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Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series

Page 18

by K L Rymer

  Speaking of said date... I don’t remember Macson being so—what’s the word gloomy. Sure, he’s an Unseelie, so he’s dark by nature, but nowhere as extreme as this.

  Right now he gives off a lethal, demonic vibe, and I keep my eyes peeled on him. He does look hot though. The best I’ve seen him in fact. He wears a long ponytail, dark suit, flowing cape, and midnight black mask.

  That’s odd. This isn’t exactly a masquerade, but who am I to judge?

  Felicity beams like a child on Christmas morning, and I smile. Well, that’s one person I can scratch off my “asses to kick” list.

  Macson has now made it onto my “asses not to kick” list.

  “Wow... they look so good together,” Nora says. “Like a dark prince and his pretty little princess. I’m so happy for her. If there’s anyone who deserves a good night tonight than it’s her. Especially with what she went through with, well, you know...”

  “Yeah,” both Zahara and I agree, watching the little pixie as she points at a large ice sculpture of two swans, tugging the Unseelie along.

  Yes, he does resemble a dark prince. Or the Prince of Darkness to be more precise.

  My mind goes back to that shadow I saw up in the common room, and I keep a suspicious eye on Macson. But then my attention is drawn away by Matthew.

  My heart flutters. I still can’t believe he’s my date.

  He holds out a hand. “They’re about to have the first dance. You ready?”

  My legs turn to gelatin. We’ve practiced, of course, but I don’t think I will be able to keep my posture.

  Nora’s merman and Zahara’s Seelie finally return, and now we all stand together with our hot dates.

  We Mendacious girls really are moving on up in this world.

  I catch sight of Jack’s towering form and his succubus’s dress. Wow... does the academy even allow that? It’s tight black vinyl that splits down the middle, and I can’t take my eyes off her white breasts.

  A yowling sound makes me flinch next, and I spot Thomas with his cat. She looks so sophisticated in her burgundy dress and black fur wrap.

  Thomas’s eyes burn bright gold. I see he’s resisting the urge to shift, and the same goes for her too. Her eyes are green, displaying long, vertical pupils, and I’ve never seen anything so eerie.

  They are getting into position on the dance floor, and it seems he just stepped on her foot.

  “You idiot!” she shouts.

  “Shut up, cat!”

  I burst into laughter, and Felicity appears by my side then, and I’m taken aback. She looks so happy and radiant. The best I’ve seen her in a while.

  “Look, Bryn. I made it!”

  I smile. “You sure did! Lucky you, Fel. Macson’s looking hot tonight.”

  Matthew raises his brow. “Even more hot than me?”

  He can’t be serious? As if he needs approval.

  “So, where is the lucky bastard?” Zahara says. “I thought I was going to have to kick his arse for you for a moment, Fizzle Whip. Mac and I go way back. He’s always been terrified of me.”

  “I don’t blame him,” her date mutters, and Zahara elbows his ribs.

  “Oh... I... uh...” Felicity plays with one of her white curls. “He... just had to step outside, but he should be back in a moment!”

  The masked, shadowy form of Macson materializes at last. But then his eyes spot me, and he disappears back into the crowd.

  Felicity’s eyes widen. “S-sorry, I... have to go!”

  We watch the little pixie dash off toward the Unseelie. She catches up with him, and I strain to listen as they whisper between themselves.

  Macson is so tall he has to lower himself to hear her. She pouts and gazes up at him with her big doe eyes, and he sighs and places his hands behind her back.

  They’re getting into position.

  I’ve never noticed how close they were before. This was the Unseelie who once tripped her up in the hallway, and now they act like old friends. Odd.

  Besides, something is definitely off with Macson tonight. Why is he avoiding us? Maybe he saw Zahara and remembered all those childhood beatings, but he also looked at me.

  Was he afraid of me too?

  “I don’t think you’re going to like what I have to say,” Matthew utters next.

  “What?” I reply.

  He looks me square in the eye. “That’s not Macson.”

  We all gasp and turn toward Felicity again.

  “Oooh, a mystery date...” Zahara croons.

  I give Mattie a pointed look. “He’s just playing with us.”

  He chuckles. “I’m not. Trust me. I’ve been sitting with that jerk all year, so I think I’d recognise him. And even though I make no excuses for my friends... Mac was planning on something tonight. I did warn him since she’s your friend, and I don’t want to see you upset. But... the last I heard... he and Darius were going to throw eggs at her when they arrived and catch it all on video. A little juvenile if you ask me.”

  I grit my teeth. That asshole... I’m going to beat him to a pulp when I next see him. I just hope Felicity is all right.

  The sound of her pealing laughter reaches my ears next. The pixie giggles up at her mystery date, batting her long eyelashes, and she looks perfectly fine. I study her date again. Whoever he is, he came to her rescue just in time, and I thank him for that.

  It looks like there are good people in the world after all.

  Macson doesn’t appear for the rest of the night, and I have a sneaky feeling our Mystery Man has a part to play.

  Good riddance. Macson deserved it.

  Someone taps a spoon against a glass. I glance up at the podium and snort when my eyes fall on Myrddin.

  It looks as if space threw up all over him. He wears an extravagant velvet blue cape with stars and planets, and I’m not the only one stifling laughter.

  Myrddin smiles and lets us all get a good look at his cape, and it’s then when I notice the pictures on his cape are moving. I swear those galaxies are actually spinning.

  “I see you’re all admiring my new cosmic cape.”

  What the hell is a cosmic cape?

  A few students ooh and ahh, and the headmaster whirls back around. “Well, you all know what time it is. Hurry! All partners! Into position!”

  Alarmed, I whip my head around for a space on the dance floor, but then I feel a strong hand at the small of my back and Mattie leads the way.

  People make way once they see us, and now we stand in the center of the room. We face each other and now I gaze up into his gray eyes. He puts a hand at my shoulder, keeping the other on the small of my back.

  His chest is pressed against mine, and all the breath leaves my lungs. The room spins, but he holds me upright.

  “Don’t be so tense, human.”


  “No need to apologise. You’ll do great. Besides, if you get lost... I’m here to guide you.”

  I keep my eyes on his piercing grays, and I wholeheartedly trust him. He will not let me fall.

  “Okay... I believe you.”

  Couples gather around us, and soon we’re all partnered up with our dates. Nora is with her merman, Zahara her Seelie, Thomas with his cat, Jack with his succubus, and Felicity with her... who knows what.

  Then there’s Angelina with Swamp Boy. He moves his hands down her back as he gets his green goo all over her dress, and she grabs his arms and crushes them beneath her fingers.

  Quickly, I steal a glance at Felicity and her date. They gaze into each other’s eyes as if they are the only two people in the room, and I can’t for the life of me figure out who he is.

  He grabs her delicate chin, rubbing a tender thumb along her jaw, and she melts beneath his touch. Then he yanks her closer, snapping her awake, and her big, blue eyes widen.

  Alarmed, I peer at her date and gasp. His eyes... they’re red. Like a demon’s...

  Damien. He came back.

  That asshole.

  The demon c
rushes her mouth with his lips, and I never thought Felicity’s eyes could look any bigger...

  Yet I don’t move. I just watch the two.

  Mattie follows my gaze and gives a chuckle, yet I keep my focus on Felicity and Damien. She reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him back, and soon they have each other’s tongues down their throats.

  We’re not the only ones watching.

  Someone shouts next, “Way to go, Macson! Whoo!”

  The demon growls and sends a flame his way, and the person runs out of the room screaming.

  Damien smirks now and scoops Felicity up in his arms, and she vanishes beneath his cape. They disappear with a shadow, and I look over at Nora and Zahara in shock.

  Well... I guess they’re not going to dance then.

  Myrddin takes his place before the orchestra and waves a baton in his hand.

  So he’s a conductor now?

  “Now, dance!”

  He flicks the baton like a magic wand as music booms throughout the chamber, and suddenly I’m twirling around in Mattie’s arms.

  It’s like we’re floating.

  Chapter 26.

  He twirls me around the dance floor so effortlessly, clearing a path through the crowd, and I’ve never moved so fast.

  How is he doing it?

  His power seems to pour through me, pumping life into my veins, and my heart thrashes in my chest. Yet I can feel my own power coursing through him too, and it’s like we’re energizing one another.

  We continue to dance in circles, never taking our eyes off each other, and finally, I sense it. A symbiosis.

  Our energies complete one another. Yet we’re enemies. We are meant to ride two rival dragons and kill one another in battle, right?

  This doesn’t make sense.

  It really does feel like a path has been cleared for us, and now I feel like Cinderella. I never knew I was the kind of girl who wished for a fairy-tale until she had it, and I don’t want this moment to end.

  It’s too perfect.

  Mattie whirls me away from him next, and when he brings me back our chests bump, and our noses touch, and now time ceases to a standstill.

  All I can hear is my heartbeat. I can feel his too, banging against my ribs, and I lose myself in his cloudy gray orbs.

  There is pain and suffering in those perfect storms, yet there’s also something else. Something I can’t quite put my finger on, and it’s there brewing behind his eyes.

  “Mattie?” It’s the first time I’ve directly addressed him using my pet name.

  A crease forms between his brows, and he opens his mouth. “Bryn.”

  It’s rare he calls me by my name. I’m mostly human, but today I can see he truly means it. “What is it?”

  He keeps those pained grays on me, gazing deep into my hazel, and soon his face relaxes. The furrow vanishes and now he focuses on my lips, taking my chin in his hand.

  I gulp, knowing what’s to come.

  He places his lips to mine, kissing me tenderly, no tongues, and magic ignites inside me. Whether it’s real or figurative, I can’t say, but I soak up every moment, wrapping my hands around his neck as my fingers grope his smooth, brown hair.

  He clasps his hands gently behind my head, trying not to mess up my up-do, but to hell with that. I want him to tug my hair and make me yelp, shoving me hard against the wall.

  My panties are oozing, and he, too, is rock hard. His arousal pokes the delicate silk of my dress, and my body throbs, wanting him inside every part of me.

  The music finally stops, and a round of applause snaps me back to reality.

  My eyes widen in horror. Shit. We’re still on the dance floor!

  Turning beet red, I whip my head back and forth, drawing a breath. Everyone is watching us, and no frigging wonder. I just kissed Matthew Humphrey. A girl of Mendacious House and of human origin.

  I should know my place.

  Yet I detect no hostility from my fellow students, just awe and admiration, and it finally dawns on me that they’re clapping... for both of us.

  Did we really dance that well?

  Zahara and Nora scream and jump up and down. Myrddin raises a glass, congratulating me for finally getting along with my prophesied enemy.

  And get along we did...

  I peer up shyly at Matthew. He pays the roaring crowd no attention, only having eyes for me as always.

  My lipstick stains his perfect lips, and I cringe. I need to get away fast. I’m not used to this much attention.

  Well, not positive attention anyway.

  I make a beeline for the exit, pushing my way through the crowd.

  “Wait... Bryn!”

  People move aside like I’m a stampeding rhino, and I’ve never been more grateful. For once they offer me kindness, and it’s like I’ve finally won their respect.

  “Bryn! Stop!”

  Matthew calls out for me but I go on, searching for the girl’s lavatory. I feel like I’m going to puke.

  Whatever I do, I can’t let Mattie see me. The last thing I want is him thinking that it’s him who’s making me puke. Far from it.

  No, he makes me do the complete opposite. Which is not puking, I guess.

  I wander down one too many corridors, and it’s not long until I find myself completely lost. I have no sense of direction anymore.

  I need air. Now.

  I barge out of a backdoor and run across the academy grounds toward the Skeleton Tree. At last, I stop beside that bone-white wood, pressing my hand to the trunk to catch my breath.

  The blood rushes through my head as my heart bangs in my chest, and I try to calm it down.

  Tears sting my eyes, and I throw myself down on the grass and cry. Somehow, it was much simpler when I hated him. At least then, killing him would have been easier.

  But I’ve only gone and fallen in love with him.

  That’s right. I’ve fallen in love with Matthew Humphrey IV. The jerk who tripped me up on my first day and tried to kill me on Halloween.

  I still feel him on my lips and I close my eyes, shaking my head.

  No, no, no...

  The moon shines high above, casting a ghoulish light on the grounds. But it has nothing on the cold that seeps beneath my skin, turning my blood to ice, and I wrap my arms around my body.

  It’s time I should get back and face the music... but my body is frozen to the tree. I couldn’t move a muscle even if I wanted to.

  What gives?

  Finally, I fight off the sensation and jump to my feet, but then another force throws me back to the tree.

  It’s like someone’s cementing me in place.

  I glance up at that tall figure, silhouetted against the moonlight. For a moment it looks like a serial killer has come to pay me a visit, but upon closer inspection, I see it’s a vampire.

  A tall, bleached-blonde vampire in a silk blue dress and eyes as bright as beacons.


  She snarls and her fangs protrude from her lips, and I try to pry myself free. What the fuck is she doing to me? It’s like she’s inside me, possessing my body.

  “You fucking bitch... kissing my boyfriend... I will kill you... finish what Matthew started months ago.”

  Oh, so that’s what this is about? How cliché. I would yawn if she didn’t have me frozen against the tree. She could choke me if she wanted. Stab a hole through my chest.

  Pierce her teeth into my neck...

  She licks her over-glossed lips, and her luminous eyes fall on my throat.

  I shudder. “Don’t... don’t you dare...”

  I knew it. She was a pervert all along. She’s going to show me a good time first before sucking me dry.

  Also, I’m pretty sure it’s forbidden to feed on other students. She’s allowed to hunt every month, but she can’t very well go around digging her teeth into her classmates.

  She flicks her wrist and I levitate toward her. Next, she presses my back against her firm breasts and pulls my head back
, bending forward to bite my neck.

  Her breath tickles my throat, sending shivers down my spine, and now all I can do is cry.

  The bitch...

  If only I’d wedged a stake in her heart.

  Just... why is her breath warm? She’s undead. She should be as cold as a corpse.

  “Die, bitch...” she whispers.

  I close my eyes. This is the end.

  A white flash shoots across the lawn and Angelina lets go.

  She stands rigid like a statue, darting her eyes around to her attacker, and my heart soars when I see him.


  A beam of white energy extends from his finger like a ribbon, attaching itself to Angelina, and now he grits his teeth.

  “Bryn... get behind me...”

  Alarmed, I stumble around behind him and he extends an arm, keeping me back. I steal a quick glance at Angelina, and my blood freezes when I catch that cold look in her eyes.

  No one has hated me more than she does now.

  “That’s right, run, you Mendacious coward...” she breathes.

  Matthew growls. “You shut the fuck up!”

  He summons another white beam and throws it like a whip, and the magic scorches her flesh. She shrieks and falls to the ground, and I cover my ears.

  I... I can’t take the sound.

  The world spins and now I end up on my face.

  Darkness seizes me.

  Chapter 27.

  There’s a voice calling out my name, but I can barely keep my head up. Meanwhile, someone cradles me to their warm chest, and I close my eyes, falling asleep to the sound of a strong heartbeat.

  When my eyes open again, I’m lying on my bed, illuminated by the moon shining through my window. A figure sits on the bed beside me and I go to scream, but then a gentle finger presses against my lips and I peer up into the cool, gray eyes of Matthew Humphrey.


  His finger is nestled against my upper lip, and it makes my heart thump in ways it never has before.

  Such a tender touch.

  His eyes soften and now he gives me a lopsided grin. The moon illuminates his chiseled face, and I reach up, caressing his cheek.

  All the while he keeps his intense gaze on me. “Bryn? How... how are you feeling?”


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