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Savage Ecstasy

Page 42

by Janelle Taylor

  She was speaking of a brother-sister relationship. Deep inside he knew this, but alowed himself to hope that with time, it would be more, much more.

  more, much more.

  They were both silent and thoughtful for a time. Powchutu took her arm and they headed back for the fort. As they entered the gates and headed for the Philseys’ quarters, they were quickly aware of the attention they were attracting. There was no way they could hide their meeting, so why try?

  When the lieutenant strode into the general’s office, Galt looked up. “I was just about to send for you, Jeffery,” he said. “I don’t like the trouble the Injuns are brewing. They are trying to wipe out every white settlement and fort in this entire area. Powchutu says the war councils are meeting in the camp of the Blackfoot with Black Cloud. If they decide to attack here next, I’m not too sure we could hold them off for very long. If the war party is large, we won’t be able to hold them off at al. If only those new men and supplies I requisitioned would get here soon! Hel, what good are guns without bal and powder? I hope to God those savages don’t know how bad we’re hurting.”

  Jeffery’s eyes gleamed. He saw this as an excelent opportunity to be rid of Powchutu for a time, and with any luck, for good. “Sir, don’t you think we should send someone for help? I’d say someone who knows this area and people the best.”

  The general rejected his idea, “No, Lieutenant Gordon. We’ve lost two men already. We had better hold onto the few men we have left. Those last few raids cost us too many men and supplies.”

  General Galt paced the floor nervously, muttering to himself. Jeffery tried again, “Why don’t we send Powchutu out to scout around some more, see what he can learn? He might find out what they’re up to or where they plan to attack next.”

  General Galt stil refused his idea, “No, again. I’m afraid we’l General Galt stil refused his idea, “No, again. I’m afraid we’l need Powchutu here if they attack. He’s the only one who could speak with them.”

  “Hel! General. Those savages wouldn’t dare to attack here. They wouldn’t stand a chance of a snowbal in Hades in a fight against us! I wish Gray Eagle would try to raid here! I’l clip the great eagle’s wings, and stuff my pilow with his feathers and scalp!

  I have a personal score to settle with him.”

  The general said, “I suggest we cal in al the officers for a meeting. We had better plan some strategy if an attack comes. It wil be imperative to make a strong showing in the beginning.”

  Jeffery rose, saluted lazily, and answered, “Yes, Sir. I’l see the men are here at 1800 hours.” He left.

  He halted just outside the general’s door to watch a scene which had instantly caught his attention. Alisha was entering the gate on the arm of the scout. His arms stiffened, his fists clenched and unclenched, and his eyes burned with hatred and fury. Damn that vixen! he seethed. You’ve puled your last insult at my expense, Mr. Scout! I’l fix you both! He caught the eyes of several nearby men. He nodded toward Alisha and Powchutu, and spitefuly gave the signal they had seen many times before.

  Several of the men were bewildered and surprised. He had expressly ordered al the men to leave that girl alone. The signal was unmistakably given once more. It was definite he wanted her included in on the railery today. They surmised, she might be playing too hard to get, or being just a mite too friendly with that Injun. They figured he wanted to teach her a lesson or two. A few of them maliciously thought, she deserves it too, fraternizing with a red scum…

  The men began to tag along behind Alisha and Powchutu. The men began to tag along behind Alisha and Powchutu. They nudged and poked each other in the ribs, snickering and loudly whispering. The tempo and crudity steadily picked up as more men joined in. Alisha’s face was flaming at the vulgarity and filthy gestures.

  Powchutu tightened his grip on her elbow to let her know he stood by her. The group moved closer and closer to them as the ribaldry continued. They used words and signs she had never seen or heard before, but instinctively knew were obscene. She walked on, head held high with pride and courage. Tears stung her eyes and she feared she would break down right in front of them. She silently prayed Powchutu would not be antagonized into defending her, for she had no doubts he was sorely tempted to do so. The grip on her arm and the look which had flickered in those slatey eyes betrayed his inner turmoil. His muscles were tight and tense. She longed to tel him it was al right, and give him a smile to prove it, but she dared not look at him again. If he read the expression on her face, he would instantly assail the closest man. She also had no desire for any of them to see the ful impact of their cruelty upon her.

  She was totaly correct in her assessment of Powchutu’s emotions. But he was wise enough to know it would be foolish and futile to take on so many men at the same time, at least in front of Alisha. If he were injured defending her honor, she would be hurt even more. His death would be even more destructive. She would be helpless and alone without him. He felt lightheaded knowing she relied so very much on him.

  Powchutu swore to himself to find the time and place to singly take on every one of the men involved in this humiliation. This thought gave him the strength to close his ears to their words and his thought gave him the strength to close his ears to their words and his eyes to their gestures. He concentrated on getting her to her quarters as quickly as possible, but with her pride intact. Without warning, a loud, spiteful voice ripped across the air,

  “Slut! Red whore! Where you hurrying to? Prefer Injuns to soldiers?”

  Alisha’s heart sank. It was Kathy.

  Kathy launched into a vicious attack. “I saw the way you carried on with that Injun in his camp. Now here you are trying to act like Miss Goody-Two-Shoes. Wel you ain’t fooling nobody. They al know what you are and what you done.”

  Kathy had been viewing the whole scene from the captain’s window. She had waited a long time to publicly humiliate Alisha and now had the chance— and everyone’s approval. Kathy raced out of the captain’s room.

  Alisha was so stunned she stopped in her tracks. In just a moment, Kathy stepped in front of her and blocked her path. Alisha stared at Kathy in astonishment. She could not believe a. woman would say such things, or even think them. Her malevolence and crudity shocked Alisha. She said, “Kathy! You can’t possibly mean such awful things! How can you stand there and spit out such vicious fabrications? You were there also and you know how we were both treated. Why would you say such terrible things?’

  “Ha!” she wildly exclaimed. “Sure I saw how we were ‘both’

  treated. I was forced to live and work like a dog, while you paraded around like some ivory goddess. You, a slave? That’s a joke! You were nothing more than his harlot. You had the gal to live and sleep with the very man who murdered al our people. Why, you care more about him than your own kind. I saw you two, Why, you care more about him than your own kind. I saw you two, walking and talking like two lovers. You trailed around behind him like some lost puppy.”

  Kathy warmed to her diatribe. The soldiers jostled and surrounded the two women and the scout. Kathy shrieked to a rapt audience, “I even saw you bathing with him and you didn’t even mind a bit! You looked at him with that sweet, innocent look, and smiled that sickening smile, and fondled him at every chance like he was your knight in shining armour. Why, you couldn’t keep your hands and eyes off of him! Don’t try to tel me you didn’t like him! I got eyes in my head, ears too! I ain’t dumb neither! You’re just a cheap slut!”

  Alisha had paled at her obscene attack. Her face was almost colorless, except for the two bright patches on her cheeks. She whispered, “You’re wrong, Kathy. How could you hate me so much? You know you’re lying, but they don’t. Why are you doing this to me? How can you stoop so low?”

  “I see your little game. You’re trying to convince these men you were innocently and badly used. Poor thing!” she sneered. “It won’t work. I’ve already told them everything about you and him. They know about how you tri
ed to help him back at our fortress, feeding and doctoring him. If you asked me, I bet you’re the one who released him during the night so he could escape.”

  Alisha shouted back at her, “You’re a liar! I did not help him escape. I had about as much to say about his taking me, as you had to say about who took you.”

  Alisha glanced aorund her at the expressions on the men’s faces. She studied the distorted hatred on Kathy’s face. She looked into the vengeful, bitter face of Jeffery. His face fairly shouted, “I told you so,” and “beg me to stop it.” She was only an outcast, told you so,” and “beg me to stop it.” She was only an outcast, unwanted, hated and mistrusted.

  Their faces swam before her vision and she wavered slightly. Powchutu feared she was about to faint. He puled her away from the crowd and hastily led her the •remaining distance to the Philseys’. He could hear the tirade of curses and insults coming from the group left behind. Kathy was beaming with pleasure for finaly getting a chance to knife Alisha in the back. Alisha immediately went to her room and closed the door. She ran to the bed and threw herself upon it. She dissolved into heartbreaking sobs. Why had they been so mean? she cried in anguish. What have I ever done to any of them, or to Kathy? They seemed to be enjoying what they were doing to me. Their hatred and brutality is far worse than yours, Wanmdi Hota. At least, you believed you had reasons to hate and abuse me. They do not. Oh God, wil it never end? How much more can I bear? What shal I do? I would rather be back at the vilage than live through another scene like that one.

  Hatred and cruelty from the enemy does not hurt like hatred from one’s own people. Had they already forgotten her condition when she was brought here? Besides, she had not asked to be rescued. And if they knew she would be treated like this, why did they bother to do so? If they believed she was truly Gray Eagle’s woman, how did they account for her torture and abuse? This contradiction made absolutely no sense. How could she ever go out of the room and face any of them again?

  Her heart beat sad and heavy in her chest. She remained in her room, al alone, for the next day. She refused to see Doc. She did not eat. She did not light the lantern that night. She just lay on her bed in the dark, staring up at the ceiling. She did not move when the bed in the dark, staring up at the ceiling. She did not move when the light tapping came on her window that night. Time could not lessen the pain in her heart, for nothing could ever remove the sting of humiliation she had suffered. Except for Powchutu, she was al alone, orphaned, penniless and friendless. There was no escape from her torment and agony.

  Powchutu had hastily left the fort. He rode his horse swift and hard to release the pent-up fury in his body, He had seen Alisha safely to her room, then mounted up and rode off. He knew he might kil somebody if he didn’t get away from the fort for time to cool his rage.

  When he had returned after dark, he was hurt she could not even reach out to him in her pain. When she did not come to answer his signal, he realized she would need time to recover from the pain she had undergone. He swore, I cannot wait for the trouble to be over here. I must take her and leave here immediately. In a few days, we wil be gone…

  He gazed at her darkened window, wishing he could share this good news with her. He would see her tomorrow and tel her then. At that same time, Jeffery was properly thanking Kathy for her help that afternoon. She had realy knocked the wind out of Alisha. Only a few more days and he knew Alisha and not Kathy would be lying beneath him. After she’s mine, Jeffery thought, I’l kil Kathy if she ever comes near me and mine ever again. Within three more days, that damned scout wil be dead, and Alisha wil be my slave for a change …

  Chapter Fifteen

  Matu had ridden hard and fast toward the camp of Black Cloud to tel Gray Eagle of the raid on his camp. Al her plans would be in vain if the girl died in the raid or was rescued. Gray Eagle, his warriors and those from many of the other tribes and vilages swiftly rode back to the Oglala camp. They arrived to find many dead and wounded scattered about the vilage. Others were hiding in the nearby forest. The camp had been ransacked and many teepees turned over and burned. Fortunately, most of the teepees and supplies were stil intact. They had attacked quickly, without warning, and left the same way. He dismounted and hurriedly went to his own teepee. He was furious when he saw Alisha’s mat empty and the deep boot prints al around the mat. Old Succolu ran in, panting. “They took her, Wanmdi Hota. I could not stop them. There were too many of them and they carried the māzawakan. I was to guard her while Matu came to the camp of Black Cloud, but I have failed. She was stil sleeping and never awoke when they took her. I watched from the edge of the forest. It was the one with the yelow hair, as before. He placed her on his horse and rode away. I am shamed, great leader of the Oglala.”

  The old man lowered his head dejectedly.

  Gray Eagle looked at the old man and spoke softly, as he would to his own father, You were brave to remain so close and watch. The one with the yelow hair should take only the white girl, not the life of an old warrior, my koda. You did wel. It does not show wisdom to remain in the face of death. You could not have show wisdom to remain in the face of death. You could not have saved her. The one with the yelow hair has dared the vengeance of Wanmdi Hota for the last time. He and al his kind wil die before the snows touch our lands once more. I have spoken and so it shal be.”

  Gray Eagle’s rage knew no bounds when he was alone in his own teepee. He clenched his hands into hard fists and ranted to himself, how dare they raid my camp and take what is mine! I wil kil every one of them in our lands and forests. Their blood wil soak our soil. We wil do as Mahpiya Sapa says, we wil band together and ride against them in twenty-eight suns. We wil destroy them al. Gray Eagle inwardly hoped Alisha would be cared for until he could reclaim her, for surely he would. She was as much his as his own body. It would be a very long moon before al the tribes would gather and be ready to slay the bluecoats.

  As he paced around his teepee, he wondered what she would think when she awoke to find herself freed from his hold. She wil no doubt be happy to be free of me. But not for long, Cinstinna!

  You are mine, and no man wil take you from me, ever! You wil once again share my teepee.

  Each of the tribes returned to its own camp to prepare for war agains the wasichu cavalry. Many arrows, lances, war clubs, knives and tomahawks had to be made, sharpened and repaired. Shields and lances were decorated with feathers and scalp hairs. War paints were mixed and readied for use on the promised day of justice. Hunting parties kiled and stored game for the women, children and elderly warriors to be used during their absence. There was chanting, singing, and praying for the Great Spirit’s help and guidance. The Owacitipi Hunska, asking for help and protection, was chanted and danced many times in the folowing days. Al was chanted and danced many times in the folowing days. Al things necessary were being done and made ready for the largest raid ever attempted, and hopefuly, the last.

  For Gray Eagle, the nights were the hardest time for him in the twenty-eight day period. The busy days flew swift upon their course of time; but the nights were lonely, crawling by slowly. They moved like caterpilars on the bark of the cottonwood tree. His arms ached to hold his Lese, to be sure she was al right, to show her he loved her and wanted her close. His body hungered for her touch, her smel, her love, her kiss.

  Wanhinkpe Ska had been right, the beating had taken her from him and his care. If she had not been unconscious, she could have been hidden by Succolu in the forest. She wil surely hate me for the beating and for not letting her know why it was necessary, Gray Eagle mourned. Wil she also hate me for recapturing her and bringing her back if I explain these things to her? Even not, I must have her back! Our lives and hearts have touched; now I cannot live without her. What life and happiness could I find with another?

  As the days passed on and on, White Arrow would find him pacing anxiously back and forth, which was unusual for this man of great and long patience. He would stop and stare in the direction of the fort and me
ntaly besiege it by himself.

  White Arrow commented once, “So, you miss Pi-Zi Ista. I would not have guessed you cared this much by your actions, my koda.”

  Gray Eagle scowled at him and retorted, “I only miss her warmth in my mats and her duties as my slave. I am angry because they have dared to defile my camp and take what is mine.”

  White Arrow laughed, seeing through his facade. He proclaimed innocently, “They only took back what you had stolen proclaimed innocently, “They only took back what you had stolen from them. If you do not care for her, then why does she haunt your heart these many nights?”

  Gray Eagle exclaimed, “She is mine! I shal have her back. She is no longer one of them, Wanhinkpe Ska. But you speak wise and true, my koda, for even now I see her face before me…”

  White Arrow spoke the words he had refused to think upon until now, “Suppose she is dead … or she could be wounded or kiled in the attack on the fort? Also, one of the other warriors might find and capture her first.” They both flinched at these thoughts.

  “I can alow none of those things, my koda. I wil tel them she is mine and wil kil the first man who dares to take her with a chalenge. They know and respect the honor and courage of Wanmdi Hota. They wil not refuse.”

  His words sounded more confident and daring than he felt deep within his heart. If it came to a chalenge, he would die defending her, or kil her before he would alow another to take her. Gray Eagle’s eyes narrowed in concentration. He knew he must find a way to get her out of the fort before the battle. He tumbled different plans over in his keen mind. Then a plan struck him by surprise. He could pul a white man’s trick—speak with a double tongue and bluff them.


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