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Tainted Rose (The Starlight Gods Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “Oh Starlight’s, Mako!” Eli exclaimed before running and diving into the pool to retrieve the device.

  The boys sighed, shaking their heads, their lips curved upward.

  “What? You said it was water proof?” I blinked in confusion. What’s the point of it being water proof if you couldn’t throw it in the water?

  Eli emerged to the surface, swimming to the pool’s edge and lifting herself out with ease; the water glided off her body. Damn...she looks good soaked, too.

  “I agree.”

  “I wonder if this is how those commercial’s in Earthala look,” I replied.

  “Maybe. Eli’s pretty hot.”

  It took me a moment to register the monotone voice.

  “Oh shit, Midnight?”

  “Hmm. What?”

  “You’re doing that talking thing again,” I reminded, trying to stay calm.

  “Makoto? What’s wrong?” Eli asked as she approached; the wind blew against her, drying her in seconds. I gulped, feeling tingles go down my spine.

  “Can you like, I don’t know, lower that attraction of yours. It’s distracting.”

  “You’re distracted by Eli. Not me. And last time I remembered we’re the same person,” she retorted.

  “Ya.” I answered before her presence was gone again. I decided to share before I forgot, like the previous two times.

  “Midnight again. I said I wondered if Eli walking out of the pool was like those commercials in Earthala and Midnight called Eli pretty hot, and I told her to not be so damn attracted to Eli before she pointed out were the same and uh shit.” I swore, my face burning red as I realized what I’d just done. Overshare much?

  I covered my face before groaning. Why me!

  “Ignore what I just said!” I explained, turning around to escape, but an arm wrapped around me.

  I opened my eyes; Daniel’s eyes sparkled in the sun’s light.

  “That’s not embarrassing Makoto,” he reassured me. Kai walked up to us, placing his hand on my shoulder.

  “Elias and EliaseAnne, are the same person. It’s normal for you to have feelings for both, even if Eli’s a girl. Don’t stress about it,” he explained, his voice emphasized on Eli’s name as if it was a rare title to use.

  I let my hands drop looking at the others – all of them looked calm as if my admission was a normal, everyday conversation.

  “Okay,” I admitted. A nervous giggle escaped me as the glittering of my new phone caught my attention. I walked forward, taking it out of Eli’s hand. My precious.

  “Precious my ass. You threw it in the fucking pool,” Eli pointed out, but smiled at my eagerness. She helped me set it up, explained the details before entering their contacts.

  “That means all of you have these phones?” I asked; I remembered the device Marcus used to record my 1v1 exam looking similar.

  “Yup. We don’t normally carry them with us, but now that you have one, we’ll have it on us.” Ryder pulled out a similar replica in black.

  “That means I’m connected to all of you? If I need you, I can just call or text you?” I asked, unable to grasp such a useful device.

  They nodded.

  Daniel stepped forward, pulling me into a hug.

  “Now, you’ll always be connected to us somehow and were only a call away. If you ever need us, just press the button. Deal?” He pulled away to look at me.

  “Deal!” I agreed. He leaned forward, kissed me lightly on the lips before pulling away. I frowned, wanting more than just a simple peck, which caused him to laugh.

  “I’m in line remember? Ryder gets dibs.” He chuckled.

  “Fine. Um. Does this take pictures, too?” I wondered, staring down at the weird icons on the lit-up screen.

  “It sure does, Firefly,” Marcus answered.

  “Can we take a picture? Is there a way to fit us all in?” I started to jump in place, unable to contain my eagerness. A picture with my knights and Eli.

  “What about Elias?” I realized Elias would lose the chance to take a picture now that Eli was taking over.

  “He’s asleep he won – fuck. Jeez, when did your cranky ass wake up? I swear...fine, fine, we’ll switch after we take the first pic,” she huffed.

  I gave her a devilish look. Of course, Elias would never miss a chance. I could only imagine the scowl on his face as he fumed at the fact he wasn’t being included, the thought made me giggle in glee.

  “Alright, let’s huddle. We should be able to fit,” Ryder encouraged.

  Daniel took the spot on my left. Ryder was about to take the opening on my right before Eli slid under his arm, wrapping an arm around my waist.

  The demon shifter frowned, giving her a look.

  “Don’t give me that look Ryder. There’s too much testosterone. Mako needs balance,” she stressed, blinking her eyes.

  I laughed.

  Ryder mumbled, I’ll get my revenge, before walking to Daniel’s side. Eli didn’t know what she had gotten herself into.

  “But, you’re a boy,” Kai commented, taking his place behind me with Marcus, being the tallest among the others.

  “Elias is a boy who’s impatiently waiting for us to take a picture, so he can have his turn. Now, come move closer Captain Obvious,” she defended.

  “So how are you going to put the pictures together?” I inquired.

  “Don’t worry; I’ll get Marcus’ friend Junho, to photoshop him in. He’s really good at it,” Eli explained, her hand glowed to life as the wind picked up my phone and positioned it far enough so we all fit in the small frame.

  “Photochop? Wait, you’re going to take Elias and chop him? And then magically infuse him into the picture? That sounds painful,” I replied, trying to imagine the process.

  Marcus’ laughter was the first amongst the chuckles and giggles that followed.

  I turned to face them, frowning. Eli rubbed my back as she rubbed at her eye.

  “Mako, you’re one of a kind,” she praised.

  “I told you that already. Obviously, there’s no one as unique as me,” I replied, confidently. We cuddled together, ready to take the picture when I remembered something. “Oh! One sec,” I turned to Daniel, pulling his glasses off his face.

  He blinked, giving me a confused look. I slid the glasses on; my eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the weird frame.

  “There! Nighty, come,” I commanded; the white ball of fur’s head poked up before she jumped off the chair she was sleeping on. She was in my arms and onto my shoulder within five seconds.

  I took a final glance at Daniel who looked like he’d won an award with his full teeth smile. I returned back to face the camera. This was the peace I’d yearned for – to finally find somewhere I belonged. My home.

  “Alright, everyone ready. I’m going to countdown,” Eli encouraged. “3-2-1.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Mako, wake up.”

  I stirred, turning to my opposite side to get away from the heat. My body was exhausted after the fun-filled day I’d experienced yesterday.

  The party didn’t end until the wee hours of the night. We had started a campfire and roasted these white, mushy things called marshmallows. Marcus explained it was a human tradition to have marshmallows over the campfire while we told ghost stories. I found out Eli hated ghosts, her arm locked around mine as she huddled against me, trembling at Marcus’ storytelling.

  After ten minutes of Eli begging Marcus to stop his ghost stories, and then finding Daniel asleep on the unicorn float, we decided to retire for the night. I made sure to take a picture for memory, adding it to the other hundreds of pictures I had taken. Eli assured me she’d force Marcus to pass by Earthala and get all the photos we had taken developed into an album, where I could add them to my not so secret drawer. Guess I would need another drawer.

  I’d fallen asleep, while I waited for the boys to finish cleaning up; my head leaned against Eli’s shoulder as she absentmindedly stroked Nighty’s fur who was cuddled in her
lap. I only woke up for a moment as Ryder closed the door to his room, holding me in his arms. I relaxed in his strong arms, falling back asleep without an inch of worry.

  It didn’t seem like it was morning just yet. Why was someone telling me to wake up? Hmm, no. Still early in my mental clock.

  “Makoto. Ryder.”

  It took my mind five seconds to process two important things; one was the fact that Midnight was gracing me with her appearance in my mind, and two, I could hear low whimpering from nearby before I felt something furry nudge at my cheek.

  I opened my eyes; Nightmare’s turquoise grey eyes stared back at me before she pounced on the pillow, trying to catch my attention.

  “Nightmare? What?” I questioned as I sat up; my eyes landed on Ryder, who was the culprit of the whimpering. I reached over him to turn the side lamp on, before placing my hand gently against his chest.

  “Ryder? Ryder babe, wake up,” I urged him to wake up from whatever nightmare he was experiencing; his body trembled as sweat dripped down his face; his breathing frantic.

  “No. Give her back. Anya, no,” he continued to mumble as he tossed to the side.

  I nudged him harder.

  “RYDER. Wake up.” I made my voice a pitch louder, power oozed from my words.

  His eyes flashed open before he sat up in a rush. I removed my hand, moving back to give him enough space to gather his bearings.

  He blinked a couple of times, a tear rolled down his cheek before he looked confused, looking around the room till his eyes landed on me. We stared at each other, his breathing calmed.

  “Mako?” he whispered, as I sat next to him.

  “Yes, Ryder. Are you okay?” I whispered back, needing to know if he’d calmed down.

  It took him a few seconds before he gave me a slow nod. His eyes began to close as he fought to keep upright. I reached out to him, pulling him into an embrace, as his head rested on my chest.

  He inhaled deeply and relaxed in my arms.

  “Mako. I love your smell. It’s relaxing,” he admitted; his voice was thick with sleep.

  I glanced to see his eyes closed; his breathing slowed. “Ryder?” I called out.

  No response was given, his breathing evened out. I sighed, getting comfortable as I continued to hold him in my arms.

  Nightmare jumped around us before leaping to the side table. She flicked the switch, the light going out and jumped back down and onto the bed, taking a spot next to our feet before she settled.

  I glanced down at my demon knight, my heart felt sad for him. What did he dream about to cause such a reaction?

  “Anya’s death anniversary’s coming up,” Rose confessed.

  How do you know? I didn’t remember Ryder mentioning it, so I was intrigued as to how Rose knew about it.

  “Stryker told me. We chat sometimes when you two are both asleep,” Rose admitted.

  No wonder I felt extra drowsy in the morning. I didn’t mind them having their quiet time together, needing to connect after all these cycles.

  “Let’s not pressure him to tell us what’s happening. When he’s ready to reveal what’s going on, we’ll be here to comfort him and Stryker.”

  I nodded; my hand brushed through Ryder’s black locks. I leaned down, kissing his forehead before I closed my eyes; my head relaxed against the headboard.

  Is this how it feels to watch your loved ones in pain? It reminded me of all the times I woke up in tears, my own nightmares haunting me before one of the boys would shake me awake. No questions were asked. They simply pulled me into their warm embrace and soothed me to sleep. I wanted to do the same, to just accept the reality we all faced.

  We all had our inner demons. I just prayed Ryder knew I was here for him just as he’s always been there for me in my time of need.

  I fell back asleep.

  “A fairy.”

  “No, Mako. Just give up already.”

  I let out a frustrated groan, staring intently at the mystical woman who stood in the backyard; her astonishing vibrant hair shimmered in the sunlight. The ombre colour hair – a vibrant pink morphing into a vivid lavender purple – was enough to distract me for days.

  She was six-three, her heels made her a whopping six-five, which I called model worthy. The Starlight gods blessed her abundantly with large breasts and a small, round butt, her waist portioned well to match her figure.

  She wore a gold dress, the material adorned with miniature diamonds at the bottom. Her two-inch heels were silver with a thick heel. I guess with the traveling she couldn’t wear those stick like shoes Eli had. I had no idea how anyone could walk in those all day long, let alone fight in them.

  She carried a silver wand in her hand; the small delicacy was engraved with pink, purple and gold flowers that swirled around its surface. It reminded me of my scythe, making me curious as to whether her wand was merely a weapon or her familiar in disguise.

  The most eye-catching, jaw-dropping characteristic, besides her extravagant chest was her silver eyes – the large orbs filled with knowledge and wisdom, just at a glance. I couldn’t wait to take a closer look at them.

  “But, I mentioned everything!” I complained, turning my head back to Eli. I gave up my attempt to spy on their conversation through the gap I’d created, with the transparent sliding door in the living room.

  Eli had placed a glamour on us so Matthew and this new arrival, Winterlya as the boys called her, couldn’t see us. We had planned to listen to whatever they discussed. I guess they’d thought ahead, their conversation made no sense as the words were jumbled together. Fool proof, great.

  “You mentioned five spirits out of the possible hundreds of spirits out there. That’s not everything.” Eli sighed, crossing her arms as she stared down at me. She wore green sweatpants and a yellow tank top.

  I frowned at her scrutiny, standing up from my kneeling position, before brushing off any dirt from my borrowed sweatpants, courtesy of Ryder. Kai had snuck in and took all our laundry, leaving me with no spare clothes, so I kidnapped a pair of sweats and a crop top that was hidden in a bunch of his shirts. I had a hunch Elias had hid the top in his clothes on purpose.

  Ryder hadn’t brought up the nightmare, but woke me up with a passionate kiss that made my toes curl and my body yearn for more than just those addicting lips. If it wasn’t for the meeting he had with the headmaster, followed by a pit stop at the castle, his mother had called for him, we would have taken it to the next level.

  I wondered if I’d get to meet the King and Queen of Minato. I didn’t know if I’d even be allowed; regardless of my relationship with Ryder, it didn’t calm my curiosity. I got the feeling Ryder didn’t have a strong connection with his family, besides from Anya who was a part of the stars.

  I pondered whether her kidnapping and death had impacted their family bond, or had it always been that way? And I worried if my kidnapping had done the same to my own family.

  “Well, if she’s not a fairy, then what is she?” I looked over my shoulder to glare at Eli, my hands still against the door; it slid to the side, causing me to shriek as I stumbled forward – right into someone’s arms, their chest cushioned the impact. The wintergreen fragrance surrounded me as I looked up; my wide eyes met a pair of silver ones – those grey like irises looked like they were filled with multiple stars, twinkling away in whatever galaxy they reigned. So majestic...I want silver eyes like that.

  She smiled.

  “You could, but it will take cycles of practice young one. Are you willing to invest time and effort into such task?” Her voice flowed with power and authority, but I could sense kindness and affection in her words.

  I grinned; my mind brought up my mission list. Acquire silver eyes with vigorous training – Mission in progress.

  She laughed; her hand went through her two-toned hair.

  “In all my cycles, I’ve never seen someone as uniquely different and refreshing as you. Is that your coping mechanism for having multiple spirits?” she questioned.
  I pulled back, stepping backward to face her. “Yup. It gets crowded in here sometimes, but they get along, I think. They have their moments. At least I found someone who actually gets my uniqueness. I keep reminding the boys that I’m one of kind, but nope. Hmph, never listen to me.” I poked at my head with a shy smile before I explained my numerous efforts, proving how different I was. She gave me a soft smile.

  “My name is Winterlya Frost, future heir of Wintalyn. A pleasure to finally meet you, Princess Rosalina Mackenzie Heart,” she introduced, curtseying before me.

  “Ah! No, don’t um bow and please, call me Mako.” I waved my hands frantically, before bowing my head. I could feel her vast power, the strong, yellow aura surrounded her powerful enough for me to pick up with no effort. Such effortless demonstration of strength deserved respect, regardless of status.

  “No bowing? Hmph, wait till—”

  “I reach Heila, where I’ll make it common law that no one will bow before me.” I finished.

  She grinned. “If only all kingdoms could get a minute of you. It would be like a breath of fresh air.” She turned around, gesturing to me to follow her into the backyard. Her statement made me wonder what the other realms were like.

  Eli stood close by, her arms crossed over her chest as she relaxed against the table near the grill. Matthew had returned inside, leaving us girls. He probably went back to Knightwood to finish his teaching duties.

  “Matthew’s informed me that you have a split personality?” she began, turning to face me.

  I nodded. “Yes. Her name is Midnight. She was created when I was in my teens. I assumed its due to the stress of the experiments my Own – I mean, King Aspen had conducted on us. She just appeared one day, when I reached my limit during a group arena match and from then onward, she’s been the other half of me. We can’t talk to one another like my spirits, so we write each other notes and exchange. However, recently she’s been in and out of my head. We can talk for about ten seconds before she fades out and then my memory of it fades away. It’s been like this ever since the exam incident, not to mention my faint spells, which I haven’t had for two days so I guess that’s progress.” I wanted to give her enough information of what I had experienced so far, regarding the issue.


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