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Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series

Page 66

by K L Rymer

  They’re still pretty much children in that regard. Dragons grow up fast, but it takes them millennium to reach their true potential in terms of stamina.

  The babes have all caught up with their riders mentally. They’re all college-aged kids now. So nineteen or twenty.

  They’re even making crude jokes about sex and it’s just too much. The main culprits are Elvira, Buddy, and Zelina, but Maximus, Azure, Sparkle Hearts, and, surprisingly, Shadow Stalker, look just as disgusted as I do whenever Elvira talks about dragon dick.

  Apparently, she wants it, and has her sights set on Maximus. (Another pair of dragons just like their riders.)

  I am not ready for the babies to have sex yet. No way! They can stay virgins.

  We gather around a giant bonfire since there are so many of us in the oasis now. The dragons are off flying somewhere to avoid intimidating Megan’s and Sophie’s families. But the humans were surprisingly cool when they learned of the existence of dragons. Once they found out that they wouldn’t be eaten, they were fine.

  Megan has joined Mr. Tanaka’s Tai Chi class right along with her little sister Chloe, and she’s doing very well. That foxy redhead really got them moves, and I catch Jack ogling her every time she bends.

  Who needs that sexier than sin Succubus when you’ve got a charming, fiery redhead...

  Chloe can’t quite bend her legs so well, and you can see the bitterness in the younger redhead’s eyes whenever Megan receives a standing ovation from Mr. Tanaka.

  Megan and Chloe tend to sit with us rather than their own lot these days, and I’m surprised with Chloe. When I first met her, she came across as superficial, but she has more depth to her soul than I realized.

  When you find out that creatures like fae and demons exist, then you want to get the chance to know what they’re all about.

  Chloe’s just like Megan. Very blasé about everything...

  Nothing fazes the fourteen-year-old. Even when everyone laughs at her accent, she laughs right along with them.

  She loves the attention.

  “Go on, say it again...” Zahara sneers, sipping at her cold beer.

  When has that Unseelie never got a beer in her hand?

  Chloe giggles, but then she stops short when her fiery sister growls, “Don’t you fucking dare...”

  The dark fae girl has the fourteen-year-old saying, “Chicken”. Not a big deal, but with her phlegmy dialect, it does sound funny.

  Chloe smirks then says in a thick, scouse accent, “Chicken,” and everyone howls.

  Damien falls off his rock while Jack wipes his eyes. Thomas even manages a smile, and Angie for that matter too, but Nora closes her eyes and dozes off into dreamland.

  Only Felicity tries to stop their laughing since poor Megan’s cheeks are as red as her hair now.

  Megan got it really bad first year at Bangor. We couldn’t even pass a KFC without Sophie begging her to say “Chicken...”

  I suppose that’s what she gets for asking me to say “Y’all” back when we first met.

  The redhead snaps, fixing Zahara with a blazing look. “That’s enough. Stop it now.”

  The Unseelie cackles. “Well, you shouldn’t have such interesting dialects. Trust me... even the Unseelie Court knows of the scouse accent... It’s infamous.”

  Meg rolls her eyes. “Let me guess... and they all support Liverpool F.C.?”

  Megan’s not much of a soccer fan, which is a crying shame. Her whole family loves it, and she’s such a black sheep.

  I’m right there with her... I was never one for sports either. I’m too much of a nerd for that.

  Zahara pops open another bottle, passing one to Megan now. They’ve become quite close I’ve noticed. “You bet, Chick...”

  I watch the Unseelie impressed. She really got that scouse accent down.

  Megan opens her bottle, downing her beer. “Don’t call me chick.”

  Zahara’s laughing has died down somewhat, and then another bout of silence drifts through the group.

  I take a moment to gaze around.

  Damien and Felicity suck face now. Angelina and Thomas talk about physics (the vampire stays far from the humans). Jack regards Megan from the corner of his eye, and Nora’s still sleeping.

  Macson, Jessika, and Peter sit further away since they’re not really a part of our group. The light fae and dark fae make out while Peter (a.k.a. Swamp Boy) watches like a perv. He gets more gelatinous and oozy the dirtier their kiss gets, and it’s just frigging gross.

  I always wondered when the Unseelie guy and the Seelie girl would hook up. It’s about time. They’re both bullies and deserve each other. After Angelina and Matthew, they were the second most popular guy and girl at the academy.

  Matthew’s God knows where. He doesn’t tend to relax like the rest of us. War is constantly on his mind, and the guy seriously needs to chill.

  I’ll help him chill. With sexy Bryn time, of course...

  We’ve all had a bit to drink. Chloe’s the only sober one amongst us since she’s only fourteen. Zahara did offer her a beer, but Megan nearly ripped her head off.

  That’s when Myrddin drifts toward us looking gravely serious with his staff and cosmic cape. I catch sight of my mother ogling him on the other side of the bonfire, and she’s so obvious.

  She tends to spend all her time with her parents, but it’s easy to see she has her sights set on the wizard.

  Myrddin stops before our group, and we all peer up. Megan nods her head in acknowledgment. “Yer alright, Myrddin?”

  I roll my eyes. I hate that she’s chummy with everyone now (she’s my friend!)

  Myrddin releases a solemn sigh, finding my gaze. “I’m afraid not, Miss Maloney. I have received a summons...”

  Everyone’s eyes fall on me for some reason, gauging my reaction.

  “A summons from whom?” I ask and I’m just happy that I said whom rather than who for once.

  The wizard’s eyes glow bright jade and I shiver. His orbs only shine like that when he’s pissed. “The Supernatural Council... They are not happy with the current affairs, and have sought my help.”

  I scoff. “Well, it’s about friggin’ time.”

  I’m not sure who the Supernatural Council actually are. As far as I’m aware, they have a representative from each of the world’s magical races, but I can’t help but notice how they’ve all been quiet.

  When Matthew senior took over the academy, they didn’t intervene. They just sat back while the rest of us suffered and tried to build an army out of dragon babies.

  Hell, we even had to escape to Hell and get help from the Devil.

  We could have done with the help sooner.

  Typical, useless government... I hate to get political, but there you go.

  Myrddin steps closer, taking my shoulders in his hands, and the weight from his palms seems to make me sink into the earth. “Bryn... this is serious. We need their help more than ever now, so we must use this to our advantage. We leave first thing tomorrow. The Council wants to meet us as soon as possible.”

  I push him back. “Tomorrow? But I’ll still be hungover!”

  Such a typical student thing to say: “And exam Monday morning? But I’ll still be drunk then!”

  Myrddin did not like my response one bit as his eyes glow serpentine green, and fuck... he’s going to turn into a snake or something now (no more cute, fluffy Merlin bunnies). “Bryn... war will soon be upon us... We need to act now. So no more drinking. All of you! You should be like young Matthew, poised and ready to fight any moment!”

  Everyone protests and then Zahara throws a discarded bottle cap at my face. “Nice going, human...”

  I groan, rising to my feet. “Fine. I guess I should get to bed then.”

  “That’s right,” Myrddin replies. “You will need a good night’s rest. And you too, Miss Maloney...”

  Megan spits her drink, spraying it all over Zahara. “Why me?”

  The wizard places a fatherly hand on her shoul
der now. “You are vital in our mission after all. You may not know it, but you were the one who saved Bryn and informed us all of her whereabouts.”

  The redhead looks my way, a smug smile on her freckled face. “Yeah, you owe me one, Bryn...”

  I shrug. “I’ll buy you a beer when we return to Bangor.”

  She nods. “Deal.”

  Myrddin continues. “Also... the Council are aware that I am hosting an array of vagabond humans, so they have asked to meet one of you personally. And I knew which human would be the best fit.”

  Megan scrunches her orange eyebrows. “That’s all good and all, Myrddin, but why do a bunch of supernaturals want to see me?”

  Again, the wizard’s eyes burn ominously. “Because they seek a human perspective on the state of the world...”

  Megan sighs then rises to her feet. “Well, I best get myself off to bed too. Night, everyone.”

  She yanks her sister by the arm and Chloe objects. “Get off! I don’t have to go to bed!”

  “Tough tit!”

  The redheads soon disappear amongst the shadows, and now it’s just the supernatural folk left.

  Myrddin taps his pocket watch, indicating that it’s time that I went to bed too, and now I turn on my heels to find my own bed of heather. Since we’re in the spirit world, we don’t need beds.

  “See you in the morning, I guess.”

  Chapter 18 - Bryn

  It wasn’t even sunrise when Myrddin woke me the next day.

  Apparently, he wants me to be the one to teleport us to the Council’s secret lair, which was why he dragged me away from my bed of soft mountain heather earlier than expected.

  It’s time for my first lesson after all.

  He’s so mean.

  I just don’t get it. Why now? He’s had two years to teach me to teleport, yet he just gave me the pin and told me to go to town...

  Perhaps now is just my time or whatever.

  Megan and Matthew watch me train since they’re coming with us, and I hate that I’m the only one whose name doesn’t begin with an M.

  I feel so left out.

  Plus, I’m not that up for having a mini audience. Knowing me, I will end up teleporting half of my body across the world to their sick amusement.

  We stand inside a stone circle that looks eerily similar to Stonehenge, and it takes me back to the time I almost killed Mattie in year one in a similar stone circle.

  The smug asshole in question perches upon a rock with my good friend Megan the human, and I see they’re the best of buds now.

  Why is everyone trying to steal my friend? They can get their own human!

  “Concentrate now, Bryn,” Myrddin says, pulling me away from my thoughts. “This is important. You don’t want to lose a leg now.”

  Matthew winces. “Yes... very painful.”

  I scowl at that pretty mage. “So, tell me, Matthew... did you lose a limb at some point?”

  He smirks. “My leg ended up in Canada...”

  Megan snorts. “I feel for the poor sod who found your disembodied leg hoping about.”

  “Exactly, Bryn...” Myrddin chimes in. “The last thing you want to do is cause a scare. So you must get this right. I am counting on you.”

  I throw my arms up, and I’m such a brat. “All right! So, just give me the first instruction.”

  Myrddin pushes himself away, smiling ear to ear. “Simple. You just think of the place where you want to go, and poof! You’re gone.”

  My chin hangs loose. “Seriously? If it’s that easy, then you could have just told me two years ago...”

  The wizard chuckles. “I would have much preferred it that you used the pin. I had it magically traced after all with a tracking device. That way I could keep an eye on you...”

  I stare at him in disbelief. Well, I never knew that. Stupid, overprotective father... I guess that’s what I get for being born Merlin’s daughter of all people.

  I grumble, channeling my magic now as I think of where I want to go. Only I have no idea where the Council are.

  Well, shoot.

  It looks like the wizard got me.

  I cross my arms, tapping a foot. “You tricked me.”

  Myrddin guffaws. “That I did, Bryn! Did you think it was going to be that easy? First, you need to visualise your atoms breaking apart as you travel through space and time, and you have to really see it. Feel it... Only then will you be gifted with the ability to teleport.”

  My eyes widen. “So... just take me to space... I’m sure that will help.”

  I shouldn’t have asked because he has that wicked gleam to his crazy eyes, and I back off. “No... I was just kidding... s-stay back—”

  Without warning, the wizard seizes me by the arm, and next we’re traveling through space and time.

  Our atoms are breaking apart and once again, I reassemble in a cloudy, dreamlike void, surrounded by millions and millions of lights.

  There is no bottom or end to this place, and no right and left either as I’m pretty sure it’s infinite.

  It kind of looks like we’re floating inside a nebula.

  So I guess we are in space then... Or somewhere even more unfathomable.

  So this is where he disappears to?

  Myrddin materializes beside me, and I round on him at once. “Take me back. This place is trippy!”

  He chortles. “Nonsense, Bryn. You should be honoured. Very few get to experience the wonders of the cosmos...”

  His words echo through the void, making my blood boil as his stupid, pompous voice repeats itself on a loop.

  Looks like I’m stuck here until further notice.

  The lights don’t leave us. They hover around like fireflies, and I have no idea what they are.

  They’re not stars because stars are actually giant balls of gas lightyears from earth. These lights almost resemble the spirits that sometimes emerge within the spirit world.

  I guess they’re spirits.

  “You guessed right, Bryn... These are old, ancient spirits that have been around even before our universe began... This was where I plucked your soul strip. The one that tethered you to Brynmawr.”

  At his remark, a threadlike material drapes across my shoulder when I bump into an interstellar bush of some kind. The bush is covered in the same lacy substance, and it glows like the soul strip that Myrddin handed me so I could tether myself to Brynmawr.

  That dragon’s been so busy with training the juveniles lately that I’ve barely had time to see him. I will need to pay him a visit sometime.

  We’re soul-bonded after all.

  The strips grow like plants in this place as the ancient spirits tend to them like gardeners. They nourish them before sending them off into another universe so they can tether some lucky souls together.

  I guess that’s where the saying “soul-mates” comes from.

  Myrddin swims toward me, and I roll my eyes.

  He looks so stupid.

  “So, Bryn, do you think you can finally give teleporting a try? This infinite space should give you the clarity you need.”

  He provides me with the coordinates that I need in order to get to the Supernatural Council, and now I envision my body breaking apart.

  It happens. My atoms separate once again and now I’m traveling back through space and time.

  Myrddin waves just before I disappear. “See you there, Bryn. I will be joining you shortly.”

  Lights flash before me as I go spiraling into beyond, and once I re-open my eyes I find myself standing before a giant, gilded door.

  I peer up and down a long, shadowy hallway, and shudder.

  I do not want to get lost in this place.

  Myrddin appears once again, and I exhale a sigh of relief. He holds onto Matthew and Megan this time, and the redheaded female looks as if she’s going to puke.

  She’s still not used to the sensation of teleporting.

  The wizard steps toward the door, raises his staff, then knocks. He glances my way. “Well,
this is it. You ready to meet the Supernatural Council, Bryn?”

  I face the gilded door, taking a deep breath.

  I’m so ready.

  Time to give these assholes a piece of my mind.

  Chapter 19 - Bryn

  We enter the fancy, gilded doors, and a polished floor of shiny onyx stretches far before us like a runway.

  At the end of the runway sits a high podium, and when I squint, I make out those silent, shrouded forms.

  Myrddin makes the first move down the shiny runway, and now he marches toward the podium, whistling a merry tune.

  We watch speechless as the wizard approaches those shadowy figures like he’s visiting Santa or someone, but then to my surprise, Megan follows his lead, completely unperturbed.

  Then Mattie makes his move, and now it’s just me left. Quickly, I pick up the pace, tailing the others like a shadow, and before I know it I’m standing in a semi-circle with my comrades, looking up at that imposing, black structure

  Now that I’m much closer, I get a better look at the faces beneath those dark cowls, making a quick headcount.

  There are five of them in total, and judging by the radiant blue eyes and fangs of the one in the middle, he’s a vamp. The figure next to him with the high cheekbones could be nothing more than a fae, and the one on the vampire’s right possibly a mage or some other form of spell caster.

  I meet the eyes of another council member, and if those glowing, golden orbs are any indication, then he’s a wolf shifter. Then last but not least is a winged figure with feathers the color of slate.

  He must be an angel.

  The mage speaks up, and he sounds even older than Myrddin. “Welcome, Myrddin... Thank you for joining us today. There are a few things we would like to express with you.”

  My professor bows, groveling to this stuffy old mage as if he’s his superior. “Thank you for having me today, Sirs.”

  Sirs? I peer up at the five council members again. I’m pretty sure the fae is a woman.

  “Now, do you have a representative from the human race here with you today?” The mage continues. “We would like to hear their stance on the situation on earth.”


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