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The Marriage Clinic: 5 Book Series Bundle (Dr. Foster's Marriage Clinic 6)

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by Sylvia Redmond

  “Excellent, well done everyone, outstanding work everyone” the doctor said. “James and Suzanne, please untie Jacklyn.”

  Chapter 6

  I was at the front desk of the clinic, sharing in the rotation of handling receptionist duties. It was far from the most exciting aspect of the job, and therefore it was a task that was doled out on a rotating basis. Like most of the interns, I preferred to be back in the exam rooms working with the clients.

  I had been doing this for six months now, and each time I worked with a client it seemed like there was always something new to learn. I had thought I knew everything I needed to know sexually before I started working for the doctor, much like most of our clients probably thought they knew their own bodies before they walked through our door. But the doctor was a genius, a veritable pioneer in his field. Rarely did a client get admitted to the clinic that he couldn’t break sexually, and they were usually better for it when we checked them out.

  I could feel my nipples hardening as I sat at the desk pondering some of the things I had done to people since I started working there. Both men and women ended up under our guidance, and I had been taught discreet ways to pull triggers they didn’t even know they had. I thought about some of the women I had worked with and I realized that I had learned quite a few things about myself that had been a bit of a surprise. I caught the glimmer of daylight from our front door opening and I made a promise to myself to return to that thought after I dealt with the visitor to our office.

  I looked up to see her approaching the desk, confident yet tentative in her demeanor. She was young and buxom, and she smiled at me nervously as she stood in front of me. I was sitting behind the desk, and had several of the buttons on my blouse unbuttoned, offering a view for anyone caring to look. I felt her eyes surveying me quickly before she cleared her throat to speak.

  “Hi” she chirped, and I watched as her shoulders shook from her nervousness. Her large breasts swayed from the movement, and I surveyed her body for several moments longer than she dared when looking at mine.

  “My name is Barbara, and I’m nearing graduation at the local community college for physical therapy. I was interested in seeing if the clinic was taking on any new interns.”

  I rose slowly from my chair, careful to not give away the excitement that just shot through my body. I extended my hand to her and took her hand in mine, giving it a warm, gentle squeeze. She smiled again nervously at me and I was already anticipating my spot on Barbara’s examination team.

  “Hi Barbara, I’m Jacklyn – it’s nice to meet you. The doctor is always interested in evaluating new interns. Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll go get him for you.”

  Disciplined at the Marriage Clinic

  Sylvia Redmond

  Chapter 1


  “It’s important to understand that all married couples have issues from time to time. It’s nearly impossible to have a healthy adult relationship without the occasional disagreement. The important thing is that you came to see me.”

  I was watching my wife out of the corner of my eye while the doctor spoke. Her reaction to his recommendations would be the important thing. I had already known what to expect. I had talked to Dr. Foster for several weeks ago about my predicament, now it was just a matter of bringing Sara in for his special form of counseling.

  “Certainly you two were in love with each other when you agreed to marry ten years ago” the doctor continued. “If you can get past your differences now I think you’ll find that your marriage will be much stronger as a result.”

  I turned enough to look at Sara while the doctor continued talking. She was dressed in a skirt and a light blouse and she looked stunning. It was an unassuming outfit but still showed off her long, slender legs and her big chest. Her attractiveness had never been an issue for me – and it certainly had not been an issue for other men either. I knew that she was currently having an affair, although as far as she knew it was her dirty little secret. But all of that was about to change.

  “John” the doctor said, and I turned my gaze from Sara to look at him. “Are you willing to put forth the effort to save your marriage?”

  “Absolutely Dr. Foster” I replied, giving him the answer I knew that he was expecting.

  I watched as he turned to look at Sara, and I waited for him to repeat the question. The next couple of minutes would dictate the course of events over the next twenty four hours. She didn’t know it, but how she responded to his next series of questions would determine the course of her marriage counseling and either make or break our marriage.

  “Sara” the doctor said, “Are you willing to put forth the work necessary in order to save your marriage?”

  I watched her as he asked the question. She didn’t know that I knew about her lover, and I honestly didn’t know if she was ready to walk away from our marriage for him. I did know that I still loved her and I wasn’t ready to let her go. And I was willing to gamble it all on the doctor’s unorthodox marriage counseling techniques.

  “Yes, absolutely doctor” she said.

  She hadn’t hesitated in the least, and I breathed a silent sigh of relief as the doctor opened up the drawer of his desk and took out a file folder. In my heart of hearts I believed that she still loved me, and that she wanted our marriage to work. I had hoped that the affair was nothing more than a mistake on her part, but I knew by the end of the night I would know for sure if she was willing to stay.

  “Then there is one other thing I must ask of both of you” the doctor said. “I need you to give me your consent to therapy. In order for me to treat you effectively, you must sign this consent form, signifying your complete and total consent to every treatment technique I will administer to you while you are under my care.”

  I reached out and signed it where my signature was indicated on the form. I had been expecting this – the doctor had already explained it to me privately as a prerequisite to Sara’s treatment. After signing the form I turned and offered her the pen.

  She turned to grab the pen and looked at me. I realized it had been the first time since we entered his office that she had looked me in the face. Her face still displayed her confidence but she showed the slightest bit of nervousness as she took the pen from my hand. I watched her as she turned to sign the form and her blouse fell open slightly. I caught a glimpse of her milky breasts as she signed the document, and I felt exhilarated at what was to happen next.

  “Outstanding” the doctor said. “Let’s get started.”

  Chapter 2


  I knew he didn’t know about the affair, it had been a brief fling – but he had still sensed enough was wrong with our marriage that he felt the need to go to a counselor. And the truth was I didn’t want to leave him, and I know that what I did was wrong. I was just so goddamn bored of our sex life and I felt like I needed to let my hair down a little.

  I thought it was usually the husbands that got bored and started getting the wandering eyes. But after ten years of marriage there were no surprises left in the bedroom anymore, and when a guy at work started making suggestive comments to me, I couldn’t stop myself. Other girls at the office thought that Jack was a pig for the things that he said, and I knew that they were right. But he had ended up being a pig in the bedroom too, and for those few weeks it had been exactly what I needed.

  “This is our head nurse Karen” the doctor said, introducing the lithe blonde nurse that had come into the office. “She’ll take you each to an exam room so that we can get started.”

  “Please follow me Sara” the nurse said, as she turned her statuesque body and started down the hall.

  I wondered briefly how she had known my name, since the doctor had not introduced me, but I dismissed it as a trivial curiosity. My mind returned to the affair, and our reason for being at the clinic today. I had already ended the affair, and I vowed to myself to make whatever change I needed to make to save the marriage. When the doctor had presented h
is consent form, I had no hesitation that staying married to John was what I wanted, no matter the cost.

  The nurse stopped at a door at the end of the hall and opened it, revealing a dimly lit exam room. I followed her into the big room, and realized it wasn’t exactly a doctor’s exam room, at least not one like I had ever seen before. It had the shelves and wall cabinets of an exam room, but the centerpiece of the room was a large bed. And I noticed a small window in the wall of the room which appeared to be a discretely positioned observation window.

  “Sara” the head nurse said as I turned my gaze back to her. “We’ll need you to remove your clothes and put on this robe dear. I’ll be back to check on you in a second.”

  She reached out her hand and I took the thin garment that she was holding. I made contact with her hand briefly as I took the robe from her and I watched as she gave me a warm smile before turning to leave the room. I waited until she had closed the door behind her and I looked nervously around the conspicuous exam room. I resigned myself to whatever therapy the doctor felt was necessary and I started to undress.

  I wasn’t quite certain what they had in mind or what was in store for me, so I chose to leave my bra and panties on to maintain at least a little bit of modesty. I hadn’t anticipated undressing at all when we had left the house – to me a marriage therapist sounded like someone who would be lecturing us both from across a large desk. My panties and bra were both silky and sheer, the type of undergarment you would wear when only anticipating being undressed in front of your lover. Nevertheless, I removed the rest of my clothes and then pulled the thin exam gown over my nearly naked body and I waited for the nurse to reappear.

  I heard the soft knock at the door and I turned to watch Karen reenter the room. The door opened and Karen came back into the room, and my mind started to race with an emotion somewhere between shock and embarrassment. I had been expecting the tall, sultry nurse, of course. I wasn’t expecting the two male nurses that had followed her through the door.

  Chapter 3


  “Sara, I’d like you to meet Raymond and Steven. They are going to be participating in your therapy” the head nurse said.

  I was watching through the observation window, wondering with wild imagination what was going through my lovely wife’s head. She had no idea what to expect from this therapy session, and had no idea what these two men were about to do to her. I, on the other hand, had talked at length about her therapy with Dr. Foster. I knew exactly what was in store for her – and myself as well. And my cock was starting to swell as a result.

  “First, we’re going to need to remove that gown” the head nurse said, and I watched as each man moved to either side of Sara.

  They didn’t wait for her to take the gown off. They didn’t wait for her to acknowledge them at all. They each grab an arm to start to disrobe her, and I watched her face as a thousand emotions ran across it at once. I wondered what kinds of things she was thinking about.

  I knew the kinds of things I was thinking about

  I watched them pull the robe from her body and I saw her standing there in her bra and panties. I was her husband – I had seen her like that a thousand times before. But watching her stand there like a deer in the headlights in front of two strange men excited me like nothing else. I wondered about the things she had done with her lover. I hoped what happened in the next couple of hours made her wish she had never been unfaithful.

  “Umm, you’re still wearing underwear – that won’t do” the nurse said.

  It wasn’t a question and it didn’t require a response from Sara – and she certainly had none to offer. But it was an invitation for the men to strip her further, and neither of them hesitated for a second. The blonde one stepped behind her and unfastened her bra before she even had a chance to blink, and I watched astonished as her heavy tits came into view. She hardly seemed to notice because her eyes were fixed on the black guy who was still standing in front of her.

  I watched the black guy take a step closer to her so that he was standing right in front of her. He stood there a moment and was close enough to kiss her, which was partly what I was expecting. As quickly as he had stepped forward he suddenly dropped to a knee directly in front of her. Without any warning whatsoever, he reached up to her hips and grasped her panties in both of his hands.

  I saw Sara’s reaction which was a feeble attempt to step backwards. She moved right up against the blonde guy who caught her and held her steady while the black one pulled her panties down. He got them to the floor, and I watched as he lifted each of her feet upwards, completely removing her panties, and taking away the last shred of her modesty.

  “Perfect” the nurse said, and the black guy stood back up. “We’ll now need to have Sara positioned for her therapy.”

  I knew that her head was spinning and she had no idea what was coming next. She was still trying to comprehend the fact that she was stark naked in front of three complete strangers. I realized my cock was now rock hard and bordering on painful as I watched with rapt anticipation at what they were going to do next.

  Both men were at her side again and they led her onto the bed. She never had a chance to disobey them as they pushed her forward onto her hands and knees. She might have thought that she still going to undertake some kind of examination. She might have thought this was the ordinary course of treatment for a couple with a troubled marriage. But I knew that any thought that she had about this being normal marriage therapy was about to go right out of her head.

  “Go ahead and fasten her” the head nurse said, and I watched as the men each took one of Sara’s arms and started pulling a restraint from the headboard of the big bed.

  “John” Dr. Foster said, and I startled, forgetting that the man had been seated right behind me. “I think it’s time for you to go into the examination room and join the others.”

  Chapter 4


  I felt like I was paralyzed and unable to speak. I was speechless originally when the two men came into the room because they were so fucking good looking. I was shocked after that because they had asked me to get undressed and the head nurse had the two of them take off my underwear. Now I felt completely helpless and vulnerable to them and I knew it had gone beyond my control. And in the midst of it all I was angry at myself because I could feel my body responding.

  “That’s it, fasten her tight” I heard the head nurse say, and I felt the tug on each of my wrists.

  I held onto the headboard with both hands, because I really had no other choice. I was completely naked and helpless now, on my hands and knees in front of the three of them. I was at their mercy, and when I thought things couldn’t get worse I heard the door to the exam room open.

  “Sara” a voice boomed out, and I realized it was the voice of Doctor Foster. He wasn’t in the room himself, and was obviously speaking into a microphone on the other side of the exam room window.

  “You are here today because of your infidelity, and it is our hope that the treatment that you are about to receive will ultimately help to save your marriage.”

  I opened my mouth to respond but felt the sting of an open palm on my naked ass. I turned to look at the person who had delivered the blow and I saw my husband standing there with the other two men. He had not been the one to hit me, it was clearly the blonde guy who was standing next to me and smiling. But John was the person who had just come in the room last, and I felt that I owed him an explanation for the doctor’s accusation.

  “John” I said, and I realized my voice was hoarse. “It was a stupid mistake. I never meant it to…”


  It was the black guy this time. I felt the sting on my ass and my whole body shook. I let out a yelp and stopped speaking as I felt the sharp sting subside and my ass started to throb. The head nurse stepped forward and rubbed the hot spot on my ass as I watched John open his mouth to speak.

  “I’m willing to forgive you Sara” he said, and I felt myself ex

  I felt the head nurse’s warm hands rubbing the spot on my naked ass where the black guy had just swatted at me.

  “But I need to know” John went on. “Why you did it. And that you will never do it again.”

  It was a question I had wondered a thousand times before.

  “I, I don’t know” I answered him, as honestly as I was able. “I think I just got bored with our marriage. You know, with our sex life – I was looking for something a little more exciting.”

  As I spoke to him I felt the head nurse’s hands continue to rub the spot on my ass that had been smacked. They were soft and warm, and I realized they were traveling lower down my ass as she rubbed me. They had started rubbing my sore flesh, and then worked their way down to the sensitive part of my upper thigh. I could now feel her hands working dangerously close to my naked sex.

  “How do I know you won’t do that again Sara? I need to know that you won’t travel outside our marriage to pleasure yourself again.”

  “I won’t!” I blurted out, almost too quickly, and I was rewarded with another blow from the black guy.


  It landed with pinpoint precision on the tender spot that had already been struck twice. The sting was now mixed with the erotic sensation of the nurse’s skilled hands. I felt her hand back, rubbing the spot on my ass that had just been struck. But like an expert craftsman her other hand had dipped lower and now was just beginning to rub the edge of my pussy.

  “Is that good enough Sara?” John asked, and I tried to concentrate on what he was saying.

  I was trying to concentrate. I was trying to listen to what he was saying. But the nurse’s hand was persistent, and she was obviously a professional. Just when I thought I could collect myself, her fingers stroked a little closer and my body shuddered, and I knew things were going to get worse before they got better.


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