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Romance of the Three Kingdoms: 1 (Tuttle Classics)

Page 79

by Lo Kuan-Chung

  All at once he cried aloud and fell back in a swoon. His wound had reopened. The captains came to his help but it was long before he recovered consciousness.

  Twice had he played his trick

  And twice had he lost the game

  His heart was full of resentment,

  He was overwhelmed with shame.

  The fate of Chou Yu will appear in the next chapter.



  T he ambuscade into which Chou Yu had fallen had been prepared by the orders of K’ungming and was triple.

  However, Huang Kai and Han Tang contrived to get clear and found refuge in the ships, though with the loss of many men. When Chou Yu was in safety and looked about him he saw Yuan-te and the Lady Sun quietly resting on a hill top. How could such a sight fail to put him in a rage? And with the access of rage his wound, not yet healed, burst open once again. He swooned and fell. They raised him and his ship set sail. He was allowed to depart undisturbed, while Yuan-te proceeded to Chingchou, where were great rejoicings in honour of his recent marriage.

  Meanwhile Chou Yu had gone to Ch’aisang while Chiang Ch’in and those with him bore the sad tidings to Sun Ch’uan. He was angry beyond words and his first thought was to send an army under Cheng P’u to take Chingchou. Chou Yu also wrote from his sick bed urging his lord to take vengeance. But Chang Chao knew better and said it could not be done.

  Said he,“Ts’ao Ts’ao has never forgotten his defeat, but he dares not attempt to avenge himself while the Sun family are friendly with Liu Pei. If in any moment of anger you two fall upon each other, Ts’ao will certainly seize the opportunity and your position will be dangerous.”

  Ku Yung supported him, saying,“Beyond all doubt Ts’ao Ts’ao has his spies here. As soon as he hears of any rift in the friendship between Sun and Liu he will desire to come to an understanding with the latter and Liu Pei, who fears your power, will accept his offer and take his side. Such an alliance will be a continual menace to the land south of the river. No; the plan for the occasion is to secure the friendship of Liu Pei by memorialising that he be made Governor of Chingchou. This will make Ts’ao Ts’ao afraid to send any army against the southeast. At the same time it will raise kindly feelings in the heart of Liu Pei and win his support. You will be able to find some one who will provoke a quarrel between Ts’ao and Liu and set them at each other and that will be your opportunity. In this way you will succeed.”

  “These are good words,” said Sun Ch’uan,“but have I a messenger who can accomplish such a mission?”

  “There is such a man, one whom Ts’ao respects and loves.”

  “Who is he?”

  “What prevents you from employing Hua Hsin? He is ready to hand.”

  Wherefore Hua Hsin was given letters and bidden go to the capital, whither he proceeded at once and sought to see Ts’ao Ts’ao. They told him that Ts’ao and all his friends were at Yehchun, celebrating the completion of the Bronze Bird Pavilion. So thither he went.

  Ts’ao had indeed never forgotten his great defeat and nourished schemes to avenge it, but he feared the combination of his two chief enemies and that fear restrained him.

  In the spring of the fifteenth year the great Pavilion was completed and Ts’ao invited a vast assembly to celebrate its inauguration with banquets and rejoicings. The pleasaunce was on the bank of the Chang River. The Bronze Bird Terrace stood in the centre, flanked by two others named the Terrace of the Jade Dragon and the Terrace of the Golden Phoenix. Each tower was a hundred feet high and a bridge connected them. Gold and jade vied with each other in the many apartments.

  At the opening ceremony Ts’ao Ts’ao wore a golden headdress inlaid with jewels and a robe of green brocaded silk, girded with a belt of jade. On his feet were pearl-encrusted shoes. So clad he took his seat as host, while his officers, civil and military, were drawn up below the terrace.

  For the military officers was arranged an archery competition and one of his attendants brought forth a robe of red crimson Ssuch’uan silk as a prize. This was suspended from one of the drooping branches of a willow tree, beneath which was the target. The distance was a hundred paces. The competitors were divided into two bands, those of his own family being dressed in red and the others in green. They all had carved bows and long arrows and were mounted. They stood holding in their steeds till the signal should be given for the games to begin. Each was to shoot one arrow and the robe was the guerdon for hitting the target in the red; misses were to pay a forfeit of drinking a cup of cold water.

  As soon as the signal was given a red-robed youth rode quickly forth. He was Ts’ao Hsiu. Swiftly he galloped to and fro thrice. Then he adjusted the notch of his arrow to the string, pulled the bow to its full and the arrow flew straight to the bullseye.

  The clang of the gongs and the roll of the drums announced the feat, which astonished them all. And Ts’ao, as he sat on the terrace, was delighted.“A very promising colt of my own,” said he to those about him, and he sent a messenger for the red robe that the winner might receive it from his own hands.

  But suddenly from the green side rode out one who cried,“It were more fitting to let outsiders compete for the Minister’s silken robe; it is not right that members of the family monopolise the contest.”

  Ts’ao Ts’ao looked at the speaker, who was one Wen P’ing. And some of the officers cried,“Let us see what his shooting is like!”

  So Wen P’ing fitted an arrow to the string and fired also from horseback while galloping. To the surprise of the onlookers he also made a bullseye, which was honoured by another salute from gongs and drums.

  “Quickly bring me the robe,” cried Wen P’ing.

  But at once from the ranks of the red-robed another competitor dashed forward, shouting fiercely,“How can you win what has been already won? But let me show you how I can shoot an arrow that shall overcome both your shots.”

  He drew his bow to the full and the arrow flew straight to the heart of the red. The surprised onlookers saw that this new competitor was Ts’ao Hung, who now became also a claimant for the robe.

  However, yet another archer came forth from the green robed ranks, playing with his bow and crying,“What is there amazing in your shooting, you three? See how I can shoot.”

  This man was Chang Ho. He put his horse to the gallop, then turned his back and, shooting backwards, also hit the centre of the red.

  Thus four arrows were now sticking in the bullseye and all agreed that it was marvellous archery.

  “I think the robe should be mine,” said Chang Ho.

  Before he could finish speaking a fifth competitor came out from the red robes and shouted,“You shot backwards; but that is commonplace enough. Look while I shoot better than you all.”

  The speaker was Hsiahou Yuan. He galloped off to the very limit of the butts and then bending his body over backwards he sent his arrow right in among the other four.

  As the gongs and drums broke out Yuan put aside his bow and rode up saying,“Is not that a better shot than any of its predecessors?”

  Then came out another from the greens who cried,“Leave the robe there for me, Hsu Huang, to win.”

  “What can you do that is better than my shot?” said Yuan.

  “That you hit the bullseye is no great feat. You will see me win the silken robe after all.”

  So speaking, Hsu Huang fitted an arrow to his bow. Then looking around he aimed at the willow twig from which the robe hung down and shot thereat so true that his arrow cut it through and the robe fluttered to the ground. At once Hsu Huang dashed along, picked up the robe and slipped it on. Then riding swiftly to the terrace he thanked the Minister. No one present could withhold unstinted praise and Hsu was turning to ride away when another green clad captain leaped out saying,“Where would you go with that robe? Quickly leave it for me!”

  All eyes turned to this man who was Hsu Ch’u. Hsu Huang cried,�
�The robe has already been adjudged to me, would you dare take it by force?”

  Hsu Chiù made no reply but galloped up to snatch the robe. As his horse drew near Huang struck at his rival a blow with his bow. But Hsu Ch’u seized the bow with one hand while with the other he simply lifted his opponent out of his seat. Wherefore Hsu Huang let go the bow and the next moment lay sprawling on the ground. Hsu Ch’u slipped out of the saddle too and they began to pommel each other with their fists. Ts’ao Ts’ao sent one to separate them, but in the struggle the robe had been torn and soiled. He called the angry rivals before him and they came, one darting fierce looks of hate, the other grinding his teeth with rage.

  “Never mind the robe; I see only your magnificent courage, said Ts’ao smiling.“What does a robe more or less matter?”

  Whereupon he called the captains to him one by one and to each he presented a robe of Ssuch’uan silk. They thanked him for the generous gifts and he then commanded them to take their seats in due order. Then to the strains of a band of music, wherein each performer vied with all the others, the naval and military officers took their places. Civil officers of repute and captains of renown drank one to another, and hearty felicitations were exchanged.

  Ts’ao looked around to those about him saying,“Since the military officers have competed in mounted archery for our enjoyment and displayed their boldness and their skill, you, gentlemen scholars, stuffed full of learning as you are, can surely mount the terrace and present some complimentary odes to make the occasion a perfect success.”

  “We are most willing to obey your commands,” they replied, all bowing low.

  At that time there was a band of four scholars named, Wang Lang, Chung Yao, Wang Ts’an and Ch’en Lin, and each of them presented a poem. Every poem sang the praises of Ts’ao Ts’ao’s valuable services and great merits and said he was worthy to receive the highest trust of all.

  When Ts’ao Ts’ao had read them he laughed saying,“You gentlemen are really too flattering. As a fact I am but an ignoramus who began life with a simple bachelor’s degree. And when the troubles began I builded me a little cottage in the country near Ch’iaotung, where I could study in spring and summer and spend the rest of the year in hunting till the empire was once more tranquil and I could emerge and take office. To my surprise I was chosen for a small military office which changed my intentions and I determined to repress the rebellion and so make a name for myself. I thought that I might win an inscription on my tomb to the effect that it covered the remains of the Marquis Ts’ao, who had restored order in the west. That would have been ample for a life’s work. I recall now how I destroyed Tung Cho and smote the Yellow Turbans; then I made away with Yuan Shu and broke the power of Lu Pu; next I exterminated Yuan Shao and at the death of Liu Piao I had subdued the whole empire. As a Minister of State I have attained the topmost pinnacle of honour and I have no more to hope for. Were it not for poor me, I know not how many there would be styling themselves Emperor and dubbing themselves princes. Certain there be who, seeing my great authority, think I have some ulterior aim. But they are quite wrong. I ever bear in mind what Confucius said of Chou Kung, that he was perfectly virtuous, and this saying is ever engraven on my mind. An I could I would do away with my armies and retire to my fief with my simple title of Marquis Wuping. Alas! I cannot. I am afraid to lay down my military powers lest I should come to harm. Should I be defeated, the State would totter and so I may not risk real misfortune for the sake of an empty reputation for kindness. There be some of you who do not know my heart.”

  As he closed they all rose and bowed their heads saying,“None are your equals, O Minister, not even Duke Chou or the great Minister I Yin.”

  A poem has been written referring to this:—

  Had Duke Chou, the virtuous, died, while foul-mouthed slander

  was spreading her vile rumours;

  Or Wang Mang, the treacherous, while he was noted for the

  deference paid to learned men;

  None would have known their real characters.

  After this oration Ts’ao Ts’ao drank many cups of wine in quick succession till he became very intoxicated. He bade his servants bring him pencil and inkstone that he might compose a poem. But as he was beginning to write they told him that the Marquis of Wu had sent Hua Hsin as an envoy and presented a memorial to appoint Liu Pei governor of Chingchou and that Sun Ch’uan’s sister was now Liu Pei’s wife, while on the river Han the greater part of the nine districts was under Liu Pei’s rule.

  Ts’ao Ts’ao was seized with quaking fear at the news and threw the pen on the floor. Cheng Yu said to him,“O Minister, you have been among fighting men by myriads and in danger from stones and arrows many a time and never quailed. Now the news that Liu Pei has got possession of a small tract of country throws you into a panic. Why is it thus?”

  Ts’ao Ts’ao replied,“Liu Pei is a dragon among men. All his life hitherto he has never found his element, but now that he has obtained Chingchou it is as if the dragon, once captive, had escaped to the mighty deep. There is good reason for me to quake with fear.”

  “Do you know the reason of the coming of Hua Hsin?” said Cheng.

  “No; I know not,” said the Minister.

  “Liu Pei is Sun Ch’uan’s one terror and he would attack him were it not for you, O Minister. He feels you would fall upon him while he was smiting his enemy. Wherefore he has taken this means of calming Liu Pei’s suspicions and fears and at the same time directing your enmity toward him and from himself.”

  Ts’ao Ts’ao nodded; “Yes,” he said.

  Cheng Yu continued,“Now this is my plan to set Sun and Liu at one another and give you the opportunity to destroy both; it can be done easily.”

  “What is your plan?” asked Ts’ao.

  “The one prop of Wu is Chou Yu; remove it by memorialising that Chou be appointed Prefect of Nanchun. Then get Cheng P’u made Prefect of Chianghsia and cause the Emperor to retain this Hua Hsin in the capital to await some important post. Chou Yu will assuredly attack Liu Pei and that will be our chance. Is not the scheme good?”

  “Friend Cheng, you are a man after my own heart.”

  Wherefore he summoned the emissary from Wu and overwhelmed him with gifts. That day was the last of the feastings and merry-makings and Ts’ao, with all the company, returned to the capital where he forthwith presented a memorial assigning Chou Yu and Cheng P’u to the posts he wished, and Hua Hsin was retained at the capital with a post of dignity.

  The messenger bearing the commissions for their new offices went down to Wu and both Chou Yu and Cheng P’u accepted the appointments. Having taken over his command the former thought all the more of the revenge he contemplated and, to bring matters to a head, he wrote to Sun Ch’uan asking him to send Lu Su and renew the demand for the rendition of Chingchou.

  Wherefore Lu Su was summoned and his master said to him,“You are the guarantor in the loan of Chingchou to Liu Pei. He still delays to return it and how long am I to wait?”

  “The writing said plainly that the rendition would follow the occupation of Ssuch’uan.”

  Sun Ch’uan shouted back,“Yes it said so. But so far they have not moved a soldier to the attack. I will not wait till old age has come to us all.”

  “I will go and enquire?” said Lu Su.

  So he went down into a ship and sailed to Chingchou.

  Meanwhile Liu Pei and K’ungming were at Chingchou gathering in supplies from all sides, drilling their men and training their armies. From all quarters men of learning flocked to their side. In the midst of this they heard of Lu Su’s coming and Liu Pei asked K’ungming what he thought of it.

  K’ungming replied,“Just lately Sun Ch’uan concerned himself with getting you appointed Governor of Chingchou; that was calculated to inspire Ts’ao Ts’ao with fear. Ts’ao Ts’ao obtained for Chou Yu the Prefectship of Nanchun; that was designed to stir up strife between our two houses and set us fighting so that he might accomplish his own end
s. This visit of Lu Su means that Chou Yu, having taken over his new governorship, wishes to force us out of this place.”

  “Then how shall we reply?”

  “If he introduce the subject you will at once set up loud lamentations. When the sound of lamentation is at its height I will appear and talk over your visitor.”

  Thus they planned and Lu Su was duly received with all honour. When the salutations were over and host and guest were about to be seated, Lu Su said,“Sir, now that you are the husband of a daughter of Wu you have become my lord, and I dare not sit in your presence.”

  Liu Pei laughed.“You are an old friend,” said he.“Why this excessive humility?”

  So Lu Su took his seat. And when tea had been served the guest said,“I have come at the order of my master to discuss the subject of Chingchou. You, O Imperial Uncle, have had the use of the place for a long time. Now that your two houses are allied by marriage, there should be the most friendly relations between you and you should hand it back to my master.”

  At this Yuan-te covered his face and began to cry.

  “What is the matter?” asked the guest.

  Yuan-te only wept the more bitterly.

  Then K’ungming came in from behind a screen saying,“I have been listening. Do you know why my lord weeps so bitterly.”

  “Really I know not.”

  “But it is easy to see. When my lord got the temporary occupation of Chingchou he gave the promise to return it when he had got the west country. But reflect. Liu Chang of Ichou is my lord’s younger brother and both of them are blood relations of the ruling family. If my lord were to move an army to capture another city he fears the blame of the ignorant. And if he yield this place before he has another, where could he rest? Yet, while he retains this place it seems to shame you. The thing is hard on both sides and that is why he weeps so bitterly.


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