Her Designer Baby: (Loving Over 40 Book 1)

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Her Designer Baby: (Loving Over 40 Book 1) Page 48

by Washington, Shawna

  I knew I was especially careful about sizing him up because of Oksana, but the funny thing was I had gotten the impression he was also sizing me up to see if I was good enough for his bride’s daughter and that had endeared him to me.

  Evidently Lucien was a businessman who travelled the world frequently but had his home in Paris and New York. I could see he and Binta complimented each other beautifully. He was more serious, quiet and composed while she was more flighty, outspoken and given to fanciful thoughts. It was, I decided, a great match.

  Everyone began to mingle, indulging in the refreshments I had had my staff put out on the grounds of my property. The house was massive, with extensive grounds marking the property on all four sides. The back fell away to form part of the beach and this was where the wedding had taken place. It was picturesque and simple, everything Binta had wanted; or so she had said earlier.

  Oksana came up beside me and slipped her arm through mine. “Thank you, Nick. I still don’t know how you managed to pull this together on such short notice.”

  I grinned into her eyes. “I just called in a few favors.”

  Her eyes caressed my face almost lovingly as she said, “Talk about modesty. Thanks so much, Nick.”

  “No thanks necessary,” I assured her, wrapping an arm around her middle and pulling her flush against my side.

  Oksana placed one hand against my chest. “I love the details. The flowers, the food, everything; how did you get it all together so fast? And I never knew you had a house on Long Beach. It’s magnificent!” she breathed, twirling in a wide circle, her gown flaring about her ankles.

  I shrugged and led her towards the house. “You should see the rest of it.”

  She was practically bouncing like a child in her excitement as she grabbed my hands and ran towards the house. She shoved the door open and scampered in, half dragging me along in her wake.

  “Do you stay here all by yourself?”

  “I built it as a vacation home; but the entire family uses it,” I said carelessly, my eyes boldly roving down her supple curves.

  Oksana turned to face me without warning and caught the direction of my gaze; an answering fire leaped into her eyes and she came into my arms, wrapping her hands around my neck and pulling my head down to hers.

  She tasted of fine French wine and as I sank my lips into hers, she moaned and pressed closer to me. The kiss was deeply erotic, sensual and arousing and I felt the predictable swell of desire in my pants press against her abdomen.

  “I would like to see the bedroom,” she murmured against my shoulders.

  “I’m sure you would,” I told her, one hand boldly stroking down her back to cup the curve of her ass.

  I pushed her backwards against the wall, splaying her hands wide on the wall.

  “What have you done to me, Oksana?” I murmured against her neck. “One look at you and I’m hard and ready.”

  “Whatever it is, you’ve done it right back to me,” she gasped, writhing delightfully in my arms. “I’m crazy about you. I want you, Nick. Now!”

  I deepened the kiss, enjoying the way she panted and gasped with each stroke of my hands.

  “My mother will be looking for me,” she gasped as my mouth made its way down her chest towards her cleavage.

  I lifted my head, quirked my lips in a half smile and said, “I assure you, your mother is too busy being the blushing bride right now to think about you.”

  Oksana giggled at that one, the sound carefree and merry as it washed over me. I had to have her now before I burst the front of my pants, I decided, swinging her into my arms and heading straight for the stairs, my mind already undressing her in the master’s bedroom upstairs.

  “Oksana? Are you in here, baby?” Binta’s voice drifted up to us halting my ascent mid-stride.

  Oksana’s disbelieving gaze clashed with my incredulous one and she stifled another giggle as I wearily lowered her to her feet feeling as though the entire world had entered some sort of giant conspiracy against me. We paused in mutual assent, waiting to see if she would go away.

  “Oksana? You’re not in here kissing that boy again are you?” she yelled up the stairs.

  Oksana rolled her eyes at me as she yelled down the stairs, “Mom! I’m coming!”

  “Thatta girl. Get down here,” Binta yelled back once more before the front door slammed behind her departing back.

  Oksana hastily rearranged her gown, her panicked gaze flying to mine. “How do I look?”

  “Dazzling,” I murmured, pulling her into my arms. I couldn’t get enough of this woman.

  “Oh stop,” she laughed. “You don’t know Mom. If I don’t get down there soon, she’ll come right up.”

  “So?” I asked laughing. My meaning was clear; I wanted her to be my wife and I had said as much last night. She hadn’t said yes though, she had retreated behind a cool, polite mask, leaving me in an agony of suspense as to her response.

  Her eyes held mine, faltered and then dropped, her smile strained. She turned to leave and suddenly I absolutely had to know.

  “What about what I said to you yesterday, Oksana? What’s your decision.”

  Her eyes met mine frankly. That was the thing I liked about Oksana, she rarely dissembled. Anyone else would have automatically asked what I was referring to but she didn’t; she knew and she made no bones about it.

  “Listen, this is neither the time or place, Nick. Can we talk about this tomorrow?” she asked.

  “Alright. Tomorrow, seven pm, it’s a date.”

  She licked her lips, obviously nervous. Then she tossed her head and thrust out her chin, meeting me stare for stare as she asked, “Where?”

  “Anywhere. I’ll pick you up,” I said with a nonchalance I was far from feeling.

  With a nod, she turned and strode elegantly down the stairs. The door shut silently behind her with barely a sound.

  Wearily I sank onto the staircase, my head dropping into my hands as I admitted a truth that had been staring me in the face from the first day I met Oksana. I had fallen in love with her but somehow, some way, I sensed I couldn’t tell her that yet; she wasn’t ready to hear it. I would have to tread carefully with Oksana.

  If I showed my hand too soon, she would either laugh herself into a seizure or she would run for the hills.

  Oksana Davies

  Three dozen roses delivered to you in court will get you a lot of attention, and they sure did that for me when they were delivered the next morning.

  “Please sign here, ma’am,” the delivery boy stated politely, extending his pen to me.

  Court staff, lawyers, litigants and witnesses were forming a veritable crowd in the hallway as they gathered to watch the show. Luckily, I didn’t embarrass easily which was why I was probably able to ignore the catcalls and sail head high into my particular courtroom with the roses clutched in my left hand.

  As I entered the office that housed the judge’s chambers, his clerk called out a cheerful, “Judge Anthony will see you now.”

  Judge Anthony Philips was the most amiable of judges and every time I had a matter in his courtroom, it was like Christmas came early. The man appreciated the finer points of legal argument and he never shouted anyone down in his courtroom like Nick’s ‘Grandmama’.

  “Good morning, Your Honor,” I murmured as I strode through the door.

  Two faces whipped to face me and I hid my surprise; whatever was Judge Arturo doing here? I hadn’t even known she and Judge Anthony were on friendly terms.

  Her eyes narrowed on the roses in my hands which were half-covering my face. “That for me, Counselor?”

  I hid a grimace. “Afraid not, Your Honor.”

  “Hmm,” she murmured as she rose to her feet in a surprisingly spry motion for a woman her age. “I had best be on my way, Anthony. My favorite grandson has a birthday today,” she added. “Off to get out my dancing shoes,” she chuckled.

  Judge Anthony rose to his feet with a chuckle. “Give the young doctor my b
est, Lena.”

  He leaned down to kiss her smooth cheek and I tensed in automatic sympathy, waiting for her to either tear a strip off his hide or freeze him into a popsicle. She did neither; instead she blushed and giggled like a child.

  “I’ll be sure to, Anthony. Counselor,” she added with a nod in my general direction as she departed.

  I looked down at my hands; today was Nick’s birthday? But I had been with him just yesterday and he hadn’t mentioned it at all.


  “Sit down, sit down, Ms. Davies,” Judge Anthony said waving expansively towards the seats arranged in front of his table.

  I sank slowly into the seat, my thoughts in a whirl; was it possible? Nick had forgotten to mention his birthday was today? But he had suggested we go out today so perhaps he intended to take me there?

  The rest of my meeting with the Judge passed in a blur; I was completely distracted.

  I got home to a quiet house thanks to Mom taking her cat Daisy with her after her wedding. Lucien was good for her, I decided. I had never seen her so much in love with anyone.

  I was so exhausted; I absolutely had to lie down to rest a little. But apparently I had underestimated my tiredness because the next time I opened my eyes, it was to the sound of a thundering knock on the door.

  I yawned, stretching sleepily; what in the world?

  “Who is it?” I called as I headed towards the door.

  “Open up,” Nick’s voice came through loud and clear.

  “Nick? What are you doing here?” I asked, sleepily peering up at him through tousled curls.

  He looked at me in surprise, “You’re not dressed?”

  “Dressed?” I repeated blankly, shoving the hair out of my eyes. Then it hit me and my alarmed gaze flew to his. We had a date for tonight!

  “Cryin’ out loud! What time is it?” I gasped.

  He shook his head as he came in, shutting the door behind him, “Time for you to take a shower. Hurry, I’ll wait.”

  A cry of anguish escaped me as I saw the time on the mantelpiece; it was already seven. I dashed into the bathroom and turned on the shower, putting it on full blast. I smeared some bath gel onto my sponge and hurriedly began to scrub my body. I could hear Nick moving around in my bedroom as I showered and I called to him.

  “What are you doing, Nick?”

  “Trying to get you something to wear,” he called back. “If I pick out something now, we’ll be that much faster.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “My house,” he called back.

  “Alright. A gown would be nice,” I shouted as I began to rinse soap suds off my body. Two minutes later, I entered the bedroom to see Nick laying out a simple flowery dress on my bed. He was dressed in jeans and a tee-shirt which meant his party was casual.

  Recalling, I went towards him, wearing nothing but my towel, my grin saucy as I noted, “You have been a very bad boy.”

  He looked confused. “What did I do?”

  “You failed to tell me today was your birthday and I only discovered that through my superior sleuthing skills,” I accused, pulling his head down for a light flirtatious kiss.

  His hands came around me, holding me loosely as he traded me one light kiss for another. His lips brushed against mine in a barely-there, feather light stroke that was obviously meant to be teasing. I gasped in reaction still.

  How the man could make me lose all of my senses with the merest touch was beyond me, I thought as my hands began to wander aimlessly across his broad chest. Suddenly my fingers hit pay dirt: they found his nipple.

  He came up for air almost immediately. “Mm, this is great, but it’s probably a bad idea,” he said licking his lips.

  I smiled up at him. “Maybe so, but I know I would like some more kisses from the birthday boy.”

  Nick’s hands entangled around my body and he kissed me harder. The feel of his smooth lips on mine made me want to do crazy things as I arched invitingly against him. The kiss changed: suddenly it wasn’t lightly flirtatious anymore, it was a hot, openmouthed, tongue-stroking that made me want to climb into his very skin.

  I contented myself with plastering myself tighter and tighter against him even as moisture pooled between my legs.

  “We should leave, Oksana,” Nick murmured against my lips.

  “Mmm. Oh yes, baby. We should,” I sighed.

  “We’re going to be late,” he told me, cradling one large breast in his palm.

  “Then I say we make it worth our while,” I shot back with a casual toss of my head. I removed the towel in the same motion and flung it away, standing before Nick stark naked and completely unself-conscious. I knew I looked good; I was voluptuous and beautiful with ‘curves in the right places’ as Nick had murmured into my ears on one of the occasions he had lingered over me in bed.

  Flames leapt into his eyes as he looked at me now and with a mighty groan, he reached for me, sweeping my body into his arms as he began to kiss me, while walking me backwards towards the dresser and struggling with the buckle of his belt.

  His hands made quick work of his belt and as he struggled to pull down his pants, I was struggling to pull his shirt over and above his head. The absurdity of what we were doing finally clicked and I choked back a laugh.

  “We’re being silly. Raise your hands,” I ordered.

  He immediately complied and I whipped the tee-shirt over his head and tossed it in a corner. “This is crazy,” he whispered even as his hands eagerly grabbed for me.

  “Everyone needs some crazy in their lives,” I whispered back.

  The front of his trousers was tented, pointing straight at me in evidence as if evidence were needed of his arousal.

  “I need to fuck you, hard!” Nick groaned as his large hands began to knead my soft breasts. He pressed an openmouthed kiss to my nipples and I sighed in satisfaction as he took me into his mouth.

  “I want you, baby,” I moaned.

  He raised his head immediately, flipped me around and slammed me against the dresser. My reflection looked back at me, wild-eyed and tousled as I braced my hands against the dresser to support myself.

  Nick went on his knees behind me and spread my legs. More moisture seeped between my legs in such a dizzying rush that for one moment I actually thought I was already cumming. His hand in the middle of my back bent me halfway onto the dresser and my chest began to rise and fall as I panted in excitement.

  “You have a sweet ass,” he groaned as he spread the lips of my pussy and began to suck me from behind.

  His tongue flicked gently against my clitoris and I gasped in excitement, spreading my legs wider to give him more access. His broad palm lightly slapped my ass as he sucked my pussy from behind and his finger inserted itself to tease and tease and tease my clitoris.

  I was almost crying with pleasure as I begged him to fuck me. He continued to explore my pussy with his lips, tongue and finger, while one hand strode down to stroke the backs of my legs.

  My legs almost gave out; they could barely support me as I enjoyed such exquisite pleasure.

  “I want you so much, baby,” Nick groaned against my soft skin and I moaned in response. He inserted one finger into me and I almost passed out from the sheer pleasure.

  Then without warning, he rose and positioned himself behind me.

  I twisted around in his arms, sinking to my knees before him as I did so. “No. I want to suck you too,” I gasped.

  His penis rose before me, proud, large and hard as a spear. I wrapped both hands around it, my gaze meeting his as I slowly took the tip in my mouth.

  He threw back his head with a groan as I began to lick methodically.

  “Fuck!” he groaned.

  I slowly began to work his penis, moving my head up and down his shaft while my hands caressed the base I couldn’t reach with my mouth. I maintained the same rhythmic stroking and sucking, enjoying his gasps of pleasure as I loved him with my mouth.

  “You’re so big,” I moaned as I
sucked him.

  “It’s all for you, baby. Every inch,” he gasped back helplessly rocking his hips in reaction.


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