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Her Designer Baby: (Loving Over 40 Book 1)

Page 44

by Washington, Shawna

  Nick chuckled, sounding indecently pleased at the notion that I had been outdone by my mother’s cat. “Well if you would stop announcing your dislike in front of her, that might help,” he suggested humorously.

  Great! Now he was on the cat’s side!

  “I’ll just be a moment,” I said as I dashed towards the angry cat, grabbed her food from the cupboard and traipsed towards the kitchen. She followed silently in my wake, her eyes following my every move.

  I bent over and poured out Daisy’s food, my gown hiking up from the motion. She immediately began to eat, keeping a careful eye on me.

  I tossed the empty can into a bin, rinsed my hands in the sink and turned to go. Nick was standing in the doorway, his face in shadows but something about the way he was watching me carefully made me pause in mid-stride.

  “Is-is something wrong?” I whispered, my throat suddenly dry.

  An inane question because even could Daisy could feel the charged atmosphere since she stopped eating and began to regard us with open interest; the gossip!

  Nick didn’t respond, just came more fully into the kitchen and then I saw it: the banked fire in his eyes.

  He slowly came towards me, his eyes locked intently on mine as he reached out and touched my shoulders, urging me closer.

  “Um, who’s watching Nikki?” I burst out, desperate to distract him.

  I was nervous and I didn’t even know why.

  “Her parents,” he said evenly, a slight smile playing about his lips; evidently he had seen right through that excuse. “This is a seriously wicked dress,” he added.

  One hand began to idly trace my neckline, the motion made almost absently and yet it seemed to rob me of breath.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  His eyes blasted me with a shocking wave of heat as they scanned my face, dipped to my cleavage, drifted down my figure and caressed my long legs. I shuffled my feet restlessly as I tried to hide my reaction. His hooded gaze dropped to the vicinity of my tightly clenched thighs before flickering lazily to my face. He gave me a knowing half-smile that was as lethal as it was intoxicating and I desperately stifled a gasp as without warning, sudden wetness pooled between my thighs.

  Heat, naked and raw, shot through every cell in my body and my hands curled into fists at my sides as I fought a losing battle for control.

  An answering gleam of heat sparked in his slumberous gaze and I recognized it because I felt the same heat within me. His eyes screamed undiluted lust.

  Holy crap!

  He grinned at me, his eyes twinkling as he said in a laughter-tinged voice. “If you need a definition I must be doing something wrong.”

  He didn’t give me a chance to respond; he leaned down and melded his lips to mine in one smooth motion. Fireworks exploded in my brain as passion, hot and furious, roared through me. One of his hands encircled my waist, pulling me even tighter against him while the other hand cupped the back of my head, holding me in place as he began to urgently explore my lips. My mouth milked his, eagerly sucking on his lower lip. His lips were warm and tasted of fresh mint. He groaned deep into my mouth and slowly raised a hand to caress my breast through my dress. Desire skittered down my spine and I clutched helplessly at him.

  “I have wanted to do this since the first time I saw you,” he sighed against my lips.

  A groan escaped me as I encircled his neck with my hands, pressing my breasts more fully against his chest. Urgency skittered through my nerves and without stopping to think about it, I raised one leg and encircled his waist with it. His hand immediately began to caress the silky smooth skin of my thigh and I heard him groan in pleasure.

  He deepened the kiss, holding me in place with one hand. “Oh baby,” he groaned, kissing me harder, deeper. The intensity of his kiss was almost bruising.

  “Maybe we should leave,” he whispered against my lips. “I did promise you dinner.”

  “You’re right,” I murmured, leaning back in his arms. As I started to unwrap my leg from around him, his gaze dropped to the naked skin of my thighs exposed by my hiked gown and he groaned.


  “Well, yeah,” I murmured, standing on wobbly feet and holding myself up with his sheer strength.

  He laughed, hauling me close against him.

  He could laugh at a time like this?

  “We should go, Oksana,” he mumbled, leaning his forehead against mine. He was actually shaking slightly with the effort it took him to maintain his control. “This is crazy but the thing is I don’t trust myself to stop.”

  I bit my lips, my eyes roving over his face and just like that, my decision was made. I laid one hand against his cheek and said in a voice as shaky as his, “Who says I want you to stop?”

  He leaned back, incredulity stamped onto his every feature, as he looked at me.

  I nodded in response to his silent question and that was all the encouragement he needed.

  His mouth swooped down onto mine, his tongue engaging mine in a wild sensuous dance that was so hot it probably raised my blood pressure a few degrees. My hands eagerly encircled him again, stroking his neck, back and shoulders as he kissed me. One large masculine hand boldly cupped my breast through my dress and I arched helplessly into his arms. His other hand trailed down to the hem of my dress and lifted until he got to the juncture of my thighs. One long, slim finger probed into my panties and began to caress my pussy, delving into my wetness and making me gasp at the myriad of sensations it unleashed.

  He bent his head and wrapped his mouth around one nipple, drawing on the tiny nub of flesh through the silk material of my dress even as his arousal pressed against me. His other hand continued to stroke my pussy, sending sparks of sensation coursing through every cell ending as I remained suspended in a sea of pleasure. He groaned deep into my mouth and desire skittered down my spine as I clutched helplessly at him. He slid one long forefinger repeatedly around and around my clitoris and I tensed against him as pleasurable tension began to build inside of me.

  He lifted his head, his green eyes blazing with fire as he announced, “I need you. Now!”

  I barely had time to gasp out a frenzied ‘yes’ before he was flipping me onto my stomach and leaning me against the kitchen counter.

  I looked over my shoulder as he hurriedly unzipped his pants with one hand, shoving the expensive material heedlessly down around his ankles. His penis sprang free, thick, hard and jutting out proudly. My eyes widened with near alarm; oh my, he was huge!

  Heedless of my temporary disquiet, he positioned himself at the entrance of my vagina. All rational thoughts fled as he thrust home with one quick, sure motion that took him inside me, embedding his penis to the hilt. I gasped as my vagina tightened around him reflexively.

  “Oh sweet, you’re so tight,” he moaned as he thrust experimentally, plunging in and out.

  “Fuck me, fuck me,” I moaned impatiently, already twirling my hips as arousal clouded my vision.

  He cupped my breasts from behind, squeezing them as he began to fuck me harder, faster, urgently.

  “Oh yeah, oh yeah,” I moaned repeatedly encouraging his thrusts as he loved me.

  He grunted and thrust harder into me as he ground out through clenched teeth, “You are so hot! So tight! I want you so much!”

  “Please don’t stop,” I moaned mindlessly as he rode me hard.

  Obligingly, he leaned fully against me, pressing me harder against the countertop, his body creating a blanket of intimacy around my back as without pausing in his thrusts, he changed his angle. His hand sought out my clitoris and he began to rub and caress it as he shoved into me to the hilt. The hardened contours of his hips pressed against mine and the contrast drove me wild. His masculine scent assailed my senses, musky and so clean I could almost taste it.

  I strained against him, arching my back as I felt a rush of pleasure. My body tensed, awareness pounding through my veins. And then suddenly, I was groaning and twisting as my vagina began to clench
and unclench. My teeth bared as I fell apart in his arms and I screamed his name aloud, as the waves swept me over the edge.

  Hot, pulsing juices squirted out of my pussy as I screamed and screamed and screamed.

  “Oh Nick, Oh Nick, yes! Yes! Yes!”

  He continued to thrust, hitting my G-spot and forcing another orgasm out of me right on the heels of the first. My eyes widened with disbelief as I felt it building. I hadn’t even finished cumming the first time.


  He had other ideas. He spread my legs wider with one flick of his hand, pulled the bodice of my gown down with the other hand, exposing my nipples to his fingers. He began to squeeze my nipple rhythmically even as he angled his thrusts against my G-spot. His other hand began to stroke my clitoris again and my head fell forward as I gave myself up to the incredible pleasure he was causing inside of me. My vaginal walls tightened in frenzied excitement and he grunted in response. I strained harder against him, my body yielding to the hard, demanding thrusts of his own while piercing stabs of desire shot through me.

  “Don’t make me cum again,” I moaned helplessly on the brink of pleasure as I begged him to pull me back from the edge.

  “Don’t fight it, Oksana,” he groaned, increasing the tempo of his steady rhythmic thrusts. “Hot! So hot! Let it come!”

  And that summed it up for me. Before my next rational thought could form, ecstasy exploded in me, spilling through my veins while spasms racked my body.

  I screamed anew, my vaginal walls clenching and unclenching around his hard, wet length as juices poured out of me.

  He roared, actually roared the sound triumphant and purely masculine as his hands tightened about me. He thrust into me once, twice, and then with a groan he exploded, emptying himself into me, his seed spilling into my waiting pussy.

  I drifted back to earth slowly, panting heavily as the room came into focus. My eyes met Daisy’s as she cowered beneath a stool with a markedly accusing look on her face.

  I turned my head to look at the man who was slowly pulling out of me and I collapsed into his hands, spent and satisfied. His strong arms wrapped around me, holding me against his heaving chest as he settled onto a chair and pulled me into his lap.

  Words were unnecessary. This had to be the hottest sex I had ever had, I acknowledged dimly.

  Oksana Davies

  “We should probably talk about this,” I said, what felt like hours later. In truth, just a few minutes had passed but time tended to fly when one was wrapped in a sensual spell and no one wove a sensual spell quite like Nicholas Carradigne.

  “Mmm,” he mumbled, kissing the side of my neck.

  Incredulously, I felt him stir beneath me again and my eyes widened in disbelief. Was he really that insatiable? “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing. Promise. You wanted to talk?” he asked, his eyes wide and suspiciously innocent.

  “Um, I just think we should talk about this. What happened I mean,” I muttered.

  “Talk away,” he said in a low husky voice as his finger began to idly trace an indecipherable and altogether distracting pattern down my arm. One finger idly flicked a nipple out of the low bodice of my gown and I watched mesmerized as he dipped his head and idly began to lave at the tiny bud with his tongue.

  “I um, I just think we should define what happened. I mean it was an isolated event right? Can’t happen again,” I said forcing my thoughts to focus on the conversation and not what Nick was doing.

  He stilled against me and then lifted his head, “What do you mean isolated event?”

  “It can’t happen again,” I informed him.

  “Why not? I’m not seeing anyone and Jake is history.”

  I sighed, rolled my eyes; he really was such a guy. “I’m not looking for a relationship,” I intoned.

  “Great. Neither am I,” he said hastily.

  A bit too hastily, I thought with mild disappointment even as I wondered at myself. What did I want from the man?

  More orgasms perhaps? my naughty subconscious whispered.

  I ignored it and focused on Nick. “If we are both agreed that we do not want a relationship then why else would we continue doing this?” I asked reasonably.

  He shrugged. “Well because I don’t see why we shouldn’t.”

  “And what do you call that?” I asked exasperated.

  “Friends,” he said, regarding me with genuine surprise that I couldn’t see what was apparently right in front of my face.

  “Let me guess, with benefits?” I queried sourly.

  “What’s this about, Oksana? We had a nice time tonight, or at least I thought so. Why are you being so… disagreeable?”

  I sighed. He was right. We had had a nice time and I was being disagreeable. I knew what the problem was though; from the moment I had clapped eyes on Nick, I had wanted him with a passion that defied reason and I knew it was way more than sex. Even now, with his seed still dripping wetly inside of me, I still wanted him. I wanted to absorb myself into his body, I wanted to melt into him until no one could tell where either of us began or ended, I wanted to look at him every single day of the rest of my life. I wanted to be with him forever.

  I drew up at that absolutely ridiculous train of thought: forever? Where had that come from? I was a young, independent woman in her prime and I had no intention of tying myself to any man. My experience with Jake still smarted and I wasn’t about to open myself up to that sort of hurt again, thank you very much.

  I squirmed off his lap, my face set. “You’re right, Nick. This was fun and um, now it’s over you should probably leave. I have an early court date tomorrow,” I lied blandly.

  He regarded me steadily, something worrisomely like disappointment in his gaze as he said, “You have to be in court tomorrow morning?”

  I nodded, stilling the ravages of my conscience.

  He rose to his feet and leaned down to place a careless peck onto my cheek; I jerked away automatically and he paused, staring down at me in bewilderment. Then he drawled, “Well have a good…day tomorrow, Oksana.”

  I bit my lip worriedly as I watched Nick let himself out. He had acted almost as though I had let him down and I hadn’t been able to understand it. True I had a blissfully empty calendar tomorrow but that didn’t mean I intended to hog-tie myself to some man just because he made me feel… things.

  My wary gaze fell on the calendar on the kitchen wall and a sudden thought occurred to me; I was ovulating! Gracious me, he hadn’t used a condom!

  What if I got pregnant? I wondered, excitement already coursing through me at the possibility. Then I remembered the doctor’s grim face as he had informed me that the chances of my having kids were very slim and my temporary excitement evaporated as though it had never been.

  I wasn’t pregnant and I was fast thinking I never would be. With a weary sigh, I pulled myself upstairs, my dress now hanging drunkenly on me. My reflection in the mirror caught my attention and my eyes widened in disbelief. I looked like a woman who had been deliberately, intensely, and thoroughly made love to.

  And I had!

  No one, in my entire thirty-six years, had managed to reduce me to such a state of wild, yearning wanton with their lovemaking as Nick had.

  I licked my lips, still swollen and pink from his kisses and I groaned as I tasted him on them. His taste was unique and purely…him!

  My gaze fell to my breasts which Nick had so leisurely explored and I slowly raised the hem of my dress and tossed it over my head onto the floor, baring my exquisite figure to my gaze in the mirror. An image intruded on my memory: Nick’s hands cupping and caressing my hips. With a weary sigh, I shoved the thought away. I had basically told him I wanted nothing more to do with him and it stood to reason I would never see him again.

  Just as well, I told myself sternly as I divested myself of the rest of my clothing and headed for the bathroom.

  I didn’t stop to wonder why my jaw was locked with what felt a lot like despair as I went.

  * * *

  “Ms. Davies, you are out of order!” Judge Arturo yelled from the bench, banging her gavel hard and glowering at me from above her spectacles.

  I was so mad I could spit! I knew the woman didn’t like me but all morning she had been letting her dislike for me seep into her handling of the case before her and I had had it.

  “How do you figure, Your Honor?” I challenged boldly. “That was a simple question I put to the witness.”

  “Negative, counselor, that was a complex question; there’s no right answer! And what’s more, you are badgering the witness.”


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