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Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty [Wyoming Warriors 6]

Page 7

by Paige Cameron

  “They hiss. They don’t like me, but they respect me and don’t come near.”

  “Daren, when you held her close did her eyes look normal?” Garth asked.

  “Yes, they were her lilac eyes.”

  “The enemy might notice,” Jack said.

  Jewel shifted into her little cat and jumped onto the long table. She lowered her head, rolled her eyes, and looked up. Then she walked to the closest person, Lann.

  “She changed them to cat’s eyes.” Lann smiled at Jewel. Everyone had to look, and then Jewel jumped down and shifted back.

  “Can you see as good with your cat eyes?” Justin asked.

  “Yes, what I do is to bring a thin sheath across that changes the appearance but doesn’t affect my sight, and my hearing is of course better when I shape-shift into either form.”

  Lann spoke. “She can be our secret weapon, but for her safety, what occurred here today has to stay in this room.”

  “I’d like Rae and Sara to know. They’ll wonder why I’m not staying with them more. And they’re my friends.”

  Mitch took out his phone. “I’ll contact Phillip and have him ask Sara and Rae to come down here. We’ll tell them now.”

  “How do you and Raoul feel about this?” Mitch looked across the table at the two men.

  “We don’t like it because of the danger, but we agreed, because she insists and it will hopefully save lives.” Aleron squeezed Jewel’s hand.

  “I understand,” Daren said. “Mitch and I would have the same reactions if it was Sara.”

  Within a few minutes, Sara and Rae came in the room with puzzled expressions on their faces. Daren got a chair for Sara, and Cad gave his chair to Rae and pulled up another for himself.

  Once more and she hoped for the last time for a while, Jewel told her friends what she’d told the others and then shape-shifted so they could see her two cats. When she shifted into the small kitten, Sara took her into her lap.

  “If you weren’t my friend and a shape-shifter, I’d keep you for a pet for me and the children. Your beautiful hair color is mixed in with your fur with each change.”

  Jewel jumped down and shifted. She sat back in her chair. Raoul turned to Sara. “She’s our pet. You can’t have her,” he teased.

  “All kidding aside. We have to plan how to use her and keep her safe,” Mitch said.

  “I have an idea.” Nick got up and faced the group. “I realize what I’m going to suggest invades the privacy of our people, but at this point I believe we have to use every resource we have. He glanced at Lang and then their wife, Cassie. “Cassie and Pruet can tap into others’ thoughts. Let’s have each one take a section of the ranch and have them walk or drive around to try and pick up any suspicious conversations or thoughts. Once we locate a particular area, Jewel can switch into her small cat and roam around. What do you think?”

  Raoul stirred in his seat. Jewel knew he wasn’t happy with Nick’s plan. But no plan would suit him.

  “I like the idea,” Jewel said. “If we’re in the right area and there are homes, someone might take me inside. People can’t resist kittens, especially if they look lost. And maybe our enemy has got another of our people to help them like the man who kidnapped Rae.”

  “No,” Raoul said.

  Jewel turned and frowned. “Yes.” She turned to Aleron. “Don’t you think it’s a good plan?”

  “I can see the benefits. No plan that puts you in danger will ever suit us, but this might work. Then after you get the information, you can stay here with Sara and Rae while we take care of the rest.”

  Like hell. I am not being left out at the end. But we’ll wait to fight that argument another day. For now, she nodded at Aleron as though agreeing.

  “Elle, you talk to Pruet. Have him take the north side. Nick, ask Cassie, and if she’s agreeable have her do the south side of the cabins and houses here in the general area,” Mitch said. “If they don’t pick up anything, we can send them farther out the next day.”

  “What about me?” Jewel asked.

  “Once they find the area, it’ll be your job to find the person or persons. But we will be watching you.” Mitch turned to Jewel’s father. “Have Payton come here this afternoon. You and I will tell him about his sister, and then we’ll have him watching from afar with his high-powered rifle.”

  Mitch glanced at Aleron, Jewel, and Raoul. “If she gets into trouble, he’ll be told to shoot to kill.’

  Jewel feared Payton would be mad and feel betrayed when he heard what she’d kept from him all these years. She didn’t want to lose the relationship they had.

  “Does he have to be told now? Aren’t there other sharpshooters on the ranch?”

  Daren shrugged. “He’ll find out eventually. It’s better if he’s not the last to know.”

  “But I do have a suggestion,” Lann spoke up. “We have a sharpshooter that’s excellent. Perhaps our person might take his place.”

  “No,” Mitch said. “He’s the best.”

  Lann glanced at Garth. Garth spoke up. “Our person is, too. Let’s have a contest at the shooting range inside the gym. We’ll slip in late tonight and lock the doors so no one but our guys will be inside.”

  “Good idea,” Daren said. “This should be interesting. We’ll invite the same group that’s here to be there. A good rivalry will entertain and bring us all more together.”

  “At midnight, then,” Mitch said. “Meanwhile have Cassie and Pruet start working. And, Jewel, this gives you time to tell your brother yourself, after the contest.”

  “Aleron,” Mitch spoke up just as Aleron had stood to leave.

  “I want to remind you and your other shape-shifter birds not to fly over three thousand feet or you’ll hit the top of the invisible net. Be careful. See you all tonight.”

  * * * *

  “What the hell is going on?” Linda asked Nate when he walked into their bedroom at his parents’ house. “Why hasn’t the attack started?”

  “I’m not sure what’s occurred. Our guys tried to fly inside the ranch property from our main hideout and hit an invisible wall.”

  “How many of us are inside?”

  “About four of the bird shifters and us. It was your idea to find a place off the ranch for most of our people to hide,” Nate said. He hated her, and yet he couldn’t pull his mind away from her spell long enough to disobey her orders. She sensed when he was getting stronger and zapped him again. It felt like a hard electrical shock, and for days he forgot who he really was.

  “Are you questioning my orders?” Linda stood close, in his space.

  “Mommy.” Nathaniel ran to his mother and held up his hand. “I hurt my finger.” Linda rearranged her expression and leaned down to kiss the redness.

  “That will make it all well. Go play. Daddy and I have to talk.” Nathaniel ran out of the room.

  If only he’d stayed on the ranch and married Rae. My son would have a warm, loving mother. But it was too late.

  “You’re thinking of her again.” Linda grabbed his head between her hands, and the electricity sizzled in his brain. The pain brought him to his knees, but he didn’t yell out. She kept his mouth jammed shut.

  Nate feared for his parents and his son. He struggled to fight her power. He had to let Mitch or someone know. But she clamped harder, and he passed out.

  When he awoke, he was lying on their bed. Linda leaned over him. She was naked, and her lush breasts and slim body sent heat flowing in his veins.

  “Your parents are getting suspicious. We’ll go out and join them in the kitchen, but first, we will enjoy ourselves in here with the door shut and locked. After we make love, they’ll see our glow and think we’re a happy couple. But the next time I get uneasy about them, they’re going to be tied and locked in a room.”

  Her hand slid down over his shirt and unbuckled his jeans. She pushed his jeans and boxer shorts down where she could grip his cock. Swinging one leg over, she straddled him and sank down, taking his hard dick al
l the way inside her.

  His body reacted mindlessly as she began to move and clench around his girth. He groaned and cupped her breasts in his hands.

  But at some level, deep in his mind, he knew he hated her. Still he had this basic need to fuck her. He never thought of it as love, not once.

  * * * *

  Aleron dropped Jewel and Raoul off at her cabin. “I’m going to visit Cad and Garth. I’ll be back later.”

  Jewel waved and walked to her front door. She glanced back and saw Raoul leaning in the window speaking to Aleron. She had to grin. Aleron obviously wanted to give her and Raoul time alone. Her feelings regarding having two husbands were still mixed. She’d see how things went between her and Raoul.

  She wandered into her temporary painting room and studied the picture she needed to finish. Raoul came up behind her and took hold of her shoulders.

  “You’re very good, excellent in fact.”

  “After I finish this painting I’d like to paint your wolf. Then I’ll do Aleron’s golden eagle, or maybe I’ll do you both together.”

  “We won’t have time to model with all that’s going on.”

  “I have a camera.” She showed him. “I’ll take a picture and use it for most of the painting. I may need to see you for real a few times during the process.”

  “Hmm, do we have to talk about paintings? I have a better idea.”

  Jewel moved away from him. “I bet it doesn’t involve talking at all.”

  “Not much,” he admitted and gave her a sexy smile that curled her toes.

  She fled out of the room and to the kitchen. Her heart beat double-timed, but she still found herself a little wary of Raoul. Raoul followed and came to stand right behind her again. His breath brushed across her cheek.

  “Do you want a bottle of water?” Jewel reached in the refrigerator and took out a bottle for her.

  Raoul reached around and shut the fridge door. He enclosed her inside his arms, with his hands resting on the refrigerator door. “Why are you acting distant to me? I know you and Aleron got together today.”

  “That doesn’t mean you can just jump in for your turn. I don’t feel I know you as well as Aleron. Come on.” She pulled on his arm. “We’ll go for a walk. We can get to know each other better.” She handed him a bottle.

  He reluctantly followed her down the front walk to the sandy road. “A short walk,” he grumbled. “This isn’t safe with all the enemies around. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “What about yourself?”

  “I’m a man. I can manage without anyone’s help.”

  Frustration and anger went straight up her spine to fill her head. She thought her brain might explode and spatter all over him. “A typical male response.” She shifted into her cheetah and circled him, growling.

  Raoul laughed. He changed, and the silver wolf started to stalk her.

  “You can’t keep up with me.” Jewel raised her head and took off, racing across the open field.

  * * * *

  He tried to catch her, but she stayed a blur in front of him. Damn the woman. I wanted a quiet afternoon making love. Not to be out in the open, racing across a field. But he thought about his actions and her response. I know she’s attracted to me.

  Stupid. Of course, she has to get rid of the stress from this day. He’d seen her tense muscles, hands held tight, and at least once she had tears in her eyes.

  She wasn’t ready to snuggle. He’d pushed her to run off. But he knew just what to do when she returned. His hunger for her had made him look like a jerk. He’d repair the damage when she got back from her run. Raoul headed back, shifted, and went into the cabin and left the door open. He lay on the couch and closed his eyes but stayed on the alert.

  When he smelled her scent, he shape-shifted into his wolf and waited behind the door. Jewel walked in hesitantly. He hoped she wouldn’t be hesitant much longer about him, if his plan worked.

  Chapter Seven

  Raoul sheathed his claws, stepped from behind the door, and playfully swung a paw at her. Soon they were tumbling across the floor. She leapt to the back of the couch. He stayed on the floor and growled at her. She switched to her small cat and jumped around him to the chair.

  Raoul shifted back. “You’re tired.”

  She nodded her tiny kitten head. He picked her up and rubbed her fur. She cuddled in the curve of his arm.

  “All right, sweetheart, shift back. I’ve learned my lesson. We’ll go at your pace.” Her lilac eyes stared at him. He put her on the floor, and she shifted.

  “I’m going to take a quick shower, then I need to eat,” Jewel said.

  “I’ll go to my cabin two doors down and shower. We have steaks in the fridge. I’ll start our grill. Will you join me?”

  “As soon as I’m cleaned up.”

  Raoul pulled her close and kissed her lips. Then he held her in his arms and felt her heart beating fast against his chest. She tasted sweet and her body was soft. He wanted to cuddle with her and protect her. She brought out a softer side of him he never knew existed. As he let her go, he kissed the top of her head then he turned and took long strides out the door and along the road to his cabin. He called Aleron and gave him a brief report on what had happened. “You’re right about me always being too impatient. Can you give us the rest of the evening? We’ll meet you at the gym for the contest at midnight.”

  “Sure, I can do that. Rae invited me to dinner, and Lann has joined us. So it’ll be a good evening for me also. See you later.” Aleron clicked off.

  Raoul quickly showered, started the fire, and walked back to Jewel’s. He didn’t want her walking on her own, even if she was probably the fastest shape-shifter at the ranch.

  She was coming out her door when he got to her walkway. “I thought I’d come meet you halfway, but I should have known ladies take longer than men getting ready. My sisters always did.”

  “What are we having for dinner besides steak?”

  “Is food all you think about?” He kept his voice light so she’d know he was teasing.

  “It’s all I can think about after a long run.”

  Raoul shook his head. “You are some kind of fast. It’s embarrassing my wolf couldn’t keep up.”

  She hugged his arm. “I like your playful mood. It was fun tumbling around and swatting at each other.”

  “Aleron says I’m much too impatient. But in my own defense I have to admit I’ve wanted to make love to you since I first saw you at your cabin in Oregon. We were there for Garth to see Rae and for us to protect her. But once I spotted you I wasn’t able to get you out of my mind.”

  “I do understand and appreciate your going at my pace for our getting to know each other, but I expect dinner on the table quickly,” she said as they entered his cabin.

  “Salad mix is in the refrigerator. Would you take care of it? I threw two potatoes in the oven before I showered. I’ll grill the steaks, and we’ll eat.”

  Jewel went straight into the kitchen, found a bowl, and got the lettuce and other ingredients out of the fridge. She started cutting and mixing.

  Raoul took the steaks out to the grill. He’d glanced back at her as he went out the door. Her frilly white blouse was a contrast to her sparkling hair. Tight jeans curved around her sweet ass. His cock came to attention, again. Down, boy, we have to listen to the lady and take a slower pace even if it hurts.

  * * * *

  A sense of peace had settled in Jewel. Her secret was out to quite a few people, and she hadn’t had any negative reactions thus far. Jewel had seen the worry on her father’s face. She knew he wouldn’t feel completely relieved until all the people were aware she was a shifter and accepted her.

  Finding two men who loved her and were determined to protect her made Jewel feel safe. She’d gotten much closer to both of them in the past few days. They’d accepted her immediately as a shape-shifter and they were open about their feelings regarding her. She’d been surprised Raoul had agreed to slow down. This
gave her a chance to see another side of him.

  Jewel thought she might like a threesome marriage with them. As she’d told her dad, she wanted to be herself and have what she saw her other friends had, husbands and a home. The idea of Raoul and Aleron loving her was exciting, but to wed them meant forever. Would their marriage last, or might jealousy break them apart? They were all three shape-shifters. She hadn’t heard of that type of union before. In Rae’s marriage there was only one shifter, Garth.

  “I thought you wanted to eat. You’re standing here staring into space, and I have the steaks and potatoes done.” Raoul held up the plate with the steaks and went to get the spuds out of the oven.

  “I’m almost finished. You have the two items I’m most interested in.”

  “Keep cutting those vegetables for the salad. They’re good for you.”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  Raoul came behind her and nuzzled her neck. She shivered and laughed then pulled away. “I’m ticklish.”

  “Oh, honey, you should never have told me that secret.” His gray eyes glistened like silver. “We’re going to have more fun after dinner.”

  “Not if you can’t catch me,” she teased.

  Once the salad was done, Raoul poured them each a glass of dark red wine. He sat and raised his glass. “To us and Aleron. May we be happy and fruitful.”


  “Don’t you want children?”

  “In a few years. My painting is my baby for now.”

  “Hmmm, we’ll change your mind. You can have both. We’ll hire someone to help with the children.”

  “Maybe. I haven’t decided if I want to get married.”

  She saw the flash of disappointment in his eyes. “Have you thought about the fact we know of no other shape-shifters in a three-way marriage where they’re all shifters? How do we know our animals won’t get jealous?”

  “That’s only because there hasn’t been a female shape-shifter for the shifters to wed.”

  “Do you know what might have happened to send my great-grandmother and my grandmother into hiding?” Jewel took a bite of her steak. It was so good. She ate quickly, not realizing at first that Raoul hadn’t answered her question.


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