Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN Page 19

by Sheri L. Swift

  “First off, I didn’t want to say anything before I found out…”

  “Found out what Son?” asked Cole.

  “I’ve been accepted to the University of the South Pacific in Fiji and I also got a full scholarship; it won’t cost you a thing!” Jedediah smiled.

  “Jed, why didn’t you say something sooner?” asked Rose.

  “I wasn’t sure until about a month ago and even then, I wasn’t sure if I’d get accepted.”

  “When do you leave?” Cole asked.

  “I start in the fall; I figured I’d just hitch a ride with uncle Micah in the Yacht.”

  Rose had tears in her eyes.

  “Are you okay with it Mom?” Jedediah sensed her sadness.

  “Yes Son, its just you’ve grown up so fast,” she sniffled.

  “What’s your major?” Cole was reeling inside, but a little more in control than Rose.

  “I plan on becoming a Marine Biologist; if I’m gonna help the mer, I’d better start learning a thing or two.”

  “Well, this calls for a celebration; our son the college student!” Cole went into the pantry and pulled out two bottles of sparkling apple cider they always kept on hand for special occasions.

  Rose couldn’t keep from crying, “I’m really happy Jed, even if it doesn’t seem like it.” She went and hugged him.

  Cole poured the cider in Rose’s special crystal glasses they got for their wedding years ago. He held one up and said, “To Jedediah Prentis the Marine Biologist and Guardian of the mer!”

  They three touched glasses as Lizzy and Willy came down the stairs and joined in on the celebration.


  Chapter 21


  Prince Makoa was eagerly awaiting the return of the mer family which had been separated and was glad that in a few short days they would all be one again.

  King Titus had heard through Cole that the mer left Tullius with special instructions for guarding the pod on their journey back to Torbist.

  Now Makoa held the gift he planned to give Princess Rose when he asked her to join in Union. It was a large oval sapphire set within a ring of tiny white pearls and laid in gold. It had a long serpentine gold chain. He also found a small jewelry box made of gold, like that of her mother’s; he planned to place the necklace inside and present it to Rose when she returned. I know this is a small token of my love, but I hope it will remind you of me and the love I have carried for you for so long Rose, he thought as he ran his fingers across the cold smooth stone.

  He had to smile as he remembered her as an infant with her wispy blonde hair and sparkling little eyes. He thought of how quickly she grew into a stubborn child, not wanting her mother to comb her hair and how much it helped when Cole gave her the hand mirror Makoa had carved for her. He remembered how she changed into a shy creature he could barely speak to without her quickly swimming away. Now he knew her as the beautiful mermaid he thought he had lost forever and was so glad she kissed him and made a declaration of her love; had he dreamed it all? He prayed she still felt the same and would not be afraid of him like she was before.

  He placed the necklace inside the box and placed it on the floor of his home and then swam to the cavern where King Titan and Queen Lana were preparing it for the Fijian families.


  Lana made sure there was plenty of firewood laid inside the cavern so that Micah and Andrew and their children would have it for warmth.

  Cole had come earlier that morning with the wood and a few extra jugs of water; even though the cavern had a rain barrel which held water filtered in through a pipe Cole and his father had built long ago. He knew what it was like to have a family and the amount of water one family could drink, let alone two.

  Rose sent along a large basket of various fruits to welcome them home which Cole also brought inside a garbage bag as he had to swim it into the cavern.

  Seturus was amazed at the care given for the humans that lived the life of a mer with their mermaid wives. She had never seen such a thing even among her own people. She knew now the mer of Torbist was truly a pod of love for all and it warmed her heart to be among them.

  Midori also could not believe the way each mer cared for the other, he hoped it would not change when the larger pod rejoined with their King and Queen. He hoped there might be a future for him and perhaps a permanent placement among the guardsmen.

  Prince Ulysses brought in a bundle of seaweed and placed a cage of lobsters within the cavern pool so the Fijians would have food when they returned.

  Jedediah laid the wood in the stone fire ring and prepared it so all they had to do was light it with the box of matches he brought. He also filled the oil lamp the Fijians used when playing card games as well as brought extra candles for the candle holder they had. It still amazed Jedediah how his father had drilled several holes leading to the top of Gull Island and how no one ever suspected anything when they saw the smoke rise. It was always misty or foggy around Gull Island and when the smoke drifted from the large stone mountain it appeared to be normal.

  King Titus was concerned for his people as they headed toward the Bermuda Rise, but was thankful they had strength in numbers and Titus had called them to return a full month early for that very reason. He knew the waters would be cold for them, but if they continued to swim and not linger, he knew they could adapt to the waters temperature.


  Princess Rose was so thankful to be returning home to her mother and father and was so happy for them to have another baby. She could not wait to meet her little brother and was so glad they had chosen the mighty King Titan’s name for him.

  With every stroke of her tail, she knew she was nearing Torbist. Her heart raced with joyful anticipation. Arius had heard her prayer and healed Prince Makoa. She prayed he would still love her. Her mind played tricks on her every since she heard they had not only rescued her mother but also brought another mermaid back with them as well as a merman of Tiselius. Was this mermaid pretty? Did she help give aid to Prince Makoa while he was ill? In all the days since she last saw him, would Makoa still love her? Now only time would tell, but even if he loved another she was still thankful that Arius had saved his life.

  Prince Tarrock had grown in so many ways since their mother was kidnapped and their father and guardsmen he admired had gone. He was thankful he had the companionship of his dolphins Servo and Salvus; they made him smile. He also could not wait to see his new baby brother. His heart broke when his mother was kidnapped and to know he could do nothing to help her. All he could do was remember all they had taught him and try and live in such a way so they might be pleased with him.

  Prince Tarrock drilled regularly with the guardsmen and had grown considerably in size since his parents left. His grandfather Prince Terrance encouraged him in all the ways of the guard so that it might keep him busy, but Tarrock trained hard so that he might be a better protector of his people; especially in the absence of his father.

  Now Tarrock watched the waters as they swam home and carried one of the spears his uncle Tarrock had carved so long ago. Servo and Salvus swam beside him and he could tell that even they had changed and were more watchful as they traveled home. They would never take their travels for granted again; they would always be on guard.


  Prince Tristan swam quickly into the city of Torbist and into the Hall where the King and Queen’s home was behind the thrones. He met Prince Makoa and Prince Ulysses who were posted near the entrance. “They will be here soon.” He smiled.

  King Titus came out of his home with Queen Lana who held Prince Titan.

  “You saw them?” Titus asked.

  “Yes my King, I met with the guardsmen who were sent ahead and they told me Prince Terrance said to tell you that your people will be here shortly and they are eager to greet the King and Queen of Torbist and the new Prince Titan.”

  “Come my Queen, it is high time we sat upon our thrones.” Titus smiled down to her.
  “Yes my King, it is.” She smiled back and then they both swam to their thrones and sat down.

  All of the guardsmen and Seturus stayed near their King and Queen as the pod of King Titus began to enter the city with Princess Rose and Prince Tarrock in the lead and their grandparents behind them, even Princess Tarra and Fianna were their with their children.

  Lana had tears begin to fill her eyes as she remembered there was a time she thought she might never see her children or family again.

  Titus grinned and also had tears in his eyes as he held out his golden forked staff and said, “Welcome home.”

  “Thank you for allowing me to guard your treasure; it gives me great pleasure to return it to you,” said Princess Rose as she handed her mother the emerald necklace.”

  “Thanks Mom for giving me your crown, but I’m glad to give it back,” Prince Tarrock smiled to her as he handed back her pearls.

  “May I?” Princess Rose asked her mother as she held out her hands for her new baby brother.

  “Yes,” said Lana with a smile and placed Prince Titan in her arms.

  “You cannot be my son; he was but a small boy when I last saw him,” Titus chuckled and marveled at the size of Tarrock.

  “Yeah Dad, it’s me; I’ve been working out with the guard.” Tarrock gave a half grin.

  Rose could not help but to smile at Prince Makoa.

  Prince Makoa swam to her and stayed near her.

  Prince Terrance and Princess Cassandra swam forward and knelt before their son and then looked up with tears filling their eyes.

  “Thank you father, for all you have done for our people on my behalf in my absence. I know it must have been a great burden and I am forever grateful.

  “No my Son, my King, it was not a burden. We are thankful you were able to rescue the Queen and that you are all safe.” He gave a bow of his head.

  “I am thankful also for such good fortune,” Titus said as he smiled to Lana.

  She smiled back to him and placed her hand into his.

  “I know you all must be hungry and tired. We have been busy placing food within your homes to refresh you and tomorrow we shall have a dance in celebration of our reunion.” Titus smiled to all of them.

  Princess Tarra swam before the thrones at the top of the stairs and she knelt on the mid joint of her tail. She picked up her crown of pearls off her head and laid it at her brother’s tailfin. “In keeping with tradition, I gladly give up my crown to my King. May the reign of King Titus be a joyous one and his descendants be blessed.” She bowed her head.

  “No my Sister, I will not accept your crown. Let it be known to all that the descendants of King Titan will always be honored as well as those chosen by the great and mighty King Titan. May it be so that his line lives on forever.” Titus tapped his staff on the floor next to his throne signifying that he had made it law and all were to abide by it. Then he picked up Tarra’s strand of pearls and placed it back upon her head.

  She smiled with tears in her eyes and said, “Long live the mighty and noble King Titus.”

  The entire Hall erupted into a rousing cheer.

  “I know you are tired Princess Rose, but may I have a word with you in the gardens before you retire?” Makoa asked her.

  “Yes Prince Makoa,” Rose said as she passed Prince Titan back to her mother.

  Makoa took her hand and they together swam to the gardens of Torbist.

  Rose could tell that he was hiding something from her in his other hand, but she allowed him to keep it secret, knowing he would reveal it to her when he was ready.

  When they reached the section of the gardens which was Rose’s favorite, Prince Makoa said, “I have spoken to your father and have his permission to speak a matter with you.”

  Rose’s heart began to race, “You may speak it.”

  He grinned and looked down into her eyes, “I have loved you before I even knew you and I chose a gift for the one I would one day make my mate.” He brought the golden box from behind his back and said, “Princess Rose, will you consent to join in Union with me?”

  She could not believe how she was not afraid of him and she whole heartedly said, “I thanked Arius for answering my prayer to save your life, even if it meant I lost you forever; now I thank him for giving you to me and yes, I consent.” She swam up against him and he held her in one arm and offered her the box.

  She opened it with tears in her eyes as she delicately removed the necklace and was amazed to see that it nearly matched her mothers, only hers had an emerald stone. She smiled when she realized that the sapphire nearly matched the color of Prince Makoa’s tail. “It is beautiful and it will be my honor to wear it.” She looked up into his eyes.

  He tenderly took her face within his hands and bent down kissing her and allowed his kiss to linger upon her lips.

  She was overwhelmed with the moment and began to cry.

  “What is it Rose?”

  “Nothing, I am just so happy.” She looked into his eyes once more.

  “I too am very happy.” He kissed her again.


  Neither Rose nor Makoa wished to wait another day, so the celebration which was planned for the reunion of the pod also became the celebration of the Union of Princess Rose and Prince Makoa.

  They both went before the Hall to pledge their love to one another in the presence of all the people. Prince Makoa wore a crown of white shells and Princess Rose wore a crown of white pearls and also wore white pearls around her wrists.

  King Titus asked, “Do you wish to speak a vow Prince Makoa?”

  “Yes, I have loved you since the day you were born and I will continue to love you until the last beat of my heart, I will provide for you and I will protect you and I will try and live all the sacred ways of my people and teach them to our offspring.” He smiled down to her.

  Do you wish to speak a vow Princess Rose?” Titus beamed as he asked her.

  “Yes, I also have loved you since the day I was born, only now I have a deeper love than that of an uncle,” she giggled. “I will also love you for as long as I have a beat in my heart. I will comfort you and promise to try and live the sacred ways of our people and also teach them to our offspring.” Rose smiled up to him.

  Then Titus said, “Since you have made a vow before all these witnesses and in the sight of Arius then I also ask of Arius that you never know hunger and always have peace and may He bless you both with many offspring!” Titus chuckled.

  Prince Makoa grabbed Rose in his arms and kissed her deeply to the cheers of all their people.

  The mer celebrated the entire day and danced well into the night as their joy was full.

  Prince Makoa then swam Rose in his arms to his home.

  When they entered inside Rose seemed to have lost her fear completely and grabbed each of Makoa’s braids playfully and pulled him down to her and she kissed him deeply.


  Chapter 22


  “Ouch!” said Jedediah playfully.

  “Sorry Jed, I know you don’t like ties. There, how’s that?” asked Rose and she beamed a smile.

  “No I don’t like ties at all. I don’t even know why I have to go to this stupid prom.”

  Cole said with a stern expression, “Jed, Lizzy isn’t quite sixteen and you know I told you to chaperone for me.”

  “I know, I know, but you gotta start trusting Robbie sometime.” Jedediah gave a half grin.

  There was a knock at the door, “Oh no, that must be Robbie, I’ve got to run upstairs and help Lizzy finish getting ready.”

  “Alright, I’ll get it,” said Cole reluctantly. He went and opened up the door.

  “Hey Mr. Prentis, I’m here to pick up Jed and Lizzy.” Robbie grinned in his grey tuxedo with white shirt and purple tie.

  “Come on in,” grumbled Cole.

  “Hey Rob, you look great! How’s my suit?” Jedediah turned around quickly sporting his black tuxedo with a white shirt and teal col
ored tie.

  “You look nice Man. I can guess why you chose that color for your tie,” Robbie chuckled.

  Jedediah just grinned and was glad his dad went into the kitchen and no one else was around to hear it.

  Robbie and Jedediah stood at the bottom of the stairs and waited for Lizzy to come down.

  “Are you guys ready? Here she comes,” said Rose as she walked down the stairs and led the way for Lizzy.

  Robbie was in shock, what a beauty and I can’t believe she’s goin to the dance with me, he thought as he watched her come down.


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