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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

Page 20

by Sheri L. Swift

  Lizzy’s dress was the same dark purple in color as Robbie’s tie; which they had planned of course. She had one shoulder bare as the neckline swooped up to one side on the other shoulder. The bodice was covered in tiny seed pearls in a slight shade darker than the dress. The bottom hung straight and had a slight train in the back. The front hem line was barley above her sparkling purple high heels. Her hair was piled high with ringlets in a Grecian style. Her nails were light lavender. She smiled to Robbie as she walked down.

  “Wow Sis, you look great!” Jedediah smiled and knew it was a good thing for her to get to go to Robbie’s senior prom and guessed it wasn’t so bad to tag along.

  “You look beautiful,” said Robbie with a wink as he took her hand when she reached the bottom.

  “Gee, thanks guys,” Lizzy giggled and was so glad her dad let her go.

  “Here honey, there might be a chill out tonight.” Rose pulled out a white angora sweater she wore for special occasions.

  “Gosh, thanks Mom, I’ll try not to get it dirty.”

  “Don’t worry about it Sweetheart, this is your night,” Rose said as her voice cracked a bit and her eyes filled up with tears. “Sorry everyone, I just can’t believe this is your senior prom Jed and Robbie and I can’t believe how fast Lizzy has grown.”

  Cole came out of the kitchen, “You’re beautiful kid and Jed you don’t look half bad yourself,” Cole smiled to them both. Then he looked to Robbie, “You better treat my baby with dignity.”

  Robbie stopped smiling and said, “I sure will Mr. Prentis.”

  “Don’t you think it’s high time you started calling me Cole?”

  “Yes Sir.” Robbie smiled and then shook his head in agreement.

  “Guess we better get going,” said Jedediah as he opened up the front door.

  “Aren’t we taking my pickup?” asked Robbie.

  “No, I thought we’d all walk, there’s a full moon out and a million stars,” Jedediah said knowing it would be much more romantic for Lizzy and Robbie and he wouldn’t have to stay so near them.

  “Yeah, that sounds great Jed!” Lizzy smiled and tugged on Robbie’s arm as they three headed out the front door.

  “Have a great time!” called Rose.

  “Not too great,” grumbled Cole to Robbie.

  Robbie got the message loud and clear.

  They three walked on the sandy footpath that led into town. Lizzy didn’t even care if her dress dragged in it a little, she was just so happy to be Robbie’s date for such a special night.

  Jedediah followed slowly behind them, I hope this thing is short, I can’t imagine being in this monkey suit all night, he thought. He kicked a few shells along the way; not even caring if they scuffed his new black dress shoes.


  When they arrived at the pavilion they were amazed how much decorating had been done. The roof, railings and posts were covered in tiny white lights. Rose told Jed and Lizzy that the prom committee decided to have an under the Sea theme like they had nearly twenty years ago at Lana’s senior prom. Sure enough, there was a statue in the center which seemed to be the exact image of King Titan as he was and now they could see some resemblance of Titus too.

  “Man, they sure got that one right,” Jedediah said as they walked passed it.

  “Yeah, they did,” said Lizzy.

  The prom committee also took great care in hanging several Sea creatures from the ceiling and wrapping the railings and posts in teal and blue. There was a bench all along the inside of the octagon shaped pavilion that rested above the Ocean as one large pier. The enormous punch bowl had a waterfall feature that was lighted and contained teal colored punch. They also had a cake covered in shells and Sea life. The DJ was playing the latest and greatest.

  “Alright, Let’s PAR-TY!” said Robbie as he waited for Lizzy to remove her sweater and lay it on the bench.

  Lizzy smiled to Jedediah, “Are you okay Jed?”

  “Yep, as okay as ever, you go on and have fun.” He smiled to her.

  “Well okay, if you want to dance, just let me know.”

  “I will Sis, but somehow I think your dance card is full for tonight,” he chuckled.

  Lizzy grabbed Robbie’s hand and they headed out to the center and began dancing with all the other teens.

  Jedediah sat down on the bench and looked out over the water. Soon he sensed the mer beneath him.

  “So what are the humans up to?” asked Prince Tarrock in his mind.

  “Hey, they are having a dance,” Jedediah said back in his mind.

  “Why aren’t you dancing?”

  “I don’t feel much like dancing right now.”

  “Is Lizzy dancing with Robbie?” asked Talei.


  “Surely there is a human maiden you can ask to dance,” said Maiele and couldn’t keep from chuckling.

  “Yes there are, but no one I’d care to ask.”

  “What are the humans celebrating?” asked Seturus.

  Jedediah’s heart nearly skipped a beat as he realized she was with them. “They’re celebrating the end that’s nearing their twelfth year of school; what you call winter.”

  “Stand up so we can see what you’re wearing,” said Tarrock.

  Jedediah stood up and grinned as he now sensed over twenty of the mer watching the prom.

  “You look very nice in those clothes Jedediah,” said Talei.

  “I think you look like a penguin,” Maiele chuckled.

  “Well, right now I pretty much feel like one too.”

  “Why must you wear so many clothes for this celebration?” asked Seturus.

  “I really don’t know why, except that someone started it, who knows when, and now we all do the same.” Jedediah smiled as he realized how crazy it must seem to the mer.

  “I suppose it is like the mermaids when we join in Union or when we get crowned on our twelfth year,” said Talei.

  “Yeah, in a way I guess we want to wear something different to mark the occasion.”

  “Now I understand it,” said Seturus.

  “You still look like a penguin,” Maiele chuckled once more.

  “I hear you merman,” Jedediah chuckled himself.

  “Are you gonna ask me to dance?”

  Jedediah was brought back to his senses as he realized Josie was talking to him. He turned to see her in a beautiful sequined sleeveless red gown with a slit down the leg and tall spiked red high heels. “What did you say?” he asked nervously.

  “I asked you if you were ever going to ask me to dance?” she gave her flirty smile.

  “Yeah, sure.” Jedediah stood up and took her offered arm and they went out to the center to dance with the others.

  “So you haven’t said anything about my dress?” she teased.

  “You look great; red is always a good color for you.” Jedediah smiled.

  “I came here with Chad, but he’s outside puking his guts.”

  “Oh man, is he sick?”

  “No, we’ve been partying all day in the limousine he rented with champaign.” She slurred her words slightly and began to look directly into Jedediah’s eyes.

  Jedediah was a little nervous with the way she was pushing up against him, “Hey Josie, are you sure you shouldn’t be waiting for Chad?”

  “Nope, now I’m with you,” she giggled and nearly fell.

  Now Jedediah understood she was drunk and probably not all there in the head either. “Josie, why don’t we sit this one out?” Jedediah began to dance her back over to the bench they came from.

  “No Jed, I want to dance!” she said fighting him and then tripped.

  He caught her just in time and then sat her on the bench. “Here we go, let’s just sit here a bit.”

  “Jed, you are so handsome, come here,” she said pulling at his tie.

  “Okay, wait here and I’m gonna get you some coffee if I can find some.” He quickly headed across the room.

  She slumped down on the bench and then a wall o
f water came up and over the railing coming down on top of her, “Who did that?” She asked and then looked back behind her and saw two dolphins jumping out of the water. “Stupid dolphins!” Then another wall of water came over and drenched her completely.

  Jedediah came back with a cup of coffee and was stunned to see Josie soaking wet with her make-up running down her face.

  “Those stupid dolphins splashed me! Where’s Chad? I want to go home!”

  “Okay Josie, I’ll find him and your Limo driver. I’m sure he feels like going home too.”


  When Jedediah got back to the bench he could sense the mer were still there. “Did you guys have to gang up on her like that?” He grinned.

  “It was only one of us,” giggled Talei.

  “Talei I think once was enough.”

  “It was me and she seemed to need it,” said Seturus.

  “I guess she did need it,” he chuckled and realized Seturus must have been jealous and he sort of liked that.

  Robbie and Lizzy came by to check on Jedediah. “Are you enjoying yourself Jed?” Lizzy asked with concern.

  “Yeah I am.” He grinned.

  Then Lizzy sensed the mer and realized they were there with him, “Okay, Just checking.”

  “Sure you don’t wanna grab a girl and have a dance or two?” Robbie asked.

  “No, I’m good.” Jedediah grinned with a wink.

  Lizzy grabbed Robbie’s arm and headed back to the dance floor.

  Jedediah enjoyed talking with the mer, but what he really wanted to do was go swimming with them.


  When the dance ended, the three walked back down the sandy foot path,

  Jedediah decided he’d go on ahead and nearly sprinted.

  Robbie didn’t want this night to end as he held Lizzy’s hand and was so glad she was part of his life.

  Lizzy loved seeing all the stars just like Jed said it would be. She tugged on Robbie’s hand making him come to a stop and she looked up to him, “I just wanted to tell you that I had a really great time tonight.”

  “Good, me too really good time,” he chuckled and stared down to her. He brushed a tiny ringlet of hair out of her face and then held her cheek as he bent down and kissed her.

  “I know I haven’t said it before, but I think I love you Robbie,” she said seriously.

  “I love you too beautiful,” he said kissing her again.

  Jedediah couldn’t take another minute in that outfit, so he began to take off his shoes and socks as he walked onto the dock outside his house. He also took off his jacket, tie, shirt and pants throwing them on the dock. He leapt head first into the cool water in his blue briefs.

  The mer met him and they all went and swam awhile together.

  Robbie walked Lizzy to her door.

  “You sure you don’t want to go to the dock?” she asked.

  “Nah, I know your brother’s over there and I wanna honor you Lizzy.” He smiled and bent down and kissed her again.

  “Okay, will I see you tomorrow?”

  “You bet, and the next day and the next.” He grinned, “That is if you want to see me that much?”

  “You know I do,” Lizzy said wrapping her hands behind his neck and pulling him down for their last goodbye kiss.

  The front porch light came on.

  “I guess its time I go.” Robbie grinned.

  “Okay, see you tomorrow.” Lizzy smiled and then went inside.

  Robbie went to his truck and got inside and said, “Thanks God, for a perfect night.” Then he started up his engine and drove home.

  Jedediah surfaced and saw the front porch light on and knew he better get going soon, but he felt like he was just now getting the better part of his prom night. Most of the mer had already left.

  Seturus surfaced too and sensed Jedediah was struggling with needing to go, but not wanting to. “Must you go?”

  “Yeah, my dad has this thing about relationship and not rules. They like to go to bed earlier and they can’t until we all get in; it’s their way of protecting us I suppose.”

  “That is not a bad thing Jedediah. I would have liked having parents like that.”

  “I know its true, only it doesn’t feel so good about now.” He swam closer to her.

  Seturus was surprised how she was not afraid of him at all and she allowed him to swim to her. Her hair shimmered in the moonlight as well as her eyes.

  Jedediah looked down into her eyes and said, “You made tonight enjoyable, I was kinda dreading it.”

  “Me, how could I have?”

  “Nearly drowning Josie was one thing to remember, but really just by talking to me.”

  She looked up into his eyes, “I like talking to you.”

  You don’t know how badly I wanna kiss you right now, he thought, but didn’t want to offend her and wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate for a mermaid like her.

  Seturus smiled after hearing his thoughts and touched his cheek with her webbed fingers; she got even closer and quickly kissed him on the lips. She dove into the water and swam away.

  Yeah, this prom night will definitely be one to remember, he thought and then swam home with the hope his mom and dad would understand.


  Chapter 23


  “Jedediah Prentis,” called out the Principal on the platform of the school gymnasium.

  Jedediah in his royal blue cap and gown walked up to receive his high school diploma to the cheers of the entire school. He shook the Principal’s hand and then he smiled and raised his diploma to his family in the stands and the graduates cheered even louder.

  It wasn’t long and Robbie’s name was called and his classmates cheered even louder. Robbie also held up his diploma for all to see as he walked off the stage. His mom and dad both had tears in their eyes.

  The Prentis’ were having a small gathering for their and Robbie’s families in celebration of the graduates. After the pictures were taken, Cole brought in more chairs and they all gathered around their kitchen table as they heard Jedediah and Robbie talk about growing up together and where their future might be heading.

  Rose was a little teary eyed and got up to take away the dirty dishes and Lizzy joined in with Robbie’s mother.

  After they all enjoyed some of the graduation cake Robbie’s mother insisted on making, Jedediah headed up stairs and changed into his bathing suit and went to the shed and took out his performance board and jumped into the surf.

  Robbie drove to the Marina with Lizzy and they went riding on Robbie’s Jet Ski.

  “So how are you taking Jedediah’s decision to go to Fiji?” Marty asked as he still sat at the table with his wife, Cole and Rose.

  “We’re pretty much over the shock of it,” Cole chuckled to Rose and she smiled.

  “What did Robbie decide?” Rose asked.

  “Thanks to your Jedediah, he was offered free swimming scholarships from four different schools. We think he’s decided on East Carolina, they have a fairly new swimming program, but we think he mainly chose it so he could stay near Lizzy.” Robbie’s mom Catherine smiled.

  “Yeah, those two have become inseparable,” chuckled Cole.


  Prince Makoa met Jedediah in the surf and they two headed to Lobster Grotto.

  After they surfaced Jedediah grinned to Makoa, “So how’s married life?”

  Makoa smiled, “It is better than I ever imagined it to be. Arius has truly blessed us with such a wonderful gift of each other and now we also have a little one on the way.”

  “That’s cool merman; Prince Makoa a dad!” Jedediah chuckled.

  “I heard that you seem to be enjoying the company of a certain mermaid?” Makoa winked with a grin.

  “Yeah, she’s really special in every way.”

  “I told you that you might one day choose to marry a mermaid.”

  “Whoa, slow down a bit, who said anything about marriage?”

  “It is onl
y inevitable, I see the way you look at her,” Makoa chuckled.

  “Well, not so fast merman, I’ve got a few years of college ahead of me.”

  “What will you learn that the mer cannot already teach you?”


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