” he said with a grin and a wink.

  Seturus and the baby both smiled.


  When Jedediah got back to the house, he saw his dad had made his famous spaghetti and meatballs as a welcome home. He felt kind of bad for not going right in and eating with the family.

  Cole came into the kitchen, “You gonna eat? You must be starved.”

  “Yeah, but give me a few minutes and I’ll be right back.” Jedediah ran up the stairs and got on his laptop. He checked his emails and wasn’t disappointed. He printed a copy.

  Rose began to fix him up a plate, so all he’d have to do was warm it in the microwave.<
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  Cole went ahead and made a salad for him the way he knew Jedediah liked it.

  Jedediah came back down with a wide grin and a paper in his hand, “Dad and Mom would you please sit at the table with me while I eat?”

  Cole and Rose looked to each other; surprised by his request and then sat down.


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