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The Arrangement [Box Set]

Page 28

by Abby Weeks

  She felt Kit’s legs tighten on her head and then the skirt came up. She stopped what she was doing to look around the room. The guards were all looking at her and all three of them had opened their flies and were rubbing their erect cocks with their hands. They were obviously Kit’s personal entourage and were well accustomed to her sexual exploits. They’d probably seen a lot of crazy things since working for her and it seemed Kit got a big kick out of showing off to them.

  —Go on, puppy, Kit said. Get up on the bed.

  April crawled over to the bed and got up on it. Kit followed her over, pushing her on the bum with her foot.

  —Get up there, puppy, Kit said, almost making April lose her balance as she was pushed forward by Kit’s foot.

  April was on the bed on her hands and knees and she was surprised when Kit got up on the bed too and pulled her skirt up and her panties off. She flung the panties at one of the guards and they landed on his shoulder. The guard ignored them, leaving them on his shoulder as he continued to gently stroke his erect cock. The three guards seemed to have no shame at all and were perfectly content to stand in their uniforms and masturbate, enjoying whatever show Kit was in the mood to give them.

  Kit got up on her hands and knees in front of April, forcing her butt into April’s face.

  April was utterly humiliated as Kit smiled at her guards and said, —Watch what my naughty puppy likes to do, boys.

  Kit was wiggling her bum in front of April’s face obscenely, and April tentatively touched with her tongue the pink little circle of muscle that formed Kit’s anus.

  —That’s right, puppy, Kit said.

  April continued to lick the anus, pushing her tongue against the muscle, trying to get her tongue inside the tight ring. Kit began to moan in pleasure. April let her tongue move down from the anus toward the lower end of Kit’s cunt but Kit kicked backward at her, hitting her painfully on the leg with the heel of her shoe. April immediately went back to the anus, playing with the ring of muscle as much as she could. While pushing her face in between Kit’s butt cheeks, her face got completely wet with her own saliva. She wasn’t even sure anymore if she was crying or not, her face was so wet, but she thought she was.

  —That feels so good, puppy. Don’t stop.

  April’s tongue began to ache with all the effort she was putting into it but she continued to push its tip into Kit’s anus, licking incessantly at the wiggling bum, listening to Kit’s taunts.

  —How about some pictures, Mark? Kit said.

  One of the guards left and came back with a camera and started to take pictures of April as she ate Kit’s bum.

  —Alright, Kit said at last. On your back.

  April wondered what Kit had in mind as she lay down on her back and looked up at the ceiling. Kit threw a leg over April’s face and sat down, facing the room, with her vagina directly on April’s mouth. April’s body was stretched out behind Kit.

  —Eat, puppy, Kit said.

  Kit squirmed on April’s face, grinding her cunt all over her face, soaking her with her dripping liquid and April didn’t know anymore if it was her own saliva or juice from Kit’s pussy that was covering her mouth. She moaned as she struggled for breath but Kit took no notice. If anything she forced herself harder down on April’s face.

  —Ok, boys, Kit said. Come on over here. Kiss me.

  The three guards, with their cocks in their hands, came over and leaned over April’s face and began kissing Kit on the mouth. From where she was, April had a view up their uniformed bodies to see that one of the guards was passionately kissing Kit’s mouth while another was sucking on her neck and a third was delicately licking one of her breasts. Kit was getting all that attention and pleasure from them while April was doing all the work, licking the cunt, pushing her tongue as far inside Kit’s pussy as it could possibly go.

  —That’s right, my lovely boys, Kit was saying to the guards. Love me. Love me.

  They continued to kiss Kit passionately and April watched as Kit reached out and took their cocks, one at a time, and began to rub them against April’s face. April was in the perfect position to be abused in this way, her head under Kit’s cunt at the same height as the men’s crotches. She continued sucking on the soft flesh around Kit’s pussy but she noticed that Kit was raising her body up off her face, just an inch or two, so that the guards could rub their aching, throbbing cocks against her mouth and face more easily.

  —Love me, boys, Kit said as she kissed all of them on the mouth. And come. I want you all to come on my beautiful pussy and my bitch’s face.

  The guards were leaning in over April, kissing Kit so passionately that they looked like nymphs seducing a sailor in some old painting. Their tongues were all over Kit, in her mouth, on her neck, on her breasts and nipples, but their penises were all pressing against April’s face, pushing toward her mouth. At some points she felt that all three cocks were in her mouth at once. The tips of the penises were rubbing on her face, pressing on her lips and getting in her mouth, but they were also pressing against Kit’s cunt which was just an inch or two from her mouth.

  —Don’t you stop licking me, Kit commanded between kisses. Don’t you stop, you little bitch. I want to come when these boys come. Do you hear me?

  April moaned and continued to lick Kit’s pussy as much as she could. All the time, the three cocks were getting in her way, rubbing on her face, getting in her mouth and touching her tongue. She was going to have to make all four of her captors come together and it was going to be a big mess on her face when it happened.

  Still, what more did she deserve? She was the one who’d grown up with a whore for a mother. She’d been in and out of state care, moving from house to house and from stepdad to stepdad. She was a slut and she deserved to be treated like one. She was Kit’s bitch now, and she always would be. She didn’t even deserve a better life than this. She didn’t deserve to be a mother to her daughters. Kit would do a better job and give them a better life than she ever could.

  She cried as the first splash of semen squirted out of one of the cocks and onto her face. She continued to lick Kit’s cunt, letting the jizz get on her tongue and into her mouth.

  —Oh, you lovely boy, Kit was saying as she kissed the guard who was climaxing.

  Then Kit began kissing the second guard as his semen began to gush out of the thick pipe of his cock and onto April’s mouth. Some of it poured onto Kit’s cunt too and the old hag thrust forward toward it as she kissed the mouth of the man who was coming. April continued to suck on Kit’s cunt despite the gushes of thick semen that were flowing onto it and onto her face.

  —Come here, Kit said as she pulled the third guard to her mouth and kissed him.

  He had the thickest, longest cock of all and the semen that came out of it seemed like it would never end. It squirted all over Kit’s cunt and belly and dripped down onto April’s face like melting snow off the roof of a house.

  At that very moment, just as the last squirts of jizz poured out of the third guard’s thick cock, Kit began to scream as she herself reached the point of climax. April tongued Kit’s clit and pushed her tongue deep into her vagina as her new master screamed in pleasure and orgasmic fulfillment.

  When Kit finished coming she rolled off April and lay on the bed, gasping for breath.

  —Oh, god, she said, over and over.

  The guards were smiling lasciviously as they tucked away their cocks back inside their pants.

  April reached for the sheet. She was going to wipe the cum off her face. There was the semen of three men all over her face and she could hardly see through it. It was mixed with her own saliva and whatever juice had squirted out of Kit’s cunt during her own orgasm.

  —Oh, no, Kit said. You don’t clean up, bitch. You just lay there like the whore you are. I’ll tell you when to move.

  April lay motionless as the semen slid down her face. The three men and Kit all looked at her with evil, leering grins on their faces, completely satisfied with their
achievement. April felt like nothing more than a sex toy for these people to use and abuse as they wished.

  —That’s a good bitch, Kit said. That’s a good, obedient, cunt-licking, little bitch.

  April said nothing as Kit’s words washed over her like rain. She was numb with humiliation. The semen was so thick on her face it was like a mask. It was like a mask that she knew she would be wearing for the rest of her life.

  —Look at you, you little slut. That’s right, lick up that semen, you fucking cunt.

  This was never going to end. This was what it was going to be like for the rest of her life. April was so utterly humiliated and felt so disgusting that she couldn’t even cry. She just lay there and swallowed whatever semen dripped from her face into her mouth while her four captors looked at her and grinned.

  After a few minutes Kit said, —I’m spent boys, but whichever of you feels like it can fuck my bitch in the ass. I’ll watch.


  APRIL GOT BACK ON HER hands and knees. She knew she was going to be fucked in the ass like a whore for the rest of the night.

  —Bark like a puppy, bitch, Kit said.

  April barked like a puppy. She was so utterly humiliated that she didn’t even care any more what she did. If this was going to be her life from now on then she didn’t see much point in fighting against it. Things would go easier for her if she embraced what she had to become. She barked some more and one of the guards came over and began to loosen up her ass hole with his finger. She barked some more. He wet his finger in his mouth and pressed it against her butt hole, pushing the long finger slowly in, all the way. She gasped when he pulled it out and rammed it back in.

  —That’s right, bitch, Kit said.

  Another guard came over and pressed a finger into her vagina. Their semen was still on her face and now they were coming back for more, already. She didn’t know where they got the appetite for it from. She supposed having a woman completely under their control was quite a turn on. Being totally free to dominate and abuse a woman however they wanted had to be a fantasy for men like these who worked for Kit for a living.

  She barked like a puppy while they fingered her pussy and anus. The third guard came over and had his cock back out of his pants. He was rubbing it on the semen that was still on her face, trying to build himself up to another erection.

  She opened her mouth over the soft, little penis.

  Then she heard a familiar voice and it wasn’t Kit’s.

  —Hold it right there.

  It was Midge! She looked around and saw Midge, standing in the doorway holding one of the security guards’ discarded shotguns. The guards had been so caught up in their fun that they had completely forgotten about their guns. Even Kit was taken by surprise. The look on her face was priceless.

  —Midge! April said. What the hell are you doing here? You’re going to get yourself killed.

  —I’m here to save you, dummy.

  April could have run over and hugged her but she was too aware of the humiliating semen on her face to do anything like that. She wriggled free of the guards cocks and fingers and cleaned her face on the bed sheet. She took a big glob of cum off her face with a finger and reached over to Kit and wiped it on her hair.

  —I believe this belongs to you, she said to Kit.

  The look on Kit’s face was enough to bring back all of April’s forgotten courage in a single instant. The guards were back against the wall now, looking idiotic and sheepish as Midge pointed their own gun at them. April got dressed in Jack’s sweats which were in a little heap on the floor and was surprised when she felt the solid weight of the handgun in the pants pocket. She reached in and grabbed it.

  She looked at Midge. Midge was holding the shotgun levelly at the three guards and April was surprised at how confident she looked with it. April cocked the handgun and then walked over to Kit. She held the gun to Kit’s temple.

  —Please don’t, Kit said.

  Kit had lost some of the confidence and malicious smugness from her voice but April still detested the sound of it.

  —Why shouldn’t I? April said. You were going to take my children away from me, you heartless bitch. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just pull this trigger right now?

  Kit looked genuinely scared. She wasn’t used to having the tables turned on her so dramatically.

  —Come on, April, Midge said. She’s not worth it. Let’s get out of here.

  April looked at Midge and then back at Kit. The thought of pulling the trigger tore at her but she knew she wouldn’t do a thing like that. She was a lot of things but a killer wasn’t one of them. She went to the small washroom and washed her face in the sink. Then she came back out and addressed Kit.

  —Where are my girls?

  —They’re down the hall. There’s a bedroom on the right with a locked door. They’re in there.

  —And what about my friends?

  —There’s a room next to it with a steel door.

  —Where’s the key?

  Kit indicated one of the guards. The guard made to put his hand in his pocket.

  —Not so fast, Midge said. You move nice and slow.

  The guard put his hand slowly into his pocket and pulled out a key on a metal clip. He threw it to April and she caught it.

  —Come on, April said and led the way down the corridor.

  Kit and the guards were forced to follow her, with Midge in the back, pointing the shotgun at them. When they reached the steel door April unlocked it with the key. Jack and Jimmy were sitting on the ground and their eyes widened in surprise when they saw her and Midge in charge of Kit and the three guards.

  Jimmy laughed. —This is Midge, I presume?

  April and Midge nodded.

  Jack just shook his head and said, —Remind me never to underestimate you two.

  Before locking Kit and the guards in the strongroom, April had the idea of making them all strip. She wanted to make sure they didn’t have any hidden keys or weapons that they could use to escape, but she also wanted to exert hew own power over Kit now that the tables had turned.

  —Get naked, she said to the four captives.

  The men looked at Kit and then stripped out of their uniforms. Kit acted haughty and indignant but in the end she too stripped down to complete nakedness.

  —You’re lucky I don’t have time to do anything worse, April said to them before locking the door.

  Then she put the key in her pocket. She imagined she might hold on to that key for the rest of her life as a symbol of the moment she took the power back from Kit.

  She left the others and went to the door of the other bedroom. It wasn’t even locked. Inside, her two girls were on a bed, crying. She wrapped them in her arms and had a hard time handing them over to Jack and Jimmy so that they could carry them back to the truck that was waiting for them at the back of the property.

  —Let’s get out of here, Jack said and led the way back through the house toward the exit at the sauna room.

  They knew that Herb and Walter and the others would be on their way back very soon. They would have arrived at the motel and realized they’d been tricked by now.

  They had to hurry.


  JACK LED THE WAY THROUGH the massive house. He was carrying Lucy. Jimmy followed him carrying Mary. Midge and April were in the back. Jack remembered perfectly the route they needed to take and they made no wrong turns. They crossed the landing and flew down the stairs, went through the main hall and back down the long corridor leading to the kitchen. Just as they were reaching the swinging door leading into the kitchen Jack yelled back at them.


  They all hit the ground but April didn’t know the reason for it. Jack put Lucy down and April went to her and held her.

  —Wait here, Jack said. I saw someone.

  He kicked open the kitchen doors and went through. Jimmy put down Mary and April took a hold of her too. She held her two daughters so tightly and swore she would n
ever let them go again. Midge was there with her, offering her the kind of support that no other woman in her life had ever given. She owed everything to Midge. If Midge hadn’t come back, she’d still be upstairs in that room with Kit and her three horrible guards.

  —Thank you for coming back, she said to Midge.

  It wasn’t a time for conversation but Midge nodded.

  Jimmy had gone into the kitchen after Jack and they heard the loud crashing of metal pots and trays against the tiled ground.

  —What’s going on in there? April said.

  Midge shrugged.

  They waited nervously, listening to the sound of a wild fight in the kitchen and April’s heart skipped a beat when the doors to the kitchen swung open again. It was Jack.

  —Come on, he said. We’re running out of time.

  April and Midge ushered the girls through the door into the kitchen. April saw two guards on the ground. Jimmy was standing over them, pointing a gun squarely at their chests.

  Then there was a loud shot, a gunshot, coming from the corridor they had just run down. Jack opened the swinging door just a crack and Midge saw, running down the corridor toward them, Herb and Walter and two more guards.


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