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Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty [Wyoming Warriors 6]

Page 17

by Paige Cameron

  She screamed at him to take her all the way, and he did. He quickened his pace, and his mouth suckled at her breast. A spike of pleasure shot up her spine and through her body to her fingertips. She clenched her pussy tight around him as another harder orgasm washed over her. She heard Aleron shout out as he reached his release.

  Her body trembled in his arms. “That felt incredibly good.” Two different men, two different ways of making love, and both wonderful and exciting. “But I think I’m finished for the day.”

  Aleron let her legs slide to the tile floor. “Oh, I don’t know. We can probably revive you in a little while.” He kissed the top of her head. “Let’s finish with this shower. I have another surprise for you.”

  “And I have one for you all,” Jewel said.

  * * * *

  After a nap, which Aleron and Raoul insisted on, they woke her to eat a late lunch. “Come on down when you’re ready. Raoul is cooking hamburgers.”

  “And he said he could only cook steaks.”

  Aleron grinned at her. “He’s a man of many talents, as am I.”

  “You both certainly are.” She got out of bed and put on clean jeans and a pink T-shirt without a bra. Then she slipped their presents into her back pockets.

  Raoul took one look. “You’re asking to go right back to bed.” He stared at her nipples.

  “It has nothing to do with you. It’s freeing to not have to put a bra on.”

  “You can leave it off all the time as far as I’m concerned,” Aleron said. “That is, if no one but Raoul and I are around.”

  “To change the subject.” Jewel reached in her pockets and handed them each a small, flat package.

  Aleron studied the white paper. “What is it?”

  “If you knew, it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

  Raoul tore the paper off and pulled out the white-gold necklace with the medallion. On one side a wolf raised his head as though to howl and on the other was the infinity sign with their names.

  “Will you put it on me?”

  Jewel fastened the chain around his neck. She rubbed her finger across the infinity design. “That’s for you, and Aleron, and me, forever.”

  “Thank you.” He kissed her gently.

  Aleron had finally ripped his paper off and found the yellow-gold chain and medallion. He smiled at the eagle with his wings spread, and then he turned it over to see the design Raoul and Jewel had been talking about.

  “This is beautiful.” He kissed her and the medallion and she placed it around his neck.

  “We have a special present for you, but we’re waiting until after the civil ceremony next week for you and me,” Aleron said.

  She glanced at Raoul. “Are you sure you are all right with this? I thought the one who saw you first or you met first was the husband that did the civil ceremony.”

  “We decided, and I’m fine with it. Aleron is much better at staying calm and handling emergencies like illnesses and births and business that might come up. He’s more like Cad in that way.” Raoul nuzzled her neck. “Don’t worry, honey. I’ll still be as much your husband as Aleron and just as bossy.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” she teased, and they all laughed.

  “Sit, eat, the burgers are getting cold.” Raoul bit into his.

  “After lunch settles, I’ll show you your next surprise.” Aleron’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

  “I have to wait that long?”

  “Yes,” both men answered in unison.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Aleron excused himself and went upstairs after lunch. Raoul and Jewel went into the great room. Raoul sat on a wide lounge chair and pulled Jewel down into his arms.

  She leaned back and looked out the glass windows. “It’s so peaceful here and private. I’m so used to being alone. And although I enjoy being with my family and friends at the ranch, I need this time to reconnect with myself.”

  “Does it bother you having Aleron and I here with you?” Raoul asked.

  Jewel saw the concern in his eyes. She hadn’t thought about what he’d asked. It had seemed natural for them to be part of her world here in Oregon.

  “No, it doesn’t. You two are so much a part of me that question hadn’t come to my mind until you asked.”

  Raoul let out a long breath. “I’m glad, but if you do feel the need to be alone, let us know. We’ll understand. We’ll need the same once in a while.” He kissed her lightly on the mouth.

  “We’re definitely going to have an art studio built here, too. You can design it and pick out the spot where you’d like it. Then you can paint whether we’re at the ranch or in Oregon.”

  Jewel threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hard. “Thank you for another wonderful surprise.”

  “Aleron has another surprise for you in his hands.” Raoul nodded his head to the man standing behind her.

  She turned and stared at the small pieces of leather Aleron held. “What is it?”

  He knelt at her side. “This is a harness we had made especially for your kitten. Let me show you how it will work. These straps go around your four legs. They can be tightened to fit snug but not uncomfortably. Then this larger strap will go around my eagle’s neck. After you’re secured, we’ll fly. You said once you wished you could see the world from up above.”

  Jewel’s heart beat double-time from excitement and some fear. “You’re sure it will hold me?”

  “Darlin’, do you think I’d take a chance of losing you? If the worst happened and all straps failed, which is not likely, then I’d swoop down and catch you on my back. I can fly you very slowly back to the ground in that position. You can even put your claws into me if that happens. Otherwise, my darling, keep them sheathed.”

  Jewel jumped up out of the chair. “Can we go now?”

  “Follow me.” Aleron walked briskly out the door and across the yard. “The wind is good, strong but not gusty. Shift into your kitten.”

  She did and ran to his side. Raoul followed and watched as Aleron fastened the straps on her pretty kitty body.

  “Is that comfortable?” Aleron asked.

  “Perfect, just snug enough.”

  “Raoul, I’m going to shift. Put the last strap over my neck.” Aleron shifted to his eagle. He stood still while Raoul positioned Jewel on his back and then put the final, thicker leather strip around Aleron’s neck.

  “Are you comfortable?” Raoul asked Jewel, who was lying on the eagle’s back. Aleron had spread his wings wide.

  “I’m ready. Let’s fly.”

  Aleron took a slow running start. Jewel’s heart was in her throat, but the straps held her snug. Then Aleron soared into the wide-open, blue sky. There were only a few wispy clouds below them.

  He floated on the wind as Jewel took in the breathtaking sight below them.

  “You’re very quiet back there. What do you think?”

  “I’m speechless. This is the most incredible experience I’ve ever had. The quiet and the beauty fill you.”

  “I like to fly every day. I can’t always, and when I don’t I tend to get irritable. I need this like you need your solitude. Be ready, I’m going to show you some more moves.”

  He went straight up, and then he dove for the ground. Wind rushed past her face. She almost forgot to breathe when he had flown upward, and then her stomach dropped when he had headed down. He buzzed Raoul and then soared up again. At one point he made three quick swirls around and around.

  “Wow, you are unbelievable. Now I see how you flew circles around those bigger black birds.”

  Aleron slowed and dipped downward to the side of a lake. He landed. “I’ll let you rest before we head back.”

  “This has been the best surprise ever. Will you take me up again?”

  “Anytime you want, darlin’.”

  “I won’t ask every time you fly. You need your own space, but maybe every other time.”

  “I’ll look forward to it. I love the feel of your soft body on my back.
I felt your little heart pounding when I did the faster flying. It brings us even closer. But Raoul will be getting impatient. It is his honeymoon, too.” Aleron lifted into the sky and flew her home at a slower pace, which gave her an opportunity to fully appreciate the view.

  As soon as Jewel was unfastened from her harness, she shifted into her cheetah. “Come run with me,” she messaged to Raoul.

  He grinned and shifted to his wolf. Aleron had shifted back and stood watching as they headed for the woods. “Have fun. I’m going inside.”

  “See you later,” Raoul messaged back.

  Jewel led the way but slowed enough for Raoul to run beside her.

  “It’s embarrassing knowing you can outrace me.”

  “Get over it. I’m a totally different animal when I shift than you. I can run faster. So what? It doesn’t make you less my man.”

  “Damn right.”

  Jewel smiled inwardly. For all Raoul’s strength and bossiness, he is a softie inside and needs more reassurance than Aleron. But I mustn’t ever let him know I realize that.

  The trees thinned out, and Jewel saw a clear area covered in a carpet of grass. She headed that way and rolled in the soft, sweet-smelling turf. Raoul joined her, and they playfully swatted at each other and rolled around on the ground.

  Raoul pulled away from her and shifted. He stood above her in all his naked glory. His toned muscles glistened with perspiration. The sunlight, reflected through the tall trees circling them, made his silver-blond hair shine. His smoky-gray eyes reflected his love for her.

  “Shift, and we’ll make love in the sunlight and on nature’s soft bed of sod.”

  Her heartbeat increased and the blood flowing through her body warmed with her desire for him. “But I’ll be naked. Someone may see us.”

  “We’d hear any noise long before whoever or whatever it was got to us. We can shift and run home if that happens.” His mouth quirked up in his sexy smile. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

  Jewel shifted and stood in front of him. “I hate dares. I can never resist taking them.”

  “You are so beautiful always but even more so with the sunlight making all the colors in your hair glow.”

  He closed the space between them and took her breasts in his hands. Her nipples tightened. His hard dick rubbed against her abdomen, where desire churned and sent out sparks of pleasure all over her body. Slowly, he lowered his head and kissed her mouth. She opened for him, and his tongue swept inside to taste and lick all around the inside.

  Her hand grasped his dick firmly but not hard. With her other hand, she cupped his sac. For several minutes they stood as one and Raoul ravaged her mouth. His fingers pinched her nipples, and her pussy clenched in response.

  Then Raoul gently laid her on the ground. He moved down her body and took one nipple in his mouth. When he sucked, she felt the pull in her womb.

  His fingers slid down across her abdomen and separated her pussy lips. As he suckled her breast and pinched lightly on her nub, a sensuous sensation of warmth, and hunger, and an aching void needing to be filled swept across her body.

  She cried out and Raoul positioned his cock at her pussy opening. He pushed in fast and hard. His fullness in her pussy and the long, firm stroke brought on a wave of pleasure so exquisite, it almost hurt. She raised her hips to meet each of his strokes until her body shivered and pulsed with delicious, wild, earthy elation.

  Raoul plunged in one more time, and her inner ripples caressed his cock as a warm flood of his seed was released. He growled loudly as his cock pulsed against her inner walls and their hearts pounded against each other.

  Jewel lay cuddled in his arms until her strength returned to her body. “I think I can shift and run back home now.”

  “Go ahead. I’m going to stroll back. You’ve drained me dry.”

  She raised her head and looked at his handsome face. “Are you complaining?” she teased.

  “Nope, just being honest. I loved every minute, and I’ll love you until the day I die.”

  “I feel the same about you and Aleron. I’m going to run on ahead of you and shower.” She shifted into her cheetah and ran quickly back to the cabin.

  Aleron swooped out of the sky. He landed in front of her right after she’d shifted back, into her human persona at the spot where she’d left her clothes. She didn’t think she’d ever be completely comfortable running around naked outside even in this private spot.

  “I decided to do some exploring myself,” Aleron said. “There’s something I want to show you if you’re not too tired. It’s off to the north side of our property and not too far into the woods.”

  He took her hand, and they walked toward the northern side of the forest. “I kept hearing water,” he explained. “It was faint but persistent. When I flew over I found something I believe you’ll like.”

  “You’re being mysterious again. I’ve had my surprises, so you can tell me.”

  “We’re almost there. Hear the water?”

  “I do.” Jewel hurried through a thicket of trees. Behind them was a small lake and at one end a waterfall spilled out from a crevice in a large rock.

  She ran to the bank, throwing off her clothes as she went.

  “This is better than a shower.” She hurried around to the waterfall and jumped through it. The cold water shocked her hot body and made her shiver. The water was deep right at the falls. She swam around the little lake and waved for Aleron to join her.

  He undressed and swam toward her. When he got to her side, he pulled her body against his and kissed her.

  “I love to see your smile and see you having fun,” Aleron said.

  “This has been a special day filled with wonderful surprises. You and Raoul are too good to me.”

  “We can never be too good to you. We love you and plan on reminding you every day of our lives.” He ran his hands down her back and pulled her tight against his body. “See how excited you get me? Just looking at your gorgeous body makes my dick jump to attention.”

  “I can do something about that.”

  “Let’s play first.” He flipped her over, and she came up sputtering. She splashed him back and swam rapidly away. They continued to splash and chase each other until Jewel went back through the falls and into the cave behind.

  She stood transfixed at the scene in front of her. Several blankets made a bed on the soft sand floor. To the side was a cooler. Jewel opened it and took out a cold soda. There was also fruit and a couple of sandwiches wrapped in plastic. Aleron came up behind her. She whirled around to face him.

  “Just what I needed. I’m so thirsty and hungry.”

  “Don’t eat too much. Raoul was going to call and find out where the best steak house is around here.”

  “I could have told him that, it’s Jack’s, right outside town in the opposite direction from here. But don’t worry. With all the energy I’ve expended today, I can eat sandwiches and a huge steak.”

  Aleron reached in the cooler and got a soda and two sandwiches. “Then let’s dine.” He motioned to the blanket and then sat down.

  Jewel followed him and had soon devoured her sandwich. They sat quietly, sipping their drinks.

  “I hope we can come here often,” she said.

  “I don’t know why we can’t. Even if one of us is off on a mission, the other one can bring you.”

  “Do you go on missions a lot, and do you sometimes go on the same ones?”

  “It varies. Now that we’re married I expect we’ll go on separate missions so one of us is left behind with you. But I imagine we’ll have a quiet downtime after this last battle to let everyone recover physically and mentally.”

  “You know they might need me on a mission. I’d go if they did,” Jewel reminded him

  “We know. We just don’t have to like it. As I’ve said before, any time you’re in harm’s way is going to be difficult for us.”

  “Same here for me regarding you two.”

  Aleron put down his s
oda. “How did we get on such a serious topic? This is our honeymoon.” He smiled and rolled, putting her flat on her back. He placed her drink beside his. “Your skin is still cool. Let me see if I can warm you up.”

  “You may have to work at it, but I’m sure you’ll succeed.”

  “I am, too. Feel how hard he is?” He placed her hand around his cock.

  “I bet I can make him harder.” Jewel slid down his body and took his cock into her mouth. Her tongue licked all around his wide girth. When he groaned, she cupped his sac and gently moved his balls then sucked on his dick. His fingers slid through her hair.

  “Come up here,” he said, his voice low and husky.

  She glanced up at his drawn face and blue eyes that flashed with the fire of his desire. Slowly, she slid back up his body. He rolled her under him and took her breast into his mouth. His teeth rubbed lightly across her nipple and he suckled on her lush breast. His fingers separated her lower lips and raked across her sensitive nub. Hot desire spilled into her veins. Then he moved down and sucked on her clit. Her inner contractions sent a flood of moisture out of her pussy. Aleron licked her pussy juices, and his tongue darted into her opening. Her quick orgasm surprised her and shook her body. She screamed out in ecstasy.

  Aleron thrust into her wet pussy. He moved fast and hard, sending another flood of joy spiraling through her. He plunged in once more and yelled out his release.

  Her pussy quivered in delight and tightened around him, draining him dry.

  Holding her in his arms, he rolled where she lay across his chest. Their hearts pounded against each other.

  “It just keeps getting better and better,” Aleron said. His eyes glowed with his love for her.

  Jewel leaned upward and kissed his mouth. “I’m going to take a quick swim, and then I need to go to bed and rest if we’re going out to dinner. And no, you and Raoul cannot go to bed with me, or I won’t get to sleep.”

  “True.” Aleron grinned at her. “You’ve given us a beautiful wedding day. We need to slow down and realize we have each other for the rest of our lives, not just this one day.”

  He gathered their things as she swam around in the lake. Then they walked back to the cabin.


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