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Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series

Page 60

by K L Rymer

  The succubus mingles with an array of other hellish beings, and it’s any wonder Damien never joined them. There’s an incubus too, who I can’t deny that I am very, very attracted to (he’s pretty much a male Clara).

  Then I look to the left of the room, and there is Thomas’s Katy watching me with those green cat eyes.

  I never really liked her much. I always thought she was stuck up and a prissy bitch, but Thomas got himself a good one. She has the feline good looks to match that catty personality.

  I bet her parents thought they were clever when they called her Katy though. Katy the cat. Caty the Kat...

  I’m aware her full name is Katherine, but who cares. Her name has cat in it.

  The lynx surrounds herself with a group of other feline shifters, and I recognize one huge guy with a mane who’s a lion shifter. Then there’s a girl with short, stripy hair who possess the ability to turn into a tiger, and another girl with pretty white locks who shifts into a Persian (I bet if I had one of those laser toys, they’d all go crazy).

  Everyone sits with their own kind, and I gasp at the revelation.

  Sure, we were pretty divided before, but we still mingled. In fact, the cat shifters hiss at a group of canines as they pass, and it really is Cats vs Dogs in this cafeteria.

  A redheaded fox shifter growls at Katy, and the cat snarls back at the vulpine. But then the nicest looking guy comes along next and pulls the fox away, and judging by his bright, blond hair and friendly disposition, I’d say he shifts into a yellow Labrador...

  I bet he’s loyal and good with kids.

  This isn’t good. By taking away our colors, Matthew senior has segregated us further. I’m not sure if this was even intentional on his part, but when I find that Row and Laura no longer speak, I know shit has really gotten real.

  They’re missing their Seelie leader, Jessika, and now the wood nymph and the muse are dead to each other. Those three were inseparable once. Now Laura sits with other forest creatures and Row with gods and demi-gods.


  Orion rises, inclining his head for me to follow. I peer around, wondering if he was signaling to me. That’s when I spot Clara sashaying out of the room with those hypnotic hips, and Caleb the angel ogles her.

  I bet it’s forbidden for him to stare at a demon, but I can see he’s tempted. The angel now sits with a seraph girl and a little cherub boy. Darius has returned to the dog shifters.

  Darius and Caleb are missing Macson too. It seemed those two needed Macson as much as Row and Laura needed Jessika.

  I wonder how all six of them coped when they lost their king and queen, Matthew and Angelina.

  God, this is why I despise popular kids. They’re all so dependent on each other to be cool...

  Katy stands, coming over to my empty table. “Come with us and don’t make it look so obvious. We need to talk.”

  My jaw drops as I watch her striding away.

  When the merman, the succubus, and the cat shifter leave the room, I glance around.

  No one watches me anymore. It seems I’ve been forgotten about. I could have sat on that table with those other spellcasters since I am a wizard after all, but they’re too showy for my liking. One guy even casts a charm and makes a feather float, and can you say Wingardium Leviosa?

  Quickly, I scramble to my feet, and the moment I step out into the hall, I’m yanked into a dark hallway.

  Next, I’m pushed back against the stone wall, and now I’m looking up into the seductive red eyes of Clara the succubus.

  “Why, hello, Bryn...”

  There comes a little stirring inside my panties, and I won’t deny I’m dripping at the sound of that soft, feminine voice.

  No wonder Jack looked so happy all the time...

  Katy pushes her off me, throwing the demon a stern look. “That’s enough, Clara.”

  Clara smirks, leaning back against the far wall.

  I study all three of them now. Orion stands between the two girls, long blond hair and chiseled handsomeness. He wields his trident in his right hand, and I wonder then if he’s the son of the infamous King Triton.

  But that guy had seven daughters. I don’t recall a son...

  Katy’s cat eyes glow in the dim hallway as do Clara’s red demon eyes, and I shiver.

  I can’t tell who looks more demonic, so I focus on Orion’s cleft chin and smile (I did always like a guy with a cleft chin).

  I imagine they want to know where their other halves are.

  “So,” Katy purrs. “I assume you know why we all brought you out here, Bryn?”

  I sigh. “Yes. I can assure all three of you that Nora, Thomas, and Jack are safe.”

  Orion snorts next, and damn if it’s not the cutest sound. “Oh, we’re not worried there, Bryn. Trust me. I know Nora’s safe. That sexy gorgon can handle herself.”

  Clara chuckles. “Those big breasts are rather delicious...”

  The merman smirks. “Yeah...”

  I pull a face. That’s my friend they’re talking about.

  Katy hisses at them. “Shut up! Anyway, no, that’s not the reason we dragged you out to this dirty hallway, Bryn. I know Thomas doesn’t show it, but he’s a true alpha. Hence why I chose him in the end. He can handle himself too.”

  “And my Jack. My big, big, Jack...” Clara breathes, licking her lips, and it’s not hard to guess what she means by “big”.

  She’s too much.

  I roll my eyes. “So why did you bring me here?”

  Katy’s green eyes flash, and she shares a look with Orion and Clara. I gnaw my teeth. “Spill it!”

  The cat meets my gaze. “We know you’re Myrddin’s daughter.”

  The betrayal that fills me next is so overwhelming, I almost spew. Nora, Jack, and Thomas made a blood oath over Christmas and swore not to tell anyone.

  That’s when Katy shakes her head. “Oh, no, Bryn. I can assure you I figured it out. I mean, I am Ingenious after all. Or was... Until Matthew Humphrey III took over the school and destroyed our perfect system.”

  I study her carefully. So does that mean that other Ingenious have figured it out? Fuck.

  The cat leans away from the wall, and Orion and Clara do the same. My heart races.

  What exactly is this?

  Katy speaks up at last. “As the daughter of the greatest wizard of all time and the one and only headmaster of this school... we’re counting on you, Bryn, to save us all...”

  I deflate, and now a feeling of hopelessness sweeps through me.

  I can’t beat Matthew senior. Not without my friends...

  “We will help, of course.”

  Alarmed, I peer back up at the three of them. They’re all smiling at me, and my heart soars.

  Orion steps forward now just as Clara and Katy leave, taking my shoulder in his hand, and I stare into his ocean blue eyes. “We will stand beside you, Bryn. So long as you’re willing.”

  They leave me alone in the hallway at last, and a grin curls my own lips.

  Looks like I got myself a new bunch of friends.

  Chapter 6 – Matthew

  I ride alongside Myrddin on Gwyneira as we take to the skies, weaving between the tall mountains of the oasis.

  It’s time we trained the babies after all. Now that they can fly, everyone needs to learn the mechanics of flying (Thomas soon discovered that it’s not as easy as “drag and lift, drag and lift”).

  A few of the others have ridden Brynmawr before, so they’re not complete novices, but Angelina surprised me the most.

  She took to flying like bees take to honey... she’s a bloody natural, and it just goes to show how strong her bond with my dragon’s child is.

  Angelina was the only member of Mendacious who never rode Brynmawr, as she never saw eye to eye with the dragon, and look at her now.

  It almost seems unfair. It’s bad enough she’s the most beautiful bitch at the academy, but flying comes naturally to her too.

  The others weren’t so lucky. For all h
is boasting, Thomas wasn’t that great at first, but he and Maximus soon got the hang of it.

  Nora and Zelina were clumsy too, but that’s because the gorgon kept telling the poor dragon, “Watch out for that mountain!”

  Felicity and Sparkles were a little rusty, but they soon got into the flow of things with the help of their men—Damien and Shadow Stalker.

  Shadow doesn’t look at the pink dragon with such contempt these days, and it seems he has come to accept her for the annoying, sweet creature she is.

  If you ask me, I think he secretly digs her. I’m a guy who used to pretend to be a hard ass too, but when a girl bats her pretty, long eyelashes, well...

  Plus, Sparkle Hearts smells of strawberries.

  The shadow dragon flies beside her now as he helps guide her along, and Sparkles bats her lashes. Shadow Stalker acts indifferent though, but his red eyes do flare...

  They are reaching their teens now after all. The urge to mate should soon come around.

  Zahara lies on Elvira’s back, hands crossed behind her head, and I grind my teeth.

  She won’t look so cool and relaxed when she rolls over and falls to her death. That would be a shame.

  And where do I start with Buddy and Jack? Well, Buddy is nearly as big as my dragon. Gwyneira and Brynmawr are genuinely shocked at the pace he’s growing.

  What the hell is Jack feeding him?

  Myrddin rides Brynmawr today, and the wizard and the dragon have made a temporary truce. They still don’t get along all that much, but we have seven babies to train after all, and Brynmawr can’t fly barebacked.

  It’s odd Bryn not sitting on those shiny, red scales for once, but at least we know she’s safe. For now...

  Gelert came looking for us in the spirit oasis, and Thomas interpreted his barks, “Bryn is safe, Bryn is safe! Look, squirrel!”

  It was a direct translation...

  Myrddin breathes a sigh as we pass a beautiful waterfall, and the spray tickles my face. It smells so pure and divine, and the air really is fresh.

  I could stay here forever, but I know that can’t happen; I have to save the woman I love from my evil father.

  “Simply breath-taking... How I do enjoy flying,” Myrddin says with a smile.

  I have no idea how he can be so blasé when his daughter is missing, but I try to take a page from his book, breathing in the sweet air of the oasis.

  Brynmawr growls, “Yeah, well, don’t get too used to it, Boy Wizard. As soon as Bryn returns, you’re out.”

  Myrddin opens his eyes yet again, unamused by the dragon’s comment. “Just as I was enjoying myself...”

  The two start to bicker as usual again and I glance over my shoulder, watching how the others fare.

  Jack somersaults on Buddy. Zahara still sprawls on Elvira’s back. Nora clings onto Zelina for dear life, and Thomas does the “Drag, lift, drag, lift” motion with his arms again (Maximus tries to follow the flow with the beat of his golden wings).

  Damien and Felicity hold hands, gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes, and boy if it doesn’t make you want to puke.

  They lean across on their dragons and kiss, and Shadow Stalker grinds his fangs. Sparkles gushes at the pure sight of their love, getting a little too close with Shadow. He hisses at her to back off.

  Angelina zooms ahead of us on Azure, and the beautiful, cerulean dragon pulls her tongue at Mum and Dad.

  “Ha, beat you both!”

  Brynmawr chuckles but Gwyneira shakes her head, reprimanding him. “Don’t encourage her, Bryn. It’s you she gets it from...”

  Brynmawr’s fierce, gold eyes find her icy blues. “She’s spirited after all. There’s nothing we can do, Gwyn.”

  “Still...” the White Dragon continues. “Pulling tongues is not how a lady should act.”

  “It’s all just good fun, Gwyneira. Azure needs to discover what kind of dragon she truly is after all,” Myrddin informs her.

  Brynmawr flaps his wings, trying to gaze up at the wizard as best as he can. He goes cross-eyed. “Are you actually agreeing with me for once, Boy Wizard?”

  Myrddin smirks down at the dragon. “Why, yes... And I told you not to call me by that insufferable name!”

  The Red Dragon blinks, a little flummoxed. “Well, I’m not sure how to feel about this new turn of events...”

  Myrddin chortles, reaching down to pat the dragon between the eyes. “The start of a beautiful, new friendship I hope, old Brynmawr.”

  Brynmawr growls. “Old? Why I.... Ugh, forget it.”

  The wizard continues to laugh, and the matter seems to be dropped.

  I feel an urge to fill the sudden silence with words. There is something I ought to tell Myrddin after all, but I don’t know where to start.

  He was a little preoccupied the other day when I felt the squeeze on my mother’s soul.

  My father’s declaration of war was loud and clear, “I am ready for you, Boy. Come and get me...”

  I ball my fists. I’m not surprised. My father never loved me. I was nothing more than a prophecy to him. A prophecy that turned out to be false.

  It turned out that Bryn and I weren’t meant to fight, but reunite all the dragons, and I bet Father’s livid.

  I bet he’s pissed, too, that Bryn and Mendacious found all the dragon eggs before him, and now we have a budding army of fledgling dragons.

  He’s shitting his pants, basically. So in desperation, he stole my girlfriend, the daughter of Merlin, just to bait me to fight.

  Oh, if it’s a fight he wants...

  I clear my throat, turning to Myrddin. He and Brynmawr both have their eyes closed in relaxation now.


  “Please, Matthew... I told you to call me Myrddin.”

  I sigh. “Myrddin... I think it’s time you knew...”

  That got the wizard’s attention. He opens his eyes, giving me his full attention. “I’m listening.”

  I rub my forehead, massaging a migraine. I can sense Gwyneira’s sympathy beneath me. She already knows; I didn’t have to tell her. She can read my thoughts after all.

  It’s just a shame Brynmawr has lost touch with Bryn. Curse that Black Dragon for masking their spiritual connection.

  Finally, I peer into those hazel eyes, and it’s like looking at Bryn for a moment.

  They have the same brown speck on their irises.

  “My father... he’s using my mother’s soul now to communicate with me. I... I felt him squeezing on her essence... It... was a declaration of war.”

  The wizard doesn’t say anything for some time as he keeps his wise, green eyes on me. He looks so ridiculous riding the famous Red Dragon of Wales in a starry blue suit, but he appears comfortable.

  I wear my battle armour. Thomas has taken to wearing a suit of armour too (Shankfoot the dwarf forged it from the rare metals found in the oasis).

  I’m surprised he doesn’t wear golden armour like his smug dragon.

  I go on, “I... just thought you ought to know, Profess—I mean Myrddin. Bryn is your child after all.”

  Myrddin shuts his eyes again, never looking so peaceful. “Thank you Matthew, for telling me. But you needn’t worry. Bryn is strong. She can take care of herself. Besides, I have faith in my students. I know she won’t be alone at the academy...”

  Quickly, I wrack my brains, trying to imagine who would help Bryn at a time like this. Caleb and Darius are out. I sat at the same table with them for a full year; they really are arseholes, and one’s an angel. Go fig.

  There is Row and Laura too, but they’re idiots. So who else would help her out? Bryn didn’t really speak to anyone at the academy, apart from me and her housemates.

  There’s Orion Saltwater, Clara Devine, and Katy Simpson. They dated her housemates, but they may offer her help.

  I can imagine they’re concerned about their other halves...

  At that thought, Nora’s shriek echoes through the valley as Zelina almost crashes into a cliff.

gorgon better pull herself together if she hopes to fight in this war. Bryn’s life depends on it.

  “Once again, I have to agree with the Boy Wizard. Bryn is too feisty for her own good, Matthew. You needn’t worry.”

  I gaze into that giant, yellow eye of Brynmawr as its fixed solely on me, and I nod.

  “Thank you, Brynmawr.”

  We don’t talk anymore on the matter. So I focus my mind on the peaceful, picturesque landscape, trying to channel Myrddin and Brynmawr’s calm, blasé attitudes.

  It’s not easy at first as all I can see is Bryn’s face, but it’s not a terrified face. It’s brave, resolute, and... audacious.

  The house she was meant to be sorted into, but her place went to an arsehole like me instead.

  I never deserved to be in Audacious.

  Soon, I will have her back, and kiss her until the sun rises. Hey, I may even fuck her a little too.

  Too bad Gwyneira knocks me from my sexy thoughts. “Must you, Matthew...”

  I roll my eyes. Let’s just hope she doesn’t tell Bryn’s dad and dragon beside us. I’d rather not be blasted or burnt.

  Chapter 7 – Bryn

  I sit at the back of Mr. Higgles lecture hall without a friend in the world.

  It was where I used to sit with my housemates, but they’re no longer beside me now.

  I hate being alone.

  I don’t take in a word Mr. Higgles says (it’s all the same human bashing crap again). Instead, I gaze around at the sea of gray beneath me.

  Once again, everyone sits with their own kind and I roll my eyes. I always thought this school was diverse. Sure, the supernatural were united in their hatred of humankind, but now they’re just as bad as humans.

  There were times in human history were we segregated ourselves based on the pigmentation of our skin. Now these supernaturals do it on the basis of whether they suck blood or shift into a bear.


  Orion seats himself with his fellow marine creatures, and his beautiful, ocean eyes find me. He gives a nod.

  Clara offers me a seductive wave by a group of her fellow demons, licking her sexy, red lips. I raise a brow.


  Then Katy’s probing, green eyes fall on me, and they flash. The cat shifters barely pay attention too. The little Persian girl curls up on her seat, and she looks adorable.


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