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The Breeder

Page 9

by Mark Andrews

  They didn’t allow us to gather around the girl, either. Indeed, they warned us if we ever attempted to hide any part of our bodies from their paying guests, we would be in for a severe dose of the cane to our rumps and that the punishment would be administered at noon, in full view of the crowd, the girl or girls concerned having being strung up by her/their heels on the punishment scaffold early in the morning to hang there for six hours for the punishment to be administered.

  Further, it would be a minimum of twenty-five strokes and when they said this I shuddered in fear. Twenty-five strokes of the rattan cane was a dreadful punishment when you considered schoolchildren had only been given a maximum of six - and that through three layers of clothes - we were permanently naked of course and that was the way we would be punished.

  Most of us trained ourselves to do it during the night or early morning before the gates were opened but this of course made such an event, when it did occur during the day, a real crowd-stopper and thus made it even more shameful for us.

  I only had to do it in public a few times and then only because the vegetables thrown in for us to eat must have had a germ in them that gave me a dose of diarrhoea for a day or so. It was awful for me, but I think it was nearly as bad when it was one of the others for we all felt very close to each other and her woes were ours.

  The worst thing to happen to me and, I suspect, each of the others when it came her turn, was when we were publicly ‘served’ by one of the giant Korean males...

  Oh, I forgot to mention they kept the hormones up: the ones that kept us randy all the time and the other ones that made us particularly fecund. Now though, it was not in our food but by means of a mush that was injected by a gun down our throats. The keepers (see they even used the right names for our guards here at the zoo) would come in early in the morning before opening time and we had to line up (just like human beings), open our mouths and then submit to him inserting the pipe of the gun down our throats so he could squirt a measure of the stuff right down inside our stomachs.

  Accordingly, we were still always randy and now they didn’t stop us from playing with ourselves. I am ashamed to say I did it as much as the others - we just couldn’t help it for there was normally no other means or relieving that constant and so demanding itch now we were in the zoo.

  And although we tried, each of us, to resist the temptation, the damned itch was so compelling that each and every one of us eventually succumbed - to the delight of the watching people, who then explained to their children that this just showed how lewd and depraved we foreign devils were - animals in truth.

  I cried as I listened to them. I didn’t blame them. By now, I well knew the programme of propaganda had twisted the people’s minds against all foreigners and it wasn’t their fault.

  As I said a moment ago, the worst thing to happen to us though was our public servicing. Back in the factory it had been done in front of a dozen or so close confidantes of the President. Now, it was really to be in public and notices at the entrance to the zoo advertised these events and their times and at which cage they might be seen so that a huge crowd gathered around our cage.

  I was the first in it to be served in our cage and so we were in ignorance of what they were all doing there - until the keepers arrived with one of the huge young Korean males in tow.

  He was dressed in a leather wrap-around skirt thing but at the gate to our cage he quite unselfconsciously removed it to reveal his magnificent body in all its full naked splendour, now rapidly engorging cock and all.

  Inside the cage, we stared at him and at the crowd around us in mystified silence - a silence that was soon replaced by screams of protest as the significance of both began to sink in. The keepers just grinned salaciously however and the head one among them pointed me out to the huge young man who then entered the cage, making straight for me while the crowd around it cheered him on.

  I stood there erect as a proper human being and around me the other inmates squatted down and stared at the scene unfolding between the two of us in utter horror. I think I was frozen for a while but then I came to my senses and backed away from him, telling him, in Korean of course, that I wasn’t going to be any easy pushover.

  That suited them apparently for he just grinned and the crowd’s cheers became even more strident, egging him on to catch me and serve me thoroughly. He did. His cock was now fully rampant and stood straight up his muscly belly while his huge balls swung from side to side as he approached me.

  I kept on backing away while the other girls in the cage still squatted down, as if rooted to the spot, not daring to come to my aid but uncertain what else to do. I didn’t blame them. None of us wanted to be strung up by our heels tomorrow morning to take the cane at noon and I don’t think I would have been any braver than them, even if it had been Jenny or Alicia who was to be the first.

  He caught me, of course. He was much bigger than me and infinitely stronger but he was also fast and eventually he caught me by the arm and dragged me into his body. By now, my horror at what was happening had abated a little, perhaps overcome by the sight of his magnificent naked body and its powerfully rampant sexual organ and of course, even more probably by the never-absent sexual itch.

  As he swung me into his body therefore, while I didn’t forget the dozens of people crowding around the bars and staring in at us, the knowledge was overcome by my need for his tool inside me.

  But then, as it slipped in and he hugged me close so that my breasts were mashed up against his so broad chest and the cheers reached a crescendo, I suddenly realised what was happening and began to hit him - anywhere I could reach.

  He just laughed at me however and grasped my two wrists in his huge hands and then jerked me up and down on his prick a few times - just by working his hips up and down.

  He soon got tired of this though and now, placing one foot behind mine, he tripped me up and pushed me backwards, forcing me down onto the ground and then began to rape me properly. My companions still did nothing. I think they might have been somewhat bemused by what was happening but even if they hadn’t, I would have shooed them away. If they had tried anything, the keepers would soon have been in there and then we would all have been facing more than two dozen strokes of the cane to our inverted buttocks.

  No, I was to be served by this young brute, magnificent and all as his body was, and that was that.

  He made it last, too. Mind you, I have to admit that I really got off on the rape. These young men were trained to perform and their bodies really were something else! And that included their penile organs. Every one of them that was allocated to serve me while I was there not only had huge and muscular bodies but their pricks were also on the giant side and they certainly knew how to use them.

  In no time I was squealing with orgasmic pleasure and out of the corner of my eye I could see the contempt in the eyes of the mothers who explained to their children that I wasn’t really human at all and this was the way animals rutted and procreated ...

  It was all highly unfair but it was only a corner of my mind that gleaned this information. Ninety-nine percent of it was engrossed in the sexual pleasure that now pervaded me and I dare say my body was giving him back as much as he was giving me. Long gone now was any resistance I had formerly offered to his advances as I sank into the near oblivion of sexual ecstasy - and stayed there, for the young Korean was quite capable of multiple orgasms himself and now proceeded to demonstrate to all and sundry just how virile he was. More so than my remembrances of the two former occasions but I may have been wrong there, or perhaps they hadn’t been ordered to string it out as much as this boy obviously had.

  He raped me good and proper for what seemed like hours (but was more probably about one) and all this time my companions stayed crouched down in a group and watched, horror, pain, shame, sympathy and other expressions moving across their faces in a tableau that was ev
er-changing and registered their feeling of support for me.

  Outside the cage, the people had now largely fallen silent although the lust on the faces of the men and the contempt on those of the women were still there in full force. The latter kept explaining it all to their children, telling them that this didn’t happen to real people but since we were only animals, superior animals but animals nevertheless, they mustn’t confuse what was happening inside the cage with what real people did.

  I wondered (briefly) how this might impact on the future impressions of these children but then I reasoned that it could be undone just as quickly as it had been done and if by some chance General Sun was replaced by a more moderate government, there was every chance that the people at large as well as the children could be re-educated.

  In the meantime, my body was reacting as female bodies are supposed to, to the expert sexual excitement being perpetrated upon it by my current young man. I was now bucking and heaving to meet his thrusting loins and again the men began to cheer him on, challenging him to keep it up for much longer yet. I didn’t care. By now I was long past any thoughts of chastity or any other moral considerations for that matter. I was no more than a rutting animal, caught up in the frenzy of the best sexual experience I had ever had and I didn’t want it to end either. In that at least, I was in sync with the lecherous men around the outside of our cage.

  Of course it did end and when it did I stared up at him as he slowly withdrew from me for the last time, beat his broad chest with his fist and then saluted me with the same closed fist and left the cage - to the renewed cheers of the men and women and children who were now caught up in the excitement of the deed just done.

  Now, as my mind came back to normal and my own lusts quieted, I realised what I had just done and I curled up in a foetal ball and started crying - at which the crowd jeered me and women openly cheered. That awoke my companions from their stupor and they immediately came around me to offer support.

  I smiled at them tremulously but then I gathered my courage once more and stood up and now I challenged them all. I moved around the perimeter of that cage proudly, thrusting out my breasts at the people outside in the crowd, pulling open my hairless vaginal lips so they could see the semen and even swaggered, posed my muscles, swinging up my biceps so that the muscles hardened up into high-peaked balls and clenched my thigh and bottom muscles as I continued to swagger around the cage.

  This surprised them. It also disconcerted them too and so now they began to drift away - rather hurriedly, I thought. I wondered if I had gone too far and might be scheduled for the cane the next day but it didn’t happen so I could only assume my keepers had also experienced a little shame.

  I didn’t play on it, though. Once the crowd had dispersed and we were back to the normal passers by, I resumed my role as a chimpanzee and so did the others.

  That night though, they all congratulated me on my actions and all decided that when it came their turn, they would do the same for we now realised this was going to be our new roles for the foreseeable future.

  Dr Yuen had established us as perfect breeding sows and he didn’t need to keep us in the factory on a permanent basis. The zoo provided a money-making operation for the government as well as giving us even more shame and we would therefore be left there, impregnated on cue and left to gestate the foetuses inside us over the six months and then birth them right there in the cages - right in front of the crowd once more.

  Can you imagine how awful it was to be exposed as a brood sow, an animal whose one purpose was to produce multiple offspring all the time, every six months and at the same time show the people how evil we foreigners were - how lewd and unchaste and how uncivilised compared to them. As propaganda tools we were the best and I am sure many a young man went off and joined the army in order to show us foreigners how superior they were to us.

  During this time, all thoughts of escape were put on the back burner. Not that our desire to do so had abated one iota; just that it was clearly an impossibility at the moment. Our cages were very, very secure and we could see no flaws in their security. We were never allowed out of the cages. They washed us by dowsing us with hoses; they fed us by throwing in vegetables for us to scrabble amongst and we did our business as I have already described.

  The only times they came into the cage was to feed us our daily hormones by the injection gun and at those times the keepers were all armed and at the ready, or when one of the magnificent stud males came in to serve one of us. No, escape wasn’t on our agendas right then and we couldn’t think of any other way to thwart their designs either.

  All of us knew that back in the factory, our infants were rapidly growing into boys and then into young men. Soon, we were sure, they would be ready to form the first of the elite units the General was going to use to invade and conquer South Korea, then Asia and then the world, at least in his eyes... But we had no ideas now how we might prevent such an action for their discipline over us was total.

  Did we not consider aborting the tiny foetuses inside us? Of course we did. It was one of the first things I thought of but we were warned that any such self-induced terminations would merit our being blinded by red hot pokers thrust into out eyes, deafened by a piercing of our eardrums, removal of our tongues and teeth and then of our arms and legs. We would still be able to bear their babies but we would see nothing, hear nothing, taste nothing and be totally immobile. No, faced with such a threat, we weren’t about to try to abort our babies, I can assure you.

  And so, now pregnant once more, I resumed my life as a monkey, performing during the day and bunking down with Jenny and Alicia each night. We now became very good friends and we resolved to remain so throughout our lives, always assuming we had some sort of life to look forward to.

  We never lost hope, though. I talked constantly of Horse Cock who was still in the bus depot of course and they encouraged me in this. We never spoke of his status as a gelding and I for one didn’t care two hoots. I had already borne seven children (and was now pregnant again with another three or four) and if I was unable to be a mother to his, I would be disappointed only if he was - and for him. For my own part, having seen how children could be so abused by General Sun and Dr Yuen, I didn’t mind if I brought no more into the world.

  The zoo proved extraordinarily popular. Mostly on weekends and holidays of course but there were still plenty of patrons during the week as well and at all times while they were around, we had to perform, portraying ourselves as monkeys. Even when our bellies swelled, they kept us there, on open display to all and sundry and now the mothers used our distended wombs to educate their children in the process of childbearing. For this, the keepers instructed us that if a mother called upon us to go and stand at the bars while she pointed out our various organs and our grossly swollen middles, we had better do so or face the consequences.

  We knew they wouldn’t cane us upside down when we so nearly ready to drop the latest litter but they would find another way - that we were quite sure of and none of us dared risk it. Accordingly, I had to go and stand there, blushing furiously as she pointed out my various parts in the most clinical detail and the children listened dutifully.

  But before that, Horse Cock was delivered to our cage and became a male member of our little family of monkeys.

  Chapter 7

  I suppose we had been there a month when he was delivered to our cage. They hadn’t told us, of course. We were only slaves, but when I noticed him being led, naked of course but with a collar around his neck and the leash attached to it, towards us, my heart lifted as if buoyed up on Cloud Nine. I rushed to the cage door but then caught hold of myself. It wouldn’t do for them to know how much I loved this man. If they thought for one second we were anything more than just casual acquaintances, there was no way he would be allowed to remain in my cage. I therefore retreated again and stayed behind the others.

But once the keepers were gone I sidled up to him and took his hand, briefly, and then signalled to him to copy me in what I did. He stared at me in astonishment at first but being the bright boy he is, quickly caught on and made the same chimp actions and sounds the rest of us were.

  With Horse Cock, however, we did such other things as rubbing our noses together and touched each other’s bodies as well. It was the first time I had been able to touch him intimately and I revelled in it. I was still careful, however. The keepers were always strolling around the zoo and it would be terrible to have him removed so soon after he had come to us.

  That night however we were able to really talk and it was then I was able to discover his real name - Joel Strong, and to find out that he too was a university student, or had been, and that his subject was Accountancy. We talked and talked endlessly and the others gave us space to do so. I don’t think we got more than a couple of hours sleep that night but neither of us cared. This was the first time we had been able to lie together and enjoy each other’s body and now I discovered, as I had thought, that his absence of male genitalia mattered not one whit. The very act of his pulling me close to his fabulous, chocolate-brown body was something that sent thrill after thrill of pure pleasure through and through my whole being.

  And yes, if you must know, his pubic bone was quite enough to rouse my clit to a series of wondrous orgasms! How he felt on this subject I didn’t ask him, not then. I had no idea how sensitive he was to it and I kept my mind clear of such thoughts too for I was well aware he still had that uncanny ability to ‘read’ my mind, as I could his, at least as to the ideas of what the other was thinking.

  Of course I thought all my heavens had come at once with his arrival. We were careful during the day not to be seen to be too close but each night, once the people had gone and darkness had set in all around us, we gravitated to one another (but with Alicia and Jenny close, too, just in case the keepers shone their torches into us) and loved one another most of the night while whispering sweet nothings into the other’s ear...


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